A select sort of 'tech bro' is offering a 'bounty' to the person who finds them a long-term partner.
Stanford University Sociology Report - Draft Update 2024C
Sources - Axciom, Stanford Archives, Wikipedia, Stratfor Research,
Wikileaks, Federal Court records, FTC investigations, Congressional
reports, ICIJ.org, and News outlets
Internet dating sites abuse their users in the most horrific ways. Be
aware of these public reports, about some of the worst ones, before you go
online. Know these facts, avoid naivete and be safe by reading this
critical info. In your exploration of the sociology of modern dating, you
will discover things about how the whole world works as well.
Our modern world, The Silicon Valley control of social media and dating sites and the culture of Big Tech data abuse has brought about the issues discussed here. If you are hoping to find out "who pays for the first meal?" , you will, in spades, but you will also find out why that is even an issue and who the people are (mostly Big Tech oligarchs) that made it an issue.
Your grandparents never had to deal with the things discussed here because the internet did not exist when they were around.
For Match.com horrors see the user reports at:
For Bumble horrors see the user reports at:
For Eharmony horrors see the user reports at:
For Cupid.com horrors see the user reports at:
For Zoosk horrors see the user reports at:
For OKCUPID horrors see the user reports at:
In fact, EVERY, corporate internet dating site is now a
fake-profile-based, privacy harvesting, political spying, computerized
scam service operating off of your emotional vulnerability in order to
profit off of your basic needs. Dating site user data is worth billions
and billions of dollars to political parties, corporate marketing
companies, government agencies, your business competitors and others. A
large number of the pictures are dead prostitutes and dead soldiers from
Russia. Dating sites publicly say that they 'fight fake profiles' but
privately they encourage fake profile providers because they make vast
amounts of money using fake profiles to sucker-in new users.
Covered herein you will find: A Marriage Manual, A Pre-Nup, Online Security Notes, Detailed Issues about Online Dating, Tips And Comments From Most Online Dating Users, Scammer Warnings, Different Ideas of "Dating Rules" From Various Demographics, The Dating Site Hooker Tsunami And More...
The obvious question is: "If dating sites are so bad, why use
them?" A quick reality check soon reveals the answer via the
state of society: THERE IS NO OTHER OPTION THESE DAYS! You can't find and
meet other single people in any other modern venue any more. You could in
the 1950's. In the 2020's you can't. Nobody trusts strangers in public. If
you go up to a stranger you risk getting maced, charged with stalking,
being called a pervert, recorded on camera, posted on the web or other
According to: https://www.reddit.com/r/OnlineDating/
"...the worst abuse you can cause yourself to endure is to try to date in
San Francisco and Silicon Valley.
Generally: The goal of most women in the San Francisco Dating scene is to
bag a Big Tech billionaire and get a mansion in the hills and share his
AMEX black credit card for Stanford Shopping Center trips. The goal of
most guys in the Bay Area is to get sex and then trade up for a younger
model a few months later. There are exceptions to this generalization but
online date users in the Bay Area, that have been online for over a year,
can confirm that this is accurate.
Everyone on Bumble, Tinder, OK Cupid, Match.com, E-Harmony and the other
corporate dating cartel sites, never take their profiles down even after
getting a partner. They all say that they "want to keep their options
open"... BUT in the Bay Area everyone always 'keeps their options
open'...FOREVER! Users of dating sites have seen many of the same people
on the site for over 20 YEARS!!! This inability to let go of the
grass-is-always-greener-on-the-other-side-of-the-fence syndrome causes
users to be caught in a dead-loop of social dysfunction. Everyone assumes
that 'the next one will be richer, cuter, funnier, more employed, etc.'
and they are always, always wrong to think that they will find a "perfect"
person. Every single person has an addiction, mental problem, sex issue,
hygiene or snoring issue (or other bad thing) that you will never find out
about until years after you marry them. Just pick the next one and work
hard to make it work.
In the modern world, there is no way to meet singles without the internet
and corporate exploiters like IAC, Inc., Match Group and other ‘vagina
vultures’ knowing that they can openly sucker you, in plain sight, and get
away with it. In America, the FTC, and other agencies, never punish them
because they pay politicians big bribes. President’s family members and
staff own stock in these companies.
"People that work at dating site companies are either out-sourced data
entry contractors from Asian regions and/or college age kids with no
comprehension of how life really works. They are usually bored at work
so they read all of your emails and text messages. If you mention
something political that goes against their zealotry then you get your
sexier potential dates replaced with fat people or you get your profile
shadow-banned. In fact, if you mention anything that one of these
influencer-beholden, naive, worker bees does not agree with, you get
shit-listed. Just remember this: if you typed it on a dating site, it is
archived and searched on all the dating sites shared databases FOREVER!"
The brains of men and women operate differently, scientists have shown for the first time in a breakthrough that shows sex does matter in how people think and behave.
The issue of whether male and female brains are distinct has proven controversial, with some academics arguing it is society – rather than biology – that shapes divergence.
There has never been any definitive proof of difference in activity in the brains of men and women, but Stanford University has shown that it is possible to tell the sexes apart based on activity in “hotspot” areas.
They include the “default mode network”, an area of the brain thought to be the neurological centre for “self”, and is important in introspection and retrieving personal memories.
The limbic system is also implicated, which helps regulate emotion, memory and deals with sexual stimulation, and striatum, which is important in habit forming and rewards.
Experts said the brain differences could influence how males and females view themselves, how they interact with other people and how they recall past experiences.
Dr Vinod Menon, prof of psychiatry and behavioural sciences at Stanford, said: “This is a very strong piece of evidence that sex is a robust determinant of human brain organisation.”
“Our findings suggest that differences in brain activity patterns across these key brain regions contribute to sex-specific variations in cognitive functioning.”
However, he added that further research is needed to fully understand the implications of the findings.
It is well known that male and female chromosomes release sex-specific hormones in the brain, particularly in early development, puberty and during ageing.
There are also marked differences in how women and men perform in the real world.
Women tend to be better at reading comprehension and writing ability on average, and have good long term memory.
Conversely, men seem to have stronger visual and spatial awareness and better working memory.
Yet scientists have struggled to spot these differences in neural activity, with brain structures looking the same in men and women.
For the research, the team used “explainable AI” – a type of computer learning which can sift through vast amounts of data to explain why an effect is taking place.
The model was shown MRI scans of working brains and told whether it was looking at a woman or man. Over time, the neural network began to pick out subtle differences between the two sexes that had been missed by humans.
When the researchers tested the model on about 1,500 brain scans, the model was able to tell if the scan came from a woman or a man more than 90 per cent of the time.
Dr Gina Rippon, emeritus professor of cognitive neuroimaging at the Aston Brain Centre, and author of The Gendered Brain, has argued that society is to blame for brain differences in men and women.
Commenting on the study, she said: “The really intriguing issue is that those areas of the brain which are most reliably distinguishing the sexes are key parts of the social brain.
“The key issue is whether these differences are a product of sex-specific, biological influences, or of brain-changing gendered experiences. Or both. Are we really looking at sex differences? Or gender differences?
“Or, acknowledging that almost all brain–shaping factors are dynamically entangled products of both sex and gender influences, are we looking at what should be called sex/gender differences?”
Experts are hopeful that finding differences between male and female brains could be crucial in tackling neurological or psychiatric conditions that affect women and men differently.
For example, women are twice as likely as men to experience clinical depression while men are more at risk of drug and alcohol dependence and dyslexia. The brain areas discovered in the study are often associated with neurological disease.
Dr Menon added: “A key motivation for this study is that sex plays a crucial role in human brain development, in ageing, and in the manifestation of psychiatric and neurological disorders.”
“Identifying consistent and replicable sex differences in the healthy adult brain is a critical step toward a deeper understanding of sex-specific vulnerabilities in psychiatric and neurological disorders.”
Researchers said the AI model could answer other important questions about brain connectivity, cognitive ability, or behaviour and will be making it publicly available for any researchers to use.
The findings were published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
Dating apps 'deliberately' turn users into swiping addicts, lawsuit says...
Are dating apps turning us into addicts instead of helping us find love? Yes, claims a lawsuit brought against the owner of Tinder, Hinge and The League.
In a class-action lawsuit filed Feb. 14 - Valentine’s Day - six dating-app users accused Match Group of having a “predatory” business model and deliberately “employing psychologically manipulative features to ensure they remain on the app perpetually as paying subscribers.” The lawsuit argues that Match’s apps violate consumer protection laws.
“Match intentionally designs the Platforms with addictive, game-like design features, which lock users into a perpetual pay-to-play loop that prioritizes corporate profits over its marketing promises and customers’ relationship goals,” said the lawsuit, which was filed in a U.S. federal court in California.
The plaintiffs said that the apps which, combined, are used by millions of people around the world, use “powerful technologies and hidden algorithms” to keep users hooked and continuing to pay.
Dating apps rely on users purchasing subscriptions and premium features marketed as bringing hopefuls closer to love, the lawsuit said, arguing that in reality, users are being drawn into “compulsive” usage that does not help them meet their relationship goals.
In a statement to news outlets, Match called the lawsuit “ridiculous” and defended its business model, saying it is “not based on advertising or engagement metrics” and that “we actively strive to get people on dates every day and off our apps.”
“Anyone who states anything else doesn’t understand the purpose and mission of our entire industry,” the company said.
While Tinder, for example, is free to download, users are offered to purchase a catalogue of premium features such as “unlimited likes” and “boost,” a feature that allows users to be presented as one of the top profiles in their area for a limited time, increasing their visibility to other users and therefore, as the app says, maximizing their chances of a match.
“The lawsuit is a bit absurd, if I’m honest,” psychologist and relationship coach Jo Hemmings told The Washington Post in a phone interview Monday, adding that “responsibility lies in the hands of the user” and not the apps or developers themselves.
“Like any app, it’s a business, it’s there to make money,” she said, adding that other apps do exactly the same thing when it comes to attracting and retaining users.
“Shopping apps are designed to keep you shopping,” she said. “And this is shopping for people.”
Other experts say Tinder’s interface plays a large part in encouraging users to continue swiping, in turn gamifying their quest for love.
In the book “Ethics in Design and Communication: Critical Perspectives,” designer and researcher Sarah Edmands Martin wrote that Tinder’s design, which presents users with profile cards of potential matches stacked on top of one another, means users “are urged onward” to the next profile “peeking from below the current card, subtly pressuring a user to move on.”
“An avatar on Tinder has only seconds to communicate its worth,” Martin wrote, adding that “in real life, one does not have a near-limitless supply of disposable lovers readily available.”
The lawsuit also accused Match of violating false advertising and defective design laws, saying its apps are trying to entrench users on the app and prioritizing profits over its marketing promises.
“Match affirmatively represents the Platforms as effective tools for establishing off-app relationships while secretly doing everything in its power to capture and sustain paying subscribers and keep them on-app,” the lawsuit said.
The lawsuit cited Hinge’s slogan - “designed to be deleted” - and accused the app of inspiring users to do the opposite.
About 30 percent of U.S. adults have used dating apps, according to a survey published last year by the Pew Research Center on 6,034 adults, with Tinder topping the list, followed by Match and Bumble. (Match Group owns Match, while competitor Badoo owns Bumble.)
More than a third of online dating users said they have paid to use those platforms, including for extra features, the survey found. Pew’s report also noted that those who use dating platforms - be it to find a long-term partner or something more casual - are divided over whether their experiences have been positive or negative.
Experts have long warned of the addictive consequences that apps can have on people - especially children.
In 2018, 50 psychologists wrote a letter calling for the American Psychological Association to do more to protect children from becoming hooked on social media. The group cited “hidden manipulation techniques” used by platforms to entice children and “increase kids’ overuse of digital devices, resulting in risks to their health and well-being.”
Hemmings suggested that users of dating apps who are concerned they might be addicted to such platforms should limit their time online and use the apps “mindfully.” When it comes to paying extra for features, Hemmings suggested that people set a budget, asking themselves: “What can I afford to pay per month, or per week, to do this?”
Hemmings said people should also assess their reasons for using dating platforms. “It’s about using the app mindfully,” she said. “Set aside some time to pause and look at people and don’t swipe, swipe, swipe.”
And people should not consider dating apps their only option, she said. “There are many other ways of meeting people.”
Many people find that Match.com, and the other big corporate dating
sites, are a stain on humanity and a cancer on the internet. Match.com and
big corporate dating sites are sometimes digital sex traffickers,
exploiters of emotions and a data rapists. The Match.Com bosses are known
to bribe politicians and lobby the FTC to keep from getting shut down.
Match.com and it’s affiliates are the worst of the bunch. They need to be
put out of business forever. They needs to be sued by each member of the
public that used the site. The company also needs to be sued by the FTC,
The FEC, The DOJ, The FCC and various class action citizen groups.
Match.com sends your most intimate and private data to political fronts,
marketing companies and government spy agencies.
Match.com, and it’s corporate clone sites, are corporate political
honey-traps designed to harvest your data, emotions, psychological and
political profiles at your expense. You are being raped when you use
This book details the 100% legal spy agency tactics and legal tools to put
evil Match.com out of business. If you care about doing good, then you
want to undertake these efforts to exterminate Match.Com.
Match.com does not care about you, your social life or your personal
needs. They care about spying on you for their political and corporate
bosses. They know you are addicted to sex and social connection. They
exploit those universal emotional needs for profit and social
This book goes beyond “who pays for the meal”, and delves into the
sinister political and social crime base that Match.com covertly exploits
around the globe. You have to really want to know why U.S. Senators are
involved in sex sites:
( https://madworldnews.com/pelosi-child-prostitution-ring/
( http://redwhiteandright.com/skeleton-pelosis-closet-liberals/
and why so many name brand politicians have been outed in sex site leaks:
( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ashley_Madison_data_breach
( https://medium.com/lifes-funny/my-match-com-account-was-hacked-782560c2fcf7
Within minutes of your use of their dating site, a political and
psychological profile has been created about you and is being used by some
of the most nefarious corporate, political and government entities.
Every word, every text message, every mouse click, every mouse direction,
all of your audio and video...everything.. is being harvested to harm you
on Match.com. Every image you post on Match.com is harvested by many
parties and cross checked across the internet to find all of your other
social media sites, bank records, medical records, traffic camera shots
and other things you don’t want the world to see.
Match.com’s dating corporation knows that you are trapped. Those
corporations have no souls. They see you as data cows to be harvested for
government agencies, political parties, competitor research and marketing
manipulation. Any picture you upload on Match is instantly cross checked
across face scan databases globally, using the same software that the FBI,
CIA, DEA, IRS and NSA use. By joining Match, you just said “Here I Am” to
every investigator, hacker, collection agency, marketing service and enemy
you could ever want to avoid.
Today, a single one of your images on Match.com is being scanned by
software called “ClearView ai”, “Yandex Image tracker”, “Google Image Bot”
and the Chinese secret police. Within 10 minutes of capturing your image
off of that dating site, their computers assemble every bank record,
medical record, lawsuit, property ownership record, complaint about you
and every other dirty detail about you that you never wanted made public.
It is not just big spy-guys that scan your Match.com profile; Any 14 year
old with a notebook computer can do this. In this book, you will see
details of thousands of such technologies, in use today, that can end your
life and social standing tomorrow.
This is the information they never told you in main stream news. This is
how to protect yourself from Match.com.
As proven by scientific statistics, a majority of the “people” you will
encounter on Match.com type dating sites (ie: Match, Zoosk, EHarmony,
Tinder, Bumble, etc.) are:
1.) Russian scammers,
2.) Guys pretending to be girls,
3.) Robotic software seeking to scam you,
4.) Narcissists, who will never meet you in-person, seeking
5.) Sex workers,
6.) Gold diggers,
7.) Free dinner seekers,
8.) Recently broken-up people who are addicted to their past partner and
will, eventually, go back to them,
9.) Oxytocin/Dopamine brain chemical junkies,
10.) Single parents looking for a new person to pay the mortgage,
11.) Trans-sexuals trying out their look to see if they can fool you,
12.) Marathon daters going out with a different person every night to see
which one can buy them the best dinners and show tickets and other
non-qualified subjects.
This collaboratively edited report was created by the public to educate
the rest of the public. It will horrify you, shock you, amaze you,
enlighten you and clearly illuminate the fact that Match.com is truly
breaking all of the rules of morality.
Most people that sign up for Match.com, or it’s clone online dating sites,
cancel it within a few weeks because of the trauma of trying to wade
through the terrible things that happen to users of the system.
Every Match.com online dater is looking for: marriage, sex, free food,
money, social revenge, distraction, entertainment, narcissistic
validation, arm-candy, friends, a baby-daddy or related goals. The
corporation, though, behind Match.com, is only looking for one thing: Your
digital and political data.
Let’s take a deeper look at Match.com as our writers go deep under-cover
inside Match ( including working undercover in their offices ) …
Who Is Match.Com? Match calls itself an “online dating service”, but it is
really a spy operation, with web sites serving over 50 countries in twelve
languages. Its headquarters are in Dallas, Texas. The company has offices
in Dallas, West Hollywood, San Francisco, Tokyo, Rio de .
The Match consortium sells it’s data to the CIA, FBI, NSA, IRS, DEA and
DNC via Axciom and other data brokers. The USPS social media surveillance
service uses it to hunt political party members who oppose the Obama
While you may know that Chelsea Clinton sits on the Board of IAC, the
whole tale is much more sordid.
In 1993, Match.com was founded by Gary Kremen and Peng T. Ong in San
Francisco.At the beginning, Match.com was the name of the website, while
the company that operated it was formally named Electric Classifieds
Inc.[2] Early on, Kremen was assisted by Ong and Steve Klopf, who helped
in the design of the initial system, and Simon Glinsky, who co-wrote its
business plan, developed product designs including matching criteria,
services to LGBT communities, created business models and rollout
marketing strategies and made early hires.
[5] Fran Maier later joined the company as its director of
marketing. According to a retrospective from The Atlantic, Maier helped to
implement Match.com's business strategy, which included a subscription
model and the inclusion of diverse communities, including women,
technology professionals, and the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender
communities. Match.com went live as a free beta in early 1995, and was
first profiled in Wired magazine that same year.
Gary Kremen and Steve Klopf are shown in California public records as 2544
Re, LP which is a California Domestic Limited Partnership filed On April
13, 2007. The company's filing status is listed as Active and its File
Number is 200710300012.
The Registered Agent on file for this company is Steve Klopf (Later with
the highly sexually driven IDEO design group, where staff members sleep
with each other ) and is located at 23 Jules Avenue, San Francisco, CA
94112. The company's mailing address is 23 Jules Avenue, San Francisco, CA
The company has 2 principals on record. The principals are Gary Kremen
from San Diego CA and Steve Klopf from San Francisco CA. Gary Kremen was
marketing SEX.COM.
From it’s very roots, perversion and dirty money fueled the fires.
David Lawlor published a report about how the sick story of early
Match.com as Sex.com reads like a bad Hollywood movie script.
The California public records record: “Kremen, Father & Partners, LLC
is a California Domestic Limited-Liability Company filed On May 13, 1999.
The company's filing status is listed as Canceled and its File Number is
The Registered Agent on file for this company is Philip Father and is
located at 50 California St, Ste 2000, San Francisco, CA 94111. The
company's principal address is 50 California St, Ste 2000, San Francisco,
CA 94111 and its mailing address is 50 California St, Ste 2000, San
Francisco, CA 94111.
The company has 2 principals on record. The principals are Gary Kemen from
San Francisco CA and Philip Father from San Francisco CA.” Philip Father
And Gary Kremen had a Victorian building on 3rd Street in the Portrero
Hill neighborhood in San Francisco, not far from Nancy Pelosi’s “Goat Hill
Pizza”. All of their files got leaked. So the story goes...
Boy gets domain name, boy loses domain name, boy gets domain name back.
Add in millions of dollars flying about, a possible run-in with Mexican
authorities and, naturally, a climactic courtroom finale.
But real life is always stranger than fiction, and the case of Gary Kremen
versus Stephen Michael Cohen et alia is no different. No movie could fully
reveal the oddities and quirks of the case of the disputed Sex.com domain
A trial in a San Francisco court Thursday will bring the two men together,
both hoping for very different endings to the tale.
The story begins in 1994 when Gary Kremen registered the name Sex.com with
domain name registrar Network Solutions (NSOL), for free and without any
official contract -- the way things were often done in the early days of
the Web. At the time, the Internet was in its infancy -- Amazon.com (AMZN:
Research, Estimates) was still a year away.
After successfully launching the online dating service Match.com, Kremen
turned his entrepreneurial attention to Sex.com. He hadn't developed a Web
site to accompany the Sex.com nomenclature immediately after registering
it. The domain name had sat empty.
While Kremen was busy developing his online dating service and registering
Sex.com, Stephen Michael Cohen sat in federal prison serving a 42-month
sentence for bankruptcy fraud. The prior felon had orchestrated a number
of impersonation and deception schemes in the past. Cohen finished his
bankruptcy fraud term in February 1995, and left federal prison.
Then the tale's first plot twist began. In October 1995, Network Solutions
received a letter from a company called Online Classifieds Inc. stating
that control of the Sex.com domain name was to be turned over to Cohen.
The writer of the letter is listed as Sharyn Dimmick.
Dimmick, who was Kremen's roommate until April 1995, did not know Cohen,
says Kremen's lawyer Pamela Urueta of San Francisco-based Kerr &
Wagstaffe LLP.
Network Solutions obliged and transferred control of the domain name to
Following the transfer, Online Classifieds Inc. informed Network Solutions
that all correspondence would have to take place via mail or telephone --
because Online Classifieds Inc. did not have Internet access, Urueta says.
Online company, no Internet access.
Following the transfer, Cohen developed the Sex.com Website and turned it
in to a multimillion dollar venture. How many millions? It's hard to tell,
because Cohen has refused to supply the court with accounting information
for the Web site.
But the online pornography sector averaged $2.7 million per day in
earnings in 1999, according to a U.S. House of Representatives report. The
Internet pornography industry also represents the most consistently
successful e-commerce product on the Web.
However, despite the huge amount of cash the Web site was generating,
something was rotten in the land of online titillation. Kremen learned
from a friend that Sex.com was operating as a pornographic Web site, he
says. Attorneys were called, a lawsuit was filed, and the most bizarre
domain name battle in the Internet's short history began.
The first item in question was the letter written to Network Solutions
with Dimmick listed as the author. Urueta believes Cohen saw the Internet
was becoming a global phenomenon after his release from prison and decided
Sex.com could be a lucrative domain name on which to base a business.
After finding the name was already taken, Urueta says, Cohen decided to
deceptively gain control of the Web property.
She contends that Cohen forged the letter after learning who Dimmick was,
as the first step in his plot to take over the domain name. Cohen's
lawyer, Robert Dorband of the law firm DuBoff Dorband Cushing and King in
Portland, Ore., says Cohen did not forge the letter.
In the end it didn't matter who authored the transfer memo, because in
November 2000, the U.S. District Court in San Jose found the letter was
fraudulent and therefore the transfer of Sex.com from Kremen to Cohen was
void. Sex.com was Kremen's again.
But Cohen argued that the letter and the court's view was irrelevant. He
now claimed Sex.com was his before Network Solutions received the letter
from Dimmick. In fact, Cohen said he had been using the Sex.com name as
long ago as 1979.
Before heading to federal prison, Cohen had run a bulletin board for
swingers and operated it from 1979 into the 1980s. One of the areas on the
bulletin board used the three-letter file extension ".com" and was
preceded by the word "sex," Dorband says.
Trademark law does not require one to register a name to own it, but
simply to use the name for a period of time. Citing that law, Cohen
claimed that since he had used the term Sex.com since 1979, the moniker
was his. The judge didn't buy it.
For Kremen, the only matter remaining now was the amount of money he
should be rewarded from the Web site's earnings while under Cohen's
leadership. At the November 2000 hearing, Judge James Ware ordered Cohen,
along with two other corporate defendants, to place $25 million in the
court's control, pending final judgment and assessment of damages. The
judge also ordered Cohen not to transfer any assets.
It's a very strange case. Kremen was big with the Jerry Brown and Gavin
Newsom crew and set about pitching himself as a “Green Energy Guru” for
Sacramento. Steve Klopf got a job at IDEO Design after that gig, where is
bosses have asked staff not to mention the SEX.COM thing.
In defiance of those two orders, Cohen did not place $25 million in the
court's bank and did transfer money to accounts outside of the United
States, says Urueta. She adds that Cohen has been sending money to banks
in Luxembourg and other such countries for some time in order to avoid
seizure of his assets. Cohen's lawyer confirms that the $25 million was
not placed, and that money was transferred after the court order.
Cohen was held in contempt on March 5 for violating the court's orders and
for failing to appear in court on another date. The judge's decision
steming from those violations will disallow Cohen to present evidence at
the trial scheduled Thursday. The judge also issued a warrant for Cohen's
arrest for failing to comply with court orders.
Cohen could not be reached for comment. Network Solutions declined
requests for an interview.
Gary Kremen "It's a very strange case," says Dorband. "It has some unusual
characters, who really are more alike than they are different. I think if
they [Kremen and Cohen] had met each other in some different forum they
would actually be friends."
Since Kremen has regained control of Sex.com, he says he has toned down
the nature of the content and may eventually shift the Web site's focus
away from pornography and make it an educational property.
"I still need to figure out exactly what's going on with it [the Web
site]," Kremen says. "But I don't really want it to be a porno site."
Dorband says the case sets no real precedent for future domain name
"This whole case is really an anomaly," Dorband says. "Everything happened
when, for a brief time, Network Solutions had no written agreement with
its customers. Now, with contracts, you also have property rights to your
domain name. If that would have been the case to start with, then who
knows what might have happened in this situation.
Founder Kremen left the company in March 1996, after disagreements
with venture capitalists.In 1997, Match.com was purchased by Cendant, who
then sold it to IAC in 1999.
In September 2001, Match.com partnered with AOL and MSN, with the idea
that Love@AOL and MSN Dating and Personals would allow a more diverse
audience to gain access to Match.com.
In 2002 and early 2003, Match.com's then CEO, Tim Sullivan, expanded
Match.com into local dating with a service called MatchLive, where daters
would meet in a public location for social activities and a form of speed
A model has revealed how despite giving up men for good, she is still inundated with letters, gifts and marriage proposals from obsessed suitors.
In September 2004, Jim Safka replaced Sullivan as CEO.[11] Safka was
replaced as CEO by Thomas Enraght-Moony in 2007.
On November 10, 2005, a class action was filed by Matthew Evans against
Match.com in federal court in Los Angeles alleging that Match.com employed
fake members to send emails and go on dates with paying members. The suit
was repudiated by IAC as baseless, and was later dismissed by the United
States District Court for the Central District of California on April 25,
2007. Similar suits were filed in June 2009 and December 2010, with the
judges ruling that Match.com did not break user agreements.
Do you see the trend here, yet? Match.com was forged in creepiness and
built on slime-ball people with sinister motivations.
In January 2006, Match.com hired Dr. Phil McGraw as a celebrity spokesman.
In February 2021, Match Group acquired Hyperconnect, a technology company
based in Seoul, Korea, for $1.73 billion.
In February 2009, IAC incorporated Match Group as a conglomerate of
Match.com and other dating sites it owned.[18] Also in February, it was
announced that Match.com's European operations would be sold to Meetic for
5 million Euros and a reported twenty-seven percent interest in the
company. At the same time that this sale was announced, the current CEO
Thomas Enraght-Moony stepped down, while IAC's (Match.com's parent
company) Executive VP and General Counsel, Greg Blatt, took his place.
In July 2009, Match.com acquired People Media, which powered AOL Personals
and operated BlackPeopleMeet.com and OurTime.com, from American Capital
for $80 million.The following year, Match.com acquired SinglesNet, another
dating site.[22] In December 2010, Match.com’s CEO Greg Blatt was made CEO
of parent company IAC.
In 2012, Match.com bought OkCupid, and Sam Yagan, OkCupid's co-founder and
CEO, became CEO of Match Group. That same year, Match.com announced Stir,
an events service that was to offer local events each month for Match.com
members to attend.
In April 2014, Match.com launched an updated mobile app with a feature
called "Stream" which used location to match people based upon
photographs, using similar algorithms as the mobile dating app Tinder. The
platform's membership auto-billing method has been criticized by customers
for the lack of transparency.
In 2017, Yagan was replaced by Mandy Ginsberg as the CEO of Match.com’s
parent company, Match Group.
A woman claiming she was raped by another person she met on Match.com sued
the site in 2011. The woman and her lawyer wanted Match.com to start
doing background checks on their users in order to prevent registered sex
offenders from using the site. Match.com has responded that it would
create many problems trying to get background information from all their
users. Days after the lawsuit was filed, Match.com announced that the site
would begin screening new members.
From 2011 to 2014, a man described by British police as a “sexual
predator” contacted thousands of women through the website. He raped five
of them. In March 2016 Derby Crown Court heard that four of the victims
complained about the man to Match.com; one of the women was told that
administrators could not do anything because he had not sent abusive
messages through the site.
IAC is an American holding company that owns brands across 100 countries,
mostly in media and Internet.The company is headquartered in New York
Cityand incorporated in Delaware.Joey Levin, who previously led the
company's search & applications segment, has served as Chief Executive
Officer since June 2015.
IAC's largest shareholder, Liberty Media, exited the company in 2010,
following a protracted dispute over the 2008 spinoffs. Liberty traded its
IAC stock for $220 million in cash, plus ownership of Evite and
Gifts.com. On the same day, Diller stepped down as CEO, though he remained
as chairman and Match.com CEO Greg Blatt was appointed to succeed him.
That same year, IAC acquired dating site Singlesnet and fitness
site DailyBurn.
In January 2013, IAC acquired online tutoring firm Tutor.com. On August 3,
2013, IAC sold Newsweek to the International Business Times on undisclosed
terms. On December 22, 2013, IAC fired their Director of Corporate
Communications, Justine Sacco after an AIDS joke she posted to
Twitter went viral, being re-tweeted and scorned around the world. The
incident became a byword for the need for people to be cautious about what
they post on social media.
In 2014, IAC acquired ASKfm for an undisclosed sum.
November 2015, IAC and Match Group announced the closing of Match Group's
previously announced initial public offering.
In May 2017, HomeAdvisor combined with Angie's List, forming the new
publicly traded company ANGI Homeservices Inc. The company made its stock
market debut in October 2017. In October 2018, the ANGI made its first
acquisition of on-demand platform Handy.
In July 2019, IAC made its largest investment ever in the world's largest
peer-to-peer car sharing marketplace, Turo. Later that year, IAC acquired
Care.com. In December 2019, IAC and Match Group entered into an agreement
providing for the full separation of Match Group from the remaining
businesses of IAC.
In January 2020, IAC withdrew its financial backing for CollegeHumor and
its sister websites and sold the websites to Chief Creative Officer Sam
Reich. As a result of the restructuring, more than 100 employees of
CollegeHumor were laid off. In February, IAC completed its $500 million
acquisition of Care.com.
The Clinton Family own an interest in this operation. Anytime you are
trying to date on Match.Com think about Chelsea Clinton and her Friend
Ghislaine Maxwell ready your emails and texts on the Match.com servers.
The people that work in the lower staff ranks at Match are generally
high-strung leftists woke rights activists who are not old enough to have
fully developed brains. They party in clusters in sports bar and loud
music club scenes and reinforce a party culture. They are mostly female
and embrace “influencers”, “Instagram postings” and casual dating. They
have a higher tatoo volume than the average corporation.
In July 2020, IAC and Match Group announced the successful completion of
the separation of Match Group from the remaining businesses of IAC. As a
result of the separation, Match Group's dual class voting structure was
eliminated and the interest in Match Group formerly held by IAC is now
held directly by IAC's shareholders. As of the separation, "new" IAC
trades under the symbol "IAC" and "new" Match Group under the symbol
In August 2020, IAC announced it had invested a 12% stake in MGM Resorts
Match Group, Inc. is an American internet and technology company
headquartered in Dallas, Texas. It owns and operates the largest global
portfolio of popular online dating
services including Tinder, Match.com, Meetic, OkCupid, Hinge, PlentyOfFish, Ship,
and OurTime totalling over 45 global dating companies. The company was
owned by parent company IAC and in 2019, the company had 9.283 million
subscribers, of which 4.554 million were in North America. In July 2020,
Match Group became a separate, public company.
Match.Com and Attack service: Gawker Media/Gizmodo Media trade Staffer Ian
Fette back and forth to share mass computerized political attack and
political defamation tools developed at both outfits.
In February 2009, IAC incorporated Match Group as a conglomerate of
Match.com and other dating sites it owned. In July 2009, Match Group's
Match.com acquired People Media from American Capital for $80 million in
cash. People Media operated dating sites BlackPeopleMeet.com and OurTime,
which became part of Match Group's portfolio, and powered AOL Personals.
In February 2010, Match.com acquired dating site Singlesnet. In February
2011, Match Group acquired OkCupid for $50 million. OkCupid was the first
free, advertising-based product added to the Match Group portfolio.
In 2012, online dating application Tinder was founded within Hatch Labs,
a startup incubator run by parent company IAC.The application allowed
users to anonymously swipe to like or dislike other profiles based on
their photos, common interests and a small bio. On November 19, 2015, the
company became a public company via an initial public offering.
In 2017, Match Group launched Tinder Gold, which established Tinder as the
highest grossing non-gaming app globally.In the summer of 2017, the
company offered to acquire Bumble for $450 million.
In January 2018, Mandy Ginsberg, formerly the CEO of Match North America,
replaced Greg Blatt as CEO of the company.
In June 2018, Match Group acquired 51% ownership in dating app Hinge. The
acquisition was intended to help diversify Match's portfolio and appeal to
a wider array of singles. In February 2019, Match Group fully bought out
the company.
In July 2018, Match Group launched a Safety Advisory Council comprising a
group of experts focused on preventing sexual assault across its portfolio
of products. The council included #MeToo movement founder Tarana Burke and
worked with organizations like the Rape, Abuse & Incest National
Network (RAINN) and the National Sexual Violence Resource Center.
In August 2018, Tinder co-founder Sean Rad filed a $2 billion lawsuit
against Match Group, claiming that Match Group and its parent company IAC
purposely undervalued Tinder to avoid paying out stock options to the
company's original team. Rad and his co-plaintiffs also accused the former
Tinder CEO, Greg Blatt, of sexual harassment. The company said that the
allegations are "meritless". In October 2019, Blatt filed a defamation
lawsuit against Rad and Tinder founding member Rosette Pambakian seeking
at least $50 million in damages.
In January 2019, Match Group partnered with media brand Betches to launch
a dating app, called Ship, that allowed users to help their friends pick
out potential dates.
In August 2019, the company acquired Harmonica, an Egyptian online dating
In January 2020, Match Group announced an investment and partnership with
safety platform Noonlight. The partnership incorporated new safety tools
in Match Group's products, including emergency assistance, location
tracking and photo verification.
In January 2020, Mandy Ginsberg stepped down as chief executive officer
due to personal reasons. Shar Dubey, then President of Match Group, became
the CEO of the company effective March 1, 2020.
Match.com, OK Cupid, Bumble, Zoosk and the rest make money, indirectly,
off FACE HAVESTING. Face-tracking harvesters grab one picture of you and
then use AI to find every other digital picture of you on the web. They
open every social media post, resume, news clipping, dating account etc.
and sell the full dossier on you to Axciom, the NSA, Political
manipulators etc. and hack your bank accounts and credit cards. Never put
an unsecured photo of yourself online. Anybody can take a screen grab of
your photo on here, put it in Google's or Palantir's reverse image search,
find all your other images and social media accounts online and get into
your bank account or medical records in 30 minutes. The fact of the
internet's failed security is in the headlines every day. The danger of
posting pictures on the web is pretty clearly covered in every major
newspaper. Fusion GPS, Black Cube and political operatives harvest every
photo on here every hour and use the data to spy on people for political
dirty tricks. The FBI, CIA, NSA and most 3-letter law enforcement spy
operations copy everything on this site and analyze it. Don't you wonder
why you never see anybody famous, political, in public service or in law
on a dating site? Read Edward Snowden's book 'Permanent Record' or any
weekly report at Krebs On Security. Huge numbers of the profiles on here
are fake Nigerian scammer type things. 2D pictures have no bearing on 3D
experiences of people in person. I am only interested in meeting people in
person. Nobody has ever been killed at a Starbucks! There is nothing
unsafe about meeting at a highly public Starbucks or Peets. I learned my
lessons. There are hundreds of thousands of bait profiles on here. The
real people show up for the coffee. The fake ones in Nigeria, and the
political spies never show up in person and have a million carefully
prepared excuses why not.
For example: Yandex is by far the best reverse image search engine, with a
scary-powerful ability to recognize faces, landscapes, and objects. This
Russian site draws heavily upon user-generated content, such as tourist
review sites (e.g. FourSquare and TripAdvisor) and social networks (e.g.
dating sites), for remarkably accurate results with facial and landscape
recognition queries. To use Yandex, go to images.yandex.com, then choose
the camera icon on the right. From there, you can either upload a saved
image or type in the URL of one hosted online.
If you get stuck with the Russian user interface, look out for Выберите
файл (Choose file), Введите адрес картинки (Enter image address), and
Найти (Search). After searching, look out for Похожие картинки (Similar
images), and Ещё похожие (More similar). The facial recognition algorithms
used by Yandex are shockingly good. Not only will Yandex look for
photographs that look similar to the one that has a face in it, but it
will also look for other photographs of the same person (determined
through matching facial similarities) with completely different lighting,
background colors, and positions. Google and Bing also look for other
photographs showing a person with similar clothes and general facial
features, Yandex will search for those matches, and also other photographs
of a facial match.
Any stranger could snap your picture on the sidewalk or on Match.com then
use an app to quickly discover your name, address and other details? A
startup called Clearview AI has made that possible, and its app is
currently being used by hundreds of law enforcement agencies in the US,
including the FBI, says a report in The New York Times.
The app, says the Times, works by comparing a photo to a database of more
than 3 billion pictures that Clearview says it's scraped off Facebook,
Venmo, YouTube and other sites. It then serves up matches, along with
links to the sites where those database photos originally appeared. A name
might easily be unearthed, and from there other info could be dug up
The size of the Clearview database dwarfs others in use by law
enforcement. The FBI's own database, which taps passport and driver's
license photos, is one of the largest, with over 641 million images of US
citizens. The White House has campaign offices that exploit this picture
data through intermediary parties.
In March 2020, Match Group became the first tech company to support
the Earn It Act of 2020, a bipartisan bill to combat online child sexual
In July 2020, the company completed the separation from IAC. The
separation was the largest ever for IAC, as Match Group then had a market
capitalization of $30 billion.[33] After the separation, four new members
joins Match Group's board of directors: Stephen Baily, Melissa
Brenner, Ryan Reynolds and Wendi Murdoch
In August 2020, amidst the Covid-19 pandemic, Match Group reported growing
profit and revenue and surpassed 10 million subscribers across its
In September 2020, Match Group joined others companies
like Spotify and Epic Games to form the Coalition for App Fairness. The
purpose is to combat Apple over its app store policies.
In February 2021, Match Group announced that it would be acquiring Seoul,
Korea-based social network company Hyperconnect for $1.73 billion in both
cash and stock.[40] This deal is reportedly Match Group's largest
acquisition to date.
Also in February 2021, Match Group took legal action against dating app
Muzmatch, the online Muslim dating app, calling the app a "Tinder Clone".
In 2019, the company was sued by the U.S. Federal Trade Commission (FTC)
for allegations of unfair and deceptive trade practices. According to the
FTC's civil complaint, the company used fake love interest ads to
encourage free users to pay for premium subscription services
on Match.com. Accounts that were flagged as suspicious or potentially
fraudulent by the site were prevented from messaging paid subscribers but
were allowed to continue messaging free users who were tricked into
believing that the suspicious accounts were real users encouraging them to
subscribe and connect with them. The company denied the allegations.
The FTC further alleged that the company offered false promises of
guarantees, failed to provide support to customers who unsuccessfully
disputed charges, and made it overly difficult for users to cancel their
subscriptions, which Match Group disputed as cherry-picked and
misrepresenting internal emails.In September 2020, it was reported that
the Department of Justice had closed its investigation into the FTC
complaint. The big dating sites sell user data to political parties in
order to influence elections. The sell the data via intermediates like
Axciom, EquiFax and hundreds of other 'data harvesters'.
"Sexually attractive symmetrically facial-featured nordic
facial-bone-structured women are socially programmed to date
symmetrically facial featured nordic facial-bone-structured men. They
are programmed by the media, their friends, their parents and peer
pressure. Their relationships with these people never last and they are
always cheated on by their partners who are socially programmed to
constantly seek more attractive, younger, superficial looks in their
partners. This is proven by most sociologists, biologists, scientists
and historians. In Silicon Valley this trend is even more extreme
because attraction and money are leveraged as a competition between
superficial people. These kinds of people swarm towards superficiality
communities like Atherton, Woodside, Belvedere, Aspen, Sun Valley, Mill
Valley, Pacific Heights in San Francisco and other echo-chamber glass
bubble towns where they can share mutual-admiration, false prestige and
elite self-delusion without being distracted by current events. TED
Talks were created for these kinds of people to self-congratulate and
mutually ego-masturbate each other..."
▪ Ablo
▪ Amourex
▪ Black People Meet
▪ Chispa
▪ Disons Demain
▪ Hawaya (formerly Harmonica)
▪ Hinge
▪ Lexa.nl
▪ Love Scout 24
▪ Match.com
▪ Meetic
▪ neu.de
▪ OkCupid
▪ OurTime
▪ Pairs
▪ ParPerfeito
▪ Plenty of Fish
▪ Ship
▪ Tinder
▪ Twoo
• And any other facades that these digital manipulators pop up with.
You see, in reality, most internet dating sites are owned by the same
crooked corporations and they should be PUT OUT OF BUSINESS. If not the
exact same corporation, they are the same kinds of heartless corporate
human manipulation machines. Do yourself and your friends a favor and file
complaints about each of these dating sites at:
Fat people never get picked. Women with face-only photos are assumed to be
fat. Until 2024, being fat was a dating life killer. Now, though anti-fat
treatments like Wegovy, Orlistat, Mounjuro, Ozempic, Qsymia
and a horde of other medications make fat people in dating a thing of the
past. The public has watched famous people like Kelly Clarkson and others,
shrink down to a healthy size in a very short time frame. Nobody on dating
sites picks fat people because they look unhealthy and their faces can
obviously benefit from being less fat. Fat people are presumed to have
mental problems by most online daters. Being less fat causes more dates!
* When you post anything on Match.com, you activate over 100 companies
around the globe that scan every single dating and social media site,
every few minutes, for new profiles and harvest the posted photos. Your
photos are instantly compared, via AI software and massive computer
arrays, with every social media site (ie: Facebook, Linkedin, Google,
Instagram, etc.) to reveal who you actually are and produce a digital
dossier on you (that will be available on you forever). If you are in a
lawsuit, or politics, that data will be used to harm and defame you. If
you have assets, that data will be used to hack your bank accounts and
medical records and blackmail you. By now, any educated person should
already know this, as it is widely covered in the news. Anyone who
pooh-poohs this is most likely a hacker using a fake dating or Linkedin
profile. There are millions of fake dating and Facebook profiles
operated by Russian and Chinese spies and data harvesters…
* Match.com’s culture has made online dating a bidding war for sex,
free dinners and money. As a guy you will find that in New York City and
the San Francisco Bay Area, all of the guys you are competing against
make over $160,000.00 per year, have excellent condo's, BMW's and take
girls to $100.+/per ticket shows. If you can't compete with that then
your entire online dating experience will consist of feeding one girl
after another free food and then never hearing from them again. As a
woman you will find that all of the women in those areas have big fake
boobs, cow fat injected lips, visible abs, insectoid eyebrows, and deep
dark spray tans and they WILL do anal, if you can't compete with that
then you are stuck dating used car salesmen who might take you to
Denny's. Big tech guys will dump you four weeks later because you are
"old news" and they can get 100,000 other Instagram hookers and nasty
girls on match.com any time they want to...
* Before your first blind meeting, exchange text numbers on your burner
phones or you will likely not find each other, if you have never seen
each other in 3D before, because many profiles on Match.com are fake
shills who will never show up in-person...
* Famous dating site owners, like IAC, Match.com, okcupid, zoosk,
farmers only, plenty of fish, etc., use your private information
ILLICITLY by rigging the system exclusively for themselves and their
crony insiders to gather information on you. Stay informed about
corporate dating site face harvesting, privacy abuse, reading of users
messages, selling users to political parties and other misdeeds. Your
face on a dating site can lead to the hacking of your bank account in 10
minutes if an experienced hacker is using face comparison AI software
across social networks. Protect yourself by reading
http://lifebooks.net/Web_Safety_Part_One.html ..
* A "Date" means that both parties are agreeing to meet based on the
belief that both parties believe there is a chance of sex occurring. A
"Hook-Up" means that both parties are agreeing to meet just for sex.
Match.com exploits both of these concepts to sucker users into extending
their subscriptions...
* If you have to describe your status as "It's Complicated", then you
are a SLUT! Quantum Physics is complicated. Whether or not you have had
sex with someone that you may have sex with again is not complicated.
Either be single or say you are "Dating Around". Don't insult people's
intelligence by using the "It's Complicated" excuse. People on Match.Com
who say “it’s complicated are just dating a different person every
* Over 50 groups scan every photo on a dating site to look for
political exploitation opportunities. Do not think that your dating
profiles are exempt from scanning by political party operatives. Many of
the big dating sites sell your data to the DNC and/or RNC...
* Russian, Nigerian and Chinese "Fake Profile Farms" have placed
millions of fake profiles on all of the dating sites. Some dating sites
are MOSTLY fake profiles. When you write to them, expert texting
scammers, or AI bots, respond to you in an extremely convincing manner.
Never believe someone is real from a dating site until you have met them
in person in front of a local coffee shop. Match.Com covertly supports
these fake profiles because it is free content. Match officials say
otherwise but they are lying.
Francesca Tighinean, who is originally from Romania but is now based in the US, studied psychology at City University in London. She has revealed why saying you have found 'the one' can lead to a toxic relationship. She has since earned viral fame by sharing a slew of psychology tips with her 1.3 million followers on TikTok. In her most recent video, the expert revealed why saying that your lover is 'the one' can cause you to enter a state of 'obsession.'
* "influencers" on the internet are: FAKE, LIARS WHO BOUGHT THEIR
Match.com loves “influencers” because their BS creates free content...
* Have you noticed how most of the sign-up questions on sites like
Match.com and OKCupid are questions about your political beliefs?
Political party operatives are also getting a copy of those answers on
some of these sites...
If you live in Maine, you're more likely to be lonely than your fellow Americans in other states, a report suggests. Health experts at AginginPlace analyzed factors in all 50 states and the District of Columbia like the amount of single-person households, the number of widowed people, and the number of divorces, which can all raise the risk of loneliness. The researchers then scored each state based on those outcomes and calculated an average figure for comparison. They found that the Pine Tree state was the loneliest with a score of 7.6, which could be due to it being tied for the highest divorce rate in the country. Additionally, nearly one-third of the population lives in a single-person household. Florida and Ohio ranked closely behind, taking second and third place, respectively, which experts suggest could be due to large retired populations and high searches for friendship apps like Bumble BFF. Utah, meanwhile, was dubbed the least lonely state, as its large Mormon population has led to a low percentage of divorces and single-person households.
* Never communicate more than a few generic sentences (to arrange to
meet) over an internal messaging system on any Match.com, or related,
dating site. Everything you type on a Match dating site message system
is often read by bored staff at the dating site, harvested by government
analysts, scanned by marketing companies for phone numbers and email
addresses, read by hackers and archived for years for future legal and
political analysis. Intention analysis of your words is sold to
political parties and other third parties. Get your communication OFF of
the dating site ASAP. Never say too much about yourself or place very
much private data on a dating site. The messaging system inside a dating
App is one of the most dangerous threats to your privacy...
* A unique way for guys to get hot girls paid for by the Russian spy
agency the KGB (Also known as the FSB). KGB Girlfriends can be really
fun. As a guy, you create a pretend hot technology start-up company in
Silicon Valley, New York City or Los Angeles. You buy a lot of buzz in
tech PR in those areas and make it look like you have some hot secret
technology that can change global media or internet or energy. Then you
attend tons of tech parties that are advance promoted. The Russian and
Chinese secret service will target you to try to steal your technology.
They will have impossibly hot girls approach you to date you. They are
called "Honey Traps". The Russians and Chinese have placed thousands of
them on Match.com, Plenty of Fish, OK Cupid and all of the big corporate
dating sites. These planted women will approach you. You have sex with
them and you secretly know that the spy agencies are paying for your
sex. You just never tell them any ACTUAL secrets. You plan out a careful
set of disinformation that leaves out some key tech points and tell them
your fake secrets. Russia has thousands of these "Red Sparrows" planted
around the USA in major cities. If your technology is hot enough, they
will charter a plane from the Ukraine and fly a few dozen of these tech
hookers in to target you. Russian hookers are VICTORIA SECRET HOT! They
are trained in sex universities. The downside: If you let on that you
know they are spies they could kill you with poison or simulated heart
attacks or heroin overdoses. So: The KGB will pay for all of your sex
but you have to game your pretext quite well or you could get killed
like Tony Hseigh or Forrest Hayes or Ravi Kumar or... But these Chinese
and Russian spy girls are soooooo hot!..
Researchers at Karolinska Institutet and Uppsala University in Sweden found that cells called fibroblasts have a previously unknown and very important role to play in regulating blood flow in the penis. Their findings highlighted an intriguing cycle: when a man becomes aroused, fibroblasts in the genitals help to widen blood vessels - leading to a longer-lasting erection.
* If you have been on many Match.com related dating sites you have had
a huge number of first date/meetups but they ended in failure since you
are not in a relationship with those people. You may have dated people
longer but those relationships did not work out either or you would not
be on a dating site. The thinking that "getting to know someone" has any
value in dating has already been proven wrong by your own past
experiences. 'Waiting in dating leads to undating'. Most marriages end
in divorce and that proves that you can never "get to know someone". All
people dating are always looking for an imperfection so they can
rationalize the: "Delete"..."Next"..." option to switch to the next
person. The so-called "perfect" match can never be found. The
Grass-Is-Always-Greener-On-The-Other-Side-Of-The-Fence never ends in
online dating. You CAN get a rapid paced pseudo-feeling of "social
action" by going through many people but that is shallow. The only thing
that works is to take the next person, that is not too ugly, and partner
with them and craft a relationship TOGETHER...
* People on Match.com dating sites with photos that look like they are
fashion models or with pictures that have advertising type poses and
make-up could be sociopath narcissists. If they look like they should
have people lined up to date them, they probably do. There are a certain
number of angry divorcee-type people, who hate the other gender because
of a bad divorce and want to punish all those from that other gender by
being mean to them online. Watch out for internet hotties who just have
a "LOOK AT ME" insecurity complex and have no intention of ever meeting
anybody. See: https://videosift.com/video/Narcissists-and-SOCIAL-MEDIA
* Everyone on an internet dating site is presumed to be open to having
sex, otherwise they would be on Facebook or Meet-Up if they were just
looking for a social herd interaction sorority type hang out. Don't be
offended if sex comes up earlier in the conversation that you expect.
That is the nature of the internet. You both need to text each other
that you BOTH agree to "a monogamous, committed relationship", in
writing, or you need to expect the other person to be sleeping with the
other members on the dating site on the nights that they are not with
* Before dating, make sure your doctor, or lab, has tested you for:
1.) HIV (https://www.mylabbox.com/how-much-does-an-hiv-test-cost/);
2.) Hepatitis C;
3.) Herpes Simplex II;
4.) Syphilis (https://www.mylabbox.com/test-for-syphilis/);
5.) Chlamydia (https://www.mylabbox.com/chlamydia-101-the-facts/);
6.) Gonorrhea (https://www.mylabbox.com/clap-gonorrhea-symptoms-in-women/);
7.) Trichomoniasis;
8.) HPV;
9.) Mycoplasma;
10.) Ureaplasma;
11.) COVID;
12.) Anal sore;
13.) Vaginal Fungus.
Consider getting a prescription for the AIDS prevention drug: "Prep"
and try using "topical microbicide STD gel" to kill STD's, especially on
Match.com because Match.com users have the highest rate of STD’s…"
* Facial symmetry and social similarity herd programming are the two
biggest factors you are up against in on-line dating. Try to get past
these biological subliminal conditioning factors and date outside your
"comfort zone". Don't date people that look exactly like your social
cliques faces. Try not to date people that all look like they go to the
same frat house or sorority. Match.com software favors frat house and
sorority looking people...
* Match.com dating has put men in the position of being used for free
dinners while each woman has many other men buying them dinners the same
week. Internet dating has made men hyper-sensitive about being "used".
The first few dates from an internet connection must be "dutch" these
days, to avoid conflict...
* Men who date via Match.Com sites will eventually always get sex, so
they expect it more than usual because the internet changes the numbers
* Billionaires from Google, Facebook, Netflix and Linkedin are hard to
date because most of them have a number of sex workers (hookers and
rent-boys) they retain weekly plus they have an account with every
dating site and a "social connections" manager. The nights that they are
not with you, they are with a person from another dating site and they
get bored of each person after a couple of weeks and dump them in their
constant search for new distractions. If you can get pregnant by one of
them, though, you can get a phenomenal payday…
* People who have many photos but only photos of their face are usually
fat on Match.com. Beware…
* On Match.Com, move fast on new members that just joined a dating site
because people quit, or get scooped up, as soon as they appear as "new
meat" on a dating site for the first time, most internet daters move
fast in order to avoid missing out. If you don't get to date a new
member within a week or so, they will have been taken by someone else or
they will have found out how tough dating sites are and quit. You have
about 11 days to make your case to a new member or they will be gone. If
you are a guy, you are competing against thousands of other guys all
trying to sound richer, more fun, more together, more employed, sexier
and more interesting than you. The early bird gets the worm and it is
truly a numbers game online. This is the harsh, but true reality of
it...even more so in a post-Pandemic world…
* On Match.Com, the question: "HOW ARE YOU STILL SINGLE?" or "What's
the catch?" or "You must have a secret wife"? implies that someone may
not be "perfect". In fact: Nobody is perfect. Every Silicon Valley CEO
beat his wife, cheated on taxes and stocks, hires hookers and abused
their workers. Their divorce court filings prove it. Even though they
had chiseled symmetrical facial features and drove an over-priced race
car, they almost all turned out to be dirty when you scratched the
surface. Outsiders are never allowed into their club, so, hopefully, you
won't get programmed to do those things. People's faults are usually the
same as their abilities. Some people love them, some don't. Employers
hire them for those peculiarities. You'd have to hang out with the live
version (not the internet facade) to see. There is no living human that
does not have things about them you will not like. Most people are
programmed to have an extreme reaction if they hear a word like
"drinking", "partying", "organized", etc. if their last break-up was
with a person who had a problem with one of those things. Oxytocin, and
other brain chemicals, program non-rational trigger-reaction thinking
into people over baggage from their bad break-ups. The smarter you are,
the easier it is for you to venture outside the social bubble you were
conditioned to, previously, operate in. Doing things with another human
takes work. ANYBODY can get along with anybody if they just try. The
internet makes people reject others, for no valid reason, just because
it is a push-button machine operation. Humans are organic. The internet
is a heartless machine. You should only decide about people from
in-person meetups. First time meetings over the internet cannot possibly
ever work. You have to meet people, in-person, in the real world. If a
person online is not willing to meet in-person, then there is no
legitimate reason for them to have a profile up unless they are a
Russian troll or free-meal hunter…
Over 1000 profiles on Match.com, and it’s related sites, are spies that
are there entirely to attack others! Since 2008, one San Francisco
business man has recorded over 20 of these spy girls recording him and
reporting back to his competitor. He has placed a private investigation
firm on long-term contract to hunt down and prosecute these spider-women
who sell entrapment services and operate under cover of Match.com’s guise.
In another case, a network of activists, aided by a British former spy,
mounted a campaign during the Trump administration, using Match.com, to
discredit perceived enemies of President Donald Trump inside the
government, according to documents and people involved in the operations.
The campaign included a planned sting operation against Trump’s national
security adviser at the time, H.R. McMaster, and secret surveillance
operations against FBI employees, aimed at exposing anti-Trump sentiment
in the bureau’s ranks.
The operations against the FBI, run by the conservative group Project
Veritas, were conducted from a large home in the Georgetown section of
Washington that rented for $10,000 per month. Female undercover operatives
arranged Match.com dates with the FBI employees with the aim of secretly
recording them making disparaging comments about Trump.
The campaign shows the obsession that some of Trump’s allies had about a
shadowy “deep state” trying to blunt his agenda — and the lengths that
some were willing to go to try to purge the government of those believed
to be disloyal to the president.
Central to the effort, according to interviews, was Richard Seddon, a
former undercover British spy who was recruited in 2016 by security
contractor Erik Prince to train Project Veritas operatives to infiltrate
trade unions, Democratic congressional campaigns and other targets. He ran
field operations for Project Veritas until mid-2018.
Last year, The New York Times reported that Seddon ran an expansive effort
to gain access to the unions and campaigns and led a hiring effort that
nearly tripled the number of the group’s operatives, according to
interviews and deposition testimony. He trained operatives at the Prince
family ranch in Wyoming.
The efforts to target American officials show how a campaign once focused
on exposing outside organizations slowly morphed into an operation to
ferret out Trump’s perceived enemies in the government’s ranks.
Whether any of Trump’s White House advisers had direct knowledge of the
campaign is unclear, but one of the participants in the operation against
McMaster, Barbara Ledeen, said she was brought on by someone “with access
to McMaster’s calendar.”
At the time, Ledeen was a staff member of the Senate Judiciary Committee,
then led by Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa. This account is drawn from more
than a dozen interviews with former Project Veritas employees and others
familiar with the campaign, along with current and former government
officials and internal Project Veritas documents.
The scheme against McMaster, revealed in interviews and documents, was one
of the most brazen operations of the campaign. It involved a plan to hire
a woman armed with a hidden camera to capture McMaster making
inappropriate remarks that his opponents could use as leverage to get him
ousted as national security adviser.
Although several Project Veritas operatives were involved in the plot, it
is unclear whether the group directed it. The group, which is a nonprofit,
has a history of conducting sting operations on news organizations,
Democratic politicians and advocacy groups. The operation was ultimately
abandoned in March 2018 when the conspirators ended up getting what they
wanted, albeit by different means. The embattled McMaster resigned on
March 22, a move that avoided a firing by the president who had soured on
the three-star general.
Project Veritas did not respond to specific questions about the
operations. On Thursday, James O’Keefe, the head of the group, said this
article was “a smear piece.”
Neither Seddon nor Prince responded to requests for comment. McMaster
declined to comment.
When confronted with details about her involvement in the McMaster
operation, Ledeen insisted that she was merely a messenger. “I am not part
of a plot,” she said.
The operation against McMaster was hatched not long after an article
appeared in BuzzFeed News about a private dinner in 2017. Exactly what
happened during the dinner is in dispute, but the article said that
McMaster had disparaged Trump by calling him an “idiot” with the
intelligence of a “kindergartner.”
That dinner, at an upscale restaurant in downtown Washington, was attended
by McMaster and Safra Catz, the chief executive of Oracle, as well as two
of their aides. Not long after, Catz called Donald McGahn, then the White
House counsel, to complain about McMaster’s behavior, according to two
people familiar with the call.
White House officials investigated and could not substantiate her claims,
people familiar with their inquiry said. Catz declined to comment, and
there is no evidence that she played any role in the plot against
Soon after the BuzzFeed article, however, the scheme developed to try to
entrap McMaster: Recruit a Match.com woman to stake out the same
restaurant, Tosca, with a hidden camera. According to the plan, whenever
McMaster returned by himself, the woman would strike up a conversation
with him and, over drinks, try to get him to make comments that could be
used to either force him to resign or get him fired.
Who initially ordered the operation is unclear. In an interview, Ledeen
said “someone she trusted” contacted her to help with the plan. She said
she could not remember who.
“Somebody who had his calendar conveyed to me that he goes to Tosca all
the time,” she said of McMaster.
According to Ledeen, she passed the message to a man she believed to be a
Project Veritas operative during a meeting at the University Club in
Washington. Ledeen said she believed the man provided her with a fake
By then, McMaster already had a raft of enemies among Trump loyalists, who
viewed him as a “globalist” creature of the so-called deep state who was
committed to policies they vehemently opposed, like remaining committed to
a nuclear deal with Iran and keeping American troops in Afghanistan.
The president often stoked the fire, railing against national security
officials at the CIA, FBI, State Department and elsewhere who he was
convinced were trying to undermine him. These “unelected deep-state
operatives who defy the voters to push their own secret agendas,” he said
in 2018, “are truly a threat to democracy itself.”
Seddon recruited Tarah Price, who at one point was a Project Veritas
operative, and offered to pay her thousands of dollars to participate in
the operation, according to interviews and an email written by a former
boyfriend of Price and sent to Project Veritas Exposed, a group that tries
to identify the group’s undercover operatives.
The May 2018 email, a copy of which was obtained by The Times, said that
Price was “going to get paid $10,000 to go undercover and set up some
big-name political figure in Washington.” It was unclear who was funding
the operation. Price’s former boyfriend was apparently unaware of the
target of the operation, or that McMaster had been forced to step down in
Two people identified the political figure as McMaster. Price did not
respond to requests for comment.
Ledeen was a longtime staff member for the Judiciary Committee who had
been part of past operations in support of Trump. In 2016, she was
involved in a secret effort with Michael Flynn — who went on to become
Trump’s first national security adviser — to hunt down thousands of emails
that had been deleted from Hillary Clinton’s private email server.
Barbara Ledeen is married to Michael Ledeen, who wrote the 2016 book “The
Field of Fight” with Flynn. She said she retired from the Senate earlier
this year.
After Flynn resigned under pressure as national security adviser, Trump
gave the job to McMaster — inciting the ire of loyalists to Flynn. Ledeen
posted numerous negative articles about McMaster on her Facebook page.
After The Times published its article about Prince’s work with Project
Veritas, she wrote on Facebook, “We owe a lot to Erik Prince.”
Seddon first came to know Prince in the years after the Sept. 11, 2001,
attacks, when he was stationed at the British Embassy in Washington and
Prince’s company, Blackwater, was winning large American government
contracts for work in Afghanistan and Iraq. Former colleagues of Seddon
said he nurtured a love of the American West, and of the country’s gun
He is married to a longtime State Department officer, Alice Seddon, who
retired last year.
After Seddon joined Project Veritas, he set out to professionalize what
was once a small operation with a limited budget. He hired former
soldiers, a former FBI agent and a British former commando.
Documents obtained by The Times show the extent that Seddon built
espionage tactics into training for the group’s operatives — teaching them
to use deception to secure information from potential targets.
The early training for the operations took place at the Prince family
ranch near Cody, Wyoming, and Seddon and his colleagues conducted hiring
interviews inside an airport hangar at the Cody airport known locally as
the Prince hangar, according to interviews and documents. Prince is the
brother of Betsy DeVos, who served as Trump’s education secretary.
During the interview process, candidates fielded questions meant to figure
out their political leanings, including which famous people they might
invite to a dinner party and which publications they get their news from.
After finishing the exercises, the operatives were told to burn the
training materials, according to a former Project Veritas employee.
Project Veritas also experienced a windfall during the Trump
administration, with millions in donations from private donors and
conservative foundations. In 2019, the group received a $1 million
contribution made through the law firm Alston & Bird, according to a
financial document obtained by The Times. The firm has declined to say on
whose behalf the contribution was made.
That same year, Project Veritas also received more than $4 million through
DonorsTrust, a nonprofit used by conservative groups and individuals.
Around the time McMaster resigned, Seddon pushed for Project Veritas to
establish a base of operations in Washington and found a six-bedroom
estate near the Georgetown University campus, according to former Project
Veritas employees. The house had a view of the Potomac River and was steps
from the dark, narrow staircase made famous by the film “The Exorcist.”
The group used a shell company to rent it, according to Project Veritas
documents and interviews.
The plan was simple: Use undercover operatives to entrap FBI employees and
other government officials who could be publicly exposed as opposing
The group has previously assigned Match.com female operatives to secretly
record and discredit male targets — sometimes making first contact with
them on dating apps. In 2017, a Project Veritas operative also approached
a Washington Post reporter with a false claim that a Senate candidate had
impregnated her.
During the Trump administration, the FBI became an attractive target for
the president’s allies. In late 2017, news reports revealed that a senior
FBI counterintelligence agent and a lawyer at the bureau who were working
on the Russia investigation had exchanged text messages disparaging Trump.
The president’s supporters and allies in Congress said the texts were
proof of bias at the FBI and that the sprawling Russia inquiry was just a
plot by the “deep state” to derail the Trump presidency.
Project Veritas operatives created fake profiles on Match.com dating apps
to lure the FBI employees, according to two former Project Veritas
employees and a screenshot of one of the accounts. They arranged to meet
and arrived with a hidden camera and microphone. Women living at the house
had Project Veritas code names, including “Brazil” and “Tiger,” according
to three former Project Veritas employees with knowledge of the
operations. People living at the house were told not to receive mail using
their real names. If they took an Uber home, the driver had to stop before
they reached the house to ensure nobody saw where they actually lived, one
of the former Project Veritas employees said.
One woman living at the house, Anna Khait, was part of several operations
against various targets, including a State Department employee. Project
Veritas released a video of the operation in 2018, saying it was the first
installment in “an undercover video investigation series unmasking the
deep state.”
In the video, O’Keefe said Project Veritas had been investigating the deep
state for more than a year. He did not mention efforts to target the FBI.
O’Keefe has long defended his group’s methods. In his 2018 book, “American
Pravda,” O’Keefe wrote that a “key distinction between the Project Veritas
journalist and establishment reporters” is that “while we use deception to
gain access, we never deceive our audience.”
The Match.com spy scam was created by the Obama White House and used
massively in the post 2008 time period but Erik Prince copied the process
for the Trumps.
Nobody should ever use Match.com unless they want all of their texts and
emails read by the Bumble college-age gossip-monger staff. If you want
everything you do on Match.com sent to political party bosses to try to
manipulate your vote, Google data harvesters and leaked via hackers then
you will love Match.com. If you think staffers who barely started having
periods have enough intellect and emotional maturity to control your
dating life, then you must certainly use Match.com. Match.com will suck
your credit card, Paypal account and bank account dry but your genitals
will stay just as dry because most of the profiles on Match.com are fake.
Match.com face pictures are often generated with the NVIDIA GANS fake face
software that creates idyllic faces of people that do not exist. Match.com
management is in it for cash-at-any-cost and you are just a cow in their
digital abattoir. You are meat for them to process through their emotional
connection fakery machine. Match.com exists to separate you from your
money with a promise of connection that can’t possibly happen over a
computing machine.
Be sure and share these notes with your friends. It could save their
emotional life!
Match.com’s founder fakes up controversy to create web coverage of
herself. Her past employers at her other dating company call her a
“scammer” and a “mercenary” harvester of user dating data.
The actual original founders of one huge dating site went online to reveal
that all corporate online dating sites, are miserable failures and scams.
That revelation has been proven in court!
Most people that sign up for online dating with Match.com cancel it within
a few weeks because of the technology disconnect, the fake profiles, the
spying, the face harvesting and the huge abuse of human emotional
experience that they find on Match.com.
You think Match.com is “free”? You could not be more wrong. You pay the
price with your soul, your privacy, your ideology and your human rights!
The current owners of the Match.com servers are the most sinister bastards
in corporate data harvesting.
Match.com acquires massive numbers of fake profiles from nefarious sources
and posts them in order to buffer up it’s lack of real, credible, humans
on the site.
Match.com exists ENTIRELY to make money at the expense of your emotions.
It is operated by computers, naive college interns and greed-driven
zealots who care ENTIRELY ZERO about you! Match.com is a bigger
sucker-play than The Lottery or back alley crap shoots.
Match.com computers and bored staffers read all of your emails and text
messages on Match.com. For example: If you say you “...like Trump” you are
flagged. If you say you “...like Obama”, you get extra cute matches. Your
politics should not determine if you get laid or not! Nobody should be
reading your communications, created when you are putting your heart on
the line!
Russian and Chinese state spy agencies scan every photo on Match.com every
few minutes and use those photos to hunt down your Facebook, Linkedin,
YouTube and other sites. They have computers build a dossier on you,
starting with your Match.com photos, so you can be black-mailed or
influenced in the future. You can even back-track photos of users through
Yandex and hunt them down to their home address via Match.com...ugh!
Match.com has an army of shills who are live people that pretend to be
looking-for-love on Match.com. In actuality, these fakes get fake to
string you along to get you to keep renewing your subscription.
YOU should demand that Congress, the FTC, The FCC and other agencies
investigate and prosecute Match.com now!
Be informed about the hell of Match.com’s online dating by reading this
huge compendium of actual user experiences. Every online dater from
Match.com seems to be looking for: quid pro quo marriage, sex, free food,
money, social revenge, distraction, entertainment, narcissistic
validation, arm-candy, friends, a baby-daddies or related goals. See how
others reach these targets, for good or evil, by reading these notes from
Match.com users around the nation:
-- “FireEye, one of the largest cybersecurity companies in the world has
been hacked, likely by a government or a big hacking club, and the
ultimate arsenal of all of the CIA-class hacking tools it uses for
corporations , such as Match.com, has been stolen. This means that any
time you touch Match.com, you could be opening your computer or phone to
releasing every contact, photo or ANYTHING on your computer or phone to
every weirdo on Earth. This means that literally anybody can remotely
turn on your microphone or camera and watch/listen to you have sex, take
a shower or discuss your biggest secrets… this is widely disclosed in
the main-stream news. If you don’t already know this fact, you may be
too dumb to be online dating...”
-- “There are over 100 companies around the globe that scan every
single dating and social media site, especially Match.com, every few
minutes, for new profiles and harvest the posted photos. Your photos are
instantly compared, via AI software and massive computer arrays, with
every social media site (ie: Facebook, Linkedin, Google, Instagram,
etc.) to reveal who you actually are and produce a digital dossier on
you (that will be available on you forever). If you are in a lawsuit, or
politics, that data will be used to harm and defame you. If you have
assets, that data will be used to hack your bank accounts and medical
records and blackmail you. By now, any educated person should already
know this, as it is widely covered in the news. Anyone who pooh-poohs
this is most likely a hacker using a fake dating or Linkedin profile.
There are millions of fake dating and Facebook profiles operated by
Russian and Chinese spies and data harvesters.”
– “Many fakers on Match.com use exaggerated fake gestures and facial
expressions. These online facial tricks are used by internet dating
'influencers' to catch the public eye but they are totally fake and
contrived. Dating "Influencer" culture skewered in Gia Coppola film at
Venice ...
Influencer culture skewered in Gia Coppola film at Venice ... but Gia
Coppola and Maya Hawke have brought a bit of today's America to the Lido
with "Mainstream," a skewering look at the YouTube fake influencer
sickness …”
– “In order to get more money (ie: "clicks") Dixie D'Amelio, and every
other kid web narcissist, posts pictures and video clips of themselves
engaing in 1950's Madison Avenue-type facial extremes and gestures. In
"Exaggerating Facial Expressions: A Way to Intensify Emotion or a Way to
the Uncanny Valley?" Meeri Mäkäräinen, Jari Kätsyri & Tapio Takala (
via Cognitive Computation volume 6, pages708–721(2014) show how media
deployment of fake expressions can ruin society, kids in particular.
They said "...Exaggeration of facial expressions is used in animation
and robotics to intensify emotions. However, modifying a human-like face
can lead to an unsettling outcome. This phenomenon is known as uncanny
valley. The goal of this study was to identify the realism level and
magnitude of facial expression that produce the maximum amount of
emotional intensity and the minimum amount of perceived strangeness. We
studied the perceived intensity of emotion and perceived strangeness of
faces with varying levels of realism (from schematic to photorealistic)
and magnitude of facial expressions (from neutral to extremely
exaggerated). We found that less realistic faces required more
exaggeration to reach the emotional intensity of a real human face.
While there is a range of emotional intensity that can be expressed by
real human faces (from neutral to full intensity), we found that the
same range of emotional intensity could be expressed by artificial faces
when exaggeration was used. However, attempts to express emotional
intensities outside this range using exaggeration led to strange-looking
faces at all levels of realism." Their study began to open the doors of
"fake facing" which is creating divisiveness in society by created
popular kids and distance unpopular kids without the desire or facial
muscles to copy them.
A kid "Influencer" named Cadena is now dead too. His passing is the
latest in a string of young social media star deaths, following
19-year-old Landon Clifford, star of YouTube’s “Cam & Fam,” who
hanged himself in August after struggling with depression and drug
addiction for years. Mommy vlogger Nicole Thea, 24, who was pregnant,
died of a “massive heart attack” in July. Siya Kakkar, 16, a viral
sensation with more than 2 million followers on TikTok, died by suicide
in June.
So while cute little Dixie, and her peers, may not be Satan's children,
they are creating great harm in the world. Here is how: In their study;
"Felt, false, and miserable smiles" Paul Ekman & Wallace V. Friesen
(Journal of Nonverbal Behavior volume 6, pages238–252(1982)" describe
how theoretically based distinctions linked to measurable differences in
appearance are described for three smiles: felt smiles (spontaneous
expressions of positive emotion); false smiles (deliberate attempts to
appear as if positive emotion is felt when it isn't); and, miserable
smiles (acknowledgments of feeling miserable but not intending to do
much about it). Preliminary evidence supports some of the hypotheses
about how these three kinds of smile differ.
The internet "influencers" all maintain deliberate attempts to appear as
if positive emotion is felt when it isn't. They must all appear happy
and excited, all the time, in order to create clicks and draw other kids
into their false reality. This is why so many of them end up committing
Does Dixie know that is driving herself and other kids to suicide? No,
she is just a little girl. Do her parents and marketing managers know?
They Should!
Instabrats are cute and adorable and live, apparently, perfect lives.
Behind-the-scenes the Kardashians, The Paris Hilton's, The Stevie Ryan's
are almost all insane, damaged, co-dependent fakers who are enabled by
uncaring, greedy parents and marketing companies. They are selling you
absolute bull-shit fairyland facades disguised as their normal lives.
Google and Youtube's Larry Page, Sergy Brin, Eric Schmidt, Anne E.
Wojcicki, Yasmin Green and the rest are hateful sick people who know how
much their media damages kids but they do it anyway because private jets
and sex parties are EXPENSIVE! They encourage this behavior for profit.
In college you watched the popular kids always clustered around each
other Fake-Facing their conversations with nearly manic,
over-interested, wide-eyed facial expressions and gesticulations as if
they other person's comment about Cindy's new eyebrow pencil were as big
a deal as the arrival of an army of magic unicorns. Nothing they said to
each other was as interesting as they expressed with their faces. They
had learned that "being popular" means that you have to look like you
are having more fun than normal people and that your life is more
exciting than that of others.
By minimizing the lives of others you lift yourself up in your eyes. You
also drive every other kid crazy.
There are millions of expose's about internet "Stars" who were later
outed as fakes. Their expensive sports cars and piles of money were
rented for the photo shoot. Their smiles, exaggerated facial expressions
and web lives are FAKE, FAKE, FAKE!
Black Lives Matter riots have a large basis in poor little Dixie
D'Ameli. Inner city people will never have a big cool life like Dixie,
the internet tells them. The influencers are so happy and rich and have
none of their problems...
So kids see all this facade and kill themselves. Inner City people see
all this facade and burn down cities. Influencer's tell kids and the
disadvantaged: "Here is all this stuff you will never have". The
notorious Fyre Festival was an amazing example of all these fakers
suckering all of these suckers to a facade that clearly exposed itself
for what these people are!
It is Anne E. Wojcicki's fault. It is the fault of Match.com, YouTube
and Google pushing their woke, data-harvested crap on society.
This is the “advice” that Match.com markets to users and that Match.com
users post on the web. Do you agree with these concepts of social
“Be very careful on Match.com dating sites. I have read the
newspaper articles and am being cautious. I have encountered a veritable
army of Nigerian scammers, privacy data thieves, Russian spammers and
spies on the dating site. On top of that there are tens of thousands of
newspaper articles warning about this. Additionally, nothing that you
engage in with a stranger you are considering for possible intimacy will
be valid over a computer, phone or text device. It isn't being paranoid
if it is based on actual experience and vast documentation by the rest
of America. 60 MINUTES just did a feature segment on how data thieves
can get all your stuff with just your full name and a picture they can
run through image-comparison software. They do it all day long.”
“ You just joined Match.com’s dating sites. You message some attractive
ladies right near you. You get some responses. Alas, you don't realize
that those "hot ladies", now messaging with you, are actually all a guy
with a goatee, named Wu Lee, in the Philippines. While you see lots of
talk about these dating services, "not allowing fake profiles", they
are, in fact, the ones who hire the "shill Farms" to supply them with
the fake date experiences. They only use them for guys because women
always get flooded with actual guys contacting them. Many of the
pictures are from the ex-websites of dead Russian hookers. The first red
- Your date is out "of the area for a few weeks", or longer, on a
trip or some big project so that a real person doesn't actually have
to show up.
- They have some other excuse to not meet you for a few weeks. The
psychology is that no guy will wait that long and move on to the
next candidate. Alas, the next candidate , and the next, and the
next, is, more often than not, that same guy Wu Lee. If you are
savvy enough to track them in your calender and follow-up a few days
after they are supposed to "return to town", they will tell you that
they just happened to have met someone on their trip.
- They won't talk on the phone. While talking to a person on a
dating site is very comforting, the Shill Farms have escalation
Teams that route phone call requests to sex phone operators, with
your local accent, who do double duty as fake phone dates and fake
sex call takers. Even if you talk on the phone, it still is not
guaranteed that you don't have a shill.
- The shill starts asking you very specific detailed personal data
about yourself. In real world dating, nobody asks that kind of stuff
before their first date. You look at each other, decide if you both
look OK and off you go to the movies or dinner that Saturday. The
reason the shills want detailed data on you is that the Shill Farm
bosses make money from both providing fake profiles AND harvesting
your private data for data harvesting banks.
- They try to keep you on the site for as long as possible. The
Shill Farmer has a third way of making money off of you. It is
called "Spoofing". The more volumes of people the dating site can
show for their subscriptions and advertisers, the more money they
can make.
- They won't meet. For most people, the purpose of a dating site is
to meet someone you can hug, squeeze, kiss and go do things with. It
should seem odd to you, if your potential date won't meet in person
ASAP. If they were real, you would think they would want to see how
both of you are, in-person, before wasting time. Here are some key
terms and types to watch out for: “Shill”- A person pretending to be
someone else, or another gender, in order to suck you in to some
scheme to get your money or your data; Shill Farm - A large
building, apartment complex, warehouse or other building where large
numbers of shills are base; “Shill Farmer” - The owner of the Shill
Farm. Often Russian mobsters, Asian gangs or Nigerian cartels;
“Dating Harvester” - Match.com, Plenty of Fish, OK Cupid and similar
automated conglomerate-owned dating services that are in the
business for far different reasons than you might think; “Trolling”
- Working the pretext to try to get the victim/target guy sucked
into the scheme. Using different scenarios and talking scripts to
get the target to loosen their guard; “Cat Fishing” - Men pretending
to be women; “Spoofing” - creating fake user volume numbers in order
to help dating sites trick advertisers into paying more...”
“Nothing you do in email, text or phone will count, once you meet
in-person. It will all go out the window (ie: as sad as it sounds,
pre-communication is a waste-of-time in online dating, because people
decide on attraction in the first few minutes of the live meeting). “
"On Match.com and OK Cupid, All of the men are looking for sex and all
of the women are looking for free dinners"
"Do not send more than a few emails or talk on the phone more than 45
minutes without meeting in person. The human mind will always create a
bigger-than-life image of who you think you are talking to and it will
be impossible for the other person to live up to that. You will set
yourself up for disappointment and your experience here will always be
unproductive. The longer you wait, the more likely you are to be
disappointed because the vision and the real-world don't match."
"The Match.com Internet dating process can be heartbreaking.. You will
meet tons of beautiful, sexy, sharp people that you would, at first
blush, be able to visualize yourself being boy/girl-friended with, or
married to. This can be very painful, though, if you have had great
email and phone calls and both decided you really like each other. But
the ones you like may tell you, right on the spot, that they are not
attracted to you and the ones that want you strongly, you may not be
attracted to. Prepare yourself and try to have no expectations, but
don't deny that "chemistry" makes up to 25% of the first encounter and
if there is no chemistry, it usually seems to fritter away rapidly"
"Most of the internet people will select one of the first few people
they meet because they get overloaded after more people contact them.
Most people, women more than men, get 30 to 200 responses and just get
burned out after the first dozen meetings. The first people one meets
tend to stick out in that persons mind more because the others start
blending together in the density of increasing contacts, emails, phones
calls and meetings. If you don't meet soon you will often be buried in
the confusion that follows as the increasing volume of email contacts
builds up. Most of relationships on match turn out to be with one of the
first few people one meets according to the survey. If people are trying
to meet quickly, they are probably trying to get in to your "emotional
window" before it closes."
" Many of the people on Match.com are just dabblers, or looky-loo's who
never intend to meet anybody in person, some of them are even marketing
people for the dating service acting as "shills". Ask them to meet soon
to see if they are sincere."
"Match.com People who object to long initial letters or emails are
really not interested in knowing anything about the people they are
contacting. They are often just looking for flings and distractions. If
the people can't deal with alot of information about you then they may
not be interested in a long term relationship(LTR) and could just be
using the dating system for personal validation and not for creating a
"Women tend to get 10 responses for every one response men get on Match
because so many female profiles are fake."
"Most people go in with the best of intentions...thinking that a great
mind/intellect connection will make-up for any lacks in "chemistry"..but
it has never turned out to be like that...everybody seems to,
ultimately, let chemistry rule. Looks are not the whole driver but they
are always a non-insignificant criteria."
"Bad breath can totally kill a date. How many losers have I been out
with that would have been OK except their breath made me ill. Take 4-5
"Breath Assure" tablets at least 30 minutes before the date and eat an
Altoid or some mint a few minutes before the date. Eat a little
something before the date because an empty stomach can cause bad breath.
Brush your teeth. See your dentist and have your teeth professionally
"IF you are cute and you try to get off of the internet service they
may not take you off very quickly because you are attracting eyeballs or
customers for them, you can get many free months from the service if you
work it right."
"Don't do internet dating unless you are prepared to meet people and
you have from 6-10PM Free every night, 30-90 minutes a day to read and
respond to emails and at least half your weekend free to meet a few
people. I will not work for most people unless they make a commitment to
the process, feel that getting a special person is the most important
priority in their lives (Over work, money, material things, etc.)and
really treat the effort like a job. Most people are completely surprised
by how much work is involved in this kind of dating. Many people select
one of the first few people they meet just to avoid the time-drain. But,
when you meet the person that you want to be with, it makes it all worth
it ten times over."
"When you first notice something you don't like about the person, don't
run away or write them off, you must remember that you are operating in
a hyper-accelerated dating environment (Where else would you meet 20
guys in 60 days?), in the "normal world" you would be looking for all
these checklist items or first a validating red-flag to write them off
as a stalker/creep like you do here. The density of people can be
daunting but don't let it make you too clinical in your approach."
"Most dating systems forward from an anonymous email to your personal
email. Be sure and set your email system up so your emails pop up on
your work desktop or on your home system to avoid coming home at night
and finding a plethora of responses and replies that you don't have time
to give proper attention to. That is unfair to you and to the people
that are interested."
"I now want to meet as soon as possible because the "rejection
intensity" seems to be less painful for both people if you have not
gotten emotionally involved with lots of phone calls and emails
beforehand. So it is important to meet as soon as possible to reduce the
pain factor of the potential turndown. Of course, if both of you happen
to be attracted, then you are done and you get a boyfriend or
"Don't ask a person if they like you on the date. It puts them on the
spot and is too harsh to hear live and in person if they do not."
"The marketing people at each of the bigger dating services will tell
you that the demographics for the service are high-income, well
educated, aggressive, driven business people. This can be both good and
bad. The women tend to be more sexually aggressive and the guys tend to
be busier".
"Men lie more than women but they both lie. Men lie because they had
bad upbringings, or they are insecure or they are afraid. Men only lie
about one thing so it is actually a misnomer to say men lie. It is
better to say "Men are Polyamory addicted". Men don't think they are
doing anything wrong unless there has been a very loud and official
wedding or girlfriend/boyfriend-stage in the relationship announcement.
Men never think they are lying..they really don't, they just think that
the relationship isn't happening. Men think that women are too slow and
careful and always shopping for the right man so they always think women
are not going to stick around and they always keep their options open
until a women clearly commits. Women think that men move too fast so
they wait for a slow one, but they rarely come. Both genders are wired
different so it never really works out until one or the other lets their
defenses down."
"Don't attack people who ask you for a picture and do have a picture
ready to go. Having a digital picture ready to go is considered to be
the number one "rule" of the web. Don't go online to date unless you
already have one on your hard drive or you will just be creating a
terribly frustrating experience for people you contact and most of them
will be upset that you don't have a picture. The only difference in
meeting people on the web or in person is that you have no visual
context. Most people make their primary assessment based on appearance,
even if they deny that they do, it is a natural human process to seek
visual confirmation. On the same note, don't judge a book by its cover.
Many "pretty" people who seek only "pretty" people often find
shallowness and vanity and no substance for that very relationship they
seek...try a normal looking person, you will usually be surprised."
"There are no weirdos and no normal people on the internet. There aren't
people at all, Just words and text. You have to realize it is a digital
environment and employ it as an initiation place and then follow-up in
the real-world. The unique thing about open network communication is
that it has no established social order or boundaries so people are
naturally supported in their theatrical creation. The difficult aspect
of this is that there is nobody to reference you as you microscopically
grow bigger or into other tangents of a character without even noticing
it. So; people tend to be more flexible with the facts or narrative
because they feel like they are co-writing a novel with someone in real
"Match.com proves that girls and guys can never be "just Friends.
(Harry met Sally) if neither is physically attracted to the other. If
one is and the other isn't it will almost never work. In the case of one
person being attracted but wanted to be friends, many of those people
will either be in denial or embarrassed to acknowledge their
"Realize that time doesn't exist on the internet. What is a timely
response or an appropriate development of social expectations will be
too slow or too fast to the other person. Most internet socializing
tends to move at "warp speed"...because it can."
"Whether you're searching for romance in cyberspace or at a Speed-Dating
event, the rules can be complicated and downright frustrating. Following
are a few that real singles have used to navigate this brave new world
of dating:
- Rule No. 1: Asking a woman out for a Saturday night date is a big
If you ask some women out for a Monday or even a Thursday evening,
beware. You could have the phone receiver slammed in your ear. "A woman
takes it very seriously when she is not asked out on a Saturday night,"
said Dawn Sidney, who met her husband at a Chicago Jewish federation
event. "She has a different attitude. She thinks the guy doesn't think
she's special."
- Rule No. 2: Fools shouldn't rush in.
To Shawna Gooze, a human resources assistant, it doesn't matter what day
of the week a guy wants to see her. What happens after the date is more
important. "I went out with a very good-looking, nice guy I met at a
bar, but he started e-mailing me so much after the first date, it was a
turn-off," she said. "In the beginning, it's better not to rush a
relationship or come on too strong."
- Rule No. 3: When you move an online romance offline, go public.
When trying to find a date in cyberspace, a set of unwritten rules
applies, and some online daters simply make the rules up as they go
along, according to Leslie Zimmer, who works for a Chicago-area
synagogue and has tried several Jewish online dating services.
Zimmer, whose online dating odyssey has most been both frustrating and
humorous, followed two main rules. First, she didn't disclose personal
information such as home address, telephone number or work location.
Second, she met an online date at a public place such as a coffee shop
or restaurant. She also chose to have a few "phone dates" with an online
dater before meeting him in person.
Hoping to attract a Jewish John Travolta, she began her personal ad
with, "Shall we dance?" One guy responded with a cute, clever message
that discussed their common interest in dancing. For their first date,
they agreed to meet at local nightclub to show off some fancy footwork.
"There was definitely a chemistry," she said. "We spent three hours
dancing, talking and laughing. "After we danced, he just said, 'Good
night.' I was dumbfounded. I happen to have a lot of moxie, so I
e-mailed him. He e-mailed back that he just didn't feel any chemistry. I
thought, when he finds someone with chemistry, it must be like an
- Rule No. 4: If you're a woman seeking cyber-romance, don't be afraid
to initiate the first cyber-contact.
The anonymity of online dating makes it easier to sever a bad
connection, said Michael Slater, 25, a regional sales manager for a
Chicago-based corporate relocation company. In other ways, it's leveled
the playing field by making it acceptable for a woman to initiate
cyber-contact. "I know from several friends using Jdate.com that women
are e-mailing guys and asking them out," he said.
- Rule No. 5: Seek advice from a trusted friend if you're stuck in the
dating doldrums.
While it's clear the Internet has changed the rules of dating, some
things never change. Singles still seek advice and support from friends
and family, said Slater, who is currently attached.
"Sometimes a friend will ask me what I think of a woman's profile, and
I'll say, 'You're not going to know unless you try.' They just need an
extra boost to click that 'send' button," he said.
"I don't want to be known as a yenta [matchmaker], but I just give my
friends a push in the right direction. They've done the same for me."
- Rule No. 6: Unfortunately, there are no hard-and-fast formulas that
guarantee romantic success, except maybe: Love like you've never been
hurt before, and be yourself"
"1.) Never give out more than your first name over the Internet. Never
tell anyone your address.
2.) It is fairly safe to exchange phone numbers although you should
remember that your phone number can be used to find you. You can tell a
lot about a person from their voice. If a person gives you their work
telephone number instead of their home telephone number, they are
probably already involved.
3.) If you have found someone you would like to meet, always arrange to
meet in a public place such as a bookstore or coffee shop.
4.) Unless, someone looks frightening, always acknowledge the person you
came to meet and have coffee or whatever. Never leave just because you
don't like a person's appearance. It just isn't nice to leave someone
waiting and wondering!
5.) Be honest. If you are not interested thank the person for meeting
you and tell them in a nice way that you don't feel you have as much in
common as you had hoped. A kind up front rejection is easier on you
6.) Always ask to see the persons drivers license. If they hesitate or
don't give you their identification, they have their reason's. Get rid
of them FAST! And, don't let them follow you home!
7.) Call home or a friend and tell them the person's name, address and
license number which is on their license.
8.) A man has every right to request to see a woman's drivers license as
well. There are a few dingy women in this world.
9.) If a woman fails to ask for your ID don't date her. Find another one
because the one who didn't ask will show bad judgement in other aspects
of life as well!
10.) In sexual matters follow the dictates of the religion of your
preference. You will always be glad you did.
11.) Should you decide to become physically involved, never do so until
you know the person well.
12.) You do not know a person well until you have seen them in their
normal environment and have met their friends. Practice safe sex!
13.) If a person seems to have no friends or associations be very
suspicious. A person will rarely abuse someone known to their friends.
There is a social price to pay.
14.) Always trust your instincts. If you are uneasy about someone there
is probably a good reason.
15.) Remember, that all you owe anyone on the first meeting, is courtesy
for a very short period of time. You have a lot to gain and very little
to lose by meeting new people as long as you use common sense!"
"1. "Never love a man or woman more than you love yourself.
2. You must have attitude. Attitude is everything. Think of yourself as
compelling, irresistible, and captivating because that's what you are!
3. Your attitude about yourself and how you expect others to treat you
comes through in everything you do.
4. Know and play to your assets, know and downplay your deficits.
5. Women are the Queen Bees. It's a woman's job to attract men. Men are
the wannabes. They wannabe with women. So ladies, let them. Men find
women, women don't find men. Women let themselves be found.
6. Men troll and hunt for women. Women attract and magnetize men.
7. For women: You only love the men who love you. It is your job to
attract lots of men and then choose from the ones you have attracted.
8. For women: Want a relationship? Stop acting like an alpha female and
start behaving like Annie Get Your Guy. Alpha females are smart, sexy,
successful and usually alone, because tough, fierce, competitive, and
masculine energy only works in business. Annie Get Your Guy is soft,
foxy not fierce, receptive, always feminine, and is the chasee never the
9. In relationships, men want women to act like women, so they can act
like men.
10. For men: You are a hero. Accept nothing less from a woman than being
"her hero."
11. In dating, know what you want and what the other person wants. Make
sure you are both going in the same direction.
12. The secret to a relationship is: know what each player wants and
then give it to them. Men want to be admired and respected. Women want
to be cherished and adored, because that makes them feel safe. Good
relationships are the result of giving all the players what they want.
13. Feelings are important. Men want to feel they are winning in a
relationship. Women want to feel safe.
14. Don't rely on a make-over to find happiness. Give up the thought "I
love you, you're perfect, now change." Accept "as is" the person you're
in the relationship with.
15. Keep your heart open. For those who think war is hell, they should
try dating. In dating, your heart may get hurt, but as long as it's
open, there is room to let someone in. Love has no place to go when a
heart is closed down.
16. Go on every new date and into every new relationship with the
attitude that this could be "the one." As long as you think about past
relationships, that's how all your relationships will be. "
"It is the 2000's and it is a whole different ball game than the 1970-s
to 1999. You must ask your date to get an HIV/AIDS/STD test and show you
the test results. It takes 4 days for a really expensive test to come
back and 30 days for a full test result. They need to show you tests
taken 30 days since the last person they slept with. It is not only
appropriate it is REQUIRED, ESSENTIAL and Expected that you ask somebody
on the first to third dates, if there is any sexual interest. It is each
persons responsibility to discuss this stuff immediately. If you don't
do it YOU CAN DIE FROM SEX. Look at the statistics. AIDS is killing more
and more mainstream "average" Americans monthly."
"Don't discuss emotional issues in email. They will almost always be
misinterpreted. Hence the smiley faces: ;-) :-) etc. Never have a fight
or misunderstanding via email or you are done for. Context is not
apparent in email."
"Many people confuse "Cute" for "Love". We are all conditioned by the
media to find people with perfect features to be desirable. The pressure
of being Cute all the time makes men and women who are "cute" go a
little nuts, so it is hard to find cute AND sane at the same time. Try
to see the attraction in normal people and realize that the attraction
to "cute" can sometimes last only as long as the newness of the new cute
"Guys talk about sex 70% more than most women. It is genetic
memory-burned into their brains. Many guys, though, use sex as emotional
validation but they are incapable of admitting it, the rest are just
horny. Society has programmed men to feel afraid to show sensitivity
because it might make them look weak or gay. If you talk about sex in
email or on the phone, before you meet, and you both seem to be equally
interested in it, it will probably, then, never happen because you did
that. By building it up in advance you create a psychological fantasy
which your mind will always make bigger than reality can possibly live
up to. When you meet and find out that neither of you are the "Fabio" or
"Miss America" (..fill in name of whoever floats your boat) of your
assumptive projections then your boat is sunk."
"Most people find the picture issue necessary but disconcerting. Many
people's friends tell them they are not photogenic and never look the
same from shot to shot. Most people look better in person than in a
picture unless a modeling studio shot them. You can't really tell what a
person looks like unless you have seen 5-6 different pictures in
different settings."
"Many "socially-beautiful" men & women are conditioned to only go
out with GQ/FratHouse looking people. These people have been taught that
it is all about facial balance, symmetry and small featured proportion;
the majority of the real world does not have that symmetry. Frat
House/Sorority people are singled out by a culture and guided to ...Frat
Houses and Sororities for reinforcement from common-culture types.! If
only we could stop and look deeper than the shell..but those social
imprints and media conditionings represent strong mnemonic triggers."
"Avoid the "Sherlock Holmes" technique. Many people feel that they have
to squeeze as much information out and draw conclusions about that
information in the first date. Don't make assumptions or second-guess
others. If somebody responds to one question you ask with a lengthy
answer about food, work, cars, etc; don't assume that they are obsessed
with one or the other. They may just be a long-winded or detailed
communicator or they may just feel obligated to try to give you as much
info as possible about something you showed interest in. Try to adopt a
flexible attitude in assessing a persons process based on one initial
"Cosmo advises that previous marriage should be an issue but the US
census shows us that the Likelihood of new marriages ending in divorce
is 50%. If your potential date has not been married, facts now show that
they may have been smarter and more dedicated to a permanent
relationship potential by waiting until after their 30's. Others have
just not met the right person and hold the ideal partner dream firm.
Some have asked people to marry them but the other person said no. So,
not being married after 30 does not mean, today, what it might have
meant in your parents times."
This might be funny for you, or it might not. I found this card at a
Hallmark display:
Bad Date #132: He likes you. You don't like him. He says he'll call and
Bad Date #133: You like him. He doesn't like you. He says he'll call and
Bad Date #134: You like him. He likes Jim. He dresses better than you.
Bad Date #135: He wears too much aftershave. He flirts more with the
waitress than with you. But that's a good thing.
Bad Date #136: He talks all night about his ex. Then he cries.
Bad Date #137: You like him a lot. He likes you a lot. Then he changes
his mind.
I've been on all of those, and then some. My friend pointed out that the
existence of that card means that it happens to loads of us. Somehow
that thought should make us feel better, right?"
Rule One: Sexual intercourse changes every rule. Nudity of one party or
both parties can in some cases modify the rules.
Rule Two: Every rule has an exception or two or three.
Rule Three: The ambulance-chaser rule. There is an appropriate waiting
period after someone breaks up before you can ask them out. I am unsure
as to exactly what this waiting period is, but I know it is longer than
five minutes and shorter than a month.
Rule Quatro: The rebound rule. Never, ever date people who are not over
their last significant other. This is bad. You will be forced to listen
to stories of love lost and told you can't go to Applebee's because he
used to take her there.
Signs she is still holding a flame: She refers to his current girlfriend
as the whore from KU, and she is mysteriously busy on weekends he is in
Rule Five: As Olympia Dukakis said in "Moonstruck," "Don't shit where
you eat." Try your hardest not to date anyone you work with.
Teachers should not date students. Bartenders should not date servers.
Checkers should not date baggers.
The only possible exception to this rule is if the individual you wish
to date works in a different department or section of the organization
than you. Even then, use extreme caution.
Rule Six: The I'll-call-you rule. Men seem to have a particularly hard
time with this one.
Let's say after a night of conversation, a woman gives you her number
and tells you to give her a call. It is appropriate to call the next
day; you will not seem too anxious.
This first call should be a casual call, and you should include your
name and the location of your first encounter so she can definitely
identify you.
You may at the time of this first call express your intent to call again
later in the week with plans for a date.
Rule Seven: The sisters, aunts, cousins and mothers of women you have
dated are off-limits unless you live in Arkansas or certain counties in
Her best friend is a no-no, as well as the sisters, aunts, cousins and
mothers of any of your friends.
The rule that is eight: The rule of who pays. The man.
To hell with women's liberation. If you are the man, and I am sure you
know how to tell, you will be footing the bill unless otherwise arranged
before the date. In same-sex relationships the person who asks for the
date pays.
Ninth in the list of rules: Follow your heart. Rules are meant to be
broken. We can't all be as lucky as ferrets, but if you bite someone in
just the right place you might get lucky. "
"Guys and gals of all ages... I want to say that whomever you fall for,
regardless if their dorky, popular, weird, smart, crazy, etc.. don't be
pressured by the stereotypes of high school! Open your heart and be
honest about your feelings. When one person breaks those "Rules of
dating in high school", it can give everyone else the courage to break
those silly dumb pathetic rules as well. I know it's even harder when
you're getting pressure from your friends. Especially if you're honest
and, for instance our one of the "popular guys" and then you say to your
buddies that you like that little chubby girl in your Math class, and
everyone is like,"Dude... you like HER?!" Then of course you turn bright
red and deny it. But if they're true friends, then they'll back you on
what you believe. Stereotypes are nasty evil things... and deep down...
most of us don't believe them... and most of us wish we could go against
them... but we're afraid. Therefore, I suggest we all work on it
Next time the dorky girl or guy, popular girl or guy, crazy girl or
guy, etc... comes up to you, instead of jumping to conclusions about who
they are based on what they've been "labeled" by the school, reach out
your hand to them.... who knows, you might meet that Mr. or Mrs. Right
of your dreams. And my last point.... don't try so hard to go searching
for love when you're young. While their are the percentage of people
that do meet in high school and get married, chances are, it doesn't
work. You have your life ahead of you to meet that special person for
you. Enjoy high school and meet friends of all social cliques, and don't
concentrate so much on whether or not someone is going to accept you or
not accept you. Just be yourself."
"Cowboys. Though I have nothing against cowboys per se; I just don't
want to date one. I'd even venture to bet that line dancing is a joyful
activity, good exercise even, but again, not for me.
Seatbelts. I admire a man who uses a seatbelt. It says a lot about him.
Like the fact that he enjoys his life and wants it to continue.
Transportation. I admire a man who actually has a car. Having to pick
a guy up is a little fishy. Due to the complete dearth of mass
transportation in Brainerd, it can often mean there's been some trouble
with the law.
Glasses. I'm quite particular about the issue of glasses. Small and
the right shape work well for me, but if they go anywhere near a square
and over three to four inches tall, my enthusiasm dwindles. (I'm quite
aware of how shallow I'm sounding. Really, I'm a decent sort. Large,
square glasses are fine for my uncle or my grandpa or the grocer, but in
terms of a potential mate, they're not my ideal.)
Smells matter. As it turns out, metallic licorice types of smells do
not appeal to me. Neither do excessively manly colognes. Clean, soapy
scents or woodsy, incensy campfire types of smells do appeal to me.
I'm showing the shallow side of myself here, but cowboy boots that
make a man appear to be teetering on high heels don't do it for me.
Solid loafers that don't make clicking noises on the floor work nicely.
I'm OK with certain types of sandals. And outdoorsy boot-shoes work for
me big time. Call me crazy.
Hair. This is a very precise category. Feel free to take notes if you
must. A man who spends a lot of time on his hair does not appeal to me.
My motto is hair can be gorgeous without lots of work. (Motto may be a
bit strong, but the thought has crossed my mind.) While I'm not sure
gorgeous is an adjective that can be used to describe my hair; at least
I don't end up spending inordinate amounts of time in front of the
mirror, cursing and wracked with self-doubt. I can get my cursing and
self-beratement done in about five minutes. Any man who spends more time
than it takes to watch an episode of Boy Meets World, back combing,
teasing or adding products of a fruity nature to his hair turns me off.
Not unlike the issue of glasses, the hair should not be more than three
or four inches in height.
Lack of hair. This works. Only if the hair that does exist is not used
to overcompensate for the lack of. This shows a certain self-confidence.
I also have found that long hair is not my favorite. It should, however,
be all one length. Layers or bilateral "hockey" cuts -- short on the top
and sides but long in the back -- do nothing for me. Actually, they make
me want to run to the nearest restroom labeled "does" or "bucks."
Height. This category is a freebie. I'm only 5 feet 1, so while I
might be uncomfortable with a man less than my height; statistically
that does not occur very often. Other than that, I'm pretty open.
Weight. Actually, I'm pretty flexible on this too. Mostly because I'm no
Ally McBeal. Not only am I not Ally McBeal, but sometimes I have
seething anger about how Ally McBeal (i.e. the media's representation of
the ideal bulimic woman) can make me feel like the body I live in is
OK, so I guess Ally McBeal can't actually make me feel that way, but
there's definitely a link of some sort. So, in hopes that I will not be
judged as harshly as I sometimes feel, I am pretty open about size. I
like men who are active yet are not obsessed with fitness or the size of
their "pythons." It is for this convoluted, irrational rationalization
that weight is not an issue with me.
Questions. I need someone who asks them and then listens to the
answers. Go figure. This in turn makes me want to ask questions and have
real conversations. A definite necessity.
Touching. Too much touching right away is confusing and not so good. No
touching whatsoever is also confusing. No real verdict on this one.
Reading. Let's just say this is a good thing. And no, I do not
consider porn actual reading.
Age. So far, I've been dating men older than me. Some much older.
Telling someone your real age is good. Hedging and answers like "I
believe you're as young as you feel" are not good signs.
Humor. As it turns out, this one of the biggest pluses by far. By humor,
I don't really mean jokes. Stand-up comedian wannabes who consider one
person a way to try out new material do not appeal to me. But a wry
skepticism of the world at large is rather quite nice"
"1. In an imaginary world a kiss would signify the end of sexual tension
and the beginning of a relationship. In college, it means somebody's
2. In an imaginary world, "I really like spending time with you" and
"you're cool" mean I REALLY like spending time with you and you ARE
cool. In college, it means "will you fuck me?"
3. In an imaginary world, holding hands is the first sign of true love,
in college it means someone is too drunk to stand on their own.
4. In an imaginary world the guy buys dinner and a movie and kisses you
goodnight at your front door. In college, there is no such thing as a
dinner and a movie and at the end of a date, most guys want a hell of
lot more that a kiss goodnight.
5. In an imaginary world, men aren't afraid to admit their feelings. In
college, if you ask them what they want or why they kissed you they
respond, "Why do you think?" Refer to number one for definition.
6. In an imaginary world, sleepovers are sleepovers. Just that. In
college it's a fuckfest or pretty close to it.
7. In an imaginary world the guy might call you the day after. In
college, you're lucky if he acknowledges your presence when you walk by.
Or if they do call back, refer to number one again, for the reason.
8. In an imaginary world even gorgeous guys are nice. In college, cute
guys are asses, unattractive men are desperate, and nice guys finish
9. In an imaginary world, sex is sacred and special. In college, it
happens every night between drunk strangers, who don't even know each
others names.
10. In an imaginary world, men have only one girl, chickie, babe, woman.
In college, you are the only one, except for, Jodi, Jean, Alisha, Sara,
Laura, Liz, Christy, Carrie, Jen, Mary, Katie, Jeff, Gretchen, Andi…
“Why are these important if you aren't in college? Because college
behavior almost never ends after college!!!"
"From the infamous Amanda:
1. Be a "creature unlike any other."
* Be confident.
* Act "as if..."
* Carry yourself with dignity
* Do your best to correct appearance flaws, but don't dwell on them.
* Be sweet and light
* Be restrained and courteous
2. Don't talk to a man first, and don't ask him to dance first.
* Don't hang around him, hoping he'll ask you to dance
3. Don't stare at men or talk too much
* Smile at the room in general
4. Don't meet him halfway or go dutch
5. Don't call him and rarely return his calls
* If he leaves a message on your answering machine to call him - don't
* If he only calls on your answering machine, turn it off
* If a man calls you on Friday night, don't answer - use your answering
machine or caller ID
6. Always end calls first.
* Limit phone calls to about ten minutes
* Don't let him put you on hold. If he does, hang up
7. Don't accept a date for Saturday night after Wednesday
8. Fill up your time before a date
9. On dates 1, 2, and 3, dress nice, be nice, good-bye and go home.
* Don't fantasize before the date
* Treat it like a business appointment
* Be nonchalant/non-committal
* Play it safe. This man is still a stranger
* Time Limits:
o Meet for a drink: 2 hrs
o Dinner or movie: 4 hrs
10. Behave from date 4 to commitment
* Don't get too heavy about your feelings
* Keep unpleasant life issues to yourself
* Don't go into details about very personal subjects
* Act independent
11. Always end the date first
* If he gets rude or hurtful on a date, don't try to work it out. Leave
12. Stop dating him if he doesn't buy you a romantic gift on your
birthday or valentine's day.
13. Don't see him more than once or twice a week.
* If you're engaged, you may date up to 3-4 times a week
14. No casual kissing on the first date
15. No sex before marriage
* Don't rush into intimate contact while dating
16. Don't tell him what to do
17. Let him take the lead in the relationship
* Don't say, "I love you," until he says, "I love you," first
18. Don't expect a man to change, or try to change him
* You can't treat a man like you treat your girlfriends
* Don't try to get them to talk about their feelings
* Immediately dump any guy who doesn't treat you well
19. Don't open up too fast
20. Be honest, but mysterious
* Don't let a man know about the Rules
21. Accentuate the positive in you
* Wear clothes that accentuate your best features.
* Be cheerful and optimistic
* Get a life
* Try to find fun alternatives to the "bar scene"
* Take advantage of personal ads, dating pages, and internet services,
but always be positive in posted ads.
22. Don't live with a man (or leave things in his apartment)
23. Don't even think about dating a married man.
24. Slowly involve him in your family
* Don't introduce him to your family until he introduces you to his
25. Practice, practice, practice! Get good at the Rules
* Go to as many social events and interesting public activities as
* If you don't have a date on Friday night, go to some public place or
* Don't be afraid to go solo
* When you meet a really attractive man, stay focused on the Rules
26. Even if you're engaged or married, you still need the Rules
* Engagement is not equivalent to commitment
* For a man, putting the ring on the finger and saying "I do" is
27. Do the Rules, even when you're friends and family think it's nuts
28. Be Smart, and use the Rules while dating in High School
* If you have acne, do whatever it takes to get rid of it.
* If you have extra money, spend it on quality makeup and nice clothes.
* If you have a crush on a boy, dress feminine and let him make the
first move. Don't be loud or try to get his attention.
* Get in the habit of attending social events, but don't act bored or
* Don't have sex with boys.
* Don't smoke, drink alcohol, or take drugs.
* Stay active in sports.
* If a boy doesn't ask you to the Prom, don't ask him. Go with someone
who asks you or go with a group.
29. Take care of yourself, and use the Rules for dating in College
* Don't hang around, fruitlessly hoping some guy will notice you.
* Play it safe. Just because they're college guys doesn't mean they'll
* Concentrate on your studies
* Eat healthy
* Wear makeup and be fashionable and feminine
* Be involved in interesting extracurricular activities
* If you don't have a date on Friday and Saturday night, get out and
* Get serious about your career goals. Nobody wants a loser
30. Next! and other Rules for dealing with rejection
* Don't personalize or blow a breakup out of proportion.
* Don't console yourself by eating.
* Get dressed up, put on your makeup, and go to the very next social
event in town
* Don't lose your cool about him. Get over it
* Say "His loss" and "Next!"
31. Don't ever discuss the Rules with your therapist
* They don't live in the real world, so they just wouldn't understand
32. Don't ever break the Rules
* If you do break the Rules with a man, be prepared to write him off as
a lost cause
* Don't dwell on the ones you may have lost by following the Rules, they
aren't worth it.
33. Do the Rules and you'll live happily ever after
* Even if you don't get married right away, you'll be happier and more
relaxed in your single life.
34. Love only those who love you.
* You can afford to be picky
* You deserve to be treated with respect and dignity
* Immediately dump any guy who doesn't treat you well.
35. Be easy to live with
* Don't whine.
* See a professional to help you with your neuroses "
Have you ever noticed that 95% of us seem to be chasing after the same
5%. I call them the "lucky 5%". They have no trouble meeting someone for
a romantic relationship. They are blessed with physical beauty or money
or status or all three. Relationships come to them rather than the other
way around. Looking at things logically, if 95% of us are chasing after
the same 5%, each of them has to date 19 of us simultaneously in order
to keep all of us happy. And that's not going to happen.
How realistic are your expectations? Take a good, long, honest look at
"I've got a great personality and a heart of gold", you say. That's
great, except that you live in a world in which people judge you
initially by superficial things like the beauty of your face, the
slimness of your body, the clothes you wear, the car you drive, and the
job you hold.
So if people find your exterior to be unattractive, you've got a tough
road ahead of you. For example, if you're a 3 on a scale of 10 in terms
of initial attractiveness to the opposite sex, don't expect to attract a
9 or 10. If you're a woman, forget about Tom Selleck or a millionaire.
If you're a man, forget about meeting a Playboy bunny. Settle for
someone nice who finds you attractive. "
"Does that mean I have to lower my standards?" Sadly the answer is yes.
I know it's hard to give up fantasies of Prince Charming or the beauty
queen. Just remember that it's even harder to go through life without
romantic love.
Newsweek Magazine's cover story for June 2, 1986 demoralized single women
throughout the nation. The article claimed that if you are 30 years old,
college-educated, and never been married, that you only have a 20% chance
of ever finding a husband. If you reach age 35 without a spouse, your
chances drop to 5%. And if you have the misfortune of being single at 40,
according to Newsweek you have a greater chance of "being killed by
terrorists" than finding a husband.
The Newsweek article was based on a study by two professors at Harvard and
Yale Universities. Fortunately the figures have been discredited by the
U.S. Census Bureau. For one thing, the Harvard-Yale Study was based on a
relatively small sample. More importantly, it was based on a critical
assumption: that single women in the United States would continue to
follow three patterns in selecting a mate as they have in the past:
1. Marrying a man who is older than she. The average woman in America chooses a man two to four years older than she. Since men live seven years less than the average woman, this means that the older a woman becomes the fewer men are still left that are older than she. At birth there are more boy babies than girls (a 1% surplus of boys). This continues until age 35 where there is an equal ratio of single men to single women.
From that point on the men start dying off so that at age 60 there are three and one half single women for every single man in the United States. This statistic becomes even more grim when you consider that many of these scarce 60 year single men are dating women in their forties and fifties! Obviously if single women continue to prefer older men their chances of finding a husband will diminish.
2. Marrying a man who is taller than she. Women who are tall (over 5'6") and like to wear high heels have a problem in meeting suitable men. I have spoken to many women who insist that a man be over 6 feet tall. That eliminates 90% of the single men in this country!
3. Marrying a man who earns more money than she. Even though women in
this country still only earn 62 cents on the dollar in comparison to men,
this doesn't apply to successful professional women, who have literally
priced themselves out of the market! They have a very tough time finding a
man who is older, taller, and wealthier than they.
The main flaw in the Harvard-Yale Study is that there's no reason why you
can't adjust to these realities. Why not choose a man who is younger,
shorter, or less prosperous? For years women have been complaining about
how superficial men are. They chastise men for overlooking inner beauty,
intimacy, and communication. Perhaps single women need to look at their
own superficial prejudices regarding age, height, and money.
Single men have their own set of unrealistic expectations. They tend to
prefer young, slim, pretty women. These women are at a tremendous premium.
They have men standing in line for them. Unless you're rich and handsome,
what are the chances that you'll attract one of these beauties?
The reality is that few women in this country have the slim figure of a
model. Women begin with one third more fat than men. That is nature's way
of preparing them for pregnancy. Otherwise our species might not be around
today. The old adage that "beauty is only skin deep" may sound corny, but
it's true. So don't worry if she is a few pounds overweight. Find yourself
a loving woman with whom you can share a happy life.
"Oh no, don't tell me I have to go on blind dates. You only get to meet
The number one method for meeting people in this country is through
mutual friends. Spread the word to your friends that you'd like to meet
more people. Be sure to share with them exactly the qualities you are
looking for. Ask them to include you on their guest list for dinners and
parties. Have them introduce you to their friends, relatives, and
co-workers as well.
Don't be afraid of blind dates.
They are still a very common way of meeting people. Just don't expect too
much. The likelihood is that on any particular blind date either you or
the other person won't find the other to be attractive. So be patient.
"Hey, wait a second. I'm not going to choose a job on the basis of whether
it's a good place to meet people. I've got to put food on my table."
Most people choose a job on the basis of such things as money, status, enjoyment, and proximity to their homes. There's nothing wrong with that, but think about adding one more criterion: likelihood of meeting new friends. 10% of all romantic relationships begin between people who meet each other on the job, according to a study of 3000 singles. (Simenauer, J. and Carroll, D., Singles: The New Americans, N.Y., Simon & Schuster: 1982).
urthermore, according to a survey of 1,800 professional women between the
ages of 21-45, "a romance between coworkers is four times more likely to
last than one between a couple who met elsewhere.... About 20% of
on-the-job romances lead to marriage." (Marin Independent-Journal, March,
25, 1986.)
What about the risks involved? Will you have to find another job if your
office romance doesn't work out? According to the survey of professional
women cited above, "only 5.3% of the women said they felt their
relationship had hurt their career. Only 1 in 400 reported losing her
If possible choose a job where you are dealing with the public on a daily
basis. Unfortunately these are often low-paying jobs (e.g., waiters and
waitresses, bank tellers and cashiers.) The pay-off is that you meet lots
of new people. Another option is to choose an office where there are
plenty of attractive single people of the opposite sex.
What if you don't work and don't need the money? Consider a volunteer job.
There are all kinds of interesting opportunities to help others and make
your community a better place to live. Call up your local volunteer bureau
to find out how. Along with "contributing to society" you'll also increase
your visibility in the community and meet new friends. See the chapter on
Volunteer Work.
Staying home is natural. It's comfortable. It's safe. It's inexpensive.
There's only one problem. You'll never meet anybody by staying at home.
Most singles spend almost all of their free time at home. Then they wonder
why they never meet anybody!
How often should you get out of the house to meet people? That depends on
how soon you want to meet someone special. If you're willing to wait 20
years, then don't sweat about it. Once a month is fine. On the other hand,
if you want to meet someone soon, remember that every night you go out
looking hastens the day when you succeed.
When we're kids our parents warn us to stay away from strangers. That's
good advice at the time. Strangers are dangerous. What's also true,
however, is that the love of your life is probably a stranger to you right
now. So if you want to meet that person you're going to have to forget
what your parents taught you about strangers.
A good example of the problem is the following conversation:
Julie: "Are you going to the party Saturday night?
Sally: "No, I don't think so."
Julie: "Why not?"
Sally: "I won't know anyone there."
Sally's attitude is typical. She's afraid to go to a party full of strangers. But that's exactly the party she should go to. She'll have the greatest chance of meeting someone special if she knows few of the guests. In fact, the ideal party would be one where you knew absolutely no one, not even the host. In other words, a party you crashed.
The hardest part of Rule #5 is the word "alone". If you're like most single people, when you go to social functions you usually drag along your friends. I call them bodyguards. Their purpose is to insure that you won't meet anyone new. As long as you have your friends to engage in conversation, you won't have the motivation to meet new people.
Hanging around your friends is a particularly serious problem if you are
a single woman, because your bodyguards make you unapproachable. Most men
are scared to approach you if you're alone, due to fear of rejection.
Think of how much more intimidating it is for a single man to approach you
if you are part of a group! A man will wait patiently for the magic moment
that never comes--the time when the women stop talking so he can introduce
"Don't insult my intelligence. Of course I know that I've got to hang
around people of the opposite sex in order to find a romantic partner."
It sounds a little ridiculous to make something so obvious into a rule. Unfortunately what is obvious isn't always followed. Most people feel most comfortable hanging around their own sex. Don't believe what you read about women's liberation or men's liberation. The fact of the matter is that men and women are very different. Men usually prefer to do "masculine" things and women like to do "feminine" things. As a result, more times than not the sexes don't mingle.
If you want to meet a man, ask yourself this question: "What do women hate to do that men love to do?" If you're a man ask yourself, "What do men hate to do that women love to do?" Whatever it is, do it. You'll find that there will be very little competition. You'll have all those attractive men or women to yourself. For example, if you're a woman, the best place to meet men is at a basketball gym.
"Are you crazy? I'm only 5 foot 2 and
I have long nails. How am I going to play basketball?"
Who said anything about playing basketball? What's to prevent you from going down to the gym to watch?
"But what if a guy comes up to me and asks what I'm doing there?
You have two options: you can tell the truth or you can lie. If you have the courage, by all means tell the truth: "I'm here to meet men." If you haven't the guts to be honest, then lie: "I thought the NBA game was on tonight and was dying to see some good basketball." All's fair in love and war. If you have to tell a lie that hurts no one in order to find someone for a loving relationship, isn't it worth it?
So rush down to the gym. If nothing else you'll get to see a bunch of good looking hunks all night running around in their underwear!
In general just about any sport is a good place to meet single men. Some sports, of course, have a greater surplus of men than others. The rule of thumb is "the bloodier, more violent, more dangerous, more demanding the sport, the greater the surplus of men". Boxing, martial arts, wrestling, and hockey have a greater surplus of men than tennis or bowling, which are quite popular among women. See the chapter on Sports for specific places to watch or participate in individual sports.
"Enough of this advice for women. What about us guys? Where are all the women hanging out?"
Try an aerobics class. The ratio is usually 10 women for every man! Or
try folk dancing. Here the ratio is usually three to one. In fact you'll
usually find more women than men in any kind of event that features
dancing (other than singles bars). Women are also more likely to attend
classes, seminars, pot luck dinners, and singles clubs in general.
"Oh, oh. I knew there was a catch. I'm willing to lower my expectations,
get out of the house, and hang around strangers of the opposite sex. But
don't ask me to put my ego on the line and initiate contact. I might get
When you get right down to it, it's the fear of rejection that causes millions of singles to remain single. We're all just plain chicken.
"All right, I'll admit it. I'm chicken. So what's the solution? How do I overcome the fear of rejection?"
There's only one way: go out and get rejected. Each time you get rejected you build up scar tissue. You'll find it a little easier to approach someone the next time. Pretty soon you'll be desensitized to the pain of rejection to the point where your fear is manageable.
But don't expect to ever get rid of the pain of rejection. That will always remain. I've been rejected many, many times, but it still hurts. It's just that the pain has subsided to the point where I don't have a nervous breakdown each time I get turned down. So go out there and make contact!
"Hold it a second. Men don't like women who initiate contact."
This is pure b.s. I've asked hundreds of men in my classes this question and over 90% of them answer that they love women to take the initiative. If you're a woman, put yourself in the shoes of single men. All your life the pressure has been on you to initiate contact. You've been rejected countless times. Wouldn't you love to reverse the tables?
Where does this myth come from that men don't like forward women? I think it has to do with the Law of Rejection: Unless you're one of the lucky 5%, most single people will not find you attractive. In other words, most men are going to reject you. It has nothing to do with them not liking women who take the initiative. They just don't like you.
"O.k., you've talked me into it. But how should I initiate contact?"
The first thing is to make eye contact with someone you find attractive and smile. If they return the smile, you're in! If they turn away or fail to smile, things get riskier. If you approach them you know there's a high probability they're going to reject you. On the other hand, they may just be shy. There's only one way to find out. Take the plunge.
Most singles procrastinate for an hour before making their move. They
keep waiting for an opening where they can come over comfortably and
initiate contact. Before that happens usually one of two things occurs:
the person leaves before you meet them or someone else beats you to the
punch. In either case you lose out because you waited for the perfect
The secret to initiating contact is to do it right away before you have
time to talk yourself out of it.
"But what do I say? Give me a sure-fire opening line."
Sorry, there's isn't one guaranteed to work with everyone. You've just got to come up with the best line you can and hope for the best. If you try a funny line you may impress someone with your sense of humor or you may just end up with egg on your face.
If you try the straightforward approach, "Hi, I'm Charlie", they may dismiss you as a nerd. So you can't win all the time. But that's not the point. Nobody's keeping score! You only have to win once. Then you're set for the rest of your life. So don't worry about the flops. "Damn the torpedoes; full speed ahead!"
"Wait a second, did I read that right? Have superficial conversations?
That's the whole problem with meeting people, you wind up talking about
Reagan, the weather, or the latest sports scores. BORING!"
Do you expect people to spill their guts the first five minutes they meet you? If so, you're very unrealistic. People usually want to feel you out before they open up. They want to make sure it's safe.
Every intimate conversation with a stranger begins on a superficial level. You have to kiss a lot of frogs to find one prince. A dozen phony, boring conversations may be the price you pay for one sincere conversation with someone special.
Does this situation sound familiar? You meet someone special.
You get involved in a superficial conversation. Before you know it, both of you start opening up with private things and feelings. You start laughing. You almost feel like you've known each other all your lives. Could this be the big one? After all the searching, is this it?
But then the moment of truth arrives. If you meet at the beach, eventually the sun's gonna set. If it's at a bar, at 2 a.m. it's closing time. Sooner or later, wherever you met, the party's over. Before you leave, one of you has to end the conversation. So the two of you stand up and stare at each other, nervous and hesitant. Finally you break the silence. "I had a real nice time talking to you. Hope to see you again." Your new friend replies, "Yeah, catch you next time.
Disaster can strike so quickly at the moment of truth. Let's look at things logically. If you've seen this person once in forty years, what's the likelihood that you'll ever see each other again? Both of you have blown it. It's back to the drawing board.
This kind of tragedy happens all the time. Two people meet, obviously are attracted to each other, but then fail to follow through. And so all is for nought.
"But wait. I'd never be so dumb as to say 'catch you next time'. I'd exchange phone numbers."
That's a little better, but not much. Think of all the times you've exchanged phone numbers in the past. How many times did you actually get to see the other person again. Probably less than 50%.
People always are puzzled about this. The women all ask, "How come I meet this guy, we have a great conversation, he asks for my number, I give it to him, and then he never calls? What's wrong with men?"
Many women are quite bitter about this. They feel betrayed. Often they
rush home from work the next three nights expecting him to call. The
silence is deafening. What's going on here? There are many reasons why a
man doesn't call after asking for your phone number:
1. He lost it.
2. He forgot who you were. This is common in situations where a great deal
of drinking has gone on.
3. He remembered who you were, but forgot what a great time he had with
4. He fantasized that you might reject him and therefore chickened out.
5. He called a few times, nobody answered, so he gave up.
"But wait a second, I have an answering machine. Why didn't the jerk leave a message?"
Many people hate or fear answering machines. Just count the number of times people call and fail to leave a message. In a stressful situation like calling someone for a date, is it that surprising that he might hang up?
Of course the guys have their version of the story. "How come I run into women all the time who give me their number and then come up with a song and dance about how busy they are each time I call to ask them out?"
There are many reasons why a woman might not respond positively to your telephone call:
1. She forgot who you were.
2. She lost interest once she sobered up.
3. She is genuinely very busy.
4. She's afraid of dating.
5. She never intended to go out with you in the first place.
The last reason is the hardest for men to deal with. "If she didn't want to go out with me then why did she give me her damn number?" The best way to answer that question is to pretend you're an attractive woman. All your life men have come on to you and asked you out or for your telephone number. It's hard to say to someone, "I find you unattractive" or "I don't want to go out with you" or "No, you can't have my telephone number". So what do you do? You give up your telephone number, hoping he'll never call. If he does call, you lie. You say that you're busy Saturday night or you have a boyfriend.
It would be great if we lived in a world where people were honest and didn't play these games. Unfortunately, such is not the case. The price you pay for flirting with women and asking them out on dates is that a certain percentage will lie and pretend to want to go out with you. If you were a woman you'd probably do the same thing.
One piece of advice that is critical for both men and women is to always confirm a date ahead of time. Occasionally you will find that the phone number that was given to you is a phony or that the person has no intention of meeting with you. You can avoid the pain, frustration, and anger of being stood up by taking this simple precaution.
The great American fantasy is to fall in love and live happily ever after.
Unfortunately your heart is a poor judge of character. Many single people
fall in love with the wrong person and live miserably ever after.
Following your feelings can be a recipe for disaster unless they are based
on sound information about this person. How do you get the facts about a
potential spouse? The answer is you ask.
Unfortunately most singles are afraid to getting personal for fear of
scaring off a potential loving partner. So they "play it cool" at the
beginning of a relationship. They especially avoid "heavy" subjects like
That's fine as long as your feelings towards each other are casual. But
what happens when you fall in love? All of a sudden you panic and realize
that you know very little about this special person. So now you start with
the personal questions. Then disaster strikes. You discover a fatal flaw.
For example, you want to have children and they don't.
You want marriage and they don't. They want to move to Denver and you
love the Bay Area.
Now you're on the horns of a terrible dilemma. You can drop the person and
go through the agony of a broken relationship. Or you can do what most
people do: marry them and hope to change them. Fat chance! You'll probably
end up being married to someone inappropriate and resent them for not
changing. The way to avoid disastrous relationships is to get personal
early in a relationship.
"Hold it a minute. Get personal with a stranger? That's too risky.
They're going to think I'm nosy if I ask intimate questions. There's no
doubt that it's risky to get personal. Some people can't handle intimacy.
They are closed and feel uncomfortable being around someone who wants to
share secrets and intimate feelings. But don't you want to find that out
as soon as possible? Or would you rather date a guy for 6 months before
discovering that he's an emotional cripple?
Of course there's nothing wrong with playing it cool for a while. At some
point, however, you're going to have to bite the bullet. You're going to
have to do two things: pry and reveal. When you pry you ask personal
questions. When you reveal you let the other person learn personal things
about you. That's all there is to it.
If you want to play it safe, pry and reveal simultaneously. For example,
suppose you're talking to someone who mentions that they were recently
living with someone but moved out. Here's your chance to get personal and
raise your superficial conversation to an intimate level.
You could ask, "Were you dumped or did you do the dumping?" That's getting personal, but there's a good chance you're going to offend the other person with such a heavy-handed question. An alternative is to say, "I was in a relationship until three months ago, but it broke up very painfully for me. How did yours end?"
"How soon should I get personal?"
That depends on how long you're willing to wait before falling in love. If
you want to chitchat for six months before getting serious about someone,
that's o.k. Just remember that you are not allowed to fall in love unless
you have the answers to your critical questions. I call them killer
questions. If any of them are answered incorrectly the relationship is
dead. You drop the person immediately.
1. Are you single? Pretty obvious, isn't it? You'd be surprised how
many people assume that someone by themselves at a party or a dance is
single. Always ask. In addition, it makes particular sense for women to
ask a man for his home telephone number. If he hands you a business card
ask him to write his home number down as well. And be sure to call that
number to make sure he isn't married or living with a woman. Be careful
with people who answer that they are separated. "Have you moved out?"
and "Have you filed for divorce?" are indispensable killer questions. If
they are still living with their spouse or haven't yet filed for
divorce, it's best you pass and move on to greener pastures.
2. Are you involved with someone romantically? Here's where you avoid
someone who already loves someone else.
3. Why didn't your other romantic relationships last? Find out as much
as you can about their marriage(s) or past relationships. Hopefully
you'll find out their negative qualities. Then you can decide whether
you can live with that flaw or should move on to someone different. You
can also find out if they are incompatible with a certain kind of
person. For example, maybe they can't stand being with someone who is
possessive and is always checking up on them. If you are that kind of
person, you can move on to someone compatible with your flaws.
4. How do you deal with conflict and problems in relationships? If their
preference is to sweep problems under the rug or to fall into a rage,
they are not good relationship material.
5. Do you have children? How many? Do you want children? How many? How
soon do you want to have children? I have dated two women in the past
who wanted to have children. By terrible coincidence both wound up
falling in love with men who had had vasectomies. Talk about falling in
love with the wrong person! Ask questions first; fall in love later.
6. What are your long term goals? Do you want to get married? Do you
want to change careers? Do you plan to go back to school? Are you happy
in this area or would you prefer moving elsewhere?
7. What do you like to do sexually? What are your sexual fantasies? Most
singles are squeamish when it comes to asking these questions. The
result is marriages that are unfulfilling sexually for one or both
partners. Another potential result is your partner fulfilling their
fantasies with others rather than you. Sexual questions are particularly
important if you don't believe in pre-marital sex. In that case there's
only one way to find out their sexual preferences--ask.
8. Do you have any contagious diseases? Have you engaged in high risk
behavior (intravenous drugs or sex with bisexual or homosexual males)?
These are literally killer questions. Falling in love with the wrong
person can kill you.
9. How much do you drink? Which drugs do you do, and how often?
Here's a homework assignment. Develop your own list of killer questions.
The way to do it is to analyze your previous love relationships. What
character trait or behavior pattern of a romantic partner destroyed the
relationship? Formulate a question to find out whether a prospect has
this trait.
"How do I know that my prospective romantic partner is answering my
killer questions honestly?"
Unfortunately you can't always trust people. They're going to be
tempted to tell you what you want to hear rather than the truth. One way
of getting around this is to quiz their parents, relatives, and friends.
The ideal person to ask, of course, is their ex-spouse. Find out the
"dirt" about a prospective romantic partner before you fall in love.
This advice is decidedly unromantic, but it sure beats finding out
disastrous information after you fall in love. “
"I would like to see a process which goes: 1. Meet casual friends in
normal life. This doesn't work easily for people who have
non-perpetuating social contact circles, or who have restrictions on
dating people at work or don't attend social functions where there is a
substantial population of single people of a reasonable age group. Thus
match.com, which is not normal life, but will have to do in a pinch.
2. Develop a devoted friendship, where you can get comfortable with someone without wondering whether each time is the last time you'll ever see them. 3. Become lovers. Do a great romantic weekend somewhere to start this off. 4. Get married. Or some derivation of this until both of you are ready.
5. Have a family. Optional according to taste. One can stop anywhere
along the above continuum with great happiness, if you haven't skipped
steps. If you've skipped any steps, you'll hate each other and yourself
(you can demonstrate this by trying steps 5 through 1 in reverse)."
"I never met so many goldiggers and gals with superficial checklists in
my life.. yikes.. you've got to be careful."
"The bottom line is make genuine contact at all costs. If you connect
on a genuine level, you have the ball. Shake it up and have fun.
Everyone is bored and sick of the bullshit. An honest moment of
connection is refreshing"
"There's plenty to go around. If you hog the ball, the team loses. Your
friends are not your adversaries. Work together and everyone wins. Petty
competition makes everyone look bad. Worst of all, you look desperate or
bitter. everyone likes fun. Keep it fun. It's fun to share."
"People like to fill in the blanks. People also want things to be
perfect. Keep your mouth shut and they'll fill in the blanks perfectly.
Don't try to guess what they're looking for. It's not about what you
say, it's how you listen."
"Women are smart. Take this into consideration. They're good at reading
the vibe and are in tune with what's really going down. They know what's
happening. Don't manipulate, deny, and condescend. It's insulting."
“Women like attention. It's flattering as long as you're respectful and
honest. “
"Be honest with yourself and with them. If you want intimacy, then own
up to it. Don't come at them like you're interested in their nail polish
if what you really want is intimacy. It's insulting. You're a man, she's
a woman. Deal with it. The more you pretend that it's not about sexual
attraction, the harder it will be to redefine the parameters. Honesty
works like magic if you're free from guilt. The truth shall set you
consuming, especially when it's someone you really like. You know that, when nerves get the better of you, you have the tendency to say stupid things - and mess it up. Thankfully, experts have now revealed exactly what you need to say on a first date to make sure you get a second one. Studies show there's one particular quality that appears to be most important in building romantic connection.
"Lying is bad. Forget the ethical issue, it's bad business. It
demonstrates a lack of self-confidence. Even if you get away with it,
you're going down the wrong road. But if a friend gets in trouble,
sometimes a simple lie can be a perfect parachute."
"You're a man, so present yourself as one. Confidence and being
comfortable with one's self is very attractive. So if you're attracted
to a beautiful baby, be both confident and comfortable with that. Don't
apologize or qualify how you're feeling. She'll respect you for it."
"There's nothing like a good entrance. You wouldn't want to sit at a
table that wasn't set. If you're there too early, you look desperate.
Show up late like you're "just stopping by," and you come off like the
man about town."
"Everyone wants a mystery. Staring deadpan at a beautiful baby cheats
her out of the suspense and courtship she deserves. Keep it intriguing
and give her the gift of a challenge."
"The strongest will survives. Don't waste your time filling your head
with self-doubt. The competition's fierce, so always give yourself the
edge. A sense of self-respect makes all the difference in the world. You
can be the king of the Jungle or just another hyena cowering at the
water hole. It's all up to you."
"Don't hide the fact that you like sex. That doesn't mean act like the
fourteen year old on the back of the bus who's constantly pulling on
himself and making obscene noises. It just means own your sexuality and
don't apologize for it."
"Be a man with a slow hand. The ladies love foreplay, and that's
exactly why you wait a few days before you call. No reason to rush it.
Let her savor the wait. She'll thank you later."
"Our generation is the first to be presented with the challenge of the
answering machine. A good message can put you on the fast track to
paradise, a bad one can lead to public ridicule and endless playbacks to
the delight of family and friends. The stakes are high. This is no joke.
The golden rule is keep it simple. Don't try to overexplain who you are
or how you're feeling. It's a moment frozen in amber. It's a small piece
of your soul. Give her a taste--the little pink spoon, not the whole
"Sometimes it just happens. Let it. Don't let stupid rules from a book
get in the way. If you're lucky enough to have things unfold
organically, don't ruin it. You're money."
"You're always better off trusting yourself and playing your game. You
wouldn't ask Stockton to bang the boards for rebounds and you wouldn't
want Shaq trying to drain threes. Stick with what feels right. That way,
even if you fail, you've learned something. Trust your instincts and
think for yourself. "
" The first date is always in a public place, you take your car, they
take their car, both of you leave in your cars and go back to your own
homes. The second date is exactly as the first. Exactly as the second.
The fourth date can be in one car, mutually agreeable that each of you
will return to their respective homes alone. There is to be no touching
as far as long kisses, arms around each other, longer than a few seconds
hugging. At no time are the two of you to be alone together. Any vehicle
causes a chance for being alone. When you arrive home, get out of the
car and go inside. There is nothing wrong with being walked to your
door. However, talking outside is fine, you enter your home alone. It is
my suggestion that you date for the minimum of one year. If there are
children from previous marriages or relationships, they are not to meet
your date for the first year. This causes damage to the children; as
they will see people going in and out of your life that they become
attached to. Remember, being without their father or mother is already
traumatic enough.”
Sex before marriage is absolutely out. Many times I have heard people
talk about their "friends." I ask them if they are sleeping with them,
and they say yes. I tell them they are no longer friends. Remember, you
don't sleep with your friends! Any time alone together is dangerous.
Inappropriate kissing, fondling, etc. will only lead to hormone
adjustments and crossing the line is much easier to do in the heat of
the moment. Don't set yourself up to fail. If you are a single parent
with children, just because you had sex at least once in your life,
doesn't mean it is all right to have it again. Become a born again
virgin. Avoid conversations that are sexual in nature. Using the
"someday" technique may put you in the present moment faster than you
think. If you cannot stand someone's children, don't marry that person.
You will resent the children later and the relationship will fail.
Practice makes perfect. Continue practicing friendship. You will need
this later in your relationship."
"Rule #1
It is up to you to learn the rules. Ignorance of the rules will not
protect you from the consequences of breaking them.
RULE #2:
For example, if your purpose is to have fun, to learn about yourself and
others, and to develop your social skills, then you can enjoy any given
date. (Dating is a great opportunity for learning about you and others, if
you so choose). On the other hand, if your purpose is to meet your
"soul-mate" (whatever that is)-who will magically and instantly turn your
unhappy life into a happy one-then it is virtually certain you will not
enjoy any given date, nor the game itself.
RULE #3:
GET A LIFE! (if you don't have one already...)
This means: define and pursue your own interests-and consider building
non-romantic relationships with a variety of people, including couples.
Dating requires that you invite another person into your life. If you
don't have one, you are unlikely to attract someone you would want as a
mate, since we tend to attract people who are at a similar "level" as we
are. By the way, there is a "rule of life" at work here, which some people
don't like: YOU alone are responsible for your happiness; no one else can
'make' you happy. So make your life full and happy!
RULE #4:
A successful relationship is built on three cornerstones: communication,
caring, and commitment. And there is no way you can give these to another
if you withhold them from yourself. Consider using this affirmation daily:
WHO I AM!" A powerful "stand," such as this, will support you in
practicing Rule #5. Also, being more loving to others will increase your
self-love. Plus you'll be much more attractive as a person. **
RULE #5:
Your enjoyment of the dating game-or any activity-is related to your
self-talk. Most people disempower themselves, at times mercilessly, with
negative evaluations of themselves and others. Learn to observe your
"internal dialogue" with detachment, like images on a movie screen, and
not react to it. (Meditation is very helpful for cultivating this
ability). *** Especially, don't take rejection personally: "chemistry" has
nothing to do with who you are!
RULE #6:
-not a friend or love interest: that comes later... (A companion may be
defined as a person with whom you share activities, where the activity is
more important than the particular person). Pick three (3) people you'd
like to get to know better. (If you don't know three such people, go back
to Rule #3). Select an activity that you enjoy. Then pick the one person
you think you would have the most fun being with, and invite them to share
that activity with you.
RULE #7:
Don't expect your first date with anyone to be "the one."' A loving,
committed partnership requires, in addition to "chemistry," shared values
and life-style preferences, compatible goals, complementary personalities,
and similar expectations of (and capacity to nourish) a relationship. So,
plan to meet and go out with lots of people, until you find a real
"match." Meanwhile, if you relax and allow things to just unfold, you'll
be able to enjoy and get to know your date. And your date will relax,
without feeling "sized up." You can discover other kinds of valuable
relationships if you're not just focused on romance. And, men, you need to
know that "friends" can become "lovers" if you're patient, respectful and
loving: a true friend!
RULE #8:
Don't tell intimate, personal secrets on the first (or second) date!
Healthy people know how to protect themselves, and you do this by keeping
your sharing to the public level: this means it would be OK for anyone to
know this about you. Be genuinely interested in your date, and ask them
questions about their life-their interests, work, friends and family,
hobbies and preferred fun activities, etc. The more interested you are in
them, the more interested they'll be in you (if not, you have a red
flag!). Also, it's critical to balance showing interest in the other
person and making room for them to show interest in you: if you're always
pursuing, it's likely your partner will retreat!
RULE #9:
If you determine that you have enough in common, after the first date, and
you enjoy one another's company, then it's time to ask yourself this
question. At the friendship level, the person is more important than the
activity. Here, communication is very important, and you need to be able
to recognize and move between levels of sharing. See if you can begin to
share at the private level (personal thoughts and feelings you wouldn't
want publicly known), and at the intimate level (thoughts and feelings
about the other person)-and notice their response: is it accepting or
judging (or aloof)? It is useful to imagine four levels of depth in
sharing, and to go no more than one level deeper than your partner does.
Also, don't confuse private and intimate sharing: e.g., giving details
about how you were abused as a child is not a turn-on!
If you feel comfortable, safe and mutually attracted with your new friend,
then it may be appropriate to explore sexuality...(healthy relationships
are based mainly on comfort; unhealthy relationships are based mainly on
intensity). WATCH OUT HERE! You need to be rigorously honest with
yourself: if you're starving for contact, it's very easy to think you see
a friend on a first date. But the reality is that they're a stranger, and
having sex with a stranger is dangerous!
It is critical to know what sex means to your partner: don't assume
anything, ask them. You also need to respect and admire each other as
people: you simply can't build a satisfying relationship without these two
qualities. Chemistry is important, but it can distort your thinking.
Sexual feelings stimulate a myriad of chemicals in the body, which are
proven to alter perception like drugs. So exceptional care and
consciousness are called for! If you have a history of 'crash and burn'
relationships, it's a good idea to get feedback from your friends, before
you jump in"
"If you examine it closely, your situation makes a great deal of sense.
Men in their twenties have a very different set of priorities than men
in their thirties or forties and "seasoned" men are often more mature.
The nice thing is, in this case, you and your friends are the
beneficiaries. Twenty-something year old men are still searching for who
they are, what talents they possess and the type of women they desire.
They are experiencing many aspects of life for the first time.
Physically, they are approaching their sexual prime and seek physical
relationships more often. Sex, money, personal-improvement, material
possessions, sports and status are their primary interests and
motivational forces. Their 'me' mentality has not yet matured into a
"we" philosophy and jealousy often surfaces seemingly without
provocation. For older men, this is not the case. By their late
thirties, most know who they are or at least who they are not. Many are
in the second or third phases of their careers and have learned that
there is more to life than money, sex and prestige. You will find that
they avoid playing the "mind games' that younger men engage in as they
realize this is simply a waste of time. They have learned what
physically, emotionally and intellectually satisfies a woman. Seasoned
men will be more responsible, get things done and have a life beyond
their relationship with you. They will not hang on your every word, nor
pressure you for sex, but will truly appreciate the time they spend with
you. They realize that in today's busy and complicated world, time is
precious. Women assume very different roles in the lives of men
depending on the age of the man they are dating. Younger men see women
as being there for them. Older men take great personal pride in dating
younger women and strive to connect with them on their level. Women
indicated that time spent with older men was more meaningful, loving,
and enjoyable. They had the ability to hold women's attention, had more
life experiences to draw upon and focused less on themselves. "
"If a guy breaks up with his girlfriend, and goes out with another girl
within ten to twenty years, he is a "jerk" and "dumped her for someone
else. On the other hand, if the girl goes out with somebody mere seconds
after she broke up with her ex, its not being mean or shallow, its
because her ex is a shallow insensitive jerk who beat her. If a guy
dumps a girl, he did it because he is a "selfish pig" that "cares about
nobody but himself." But, on the other hand, if a girl dumps a guy, she
was "doing what's best for both of us" because its "not you, its me." No
matter how persuasive his argument or how much he explains why he broke
up with a girl, that girl, her family, and friends, will always somehow
"find out the real reason" or "just make something up so the girl
doesn't look bad." If guys act senselessly or stupid, its because
they're "jerks" or "assholes" or "selfish pigs that don't care about
other people's feelings." If a girl acts senselessly or stupid, its
either because: A) Its the guy's fault; B) Its that time of the month
(even though they've been acting like it for 3 weeks) and/or they're
having "personal problems"; C) They weren't acting senselessly or
stupid, you just think that, but you're wrong.
Girls are all heart and don't care about material, one-dimensional
things like those "damned male pigs" do. That's why they have hundreds
of pairs of shoes and will only love you if you buy them unbelievably
expensive jewelry that has no real purpose or function other than to
drain you of what small funds you have."
"Well, okay. It's not exactly the rules. After all, we're talking about
something being written by a fellow whose romantic career has been...
less than exemplary, shall we say? But, it's bits and bobs I've come up
with, especially in talking things over with friends recently due to
once again getting interested in someone and having it not immediately
turn into utter bliss.
1: Get a Life
Ah, how many times have we heard this shouted at some poor anorak
(harmless obsessive) who just can't seem to let go of their pet addiction?
Most of us feel contempt-tinged pity for the poor fools who seem oblivious
to anything but collecting stamps, or trainspotting, or studying
fourteenth-century medieval warfare - and yet sign right on up to the Sad
Bastard of the Month Club when it comes to love, complete with the free
boxed set of 'Bad Poetry No One Should Write' and '101 Ways to Say "I'm a
Sap"'. When you have Romeo and Juliet as a cultural icon of romance, the
phrase 'Get a Life' seems rather trite. Still, this is perhaps the most
important advice anyone can take. No matter how interested in someone you
are, you can't just dive on in, making them the end-all be-all of each and
every day. After all, you need something to talk about, right? Doesn't
happen if you spend all your time together. You have to have things that
happen in your life that you can discuss and relate to each other. It also
lets off steam. What use is it to love someone else's company if you don't
know what missing that company is like? And no two people, no matter how
compatible or alike they are, like all of the exact same things in the
exact same proportions. Or do you _really_ think that she enjoys playing
Tekken for several hours each night?
Also, in a sad, manipulative way, it shows that you aren't desperate. The
fact you have outside interests, outside things to do, shows that you can
get on perfectly well without the other person - you just prefer not to.
It's that old, well-used argument of want versus need. It's much, much
better - and I know this from experience - to be wanted, rather than
needed. Wanted is a choice, one that doesn't come loaded with requirements
and expectations of action. Being needed has a great deal to it in terms
of things you have to do for the other person, because they can't provide
it themselves or can't do without it.
This also allows for the Consolation Prize category. Should things not end
up happening or working out, the fact that you kept up your previous life
- and hopefully didn't talk everyone's ears off about your relationship -
means that you actually have pe ople you can do things with in the future.
Most people don't like being abandoned every time you decide to chase a
woman (in my case) or a man - it shows a lack of balance. And, after all,
we all know that one of the best ways to meet new people is through your
2: Take it Easy
This is my personal bugaboo. I am not a patient man when it comes to
romantic relationships. If the way I tend to handle relationships was
compared to highway driving, I'm the fellow that your local law
enforcement would always be pulling over for thinking that the accelerator
in the car is an on-off switch - either not in use or fully pressed to the
floor. Lead foot. Speed demon. Michael Schumacher doesn't hold a candle.
But, no matter how much you think you can break into the Formula 1 race
of dating, pushing things at maximum speed isn't the way to go. Most
meaningful relationships aren't going to start with racing ahead to the
formal aspects of a relationship without getting to know one another. I
shudder to consider people who go home with each other from the club
without knowing anything about the other person's personality, likes,
dislikes, personal phobias, or even what they prefer for breakfast. If
nothing else, relationships should require the same cooling-off period as
purchasing a gun in most states in the United States. Sure, it seems a
good idea when you're hot and bothered... but do you really know what
you're getting into?
I tend to dwell on things in my mind, build them up into gigantic
proportion, and then melt down into a little ball in no time. It's
probably because I'm a relatively repressed individual, not used to any
large swings of emotion one way or another (any disputes with this
statement can be given to me. Directly. And I'll bludgeon you until you
agree with me). This is Not Good, with capitals. Why, you ask?
Because it labels you as an obsessive. Obsessives are bad. Obsessives
cannot react rationally to emotional matters. Obsessives can hurt people,
either emotionally or physically. They can become like one fellow, who's
been contacting my cousin on a semi-regular basis for several years after
she refused to have anything to do with him. Yes, I know, you look at the
movies, and think it looks cute. Think again - most places now have laws
against that sort of activity, and if you're remotely decent, becoming one
of these poor souls is one of the most truly mortifying experiences you
can have. Talk about shattering the self-image.
Think of it like cooking. If I'm baking up a batch of my 'dive bombs'
(double chocolate chunk cookies, yum!), the only result of cooking them at
gas mark 9 will be small charred bits of chocolate dough only good for a
Palestinian to throw at Israeli soldiers. However, if I cook them at gas
mark 5 for the right amount of time, I have confections suitable for use
in bribing large numbers of friends and relatives. Now, I don't know about
you - but until I join the intifada, I'll stick with the lower
If you don't overpressurize and overcook the situation, your
relationship, potential or in place, will have time to grow and flower.
Nothing happens in a vacuum, and nothing happens in an instant. Let it
grow, let it develop. Get to know the person, and let them get to know
you. After all, they have just as much of a right to see what they're
getting as you do to see what you are trying to catch. That process also
allows you two to see that you are both interested in each other for each
other, and aren't some sort of raving maniac.
How to deal with this one? Don't expect immediate results. Indulge
liberally in Rule Number 1 - Get A Life. Not too much - you do want to
show you're still interested. But do other things. Don't hover over her,
being there all the time, no matter what the time. Do other things. Put
other parts of your life forward as being important, and do them - even if
that can put you out of doing some of the things you could otherwise be
doing with her. Allow some time to lapse between seeing each other - a day
or a few can really bring home how much you wish you were seeing each
other. As opposed to you both wishing you were not seeing each other, and
won't they please just go away!
3. Be Sincere
We all know Cary Grant. Suave on screen, the man exuded charm. Hair always
perfectly in place, clothes always perfectly tailored unless he's been
diving through some cornfield in the middle of Illinois. He knew the right
drink to have - and to order for the lady, too. Never a fashion faux pas,
always the master at being the best example of sophistication you could
imagine. This man could charm the ladies left, right, and centre, with the
right compliment, the right gallantry, the right whispered phrase.
Now, look in the mirror. Does that look like Cary Grant? I hate to be the
one to break it to you, bub...
In the real world, that doesn't work. Well, yes. It can. But it shouldn't.
More importantly, if you're reading this, it isn't likely to work _for
you_. You are more likely to come off sounding like some Turkish rug
dealer from a B movie from the forties, slimy, lewd, and frankly somewhere
farther down on the evolutionary scale than your everyday common garden
slug. How's that for a comparison?
There is a certain art to seduction involving complimenting a woman in
such a way that most women these days recognise all too well and want no
part of. It's often erroneously attributed to Mediterranean men, though
I've seen Germans, English, and Americans try it too. It takes a certain
knack, a certain arrogance, and in my opinion, a certain contempt for
women to try it. I don't think I'd _want_ the type of woman who would go
for it.
Now, I'm offbeat, often disconnected mentally, and awkward at the best of
times. While that sounds bad, it's also my charm, so we go with what we
have. And that, my friends, is the exact point I'm making. Women are just
as quirky, if not more so, then men. But what they prize is getting to
know your quirks. Honestly is immensely flattering. Telling someone they
look beautiful because you happen to think they do, rather than as some
pickup line, does amazing things for your standing in their eyes. Being
who you are, and trusting them enough _to be who you are_ is just as
This doesn't mean you have to sit around grouching about the last sporting
match you happen to see and scratching itchy parts of your anatomy. That's
not honest either. What is needed is to show how you honestly feel. If you
are interested in them, what they have to say is important - so show
you're listening. Respond to what they have to say - if they've any
respect for you, they'll listen when you in return have something to
expand on, or take a position opposite to whatever they're saying. Even if
you agree, nodding to show that, or saying something to that effect shows
that you heard what they have to say, and that it actually got processed
by that grey goo called a brain that resides between your ears.
Want to know something? Ask a question. Just make sure you listen to the
answer. Don't like something they're doing? Tell them - politely. Feel a
certain way? Tell them, but in a respectful fashion. You will be amazed
what credit it does for you to be able to sit down, without some massive
emotional hyperbole but with intense, deep sincerity and meaning, and tell
someone that you are interested in them as more than a friend and wish to
know how they feel about you. Don't declare your undying love, don't wail
about how you can't live without them - because, let's face it... you can.
Or else you're in that obsessive category we discussed above, and
therefore don't deserve them. What you are doing is letting them know
precisely where you stand - no hyperbole, no exaggeration, no untruths.
Provided you've picked a good one, they'll give you the same back in
4. Know when to back off.
Ever Star Wars? I'm sure you know the scene - the Rebels are attacking the
Death Star, and Gold Group is making its trench run in their spiffy little
Y-wings to hit that exhaust port, while Luke and the rest of the X-wings
are chopping their way through the TIE fighters above. Remember the radio
traffic for that scene? Let me paraphrase:
Gold Leader: I can't get a shot
Wingman: Stay on target...
Gold Leader: I can't manoeuvre!
Wingman: Stay on target...
Gold Leader: You're too close!
Wingman: Stay on target...
Gold Leader: Loosen up!
Wingman: Stay on target...
Meanwhile, dear old Gold Leader is doing his best to imitate the nine
o'clock fireworks show at any Disney amusement theme park you can name.
Pull this stunt, and your intended love interest will likely blow up - but
you'll be the one to get incinerated.
This is probably the hardest part for most people. No one likes being
helpless, or waiting for someone else to make a decision. We all want to
just say that one thing more that will cause the clouds to part, the sun
to shine, and everything to be all right. Surely, there's just that one
phrase we're just about to find that will convince them that we are The
One, that everything will be All Right, and that they can indeed find
happiness and contentment in your arms...
Hate to tell you, but the road to hell - or the exhaust port on the Death
Star, depending on how much your life is wrapped up in LucasFilms - is
paved with exactly those sorts of good intentions. You can be doing
wonderfully to convince someone of the rightness of your cause, but
belabour the issue so much you end up annoying them to the point where you
put yourself right out of contention. More is not better. More is just...
I'm not saying you should back off from everything. Anything but. If you
have an objection to something, make it - otherwise you're just a sap. If
you have a point to make - make it. But do not, under any circumstances,
just keep nattering on. That shows a disrespect for your intended, as she
will see it as you not believing you heard her, and that you think she can
be convinced simply by sounding like a broken record player.
Take for instance one of those hypothetical situations when you've
broached the possibility of a relationship with her. She's interested, but
lists off a few reasons as to why now is not a good time - and why it may
never happen. Contrary to some people's beliefs, you are allowed to
register objections to these reasons. However, you have to do so in a
specific way. You can answer these points cogently - make your response to
the point. Make it reasoned, without whining, yelling, or other such cheap
emotional ploys, and actually address the points they bring up. Make your
point while fully accepting their reason as valid - do not blow it off as
specious. After all, they are convincing _to her_. Telling her in not so
many words that she can't reason her way out of a paper bag is not a good
start to a relationship! Finally, make your points only once. There is
likely never going to be a conversation where she is listening more
intently to you than in those moments - so make them count.
Bringing it up again at another time does you no good. You are not, as
much as it would seem you are, trying to convince her at the time to date
you. It's unlikely to happen. The idea of dating someone is, obviously, an
emotional one, and emotions don't tend to change just by snapping the
fingers. She will need time to mull over what you have to say, to mull
over her feelings and how things have been changing between you lately,
and mull over what changes in her life this will bring. It may take hours.
If so, count yourself lucky. It may take days. It may take weeks. Or
months. Or even years - though by that point it's likely moot. But it
_will_ take time, and you need to be patient with it. Pushing it will only
label you as obsessive, or obnoxious, or as a cretin. Or all three.
An addendum to this. Don't push your friends too much. Yes, talk to them
about the matter - but try to keep it to when you need to. Otherwise they
won't be nearly as willing to listen to you after several sessions of
playing the Boy who cried Wolf. Even if they are still willing to listen,
they won't be in a position to give you nearly as good advice, much as a
soldier who's been on watch for several hours is not nearly as effective
as one who's just taken up his post.
5. Enjoy it As it Comes (Or, Don't Write The Script)
I once had a girlfriend who would begin the most blazing arguments with me
over what seemed to be the oddest things. Say a special event in our
mutual lives had come up. I'd perhaps get her flowers, and then take her
to dinner. The night would seem fine, but she'd get more and more angry,
no matter how witty or charming I might be, no matter how good the food
was, or anything else I could do. Then, later, when it was much, much too
late, I'd find out what my sin was.
Simply put, I'd not followed the script.
In nearly all of these cases, my fault was not what I had done, or even
having forgotten to do something I'd promised to do. It was for having not
somehow read her mind and done what she had imagined the night would be
like, and I would do. I'd have gotten her roses, instead of Irises, or
picked the wrong restaurant, or not greeted her in the exact way she
liked. Every time, her Rudolph Valentino would muff his lines, and turn
out to simply be me, played in a special performance by me, and with
Warner Brothers absolutely refusing to negotiate a change of actors for
the current film.
This is a warning about expectations. Simply put, the more you have, the
more likely you are to be disappointed in a big way. Having reasonable
ones is fine - being surprised at being treated politely by another human
being is standard, and showing such surprise makes people wonder about
your home life. But making expectations about how someone will react to
your romantic advances is a great way to get yourself in trouble.
Expecting the girl to swoon at your feet the instant you even hint at
liking her is ludicrous. If they do, I'd check your wallet. Moreover,
expecting such a reaction will set you up for one large emotional fall.
Building up this amazingly rosy picture in your mind is like creating any
complex piece of art - getting it shattered hurts like hell. The point of
expressing your interest in a relationship is to demonstrate your
willingness to invest in them as a person. If you've invested in some
fanciful creation of your mind, you are missing the point.
Thinking too optimistically in that way is bad - it can even make you
arrogant. But don't write the script as a failure, either. That creation
can affect how you go into the conversation - so if you think she's just
going to turn you down, she likely will if you let yourself act like it's
a foregone conclusion. Part of showing that interest and having that
conversation is that you are confident enough in yourself as a partner
that it is actually a decision that she needs to make, as opposed to being
an obligation on her time by asking her a question that you yourself have
already decided is a 'no'.
In short, don't freight the possibilities with too much emotion. Consider
it a mystery in life that you wish, out of sincere curiosity, to have
answered. I am interested, therefore I want to know if you are interested.
Don't turn it into an arrogant request for a rubber-stamping of your
decision that you two are in a relationship, and don't turn it into her
having to console you for being inadequate as a human being. Make it
straightforward, make it respectful, make it from one equal to another.
After all, we are talking about romantic relationships, which should be
about two equals dealing with one another. If you had something else in
mind, you're reading the wrong piece of work.
The key to this whole wonderful world is enjoying what comes of it. If you
are trying for a true relationship with this person, you should be
enjoying her company as a friend as much as you would enjoy her company as
a partner. So enjoy it! Take the time of getting to know her as a person
and as a friend and make the most of it, enjoying it all the while. If you
can't enjoy her company in a situation where you're not in the midst of
full-blown loving, you have serious problems that have to be worked out,
fast. If you can't let go of control enough to account for anything that
comes up... then you shouldn't be asking to share your life and control
thereof with someone else - anyone else.
6. Allow for the Sequel
... and don't do it in order to make another 100 million dollars at the
box office. I don't care how much you enjoyed the wire work in _The
Matrix_, the horror films of the eighties and the umpteen 'Rocky' movies
should have convinced everyone that sequels merely for form's sake or for
another buck are just wrong. Mel Brooks was spot-on with his line in
_Spaceballs_: "And hopefully we'll meet again in _Spaceballs 2: The Search
For More Money_."
No matter how dire the film industry is in rehashing good movies into dog
food and tossing them back into the cinema-viewer's trough, there is a
glimmering of a good idea in this. Simply put, when you ask your interest
if she is interested in a relationship, you need to make sure that there
is actually able to be the follow-on period after the question.
Let me put it another way: you do not live in an sit-com where the screen
will fade to black with a laugh track going when you find your way to
inform her that you want a relationship. You'll still be there, right in
the middle of thing, as will she. No 'cut!', no pause button - and no
rewind and no edit. However much you may be cringing inside and
desperately wishing to rewind your life just a few precious seconds.
This is the part where you consider the short-term, medium-term, and
long-term consequences. Love is great, as is the thought of it - but have
you actually thought, or are you caught up in that rosy glow that usually
involves fanciful creatures such as pink elephants running by at the edge
of your peripheral vision? Much as I enjoy Fantasia - the old version - I
wouldn't want to live in the movie. If you haven't stopped to consider
things rationally, it's time to start.
First, the short term. Are you asking her in a way that's not going to
leave one or the other of you so embarrassed or angry that a 'yes' is not
a possibility? However nice the emotion is, sending it over via a stripper
is not likely to win you any points. Nor is taking more time than the
current session of Parliament to get your speech out - Jimmy Stewart
didn't look so hot by the end of 'Mr. Smith Goes To Washington', and
there's good reason why. Each person is different, so you have to make the
pitch appropriate to the person who it is aimed at. Some people find
gallantry wonderful, while others wretch and look for the gong to bang to
get you pulled offstage. It's the same for any sort of approach.
Similarly, pay attention to where and when you do it. The situation is
just as important as the general state of your current friendship with the
person. Asking a gal on a date while the other guy is on his knee
proposing to her is usually considered bad. In all honesty, though, think
about it - if you've been fighting all day over something or other, it's
not usually a good time. In general, if it will merely add stress to the
person's life rather than being something positive, don't bring it up.
There are better times, and you are needed more as a friend than as
someone trying to change the current situation - which requires them to be
Know when to end the conversation. This has been covered earlier, but is
important to know. If she says yes, well, no worries. But if you get a
qualified statement or a no, you need to make it possible for a graceful
exit with no one being hurt. Don't just stammer something out and
high-tail it out - that's rude. Be adult about it, let conversation go
elsewhere or just drop if that's where it happens. Say goodbye when you go
- show that you have no hard feelings. This is immensely important. Just
because they can't always take you up on your offer doesn't mean they are
personally insulting you. It just means they aren't taking you up on your
offer. _Nothing more_.
Now the medium-term. This is the next few weeks or even months. Again, a
'yes' is easy to deal with - you have the relationship and go on with
life. If it's qualified, you have to figure out that balance.
Do you wish to continue showing interest? Know before you ask the
question about the relationship. If you get that qualified 'no', with
reasons given for not taking you up despite your both being interested in
each other, you need to know where you stand. If you wish to continue
showing interest, make sure that she knows you will do so, and make sure
that this is acceptable to her. Doing so puts all your cards on the table
and makes it so that there are no misunderstandings whatsoever. It is not
asking her to change her mind - it is merely a request on your part to
continue courting her in a gentlemanly, relaxed manner, giving her the
option to bring back up the possibility of romance if she wishes it.
If this is welcome, consider carefully how to do it without stressing them
by being too close, how to keep showing your interest by not dropping away
entirely, and how you can relate to each other while waiting in limbo. Do
_not_ bring up again the question of relationship. The fact you're still
flirting and talking with her and showing that interest that you were just
before asking is enough to show the question is still there. But it's in
her court. Don't bring it up for a couple of months, at least - otherwise
you're a pest.
Be very careful here. It is all too easy to read into everything after
this point and truly screw up your friendship, let alone anything deeper.
It is utter hell - trust me, I know. But it can be worth it. Eventually,
you will either lose interest, they will tell you to stop - in short, move
things to a 'no' - or they will take you up on your initial request for
more than friendship. But it's in their court.
If they do say no, you need to know how to conduct yourself around her in
the future. If you are good friends, very little should actually happen,
unless you made it so awkward in asking that she'll always feel the
awkwardness. After all, a good friend doesn't like causing their friends
pain - and if you make it difficult, she'll feel the fact she's causing
you pain, thus causing the awkwardness. Know where you stand - whether you
can continue being friends, or whether you need to escape for a bit before
taking the friendship back up again. Whatever you do, don't make it so
that there's bad feeling. That's just handling life badly.
In the long-term, everything is a different ball-game. Your intent for
this should be to make anything possible, really. If you get a 'yes', I
sincerely hope you're still operating under the mandate of that answer for
a very long time. If you get that 'no' - things can change over time. But
wait a long time, so that things can change. You would be amazed what six
months can do, or even longer. Just make sure that it is a long time -
your feelings need to change too, or at least move with time and not
simply remain frozen in that previous moment. As for the qualified 'no',
make it so that should at some point she changes her mind, she can come to
you, or so that she'll be good friends with you and cheer you on when you
find someone else. Should you still be interested in her later on, and
you've been courting away for a long while without her telling you to
quit... says something, doesn't it? You'll have figured out if you're
getting strung along by a certain point. Just be sure to be able to
acknowledge when things aren't going to change.
In Conclusion...
Dating is hell. I have never undergone anything that can make my heart
pound as wildly, my lungs seize up so dramatically, or my brain fry in a
pan as much as trying to get that girl right there - no, the one just to
the right there - to agree to go have a coffee with me. I have made nearly
every error possible for a guy to make while still staying with legally
and morally safe grounds in trying to get that question across, and I'm
still here, and still trying. I've even succeeded a time or two. The final
point: don't give up hope. I've done so numerous times, and have been
proven so, so very wrong. You may have found 'the one' - and may do so
repeatedly. I have, much to my own amusement. My experience has taught me
that there is a different 'one' for nearly every time in our lives, and
that it is a rare (but wonderful) thing for one person to be that for all
those times. Do not despair! There will be more chances, more
opportunities, more people in your life - and finding all that out and
learning from the experience of doing so is some of the best entertainment
out there, not to mention good for getting your heart rate up for long
periods of time. Give humanity a chance - you'll be surprised at the
1. Be a "creature unlike any other." However, in particular think in terms of "The Creature from the Black Lagoon" (Universal 1954), a dark monster that conquers her. Beauty and the Beast. Chicks love that shit.
2. Don't talk much to a girl (but do take her dancing.) She only wants to talk about relationships and girl stuff anyway. So take her dancing. They go nuts for this. Learn enough to get by and look cool, though you won't need it much after you have her hooked. In the meantime you can flirt with the other girls on the dance floor.
3. Pay her way on the date, but expect to get back in kind. Buy her a nice meal, so that she knows what she owes you in exchange for the meal. In addition, if you buy her a fancy schmancy $50 dinner at some ritzy place, she won't be able to turn down your request for a $300 "loan" until you can "get to the cash machine." Good investment.
4. Don't call her after sex. Make her wait a few days. Girls do this stare at the phone thing, makes them all anticipatory. Don't give them what they want. Call her in a couple of days or if you get horny again. Also, after sex, just roll over and go to sleep, even if she hasn't had an orgasm yet. You did a lot of work and you're tired, and you have important work to do tomorrow.
5. Always end phone calls first. Especially if she's read the Girl's Rules that tell her to do this, you won't have to worry about long phone calls. I mean girls can yak so long on the phone.
6. Don't give her any warning about a date. Make sure she stays free all the time in case you call. And more to the point, keep yourself free in case something comes up elsewhere, if you know what I mean. If you call and she's not available, act real hurt, make it seem like you will end the relationship if she does this a lot.
7. Tell her what she wants to hear (ie. Lie.) You like long walks on the beach. You love kids. You like to cook. You're looking to settle down in a country home with that one special girl. You love horses, paris, chick movies, sushi and Meryl Streep. You support her goals. Tell her you're rich, famous, whatever. She'll figure out the more ridiculous ones eventually but if you play this right you'll get laid first and have her captured. Don't be scared to eventually talk to her about "the relationship" -- girls go for this. Just be sure not to believe it yourself.
8. Stop dating her if she doesn't put out by the second date.
Pretend like you're not super eager to get laid but drop the hint with gentle physical contact. It is nice to date easy chicks and all and get laid on the first date, but some of the hottest ones like to wait a date. However, if she doesn't at least give you a blowjob by date #2, #3 at the latest, there are better investments out there. On date #3, remind her of the "third date rule."
9. Tell her you love her. This is the big corollary of rule #7. Don't do it right away but definitely do it if she's showing reluctance on that blowjob. Practice saying it like you mean it. As the old saying goes, "Sincerity is everything. If you can fake that you've got it made."
10. No more than casual sex on the first, or 100th date. Definitely don't get too involved, as she might ask to be monogamous or something. Make sure that you never let yourself get tied down.
11. Tell her what to do. Hey, in the end they all want to be dominated. So make all the decisions and see how she goes for it. If so, you can probably get this to continue in the bedroom. No girl is perfect, but most of them like to please a man so you can change the one(s) you have to fit your needs.
12. Be the bad boy. Girls love the "bad boy." They hope they can "reform" him, or they're a case of point #11 above. Either way, you can be as bad as you like. Treat her like she doesn't exist. Be mysterious. Dangerous. Wear cuffs and a leather motorcycle jacket, even if you drive a Hyundai. (Park the Hyundai somewhere else and walk to where you meet her, though.) Remember, nice guys don't get laid.
13. Don't let her know anything she can pin on you. Girls like to get close to their guy, and "communicate." But later, if you break up, she might try and get back at you so for crissake don't let her know anything she could use or spread to others. Invent deep intimate stuff you can tell her in bed, she'll go for it. If you can't think up your own, buy one of those books with Fabio (the guy from the "I can't believe it's not butter" commercials) on the cover and be one of those guys. (God, this guy can't tell butter from margarine and chicks swoon over him? Something strange going on here.)
14. Don't tell her you're married! For some reason they get really upset. When you take off your ring, get some tanning lotion or put your hand under a sunlamp to make sure it's not visible where you took it off. Or tell your wife you just don't want to wear a ring; invent some sort of bizarre hand disease or rice picker accident. Anyway even the ones who haven't read the Girl's Rules don't want to date married guys so don't let her (or your wife) know.
15. Be a pain to live with. Well, this isn't a thing to so much try to do as a reminder to be yourself. If you shack up, don't alter your own life just to make it easier for her. One exception, which is admittedly a royal pain, but worth it -- put the toilet seat down after you take a wizz. She sees that and she'll think she's found god's gift to girls, and she'll give you better sex than a $300 hooker. Compare -- 5 seconds of your time each day to put down the seat vs. $300 blowjob. No brainer!
16. Don't get caught staring at her tits or other girls'. For some reason girls don't like it when we stare at their tits when we talk to them. And they don't like us staring at other girls' either. As if we have a choice! Anyway, they're watching for this so don't get caught. Check their eyes, then do your looking.
17. Don't let her leave your things in your apartment. Or give her a key, until you're sure you can count on her for very regular nookie. Otherwise they might try to insinuate themselves into your life before you are sure of this.
18. Even if you're engaged or married, you still can play around. I mean, do they own you or something? This rule is the most fun.
19. Do The Rules even when your friends or parents think you're nuts! Truth is, you're getting laid, and they are just jealous.
20. Don't give her the ring, but make her think you will -- or give her a fake ring. Drop hints and pretend like some day you want to be married to her, but don't actually do it. You can even get engaged if you want to lock in some regular pussy. There's no law that says you actually have to follow through with the ceremony. Plus, it takes an expert to tell cubic zirconia from a diamond, and if she takes her ring to an expert she clearly doesn't trust you and is a lost cause anyway. You can get one of these rings for about $100 and trust me you'll get a fuck worth far more than that out of it.
21. Double check the birth control. There's a trade off here. On one hand you don't want to use condoms, so get her on the pill ASAP. On the other hand if she runs the birth control she might blindside you with something annoying like a kid just to hook you. You decide. If she gets pregnant, take the new "morning-after" pill for guys. (It alters your blood type.)
22. Don't discuss The Rules for Guys with girls. Like I need to explain this one to you? Do they explain their rules to us? Thought not.
22a. Don't discuss The Rules for Guys with your therapist. Because if you have a therapist you've really missed the point of The Rules for Guys.
23. Figure out her romantic dream. Almost all girls have one. In 90% of cases it's the knight in shining armour, the handsome prince or the tall, dark and handsome mysterious stranger. Harlequin Romances isn't exactly going broke selling girls books about how a guy comes into the girl's life and does something as simple as fixing her car to make her life right and sweeps her off her feet. You would be amazed at the "mileage" you can get just by taking her car down to the shop. Though if you can find a good mechanic, let me know, OK? Anyway, subtly find out her own personal romantic dream, and play-act it. On the cheap, of course -- you only have to play-act. While she may dream of a billionaire who whisks her away to his ranch in his jet, she'll settle for a $60 rental limo and a $40 1-hour rental horseback ride.
24. Sometimes ya gotta break The Rules. Hey, Burger King said it best. And it's a great place for a cheap date (use $4 from the $300 she "lent" you.) But in this case I mean you gotta break the Girl's Rules.
25. Do The Rules girls. Yes, you can! If you suspect that some really
attractive girl is following The Rules for girls, take heart. I mean if
she's a dog, lose her. But if she's got a great set or you have some
other reason to particularly want her, you now know her exact game and
can use it to get her. The book tells these girls to follow its rules
religiously, even when they don't make sense. You will have to wait 6
dates, but the authors do tell girls over 30 it's OK to have sex, so
they will. Forget young "The Rules" girls unless you are really keen on
virgin-plucking. You only have to date 'em once a week -- if you date
them Friday then you are free as a bird on Saturday; they'll end calls
and dates; they won't call you when you have other girls over -- a lot
of advantages, and as long as you see past all the manipulative
"hard-to-get" tricks you won't be fooled, just laid. First, you have to
check if she's a The Rules girl or just a stuck-up bitch. Sometimes it
can be hard to differentiate them. Test this by first telling her how
much you admire a girl who sticks to her principles, and then call her
Thursday telling her you just got front-row Orchestra seats to the
Boston Pops (a classical musical group) concert on Friday. If she says
yes, she's the stuck-up bitch. Say, "Did I say Boston Pops? I meant Iggy
Pop!" and dump her.
If she says a reluctant no, she's a The Rules girl. The book tells them
never to accept a weekend date after Wednesday. Rush out to the
bookstore to get a copy of The Rules. You'll find it in the
dating/relationships section. Since there is zero chance you've ever
gone near that section before, ask at the cashier's desk. When you get
to it you'll know why you've never been to this section before from the
titles of the books. Venus and Mars Together Forever. Men who hate women
and the women who love them too much. Like Dave Barry says I am not
making this up. You're the only guy in weeks to go to this section other
than to laugh at the titles, so if you're lucky some chick might even
hit on you. But if not, go buy the book, and then read it. It's short.
Now you'll know her exact game. Problem is, as noted, it will be 6 weeks
until you get laid. Be sure you have something else on the side during
those six weeks. But look at the advantages. Other than those noted
above, you'll learn that she won't bring up crap like "marriage" or
"kids" or "the relationship." She expects you to bring these things up.
Soon the book will tell her to dump you. Track this, and make sure to
start dating another The Rules girl before the breakup -- 6 weeks before
the breakup if you can time it right.
26. Do The Rules For Guys and you'll get laid. Don't forget this. You
may be tempted to break them, to be "nice" or "sensitive" or even listen
to her. But everybody knows that nice guys don't get laid. You want to
be nice or in the sack? I thought so. "
- Andrew Tate
"I just read that 47,000 women answered People Magazine's reader's poll
on the subject of what women want in men. They reported that the most
important attribute for a man to have is a sense of humor, according to
43%. 31% value sensitivity first. 19% say intelligence. 6% rank good
looks first, and just 2% say money is most important. Once the guy gets
her phone number, 47% of women expect him to call within 24 hours, and
47% will wait up to three days. Only about 5% are still willing to hear
from him after a week. “
"I'm curious on your take, Doc. What do you think? Which is the truth
and which is the brainwashing? Gordon - who wants to know if women are
capable of communicating what they actually want.
Hi Gordon,
Brainwashing, yep, you can say that again. As usual, the politically
correct Feminista-dominated media have come up with a bunch of
half-truths when it comes to understanding women. Why? To confuse you
guys even more that you are.
Remember that trying to find out what women want by asking them is like
trying to get Gary Condit to tell you how he honestly feels about
marriage and commitment. You'll get an answer, but it won't have much to
do with reality.
I have interviewed thousands of women and not one ever said to me:
1. I want a man whom I can't control.
2. I want a man who, when I test him, does not give in.
3. I want a man who keeps me guessing.
But you will see many women in long term-committed relationships with
guys who have these traits. OK Gordon, now let's go over this list so I
can un-brainwash you and the rest of mankind.
Yes, most women do prefer a guy with a sense of humor. When a guy is
able to consistently make a woman laugh, it shows her that he is
confident and also fun to be with. And as we all know, girls just want
to have fun. But the idea that a sense of humor is the number one
attribute that women look for in a man is a bunch of malarkey.
In order for a woman to even give a hoot whether you have a sense of
humor she first has to find you physically attractive. If she's not
physically attracted to you, you can be more hilarious than Robin
Williams on speed and you still won't have a chance for romance with
her. The Reality Factor says that you have to pass (her) Physical
Attraction Test first in order to get to first base.
If a sense of humor were really the trait that women found most
important in men, then all the funny guys who look like Danny De Vito
would be as successful with women as all the handsome hunks.
It's fascinating to observe how reluctant women are to admit how
important looks are to them - as evidenced by these poll results. You
don't necessarily have be the hunk from heaven, but in order to click
with a particular chick, you need to have a look that she likes or you
ain't gonna get the love boat out of the dock no matter how hard you
The poll results revealed that 31% of women say they value "sensitivity" foremost. Now there's a loaded word if I ever heard one. What do they mean by "sensitivity?" They don't explain it, do they?
What a woman usually means when she says she wants a "sensitive" guy, is
that she wants a guy who will share all of his emotional pain, will
dutifully listen to her complaints about everything and will happily take
orders from her. Of course this type of guy is always getting rejected or
he is kept around as a dartboard for all of her zingers. You see, Gordon,
more female propaganda.
So almost half of the women who responded to the poll expect a guy to call
within 24 hours? Yeah, they EXPECT a guy to call within 24 hours because
90% of men can barely wait even that long before they call. Unfortunately,
thousands of guys are going to read those poll results and will feel even
more justified in jumping the gun as they always do.
And according to the poll, only 5% of women are willing to hear from a guy
after a week. FALSE! It would have been much more helpful and revealing if
the People pollsters had asked those women a question like: Have you ever
had a relationship with a guy who waited a week or longer to call you? If
so, why did you date him even though he waited that long? Then we would
have gotten some valuable information.
19% (1 in 5) want intelligence. Does this mean that 4 out of 5 women are
looking for stupid life long partners? And now guys, for the biggest
whopper of them all. According to the poll, only 2% (1 in 50) of women are
gold diggers. How does that jive with your experience? How many women have
asked you, "What do you do?" Remember; don't get brainwashed by the
poll-takers questions and women's answers."
"The money deal makes us guys crazy. If the guy pays, then the girl should
drive to see him, or sleep with him or absorb some other offset. No matter
what a guy says, under any circumstance, in any world, in any place.. if
the guy pays then he expects some kind of reciprocation from the girl
PERIOD. Now, He might not even consciouisly acknowledge this but you
better believe that millions of years of genetic programming is not going
to disappear in the few generations since womens liberation. Oh Yes..
Womens Lib.. Wasn't that the thing where women wanted everything equal
from that point forward into history.. OH Right except when it comes to
getting guys to pay for things.. uh, huh... and also on genetic
programming, scientists have proven with absolute certainty that it exist.
It has al;so been proven without a doubt that men were programmed to hunt
the dinosaurs and jump all the women and the women were programmed to hang
out in the cave and wait for the guys, so women have actually evolved more
than guys and guys would have to acknowledge this. But, It is unfair for
women to say that guys only want to have sex and not acknowledge that they
have no control over their biochemical drives. Women need to be more
understanding of all of guys built-in problems. We can't help it, we can
only try to control it."
"Respect a women with your entire heart and you will win hers
"The women on one major dating site have this huge question sheet they
send to all of the guys. I got one and I fixed it up so it works for
everybody. Here, use it. If you get all the answers off of somebody you
can pretty much mary them, sign them up as roommates or whatever, on the
Are you looking for a boyfriend/girlfriend, lover or husband/wife? What is your ethnicity? What kind of education did you have? What are your hobbies: and interests? Are you afraid to get close? Are you ambitious? Are you emotionally available? List three things that really push your buttons? Name a place you would like to go? Are you an "indoors" person? Are you an artist? What is the most positive, and negative, relationship experience you have had? Are you and "outdoors" person? How many friends do you have in your social circle? Are you creative? In what ways? Are you Gay? Bi? Straight? Are you romantic? Are you shy about your body? Are you sleeping with anyone now? Are you thinking about moving in the next few years? Are you willing to sign a non-disclosure agreement for work purposes? Can you go play during the day? At night? Midweek? Weekends? Can you have a monogamous relationship today? How often do you change your sheets and towels? Describe your childhood? Describe your sense of humor? Describe your work? Do you believe in the supernatural? Do you wash you hands before eating? Do you brush your teeth after eating? Do you believe that one person can have a productive impact on world change? Do you drink alcohol? Do you enjoy your work? Do you go out to eat a lot? Do you have a pet? What kind? Do you have call waiting? If someone calls do you get rid of the person you were talking to? Do you have children? Do they live with you? Ages? Do you have insomnia? Do you like to be held while sleeping? Is your monthly cycle likely to interact with a date or trip we have planned? Do you have sex during that time of the month? Do you like to cook or bake? Do you live in a house, condo, apartment, etc? Do you like soft touch? Do you own a car? What kind? Do you own a computer? How does stress affect your lovemaking ability? Do you own a FAX and what is the number? Do you practice any particular diets or eating habits? Do you sleep-in on Sundays? Do you Smoke?, If so will you quit? Do you snore? Do you take a shower at night or in the morning on a regular basis? Would you switch from morning to night or vice versa? Do you understand and distinguish between the five states of intimacy (IE: Being sensual, being erotic, having sex, making love, F**ng)? Do you want a relationship? Do you wear pajamas?
Do you wiggle or kick in your sleep? Favorite food? Have you ever been
to an analyst, psychiatrist or psychologist? Why? Have you ever made
love outside? Have you ever slept with someone on the first date? Have
you had a recent STD test since you were with someone? Are you willing
to provide a doctors certificate of HIV/AIDS testing from the last 30
days if your partner also does? Have you recently broken up with
someone? How do you feel if you have to go to work earlier than your
mate and they get to stay in bed and sleep longer? How do you feel right
now? How do you prefer the weather? How does answering these questions
make you feel? How does fast make you feel? How long has it been since
your last significant relationship? How long have you lived where you
live? How many dates have you ever had? How many different people have
you ever been with sexually? How many parties do you go to in an average
month? How much do you earn per year? How much time do you spend on the
phone each day? How should who-pays-for-what be allocated when going
out? How would you describe your personality? Is religion a part of your
life? Is spirituality a part of your life? What 3 magazines do you read
most? What are the medical tests and requirements for you to safely have
barrier-free sex? What are you allergic to? What are your erotic
"kinks"? What are your expenses per year? What are your favorite clothes
to relax in? What are your favorite TV shows? What are your feelings
about having children? What are your feelings about marriage? What do
you think of you and me in a relationship, so far as you can tell, all
other things being equal, based on projection? What do your friends say
is your worst habit? What is the longest you have worked at one job?
What is you favorite place ion the whole world? What is your astrology
sign? What is your favorite body of water? Use an adjective to describe
how thinking about it makes you feel? What is your favorite season? What
is your favorite surface or texture? What is your idea of a great
weekend escape? What is your political viewpoint? What is your bodytype?
What are your sexual needs relative to specific actions or techniques?
If your mate was sick or stressed, how long go you put up with them
being like that before looking elsewhere? Can you handle intensity? What
kind of birth control do you use? What kind of intimacy have you been
used to on a first date? What kind of music do you like? What percent of
your ex-mates do you still talk to? What style of clothes do you wear?
What time do you generally get up? What time do you generally go to bed?
What time do you usually go out at night? How late do you usually stay
out? What was the reason you were terminated from all of the jobs that
terminated you? Who are your heroes? What are you the most frustrated
about in your life? Would you understand if your mate couldn't sleep if
they held you all night? Your drinking habits? Your position on
recreational drugs? Do you smoke at all? What is your position on who
should pay for what? What is your position on how much money you should
be provided with by your boyfriend of husband each day, week or month?"
" Most of the gals will cancel a few hours before the day or the same
day as the date. They get so many offers that they will take the best
one for that day or they will get cold feet at meeting a real person and
bail. Plan on a large percentage of last minute cancellations and plan a
back-up plan"
DEFINITIONS: PARTY: 1. (verb, transitive) To engage in markedly
heterosexual activities (e.g.,
"She's dressed like she wants to party.") 2. (adj.) Exemplifying a
proclivity for
heterosexual activity (e.g., "I hear she's a party girl.") 3. (noun) A
social gathering.
DATE: Function: verb
Inflected Form(s): dat\B7ed; dat\B7ing
Date: 15th century
transitive senses
1 : to determine the date of <date an antique>
2 : to record the date of : mark with the date
3 a : to mark with characteristics typical of a particular period b : to
show up plainly the age of
4 : to make or have a date with
intransitive senses
5 : to reckon chronologically
6 : ORIGINATE <a friendship dating from college days>
7 : to become dated
8 : to go out on usually romantic dates
9 : to go to a public event with another human
10: To engage in an activity which is planned and which one person or the
other pays for
11: To ask and receive acceptance by another single individual with whom
you do not have an ongoing significant relationship, to engage in an
entertainment event for the purpose of engaging in sexual activities after
a series of interpersonal rituals within the date or event.
12: To engage in rituals designed to produce sexual activities with a
person whom you recently met
13: To engage in a review process to determine of you and another
individual wish to marry or become boyfriend and girlfriend
14: To arrange to go out for a fun activity with friends of any gender or
15: Any activity where both parties think there is a chance that sex will
At last count, if you go to http://www.amazon.com, and enter the word
"dating", in the Search window, for Books, you will find over 351 books on
dating;Your friends; Newsgroups, ie. alt.rec.dating; "NOT" advice
columnists;Workshops in the alternative newspapers in your city;
Classes in things you are interested in. The number one dating class in
2000: Yoga, followed by Photography, followed by Cooking;Best place to
meet people: Your Cities largest grocery stores in the best neighborhoods
between 4:30PM and 7PM (The San Francisco Marina Safeway being the founder
of this tradition). Art gallery openings. Supply stores, ie: Sports,
Cooking, Photo, pets, etc; Clubs. Community service groups. Political
Boys and girls have sex. We all know that. But do we all know how to have
it safely.
Get Tested:
Buy one of these HIV home test kits at: http://www.homeaccess.com/02/02/
or call the Private HIV test line at 1-800-584-8183
Or just ask your doctor to test you for:
- HIV (https://www.mylabbox.com/how-much-does-an-hiv-test-cost/)
- Hepatitis C
- Herpes Simplex II
- Syphilis (https://www.mylabbox.com/test-for-syphilis/)
- Chlamydia (https://www.mylabbox.com/chlamydia-101-the-facts/)
- Gonorrhea (https://www.mylabbox.com/clap-gonorrhea-symptoms-in-women/)
- Trichomoniasis
- Mycoplasma
- Ureaplasma
Condoms are made of latex or similar materials, and have thousands of
natural, microscopic, holes in them. That is the nature of latex. HIV is
much smaller than the holes so condoms only decrease the odds, THEY DO NOT
PREVENT HIV/AIDS 100%! Get tested.
Testing isn't a quick turn-around, it can take 1 week to 3 weeks to get
reasonable results back. If you like somebody, plan ahead, get tested now.
Use soap and water before and right after sex. Yes, soap really kills alot
of bad things.
Other at home STD kits only test for the a limited selection of the most
common sexually transmitted diseases. The myLAB Box Total Box (
https://www.mylabbox.com ) has been designed to test for all 10 of the top
STD risks in the United States, as recorded by the Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention. This 10 panel STD test kit screens for:
HIV (https://www.mylabbox.com/how-much-does-an-hiv-test-cost/)
Hepatitis C
Herpes Simplex II
Syphilis (https://www.mylabbox.com/test-for-syphilis/)
Chlamydia (https://www.mylabbox.com/chlamydia-101-the-facts/)
Gonorrhea (https://www.mylabbox.com/clap-gonorrhea-symptoms-in-women/)
The Total Box allows our customers to get the answers they need without
ever stepping outside their home! The results you receive from any myLAB
Box test are just as accurate as the ones you would receive from getting
testing at a clinic.
Our 10 panel STD test kit is exactly what you need to stay healthy and
free from the most common sexually transmitted infections. You can
complete each test quickly and conveniently: any time, any place!
What is Inside the Total Box?
myLAB Box’s Total Box is shipped discreetly to your door. Customers will
find the following in each kit:
A urine (for men) or vaginal (for women) sample collection kit
An at-home “finger prick” blood drop collection kit (don’t worry – it
requires no more than a dime-
sized sample!)
Easy-to-follow instructions to make testing simple and quick
Self-addressed stamped envelope to return your sample to the lab
No Embarrassment. All Convenience.
One major benefit of myLAB Box’s at-home testing service is that it’s an
easier, less embarrassing, and far more convenient way to test for STDs
Many men and women avoid being tested in the first place. This may be due
to embarrassment, a busy
schedule or general anxiety of visiting the doctor. Reduce your stress, as
well as your risk, by screening for sexually transmitted infections with
just one set of samples. Performing these tests on your samples
complies with all state and federal regulations regarding laboratory
testing. Shipping for all myLAB Box’s tests is completely free, both to
your home and back to our lab. You’ll never need to worry about paying for
Telemedicine Puts You In Control
From testing to treatment, myLAB Box is a fully integrated service. Stay
confident about your health with accurate and timely lab-certified
In the event that your results are positive for any infections, our test
packages also offer another
incredible feature: telemedicine. These are free consultations with
certified STD counselors and physicians for anyone who tests positive
using myLAB Box’s service. If you live in one of the many states that
supports telemedicine – and most do – you can even receive a prescription
for treatment right over the phone. Throughout the entire testing process,
professionally trained counselors are available to provide assistance and
to answer your questions.
Lora Ivanova, Co-Founder and CMO of myLAB Box, adds:
“From affordable screening to complimentary physician consultations for
positives, every aspect of the
myLAB Box service is designed to be something a user can easily handle
out-of-pocket and without
complications. The recent shake-up of our healthcare system further
deepens our resolve to grow our
offerings and develop a new hassle-free lab-testing model. We believe that
this is not just great business, but a much-needed resource that can curb
a widespread epidemic in the U.S. today.”
myLAB Box’s Total Box is the easiest and most convenient way to test for
the most common sexually
transmitted infections. In the midst of today’s spreading STD epidemic,
regular testing is a must for
anyone who engages in intimate sexual activities. This 10 panel STD test
/product/total-box-10-panel-std-test/) kit lets you test yourself for all
major infections within 5 minutes
from the comfort of home. myLAB Box provides better access to treatment
options. The service aims to curb costs and infections much faster than
conventional testing methods. Don’t stress, just test!
By Elizabeth Austin, Washington Monthly
Monica Lewinsky has a new job: doling out her sage dating advice as host
of a new Fox TV "reality" show, "Mr. Personality." In the show, a
babelicious young stockbroker named Hayley is asked to choose a lover from
a group of 20 masked suitors. The masks, we're told, are used to conceal
the men's looks and force Hayley to base her decision on personality alone
- a concept that assumes a lady never glances below her date's chin.
Unlike Ms. Lewinsky (described in the show's promotional materials only as
a psych major-turned-handbag designer who "currently lives in New York
City and is considering a future career in law") Fox execs limited their
pool of eligible suitors to unmarried men who do not live on Pennsylvania
As host, Ms. Lewinsky functions as Hayley's on-site girlfriend, giggling
with her at hidden-camera footage that shows the suitors misbehaving at a
party and helping her to make the undoubtedly difficult decision to dump
the guy who slipped off into a bathroom to share a few intimate moments
with a hula dancer. The show has spawned plenty of off-camera controversy
- the spurned suitor later claimed that the sound of a zipper opening,
heard through the bathroom door, was a sound-effect added in
post-production - but primetime audiences' enthusiastic reaction to it has
skipped over one huge question: What does it say about our society that we
now consider Monica Lewinsky qualified to help anyone find her soulmate?
Lewinsky's show is only the latest in a whole slew of dating-based
"reality" TV shows, which include "The Bachelor," "Meet My Folks,"
"Married by America," "Blind Date," "The Fifth Wheel," "Elimidate," "A
Dating Story," "Dismissed," "Rendez-View," "Change of Heart," "Shipmates,"
"Temptation Island," "Looking for Love," and "EX-treme Dating." In my
personal favorite, "Joe Millionaire," 20 women were whisked to a romantic
French chateau to compete for a man's affections. The women were told the
young man had recently inherited $50 million and was "looking for a
special someone to share his newfound wealth."
I spent the show's entire seven-episode run wondering where Fox managed
to find 20 grown women gullible enough to believe that a tall,
underwear-model-handsome guy with $50 million might need professional help
in finding a date. But the success of these shows - 40 million viewers
tuned in to watch Joe Millionaire choose his guileless mate - shows how
much we love to watch other people date, especially when there's a
better-than-decent chance of witnessing an emotional trainwreck. Why do so
many eligible singles prefer to sit at home watching other people go out
to dinner, walk hand-in-hand, and smooch in bubbling hot tubs than to
actually go out on dates? When did we start to consider dating a synonym
for hell?
It's almost impossible to find a positive depiction of contemporary dating
anywhere. Television sitcoms from "Friends" to "Frasier" delight in the
antics of lovelorn singles - not because they're more glamorous than their
married counterparts, but because the vicissitudes of modern dating lend
themselves to easy laughs. In novels, we see Bridget Jones as the
modern-day counterpart of Jane Austen's Elizabeth Bennet - only somehow
the centuries have robbed our heroine of her ability to bring Mr. Darcy to
his knees.
Wasn't the sexual revolution supposed to make courtship more fun? Yet
everywhere we look, we see single people bemoaning the loneliness, the
despair, the just plain drudgery of dating. Dorothy L. Sayers once said,
"The only sin passion can commit is to be joyless." But how much joy is
there in courtship these days? Dating, it seems, has become a necessary
chore, rather like scrubbing down the storm windows.
The Rules of Court
Something has gone drastically awry in the process of meeting and mating.
I recently played confidant to a friend who has valiantly decided to
re-enter the courtship arena. From her description, it sounded like she
was applying for a new job - reading the want ads, circling anything that
sounded halfway promising, sending in her r\E9sum\E9 via e-mail, and then
trudging out on a series of high-stress interviews. (The only difference
was, most employers usually don't advertise until the post is actually
vacant, whereas at least one of her hot prospects hadn't quite gotten
around to telling his wife that the family organization was planning to
downsize.) To hone their "interview" skills, desperate affluent singles
are driven to hire dating consultants to tell them how to do it right. One
New York consultant bragged to Fox News that she charges her female
clients $350 for a half-hour consultation to assess the dateworthiness of
their hair, makeup, and wardrobe, while men pay $15,000 upfront for
introductions to a dozen eligible pre-screened women. That fee also
includes a virtual date with the consultant, who then scrutinizes the poor
insecure fellow's manners and conversational skills.
For those who can't afford individual instruction, there are guidebooks
like "The Rules," billed as "time-tested secrets for capturing the heart
of Mr. Right." The authors promise their husband-hunting readers that
faithful adherence to a few basic rules, such as "Never Call Him, Always
Let Him Call You" and "Don't Talk Too Much" will help them land the spouse
of their dreams. (From the vision of dainty femininity sketched out in
"The Rules," one reaches the inescapable conclusion that all the eligible
bachelors out there have posters of Donna Reed plastered above their
beds.) The bad news, of course, is that once a girl has adopted the primly
determined Rules persona to capture him, she has to keep up the hard work
in order to keep him. Hence, "The Rules for Marriage," the follow-up to
the runaway bestseller. Hewing firmly to "The Rules" over the course of
four or five decades is a daunting prospect, as the recent divorce of one
of the co-authors confirms.
Dueling Rulebooks
Perhaps the continuing popularity of "The Rules" - in spite of its
co-author's marital track record, they're still charging $3.99 a minute
for dating consultations - is a sign that singles today are desperate for
some set of principles to follow. Unlike the well-established courtship
rituals of the 1950s, what we have today is a motley set of individual
expectations, most of them patently mystifying to everyone but ourselves.
Courtship has become an unending pick-up game of playground ball, with
each player operating according to his or her own individual rulebook. A
woman may make a seductive gesture fraught with symbolic meaning - only to
find that, to her partner, it's a request for a time-out.
Take, for example, this star-crossed couple who poured out their story of
dueling social semiotics to a women's magazine a few years ago. Both sides
agree that he invited her out on a dinner date, and that they had a
wonderful time until the bill was presented. "When the dinner check came,
I took it," explained 32-year-old Charlie. "But Susie reached for her
wallet. 'Can I help pay?' she asked. My heart sank. I was sure she didn't
like me. I figure if a woman wants to split the check, she's telling you
that she wants to be friends. After that, the evening ended kind of
awkwardly. I didn't know if I should kiss her or anything, so I kind of
hastily said good-night."
Susie, 28, told the reporter that she saw the encounter very differently.
"I offered to split the check because I didn't want him to feel obliged to
pay for me. I figure if he had really liked me, in a girlfriend/boyfriend
way, he wouldn't have taken my money - not on the first date, anyway. And
I guess I was right: he didn't try to kiss me or say anything about
another date."
It's revealing that teenagers no longer "date" in the traditional sense.
Instead, they move in intersecting herds, and actual dating is reserved
for those who are already official couples. Formal events, such as
homecoming and prom, are arranged with the help of intermediaries: The
parties involved set up embassies in the lunch room, and send out
ambassadors to arrange the necessary treaties. When one young swain
recently called and directly invited a 16-year-old girl to Homecoming, her
parents gave the courageous young man two thumbs up. But the girl herself
was put off. "It seems so forward, just calling and asking someone out
like that," she explained after declining his suit. Her parents are now
resigned to a life without grandchildren.
The Lost Art of Flirting
At the risk of being stripped of my right to wear Birkenstocks, I have to
admit that the courtship rituals of the 1950s make me feel a little
wistful. The gender roles may have been constricting and the shoes were
impossibly tight across the toes, but it's impossible to deny the
now-guilty pleasures of sweetheart bouquets, dinner dates, and nightclubs
where heterosexual men danced voluntarily. (And I'm far from alone in my
nostalgia, as proven by the release of a recent retro-romance movie, "Down
With Love," starring Hollywood A-listers Ren\E9e Zellweger and Ewan
McGregor.) I can't help envying the "smart and sophisticated woman"
described by Helen Gurley Brown - author of the once-scandalous "Sex and
the Single Girl" - who responded to men's advances with this polished
reply: "You're really lovely, but do you honestly suppose I can sleep with
every man who asks me? The answer for now is no." Brown claimed that one
importunate suitor finally gave his iron-knickered lady a silver charm
engraved with the words, "We'll see."
I can just hear the anguished screams of "That's just game-playing!" And
that's exactly correct. Both parties were playing a game - defined in my
dictionary as "a way of amusing oneself; a pastime; diversion." The game
was called "flirting," and it's what people used to do while they were
trying to decide whether they might be able to stand each other's company
over the hyperextended road trip that is married life. It's funny: The men
who most oppose the idea of "playing games" in courtship are the same ones
who can spend endless hours debating the merits of the designated hitter
rule. In all forms of human behavior, there are rules. (For instance, we
now shake hands upon introduction instead of sniffing each other's sweat
glands.) The trouble is, the rules governing courtship today are vexing
and often destructive, reducing the stuff of poetry to something akin to
emotional dodgeball.
One Rule To Ring Them All
Why is dating today so stressful? The answer is simple: Sex.
I know. That sounds perilously like those counter-feminist conservatives
who rail at modern woman for coldheartedly indulging her lustful desires
instead of saving her precious flower for the lucky man who will someday
lift her bridal veil. But my argument is based not on morality but on
sheer utility: The way it's being done lately, courtship isn't any fun.
That's because there is currently only one broadly accepted rule of
courtship: The Third Date is The Date (unless, of course, you're a
glued-together-at-the-knees Rules girl.) If either party declines sex on
the Third Date, it's a clear sign that the relationship is going nowhere.
And if the Third Date culminates in sex, they're officially a couple - or
at least, the guy's a real loser if he doesn't ask the girl out again
afterwards. (Sex before the Third Date is a signal that a) you believe in
love at first sight; b) you're a promiscuous floozy; or c) you think a, he
thinks b.)
It's time for all of us to admit that this courtship model simply doesn't
work. If lightning doesn't strike by Date Three, you can end up walking
away from a perfectly lovely person who might just be a little shy, or
having a bad hair day. Or worse, by rushing headlong into a "committed
relationship" with someone you've met only a few times, you can end up
wasting weeks, months, sometimes even years of your life on someone you
don't really like very much, on the grounds that you're already "invested"
in the relationship.
The problem is, we can't bring ourselves to admit that we're going to have
to give up the prospect of instant sex - however rarely it actually
happens - for a longer period of pre-intercourse courtship. That's
understandable - and not just because we all like to think of ourselves as
the proud owners of constantly pulsating loins. Given how dreadful dating
has become, we hate to think of prolonging the agony as we wait for the
only foreseeable good part. (Though from what I hear from my single
girlfriends, the sex isn't all that hot, anyway.)
But if we could decide collectively that sex is worth waiting a bit longer
for, we'd find that courtship itself might become a lot less stressful and
a lot more fun. Right now, those first couple of dates are incredibly
intense; we give ourselves only six or eight hours of conversation before
deciding whether we want to commit to a monogamous sexual relationship. If
we had, oh, six or eight - maybe even 10 - dates to make up our minds, we
could focus more on the actual date and less on its sequel. By investing a
few extra hours in the process, we might draw out of a shy person an
unexpected vein of sardonic wit or a deep well of political insight. With
luck, we'd screen out some of those false charmers who have learned to
conceal their mean-spiritedness for a week or two. And after the eighth,
ninth, or 10th date? Well, let's just say that some things are greatly
improved by anticipation.
Heroic Couplets
I suppose I should make a confession here: I haven't done any dating for a
long, long time. I'm what Bridget Jones author Helen Fielding would call a
"Smug Married." And quite frankly, when I hear my single friends bewailing
their dating lives, I do feel a bit complacent. But when I think about
what courtship could, and should, be, I remember one night when my husband
and I went out to celebrate some double-digit wedding anniversary.
We had hired a babysitter, gotten all dressed up, and treated ourselves to
dinner at some sleek new restaurant in the city. A comfortable, compatible
married couple, we were having a very nice time - joking, relaxing,
knocking back a little too much Chardonnay. Then we noticed the man and
woman sitting next to us. They were visibly trembling with desire. (The
waiter didn't bother to ask them if they wanted dessert.) It was clear
that this was no standard Third Date, to be promptly followed by a tidy
hour of pre-programmed abandon. There was none of the awkwardness of fresh
acquaintance, no conversational false starts or miscues. It was obvious
they were madly in love, and that they were looking forward to a
long-awaited, devoutly wished consummation. They were co-adventurers,
taking that first exhilarating leap over Niagara Falls. And somehow, as we
sat watching that couple from the smooth safety of the shallow waters far
downstream, we didn't feel smug at all.
To me, that's what courtship ought to be. And if it's not, we're doing it
wrong. (Elizabeth Austin is a Chicago writer)
“Should you get plastic surgery to improve your dating life? Check out
before and after pictures to see how it often works out.
“Frat House guys seem to all: cheat on their taxes, cheat on their wives,
and cheat on their girlfriends. If you marry one you will always have to
wonder when the IRS, SEC or FBI is going to show up and arrest him for
securities fraud and take your house away. They meet up together at sports
bars, mens clubs, stripper joints, golf clubs, etc. and reinforce their
mysoginist attitudes together about using women as "sport' or 'baby
ovens'. Their 'bromances' are thinly veiled man-love that can tear a
marriage apart. While they all do have perfectly symmetrical faces, look
like the contestants on The Bachlorette and have rich daddies, 90% of
their marriages in the Bay Area end in divorces where the court filings
use the word "abuse" quite a bit. You can look it up on PACER, the online
federal court database. (Check out the Andy Rubin case.. woooeeeee!!)
Their swaggering competition between each other is based on using women as
trophies to show off until they 'upgrade' to the younger model to impress
their other Fratboy friends. They are out every single night, usually
sleeping with a different dating site date (so you will get exotic germs
from them)...”
Validation Note: University, Federal, Forensic Researcher and Journalism
sources provided in the links below, prove every assertion in this report
many times over. A simple web-search by any college-educated person, on
the top 5 search engines, can turn up hundreds of additional credible,
verifying sources. Expert jury trial and Congressional hearing witnesses
have proven these facts over and over.
You probably can't imagine the second-by-second dangers and harms that
Match.Com users experience on their phone, computer, and tablet. These
dangers are causing their life, income, privacy, beliefs, human rights,
bank account records, political data, jobs, brand names, medical data,
dating life, reputation and other crucial parts of their life to be ruined
by Match.Com’s dangers!
Any use of a dating site, Google or Facebook product, social media site,
movie site, or anything that you log in to, puts you at substantial risk.
Remember: "if it has a plug, it has a bug" . Every electronic device can
be easily made to spy on you in ways you cannot possibly imagine.
The Take-Aways:
- Stalkers can find you by zooming in on your pupil reflection images in
your online photos (
- If you send email overseas or make phone calls overseas all of your
communications, and those with anybody else, are NSA monitored (
https://www.privacytools.io/ )
- Bad guys take a single online photo of you and put it in software that
instantly builds a dossier on you by finding where every other photo of
you is that has ever been posted online (
- Face-tracking software for stalking you on Match.com and OK Cupid is
more effective than even FBI software for hunting bank robbers (
- Any glass, metal or ceramic object near you can be reflecting your voice
or image to digital beam scanners that can relay your voice or image
anywhere in the world
- All your data from any hotel you stay at will eventually be hacked and
leaked ( Info of 10 MILLION MGM guests including Justin Bieber and TWITTER
CEO leaked online! )
- Your voting data will be used to spy on you and harm you ( Every voter
in Israel just had their data leaked in 'grave' security breach... )
- Lip-reading software can determine what you are saying from over a mile
away (
- Every Apple iPhone and other smart-phone has over 1000 ways to bug you,
listen to you, track you and record your daily activities even when you
think you have turned off the device. Never leave your battery in your
phone. ( LEAKED DOCS: Secretive Market For Your Web History... )(Every
Search. Every Click. On Every Site… )
- Elon Musk’s SpaceX StarLink satellites are spy satellites that send your
data to Google and other tech companies (
- Google and Facebook have all of your medical records and they are part
of a political operation (
- Every dating site, comments section and social media site sends your
private data, covertly, to government, political campaigns and corporate
analysis groups and can also be hacked by anyone.
- Any hacker can hack ANY network with even a single Intel, Cisco, Juniper
Networks or AMD motherboard on it and nobody can stop them unless they
destroy the motherboard because the back-doors are built into the
hardware. Many of the companies you think are providing security are
secretly owned by the Chinese government spy agencies or the CIA (
https://boingboing.net/2020/02/11/cia-secretly-owned-worlds-to.html )
- Warehouses in Nigeria, Russia, Ukraine, Sao Paolo, China and hundreds of
other regions, house tens of thousands of hackers who work around the
clock to try to hack you and manipulate your data.
- Every red light camera, Walmart/Target/Big Box camera and every
restaurant camera goes off to networks that send your activities to credit
companies, collection companies, political parties and government agencies
( 'Homeland Security' using location data from apps to track millions of
- Match.com, OKCupid and Plenty of Fish are also DNC voter analysis
services that read your texts and keep your profiles forever
- If you don't put fake ages, addresses, phone numbers and disposable
email addresses on ANY form you fill out electronically, it will haunt you
forever (
- Every train, plane and cruise line records you constantly and checks the
covert pictures they take of you against global databases. Corporations
grab your collateral private data that those Princess Cruises and United
Airlines companies take and use them to build files on you (
- The people who say "nobody would be interested in me" are the most at
risk because their naiveté puts them at the top-of-the-list for targeting
and harvesting (
- Silicon Valley tech companies don't care about your rights, they care
about enough cash for their executives to buy hookers and private islands
with. Your worst enemy is the social media CEO. They have a hundred
thousand programmers trying to figure out more and more extreme ways to
use your data every day and nobody to stop them
- The government can see everyplace you went to in the last year ( https://www.protocol.com/government-buying-location-data )
There have been over 15,000 different types of hacks used against over 3
billion "average" consumers. EVERY one of them thought they were safe on
the Match.Com Cartel of dating sites. They thought that nobody would hack
them because "nobody cared about them". History has proven every single
one of them to have been totally wrong!
If you are smart, and you read the news, you will know that you should
ditch all of your electronic devices and "data-poison" any information
about you that touches a network by only putting fake info in all
conceivable forms and entries on the internet. You, though, may be smart
but lazy, like many, and not willing to step outside of the bubble of
complacency that corporate advertising has surrounded you with.
Did you know that almost every dating and erotic site sends your most private life experiences and chat messages to Google's and Facebook's investors? https://www.businessinsider.com/facebook-google-quietly-tracking-porn-you-watch-2019-7
Do you really want all of those Silicon Valley oligarchs that have been
charged with sexual abuse and sex trafficking to know that much about you?
Never, Ever, put your real information on Youtube, Netflix, Linkedin,
Google, Twitter, Comcast, Amazon and any similar online service because it
absolutely, positively will come back and harm you!
Always remember: Anybody that does not like you can open, read and take
any photo, data, email or text on EVERY phone, computer, network or
electronic device you have ever used no matter how "safe" you think your
personal or work system is! They can do this in less than a minute. Also:
Hundreds of thousands of hackers scan every device, around the clock, even
if they never heard of you, and will like your stuff just for the fun of
causing trouble. Never use an electronic device unless you encrypt, hide
and code your material! One of the most important safety measures you can
take is to review the security info at: https://www.privacytools.io/
Those people who think: "I have nothing to worry about..I am not
important" ARE the people who get hacked the most. Don't let naivete be
your downfall. (
All of your info on Target, Safeway, Walgreens has been hacked and read by
many outsiders. NASA, The CIA, The NSA, The White House and all of the
federal background check files have been hacked. The Department of Energy
has been hacked hundreds of times. All of the dating sites have been
hacked and their staff read all of your messages. Quest labs blood test
data and sexual information reports have been hacked and published to the
world. There is no database that can't be easily hacked. Every computer
system with Intel, AMD, Juniper Networks, Cisco and other hardware in it
can be hacked in seconds with the hardware back-doors soldered onto their
electronic boards. All of the credit reporting bureaus have been hacked.
Wells Fargo bank is constantly hacked. YOU ARE NOT SAFE if you put
information on a network. NO NETWORK is safe! No Silicon Valley company
can, or will, protect your data; mostly because they make money FROM your
Every single modern cell phone and digital device can be EASILY taken over
by any hacker and made to spy on you, your family, your business and your
friends in thousands of different ways. Taking over the microphone is only
a small part of the ways a phone can be made to spy on you. Your phone can
record your location, you voice vibrations, your mood, your thoughts, your
sexual activity, your finances, your photos, your contacts (who it then
goes off and infects) and a huge number of other things that you don't
want recorded.
Privacy watchdog under pressure to recommend facial recognition ban...
AMAZON's Ring Doorbell Secretly Shares Private User Data With FACEBOOK...
The worst abusers of your privacy, personal information, politics and
psychological information intentions are: Google, Facebook, Linkedin,
Amazon, Netflix, Comcast, AT&T, Xfinity, Match.com & the other IAC
dating sites, Instagram, Uber, Wells Fargo, Twitter, Paypal, Hulu,
Walmart, Target, YouTube, PG&E, The DNC, Media Matters, Axciom, and
their subsidiaries. Never, ever, put accurate information about yourself
on their online form. Never, ever, sign in to their sites using your real
name, phone, address or anything that could be tracked back to you.
If you don't believe that every government hacks citizens in order to
destroy the reputation of anyone who makes a public statement against the
current party in power then read the public document at:
That document shows you, according to the U.S. Congress, how far things
can go.
A program called ACXIX hunts down all of your records from your corner
pharmacy, your taxi rides, your concert tickets, your grocery purchases,
what time you use energy at your home, your doctor records...and all kinds
of little bits of info about you and puts that a file about you. That file
about you keeps growing for the rest of your life. That file sucks in
other files from other data harvesting sites like Facebook and Google:
FOREVER. The information in that file is used to try to control your
politics and ideology.
In recent science studies cell phones were proven to exceed radiation
safety limits by as high as 11 times the 2-decade old allowable U.S.
radiation limits when phones touch the body. This is one of thousands of
great reasons to always remove the battery from your cell phone when you
are not talking on it. A phone without a battery in it can't spy on you
and send your data to your enemies.
### If you are reading this notice, the following data applies to you:
1. EVERY network is known to contain Intel, Cisco, Juniper Networks, AMD,
QualComm and other hardware which has been proven to contain back-door
hard-coded access to outside parties. This is a proven, inarguable fact
based on court records, FISA data, IT evidence, national news broadcasts,
Congressional presented evidence and inventory records, ie: Krebs On
Security, FireEye, ICIJ, Wikileaks Vault 9, EU, Global IT services, FBI.
2. Chinese, Russian FSB, Iranian and other state-sponsored hacking
services as well as 14 year old domestic boys are able to easily enter
your networks, emails and digital files because of this. They can enter
your network at any time, with less than 4 mouse clicks, using software
available to anyone. This is a proven, inarguable fact based on court
records, FISA data, IT evidence and inventory records, ie: Krebs On
Security, FireEye, ICIJ, Wikileaks Vault 9, EU, Global IT services, FBI.
3. Your financial office is aware of these facts and has chosen not to
replace all of the at-risk equipment, nor sue the manufacturers who sold
your organization this at risk equipment. They believe that the hassle and
cost of replacement and litigation is more effort than the finance
department is willing to undertake. This is a proven, inarguable fact
based on court records, FISA data, IT evidence, national news broadcasts,
Congressional presented evidence and inventory records, ie: Krebs On
Security, FireEye, ICIJ, Wikileaks Vault 9, EU, Global IT services, FBI.
4. In addition to the existing tools that were on the internet, in recent
years, foreign hackers have released all of the key hacking software that
the CIA, DIA and NSA built to hack into any device. These software tools
have already been used hundreds of times. Now the entire world has access
to these tools which are freely and openly posted across the web. This is
a proven, inarguable fact based on court records, FISA data, IT evidence,
national news broadcasts, Congressional presented evidence and inventory
records, ie: Krebs On Security, FireEye, ICIJ, Wikileaks Vault 9, EU,
Global IT services, FBI.
5. The computers, servers, routers, cell phones, IP cameras, IP
microphones, Smart Meters, Tesla’s, “Smart Devices:”, etc. and other
devices openly broadcast their IP data and availability on the internet.
In other words, many of your device broadcast a “HERE I AM” signal that
can be pinged, scanned, spidered, swept or, otherwise, seen, like a
signal-in-the-dark from anywhere on Earth and from satellites overhead.
Your devices announce that they are available to be hacked, to hackers.
This is a proven, inarguable fact based on court records, FISA data, IT
evidence, national news broadcasts, Congressional presented evidence and
inventory records, ie: Krebs On Security, FireEye, ICIJ, Wikileaks Vault
9, EU, Global IT services, FBI.
6. It is bad policy for your organization, or any organization, to think
they are immune or have IT departments that can stop these hacks. NASA,
The CIA, The White House, EQUIFAX, The Department of Energy, Target,
Walmart, American Express, etc. have been hacked hundreds of times. This
is a proven, inarguable fact based on court records, FISA data, IT
evidence, national news broadcasts, Congressional presented evidence and
inventory records, ie: Krebs On Security, FireEye, ICIJ, Wikileaks Vault
9, EU, Global IT services, FBI.
7. The thinking: “Well, nobody would want to hack us”, or “We are not
important enough to get hacked” is the most erroneous and negligent
thinking one could have in the world today. Chinese, Russian and Iranian
spy agencies have a global “Facebook for blackmail” and have been sucking
up the data of every entity on Earth for over a decade. If the network was
open, they have the data and are always looking for more. The same applies
to Google and Facebook who have based their entire business around
domestic spying and data re-sale. This is a proven, inarguable fact based
on court records, FISA data, IT evidence, national news broadcasts,
Congressional presented evidence and inventory records, ie: Krebs On
Security, FireEye, ICIJ, Wikileaks Vault 9, EU, Global IT services, FBI.
8. You are a “Stepping Stone” doorway to other networks and data for
targeted individuals and other entities. Your networks provide routes into
other people’s networks. The largest political industry today is called
“Doxing” and “Character Assassination”. Billions of dollars are expended
by companies such as IN-Q-Tel - (DNC); Gawker Media - (DNC); Jalopnik -
(DNC); Gizmodo Media - (DNC); K2 Intelligence - (DNC); WikiStrat - (DNC);
Podesta Group - (DNC); Fusion GPS - (DNC/GOP); Google - (DNC); YouTube -
(DNC); Alphabet - (DNC); Facebook - (DNC); Twitter - (DNC); Think Progress
- (DNC); Media Matters - (DNC); Black Cube - (DNC); Mossad - (DNC);
Correct The Record - (DNC); Sand Line - (DNC/GOP); Blackwater - (DNC/GOP);
Stratfor - (DNC/GOP); ShareBlue - (DNC); Wikileaks (DNC/GOP); Cambridge
Analytica - (DNC/GOP); Sid Blumenthal- (DNC); David Brock - (DNC); PR Firm
Sunshine Sachs (DNC); Covington and Burling - (DNC), Buzzfeed - (DNC)
Perkins Coie - (DNC); Wilson Sonsini - (DNC) and hundreds of others to
harm others that they perceive as political, personal or competitive
threats. Do not under-estimate your unintended role in helping to harm
others. This is a proven, inarguable fact based on court records, FISA
data, IT evidence, national news broadcasts, Congressional presented
evidence and inventory records, ie: Krebs On Security, FireEye, ICIJ,
Wikileaks Vault 9, EU, Global IT services, FBI.
9. NEVER believe that you are too small to be noticed by hackers. Parties
who believe that are the hackers favorite targets. This is a proven,
inarguable fact based on court records, FISA data, IT evidence, national
news broadcasts, Congressional presented evidence and inventory records,
ie: Krebs On Security, FireEye, ICIJ, Wikileaks Vault 9, EU, Global IT
services, FBI.
10. NEVER believe that because the word “DELL” or “IBM” or “CISCO” is
imprinted on the plastic cover of some equipment that you are safe. Big
brands are targeted by every spy agency on Earth and are the MOST
compromised types of equipment. This is a proven, inarguable fact based on
court records, FISA data, IT evidence, national news broadcasts,
Congressional presented evidence and inventory records, ie: Krebs On
Security, FireEye, ICIJ, Wikileaks Vault 9, EU, Global IT services, FBI.
11. YOU may not personally care about getting exposed but the person, or
agency, you allow to get exposed will be affected for the rest of their
lives and they will care very much and could sue you for destroying them
via negligence. Be considerate of others in your “internet behavior”. Do
not put anything that could hurt another on any network, ever. This is a
proven, inarguable fact based on court records, FISA data, IT evidence,
national news broadcasts, Congressional presented evidence and inventory
records, ie: Krebs On Security, FireEye, ICIJ, Wikileaks Vault 9, EU,
Global IT services, FBI.
12. Never post your real photograph online, or on a dating site social
media or on any network. There are thousands of groups who scan every
photo on the web and cross check those photos in their massive databases
to reveal your personal information via every other location your photo is
posted. These "image harvesters" can find out where you, who your friends
and enemies are and where your kids are in minutes using comparative image
data that they have automated and operating around the clock. This is a
proven, inarguable fact based on court records, FISA data, IT evidence,
national news broadcasts, Congressional presented evidence and inventory
records, ie: Krebs On Security, FireEye, ICIJ, Wikileaks Vault 9, EU,
Global IT services, FBI.
13. If you think using web security measures like this makes you
"paranoid", then think again. Cautious and intelligent people use these
security measures because these dangers are proven in the news headlines
daily. Uninformed, naive and low IQ people are the types of people who do
not use good web hygiene and who suffer because they are not cautious and
are not willing to consider the consequences of their failure to read the
news and stay informed.
‘Gotham’ software written by Palantir shows how government agencies, or
anybody, can use very little information to obtain quick access to
anyone’s personal minutiae.
VICE NEWS Motherboard via public records request has revealed shocking
details of capabilities of California law enforcement involved in Fusion
Centers, once deemed to be a conspiracy theory like the National Security
Agency (NSA) which was founded in 1952, and its existence hidden until the
mid-1960s. Even more secretive is the National Reconnaissance Office
(NRO), which was founded in 1960 but remained completely secret for 30
Some of the documents instructing California law enforcement (Northern
California Regional Intelligence Center) “Fusion Center” are now online,
and they show just how much information the government can quickly access
with little or no knowledge of a person of interest.
“The guide doesn’t just show how Gotham works. It also shows how police
are instructed to use the software,” writes Caroline Haskins.
“This guide seems to be specifically made by Palantir for the California
law enforcement because it includes examples specific to California.”
According to DHS, “Fusion centers operate as state and major urban area
focal points for the receipt, analysis, gathering, and sharing of
threat-related information between federal; state, local, tribal,
territorial (SLTT); and private sector partners” like Palantir. Further,
Fusion Centers are locally owned and operated, arms of the “intelligence
community,” i.e. the 17 intelligence agencies coordinated by the National
Counterterrorism Center (NCTC). However, sometimes the buildings are
staffed by trained NSA personnel like what happened in Mexico City,
according to a 2010 Defense Department (DOD) memorandum.
Palantir is a private intelligence data management company mapping
relationships between individuals and organizations alike founded by Peter
Thiel and CEO Alex Karp and accused rapist Joe Lonsdale. You may remember
Palantir from journalist Barrett Brown, Anonymous’ hack of HBGary, or
accusations that the company provided the technology that enables NSA’s
mass surveillance PRISM. Founded with early investment from the CIA and
heavily used by the military, Palantir is a subcontracting company in its
own right. The company has even been featured in the Senate’s grilling of
Facebook, when Washington State Senator Maria Cantwell asked CEO Mark
Zuckerberg, “Do you know who Palantir is?” due to Peter Thiel sitting on
Facebook’s board.
In 2011, Anonymous’ breach exposed HBGary’s plan, conceived along with
data intelligence firm Palantir, and Berico Technologies, to retaliate
against WikiLeaks with cyber attacks and threaten the journalism
institutions supporters. Following the hack and exposure of the joint
plot, Palantir attempted to distance itself from HBGary, which it blamed
for the plot.
Bank of America/Palintir/HBGary combined WikiLeaks attack plan. You can
find more here: https://t.co/85yECxFmZu pic.twitter.com/huNtfJp8gl
— WikiLeaks (@wikileaks) November 29, 2016
This was in part because Palantir had in 2011 scored $250 million in deals
; its customers included the CIA, FBI, US Special Operations Command,
Army, Marines, Air Force, LAPD and even the NYPD. So the shady contractor
had its reputation to lose at the time being involved in arguably criminal
activity against WikiLeaks and its supporters.
Palantir describes itself as follows based on its website:
Palantir Law Enforcement supports existing case management systems,
evidence management systems, arrest records, warrant data, subpoenaed
data, RMS or other crime-reporting data, Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD)
data, federal repositories, gang intelligence, suspicious activity
reports, Automated License Plate Reader (ALPR) data, and unstructured data
such as document repositories and emails.
Palantir’s software, Bloomberg reports, combs through disparate data
sources—financial documents, airline reservations, cellphone records,
social media postings—and searches for connections that human analysts
might miss. It then presents the linkages in colorful, easy-to-interpret
graphics that look like spider webs.
Motherboard shows how Fusion Center police can now utilize similar
technology to track citizens beyond social media and online web accounts
with people record searches, vehicle record searches, a Histogram tool, a
Map tool, and an Object Explorer tool. (For more information on each and
the applicable uses see the Vice News article here.)
Police can then click on an individual in the chart within Gotham and see
every personal detail about a target and those around them, from email
addresses to bank account information, license information, social media
profiles, etc., according to the documents.
Palantir’s software in many ways is similar to the Prosecutor’s Management
Information System (PROMIS) stolen software Main Core and may be the next
evolution in that code, which allegedly predated PRISM. In 2008, Salon.com
published details about a top-secret government database that might have
been at the heart of the Bush administration’s domestic spying operations.
The database known as “Main Core” reportedly collected and stored vast
amounts of personal and financial data about millions of Americans in
event of an emergency like Martial Law.
The only difference is, again, this technology is being allowed to be
deployed by Fusion Center designated police and not just the National
Security Agency. Therefore, this expands the power that Fusion Center
police — consisting of local law enforcement, other local government
employees, as well as Department of Homeland Security personnel — have
over individual American citizens.
This is a huge leap from allowing NSA agents to access PRISM database
search software or being paid by the government to mine social media for
Fusion Centers have become a long-standing target of civil liberties
groups like the EFF, ACLU, and others because they collect and aggregate
data from so many different public and private sources.
On a deeper level, when you combine the capabilities of Palantir’s Gotham
software, the abuse of the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) database for
Federal Bureau of Investigations/Immigration and Customs Enforcement, and
facial recognition technology, you have the formula for a nightmarish
surveillance state. Ironically, or perhaps not, that nightmare is the
reality of undocumented immigrants as Palantir is one of several companies
helping sift through data for the raids planned by ICE, according to
journalist Barrett Brown.
According to the world's top internet security experts: "...Welcome to the
new digital world. Nobody can ever type anything on the internet without
getting scanned, hacked, privacy abused, data harvested for some political
campaign, spied on by the NSA and Russian hackers and sold to marketing
companies. You can't find a corporate or email server that has not already
been hacked. For $5000.00, on the Dark Web, you can now buy a copy of any
person's entire dating files from match.com, their social security records
and their federal back-ground checks. These holes can never be patched
because they exist right in the hardware of 90% of the internet hardware
on Earth.
Any hacker only needs to find one hole in a network in order to steal
everything in your medical records, your Macy's account, your credit
records and your dating data. Be aware, these days, Mr. & Ms.
Consumer. Facebook, Google, Twitter and Amazon have turned out to be
not-what-they-seem. They manipulate you and your personal information in
quite illicit manners and for corrupt purposes. Avoid communicating with
anybody on the internet because you will never know who you are really
talking to. Only communication with people live and in-person..."
Beyond embedded journalists, news blackouts, false flag events,
blacklisted and disappeared Internet domains the plotline of America's
"free press" there are now ISP-filtering programs subject to Homeland
Security guidelines that sift through emails and toss some into a black
hole. Insiders and the NSA-approved, however, can get around such
protections of networks by means of the various hybrids of the PROM IS
backdoor. The 1980 of the Prosecutor's Management Information System
(PROMIS) software handed over the golden key that would grant most of the
world to a handful of criminals. In fact, this one crime may have been the
final deal with the devil that consigned the United States to its present
shameful descent into moral turpitude. PROMIS began as a COBOL-based
program designed to track multiple offenders through multiple databases
like those of the DOJ, CIA, U.S. Attorney, IRS, etc. Its creator was a
former NSA analyst named William Hamilton. About the time that the October
Surprise Iranian hostage drama was stealing the election for former
California governor Ronald Reagan and former CIA director George H.W. Bush
in 1980, Hamilton was moving his Inslaw Inc. from non-profit to for-profit
His intention was to keep the upgraded version of PROM IS that Inslaw had
paid for and earmark a public domain version funded by a Law Enforcement
Assistance Administration (LEAA) grant for the government. With 570,000
lines of code, PROMIS was able to integrate innumerable databases without
any reprogramming and thus turn mere data into information.
With Reagan in the White House, his California cronies at the DOJ offered
Inslaw a $9.6 million contract to install public-domain PROMIS in
prosecutors' offices, though it was really the enhanced PROM IS that the
good-old-boy network had set its sights on. In February 1983, the chief of
Israeli antiterrorism intelligence was sent to Inslaw under an alias to
see for himself the DEC VAX enhanced version. He recognized immediately
that this software would revolutionize Israeli intelligence and crush the
Palestine Inti fada. Enhanced PROMIS could extrapolate nuclear submarine
routes and destinations, track assets, trustees, and judges. Not only
that, but the conspirators had a CIA genius named Michael Riconosciuto who
could enhance the enhanced version one step further, once it was in their
possession. To install public domain PROMIS in ninety-four U.S. Attorney
offices as per contract, Inslaw had to utilize its enhanced PROMIS.
The DOJ made its move, demanding temporary possession of enhanced PROMIS
as collateral to ensure that all installations were completed and that
only Inslaw money had gone into the enhancements. Na'ively, Hamilton
agreed. The rest is history: the DOJ delayed payments on the $9.6 million
and drove Inslaw into bankruptcy. With Edwin Meese III as Attorney
General, the bankruptcy system was little more than a political patronage
system, anyway. The enhanced PROMIS was then passed to the brilliant
multivalent computer and chemical genius Riconosciuto, son of CIA Agent
Marshall Riconosciuto.5 Recruited at sixteen, Michael had studied with
Nobel Prize-winning physicist and co-inventor of the laser Arthur Shallo.
Michael was moved from Indio to Silver Springs to Miami as he worked to
insert a chip that would broadcast the contents of whatever database was
present to collection satellites and monitoring vans like the Google
Street View van, using a digital spread spectrum to make the signal look
like computer noise. This Trojan horse would grant key-club access to the
backdoor of any person or institution that purchased PROM IS software as
long as the backdoor could be kept secret. Meanwhile, the drama between
Hamilton and the conspirators at DOJ continued.
A quiet offer to buy out Inslaw was proffered by the investment banking
firm Allen & Co., British publisher (Daily Mirror) Robert Maxwell, the
Arkansas corporation Systematics, and Arkansas lawyer (and Clinton family
friend) Webb Hubbell.
Hamilton refused and filed a $50 million lawsuit in bankruptcy court
against the DOJ on June 9, 1986. Bankruptcy Judge George F. Bason, Jr.
ruled that the DOJ had indeed stolen PROMIS through trickery, fraud, and
deceit, and awarded Inslaw $6.8 million. He was unable to bring perjury
charges against government officials but recommended to the House
Judiciary Committee that it conduct a full investigation of the DOJ. The
DOJ's appeal failed, but the Washington, D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals
reversed everything on a technicality. Under then-President George H.W.
Bush (1989 — 1993), Inslaw's petition to the Supreme Court in October 1991
was scorned. When the IRS lawyer requested that Inslaw be liquidated in
such a way that the U.S. Trustee program (AG Meese's feeding trough
between the DOJ and IRS) could name the trustee who would convert the
assets, oversee the auction, and retain the appraisers, Judge Bason
Under then-President William Jefferson Clinton (1993 — 2001), the Court of
Federal Claims whitewashed the DOJ's destruction of Inslaw and theA of
PROMIS on July 31, 1997. Judge Christine Miller sent a 186-page advisory
opinion to Congress claiming that Inslaw's complaint had no merit a somber
message to software developers seeking to do business with Attorney
Generals and their DOJ. For his integrity, Judge Bason lost his bench seat
to the IRS lawyer.
Throughout three administrations, the mainstream Mockingbird media
obediently covered up the Inslaw affair, enhanced PROMIS being a master
tool of inference extraction able to track and eavesdrop like nothing
else. Once enhanced PROMIS was being sold domestically and abroad so as to
steal data from individuals, government agencies, banks, and corporations
everywhere, intelligence-connected Barry Kumnick~ turned PROMIS into an
artificial intelligence (AI) tool called SMART (Special Management
Artificial Reasoning Tool) that revolutionized surveillance. The DOJ
promised Kumnick $25 million, then forced him into bankruptcy as it had
Hamilton. (Unlike Hamilton, Kumnick settled for a high security clearance
and work at military contractors Systematics and Northrop.) Five Eyes /
Echelon and the FBI's Carnivore / Data Collection System 1000 were
promptly armed with SMART, as was closed circuit satellite highdefinition
(HD) television. With SMART, Five Eyes / Echelon intercepts for UKUSA
agencies became breathtaking.
The next modification to Hamilton's PROMIS was Brainstorm, a behavioral
recognition software, followed by the facial recognition soAware Flexible
Research System (FRS); then Semantic Web, which looks not just for link
words and embedded code but for what it means that this particular person
is following this particular thread. Then came quantum modification. The
Department of Defense paid Simulex, Inc. to develop Sentient World
Simulation (SWS), a synthetic mirror of the real world with automated
continuous calibration with respect to current real-world information. The
SEAS (Synthetic Environment for Analysis and Simulations) soAware platform
drives SWS to devour as many as five million nodes of breaking news census
data, shiAing economic indicators, real world weather patterns, and social
media data, then feeds it proprietary military intelligence and fictitious
events to gauge their destabilizing impact. Research into how to maintain
public cognitive dissonance and learned helplessness (psychologist Martin
Seligman) help SEAS deduce human behavior.
There are legitimate reasons (
)to want to avoid being tracked and spied-on while you're online. But
aside from that, doesn't it feel creepy knowing you're probably being
watched every moment that you're online and that information about where
you go and what you do could potentially be sold to anyone at any time--to
advertisers, your health insurance company, a future employer, the
government, even a snoopy neighbor? Wouldn't you feel better not having to
worry about that on top of everything else you have to worry about every
You can test to what extent your browser is transmitting unique
information using these sites: panopticlick.com, Shieldsup, and
These sites confirm that browsers transmit a lot of data that can be used
for fingerprinting. From playing around with these sites, I have noticed
that turning off javascript in my browser does help some. Also the TOR
browser seems to transmit less data than most, but even it is not
completely effective. The added benefit that you get from the TOR browser
and especially the TAILS operating system is that they block your IP
address from the websites you visit. You want to try several browsers to
see which one transmits the least information. Perhaps you will be lucky
enough to find a browser that transmits less information than the TOR
The next thing to be aware of is that corporations have methods other than
tracking to spy on you. There is a saying that if a corporation is
offering you their product for free, you are their product. This means
that corporations that offer you free services are selling the data they
collect from you in order to be able to provide you with these services.
So, chances are that companies that provide you with free email are
reading your email. We know that, in addition to tracking you, Facebook
reads your posts and knows who your friends are, and that is just the
beginning of Facebook's spying methods. Free online surveys are just ways
of collecting more data from you. Companies also monitor your credit card
transactions and sell your online dating profiles. If you have a Samsung
TV that is connected to the internet, it's probably recording what you
watch and may even be listening to your private conversations in your
home. In fact, anything that you have in your home that is connected to
the internet may be spying on you, right down to your internet-connected
light bulb. With a few exceptions, online search engines monitor and log
your searches. One of the exceptions is the ixquick.com search engine,
which is headquartered in Europe. The steps to counter the nearly
ubiquitous activities of free service providers would be to pay for
services you receive online, read website privacy agreements, and not buy
products that are known to be spying on you. However, the only way to be
really secure from corporations using the internet to spy on you is to
never connect to the internet or buy any internet-connected appliances.
Welcome back to the 1980's.
Protecting yourself from government spying while you are on the internet
is the hardest and requires the most knowledge. The biggest problem is
that unless a whistle-blower like Edward Snowden tells us, we have no way
of knowing how governments may potentially be spying on us. That means
that we have no way of protecting ourselves 100% of the time from
government spying. Some things whistle-blowers have revealed (
) are that the US government logs the meta data from all phone calls (who
calls who and when), secretly forces internet service providers and
providers of other services to allow it to "listen in on" and record all
traffic going through their servers, reads nearly all email sent from
everywhere in the world, and tracks the locations of all cell phones (even
when they're turned off). And, although I am not aware of any specific
whistle-blower revelations on this, there is every reason to believe that
the US government (and perhaps others, including China's) has backdoors
built into all computer hardware and operating system software for
monitoring everything we do on our cell phones, tablets, laptops, desktop
computers, and routers. (
https://www.eteknix.com/nsa-may-backdoors-built-intel-amd-processors/ )
See also this. Because Lenovo computers are manufactured in China, the US
government has issued warnings to all US government agencies and
subcontractors to strongly discourage them from using Lenovo computers.
And the US government probably has backdoors (
) into all commercially-available encryption software, with the possible
exception of Truecrypt version 7.1a. I hope you are understanding now the
magnitude of the lengths that governments are going to (using your tax
money) to spy on you. In truth, we are now approaching the level of
government spying that George Orwell warned about in his book, 1984
So what can we practically do to protect ourselves from government spying?
Seriously, there isn't much, if we want to use cell phones, credit cards,
and the internet. About all we can do, if we absolutely need to have a
private conversation, is to have a face-to-face meeting without any
electronics within microphone range. That includes cell phones, Samsung
TV's, video cameras, computers, or land-line telephones. And don't travel
to the meeting place using long-distance commercial transportation.
Sending a letter through the US mail is the next best, although it is
known that the outsides of all mail sent through the US mail are
photographed, and the pictures are stored. So, don't put your return
address on the envelope. (
) As far as surfing the internet is concerned, begin with all the
precautions that I outlined above to protect yourself from corporate
spying (except HTTPS and VPN's). Then, add the TAILS operating system on a
USB stick. As I said, TAILS will not prevent you from being identified and
tracked via the fingerprinting method. And who can be sure whether the
government has a backdoor in TAILS? As far as I know, the super-paranoid,
hoody and sunglasses method I outlined above is is the next step.
Stalkers are using cheap bugging devices hidden in everyday household
More funding and legal powers are needed for police to stop a surge of
stalkers using eavesdropping devices to spy on victims, experts have
Firms paid to detect the bugs say they’re finding more and more of the
devices which are readily available on online marketplaces like Amazon and
Jack Lazzereschi, Technical Director of bug sweeping company Shapestones,
says cases of stalking and victims being blackmailed with intimate footage
shot in secret has doubled in the past two years.
He told Metro.co.uk: ‘The police want to do something about it, they try
to, but usually they don’t have the legal power or the resources to
‘For us it’s a problem. We try to protect the client, we want to assure
that somebody has been protected.’
Advert for a hidden camera device planted inside a fire/smoke alarm sold
on Amazon
People are paying as little as £15 for listening devices and spy cameras
hidden inside desk lamps, wall sockets, phone charger cables, USB sticks
and picture frames.
Users insert a sim card into a hidden slot and call a number to listen in
on their unwitting targets.
People using hidden cameras can watch what’s happening using an apps on
their phones.
Jack says the devices are so effective, cheap and hard to trace to their
users, law enforcement prefer using them over expensive old-school
Although every case is different, in situations where homeowners plant
devices in their own properties, Jack says there’s usually a legal ‘grey
area’ to avoid prosecution.
The devices themselves aren’t illegal and they are usually marketed for
legitimate purposes like protection, making it difficult for cops to
There is no suggestion online marketplaces like eBay and Amazon are
breaking the law by selling them.
But in some instances, images of women in their underwear have been used
in listings – implying more sinister uses for the devices.
Even in cases when people are more clearly breaking the law, Jack says
it’s unlikely perpetrators will be brought to justice as overstretched
police will prioritise resources to stop violent crime.
Jack’s says around 60 per cent of his firm’s non-corporate cases cases
involve stalking or blackmail.
He says it’s become an ‘epidemic’ over the past couple of years with the
gadgets more readily available than ever before.
Jack Lazzereschi says he’s seen stalking cases double in a few years
Victims are often filmed naked or having sex and threatened with the
threat of footage being put online and in the worst cases children are
also recorded.
Jack says UK law is woefully unprepared to deal with these devices
compared to countries in the Asian-Pacific region.
In South Korea authorities have cracked down on a scourge of perverts
planting cameras in public toilets.
James Williams, director of bug sweepers QCC Global says snooping devices
used to be the preserve of people with deep pockets and technological
He said: ‘It’s gone from that to really being at a place where anybody can
just buy a device from the internet.
‘Anything you can possibly think of you can buy with a bug built into it.
I would say they’re getting used increasingly across the board.’
Suky Bhaker, Acting CEO of the Suzy Lamplugh Trust, which runs the
National Stalking Helpline, warned using these gadgets could be a prelude
to physical violence.
She said: ‘We know that stalking and coercive control are extremely
dangerous and can cause huge harm to the victim, both in terms of their
psychological wellbeing and the potential for escalation to physical
violence or even murder.
‘The use of surveillance devices or spyware apps by stalkers, must be seen
in the context of a pattern of obsessive, fixated behaviour which aims at
controlling and monitoring the victim.
She added: ‘There should be clarity for police forces that the use of
surveillance equipment by stalkers to monitor their victim’s location or
communications is a sign that serious and dangerous abuse may be present
or imminent.’
‘All cases of stalking or coercive control should be taken seriously and
investigated when reported to police.’
The charity is calling for all police forces across the country to train
staff in this area.
Earlier this month a policeman known only by his surname Mills was barred
from the profession for life for repeatedly dismissing pleas for help from
19-year-old Shana Grice who was eventually murdered by her stalker
ex-boyfriend Michel Lane.
A spokesman for eBay said: ‘The listing of mini cameras on eBay is
permitted for legitimate items like baby monitors or doorbell cameras.
‘However, items intended to be used as spying devices are banned from
eBay’s UK platform in accordance with the law and our policy.
‘We have filters in place to block prohibited items, and all the items
flagged by Metro have now been removed.’
Face-tracking harvesters grab one picture of you and then use AI to find
every other digital picture of you on Earth and open every social media
post, resume, news clipping, dating account etc. and sell the full dossier
on you to Axciom, the NSA, Political manipulators etc. and hack your bank
accounts and credit cards. Never put an unsecured photo of yourself
KrebsOnSecurity spent a good part of the past week working with Cisco to
alert more than four dozen companies — many of them household names —
about regular corporate WebEx conference meetings that lack passwords and
are thus open to anyone who wants to listen in.
Department of Energy’s WebEx meetings.
At issue are recurring video- and audio conference-based meetings that
companies make available to their employees via WebEx, a set of online
conferencing tools run by Cisco. These services allow customers to
password-protect meetings, but it was trivial to find dozens of major
companies that do not follow this basic best practice and allow virtually
anyone to join daily meetings about apparently internal discussions and
planning sessions.
Many of the meetings that can be found by a cursory search within an
organization’s “Events Center” listing on Webex.com seem to be intended
for public viewing, such as product demonstrations and presentations for
prospective customers and clients. However, from there it is often easy to
discover a host of other, more proprietary WebEx meetings simply by
clicking through the daily and weekly meetings listed in each
organization’s “Meeting Center” section on the Webex.com site.
Some of the more interesting, non-password-protected recurring meetings I
found include those from Charles Schwab, CSC, CBS, CVS, The U.S.
Department of Energy, Fannie Mae, Jones Day, Orbitz, Paychex Services, and
Union Pacific. Some entities even also allowed access to archived event
Cisco began reaching out to each of these companies about a week ago, and
today released an all-customer alert (PDF) pointing customers to a
consolidated best-practices document written for Cisco WebEx site
administrators and users.
“In the first week of October, we were contacted by a leading security
researcher,” Cisco wrote. “He showed us that some WebEx customer sites
were publicly displaying meeting information online, including meeting
Time, Topic, Host, and Duration. Some sites also included a ‘join meeting’
It includes credit card numbers and bank account information, according
Todd Haselton@robotodd
Key Points
• Google Gmail keeps a log of everything you buy.
• Google says this is so you can ask Google Assistant about the status
of an order or reorder something.
• It also says you can delete this log by deleting the email, but
three weeks after we deleted all email, the list is still there.
Google and other tech companies have been under fire recently for a
variety of issues, including failing to protect user data, failing to
disclose how data is collected and used and failing to police the content
posted to their services.
Companies such as Google have embedded themselves in our lives with
useful services including Gmail, Google Maps and Google Search, as well as
smart products such as the Google Assistant which can answer our questions
on a whim. The benefits of these tools come at the cost of our privacy,
however, because while Google says that privacy should not be a “luxury
good, ” it’s still going to great lengths to collect as much detail as
possible about its users and making it more difficult than necessary for
users to track what’s collected about them and delete it.
Here’s the latest case in point.
In May, I wrote up something weird I spotted on Google’s account management page. I noticed that Google uses Gmail to store a list of everything you’ve purchased, if you used Gmail or your Gmail address in any part of the transaction.
If you have a confirmation for a prescription you picked up at a pharmacy that went into your Gmail account, Google logs it. If you have a receipt from Macy’s, Google keeps it. If you bought food for delivery and the receipt went to your Gmail, Google stores that, too.
You get the idea, and you can see your own purchase history by going to Google’s Purchases page.
Google says it does this so you can use Google Assistant to track
packages or reorder things, even if that’s not an option for some
purchases that aren’t mailed or wouldn’t be reordered, like something you
bought a store.
At the time of my original story, Google said users can delete everything
by tapping into a purchase and removing the Gmail. It seemed to work if
you did this for each purchase, one by one. This isn’t easy — for years
worth of purchases, this would take hours or even days of time.
So, since Google doesn’t let you bulk-delete this purchases list, I decided to delete everything in my Gmail inbox. That meant removing every last message I’ve sent or received since I opened my Gmail account more than a decade ago.
Despite Google’s assurances, it didn’t work.
Like a horror movie villain that just won’t die
On Friday, three weeks after I deleted every Gmail, I checked my purchases list.
I still see receipts for things I bought years ago. Prescriptions, food deliveries, books I bought on Amazon, music I purchased from iTunes, a subscription to Xbox Live I bought from Microsoft -- it’s all there.
- Beware of who you trust with your sex life
- Big dating site owners found to be engaged in tax evasion, sex trafficking, political bribery, privacy abuse, selling access to hackers, domestic spying, human rights violations, political Honey Traps and other crimes
- “Don’t worry, Trust Us” the site owners say but the world always later finds out they are leaking your data to all kinds of awful outsiders
- Never, Ever, trust a dating site to protect your privacy
- Every major dating site reads all of your text messages and stores archives of all of your dating site messages forever
- Every photo, or personal data point, that you put on a data site can instantly be reverse tracked back to all of your other work, employment, medical and personal data on the internet
- A low level admin or operations blogger in the offices of match.com, OKCUPID, Plenty of Fish, Tinder or other sites might tell you that “they don’t do any of those bad things” but they are either lying or naive. Big dating sites exist for only two reasons: Profiteering and Political Spying
- Chelsea Clinton's OK Cupid, Match.com and Plenty Of Fish DNC Facial Recognition Political Spy Tech Is Growing Stronger By Stealing Your Face
- They use sex to trap you into revealing how to manipulate you.
- All of the JOIN UP questions at OK Cupid are essentially the DNC's political agenda questions
- They use emotional vulnerabilities to trick you into being spied on for political purposes
- Mass user class-action lawsuits being formed to sue Chelsea Clinton's IAC (The ACTUAL owner of these websites) into oblivion for abusing users
I asked Tinder for my data. It sent me 800 pages of my ...
I asked Tinder for my data. It sent me 800 pages of my deepest, darkest secrets The dating app knows me better than I do, but these reams of intimate information are just the tip of the iceberg.
1. Chelsea Clinton went to Stanford University and helped get Stanford's
Brainwash project going
2. The Brainwash project, and 12 others, harvest data from Match.com,
OKCUPID and Plenty of Fish users
3. Chelsea Clinton runs IAC which owns Match.com, OKCUPID and Plenty of
4. Jeffery Epstein finances the Clinton Family and is an arrested
pedophile sex cult operator
5. Jeffrey Epstein harvested sex cult girls for himself and his buddies
from Match.com, OKCUPID and Plenty of Fish
6. Ghislaine Noelle Maxwell was one of the heads of Jeffrey Epstein's
procurement efforts of young girls
7. Ghislaine Noelle Maxwell was a guest of honor at Chelsea Clinton's
8. Match.com, OKCUPID and Plenty of Fish sell their user data to the DNC
and Democrat political operatives and all of the initial site questions on
OKCUPID are from the DNC election platform!
SEX CULT BOSS Ghislaine Noelle Maxwell At the Clinton Wedding as Guest Of
Cade Metz
© Open Data Commons Public Domain Dedication and License/Megapixels via
The New York Times In an undated handout image from the website
Megapixels, a sample image from the Brainwash database, created by
Stanford University researchers, which contains more than 10,000 images
and nearly 82,000…
SAN FRANCISCO — Dozens of databases of people’s faces are being compiled
without their knowledge by companies and researchers, with many of the
images then being shared around the world, in what has become a vast
ecosystem fueling the spread of facial recognition technology.
The databases are pulled together with images from social networks, photo websites, dating services like OkCupid, and cameras placed in restaurants and on college quads. Although there is no precise count of the datasets, privacy activists have pinpointed repositories that were built by Microsoft, Stanford University, and others, with one holding more than 10 million images while another had more than 2 million.
The facial compilations are being driven by the race to create leading-edge facial recognition systems. This technology learns how to identify people by analyzing as many digital pictures as possible using “neural networks,” which are complex mathematical systems that require vast amounts of data to build pattern recognition.
Tech giants Facebook and Google have most likely amassed the largest face data sets, which they do not distribute, according to research papers. But other companies and universities have widely shared their image troves with researchers, governments, and private enterprises in Australia, China, India, Singapore, and Switzerland for training artificial intelligence, according to academics, activists, and public papers.
Companies and labs have gathered facial images for more than a decade, and the databases are merely one layer to building facial recognition technology. But people often have no idea that their faces ended up in them. And while names are typically not attached to the photos, individuals can be recognized because each face is unique to a person.
Questions about the datasets are rising because the technologies that they have enabled are being used in potentially invasive ways. Documents released last Sunday revealed that Immigration and Customs Enforcement officials employed facial recognition technology to scan motorists’ photos to identify unauthorized immigrants. The FBI also spent more than a decade using such systems to compare driver’s license and visa photos against the faces of suspected criminals, according to a Government Accountability Office report last month. On Wednesday, a congressional hearing tackled the government’s use of the technology.
There is no oversight of the datasets. Activists and others said they were angered by the possibility that people’s likenesses had been used to build ethically questionable technology and that the images could be misused. At least one facial database created in the United States was shared with a company in China that has been linked to ethnic profiling of the country’s minority Uighur Muslims.
Over the past several weeks, some companies and universities, including Microsoft and Stanford, removed their facial datasets from the internet because of privacy concerns. But given that the images were already so well distributed, they are most likely still being used in the United States and elsewhere, researchers and activists said.
“You come to see that these practices are intrusive, and you realize that these companies are not respectful of privacy,” said Liz O’Sullivan, who oversaw one of these databases at the artificial intelligence startup Clarifai. She said she left the New York-based company in January to protest such practices.
“The more ubiquitous facial recognition becomes, the more exposed we all are to being part of the process,” she said.
Google, Facebook, and Microsoft declined to comment.
One database, which dates to 2014, was put together by researchers at Stanford. It was called Brainwash, after a San Francisco cafe of the same name, where the researchers tapped into a camera. Over three days, the camera took more than 10,000 images, which went into the database, the researchers wrote in a 2015 paper. The paper did not address whether cafe patrons knew their images were being taken and used for research. (The cafe has closed.)
The Stanford researchers then shared Brainwash. According to research papers, it was used in China by academics associated with the National University of Defense Technology and Megvii, an artificial intelligence company that The New York Times previously reported has provided surveillance technology for monitoring Uighurs.
The Brainwash dataset was removed from its original website last month after Adam Harvey, an activist in Germany who tracks the use of these repositories through a website called MegaPixels, drew attention to it. Links between Brainwash and papers describing work to build AI systems at the National University of Defense Technology in China have also been deleted, according to documentation from Harvey.
Stanford researchers who oversaw Brainwash did not respond to requests for comment. “As part of the research process, Stanford routinely makes research documentation and supporting materials available publicly,” a university official said. “Once research materials are made public, the university does not track their use nor did university officials.”
At Microsoft, researchers have claimed on the company’s website to have created one of the biggest facial datasets. The collection, called MS Celeb, spanned over 10 million images of more than 100,000 people.
MS Celeb was ostensibly a database of celebrities, whose images are considered fair game because they are public figures. But MS Celeb also brought in photos of privacy and security activists, academics, and others, such as Shoshana Zuboff, the author of the book “The Age of Surveillance Capitalism,” according to documentation from Harvey of the MegaPixels project. MS Celeb was distributed internationally before being removed this spring after Harvey and others flagged it.
Matt Zeiler, founder and chief executive of Clarifai, the AI startup, said his company had built a facial database with images from OkCupid, a dating site. He said Clarifai had access to OkCupid’s photos because some of the dating site’s founders invested in his company.
He added that he had signed a deal with a large social media company — he declined to disclose which — to use its images in training facial recognition models. The social network’s terms of service allow for this kind of sharing, he said.
“There has to be some level of trust with tech companies like Clarifai to put powerful technology to good use and get comfortable with that,” he said.
An OkCupid spokeswoman said that Clarifai contacted the company in 2014 “about collaborating to determine if they could build unbiased AI and facial recognition technology” and that the dating site “did not enter into any commercial agreement then and have no relationship with them now.” She did not address whether Clarifai had gained access to OkCupid’s photos without its consent.
Clarifai used the images from OkCupid to build a service that could identify the age, sex, and race of detected faces, Zeiler said. The startup also began working on a tool to collect images from a website called Insecam — short for “insecure camera” — which taps into surveillance cameras in city centers and private spaces without authorization. Clarifai’s project was shut down last year after some employees protested and before any images were gathered, he said.
Zeiler said Clarifai would sell its facial recognition technology to foreign governments, military operations, and police departments provided the circumstances were right. It did not make sense to place blanket restrictions on the sale of technology to entire countries, he added.
O’Sullivan, the former Clarifai technologist, has joined a civil rights and privacy group called the Surveillance Technology Oversight Project. She is now part of a team of researchers building a tool that will let people check whether their image is part of the openly shared facial databases.
“You are part of what made the system what it is,” she said.
READ MORE ABOUT DATING DATA RAPE: https://www.nytimes.com/2019/07/13/technology/databases-faces-facial-recognition-technology.html
Mystery surrounding private island...
Compound has safe room no one can enter...
How did he make billions millions?
His former students speak out...
New Mexico ranch linked to investigation...
In addition to known connections like Bill Clinton and Prince Andrew, the documents named magician David Copperfield and shed light on Epstein's ...
Little St James is a small island fringed by coral reefs in the bright blue waters of the US Virgin Islands, with sheltered inlets and forested groves rising to ...
Called Little St. James, Epstein's 72-acre island included several villas and is about 2 miles off the coast of St. Thomas, part of the U.S. ...
. While Jeffrey Epstein counted many rich and powerful men among his associates –including Bill Clinton and Prince Andrew – a court document ...
. Some in Epstein's inner circle have been accused of helping run a sex-trafficking operation that brought dozens of underage girls through his ...
Giuffre claimed that Maxwell lured her into Epstein's perverse orbit under the false pretense of work as a professional masseuse. Instead, ...
A new batch of unsealed documents pertaining to Jeffrey Epstein's sexual abuse of teenage girls was released Thursday, adding several ...
Reviews of Jeffrey Epstein's schedules and emails have revealed additional prominent people with ties to Epstein including David Copperfield ...
. The 72-acre property, is also known informally as "Paedophile Island".
The Biggest Names from Jeffrey Epstein's Unsealed Court Documents · What the documents reveal · The case against Epstein · Bill Clinton · Donald ...
- You can rub a jelly on the male penis that prevents STD’s
Microbicides for sexually transmitted diseases are pharmacologic agents and chemical substances that are capable of killing or destroying certain microorganisms that commonly cause human infection (for example, the human immunodeficiency virus).
Microbicides are a diverse group of chemical compounds that exert their
activity by a variety of different mechanisms of action. Multiple
compounds are being developed and tested for their microbicidal activity
in clinical trials. Microbicides can be formulated in various delivery
systems including gels, creams, lotions, aerosol sprays, tablets or films
(which must be used near the time of sexual intercourse) and sponges and
vaginal rings (or other devices that release the active ingredient(s) over
a longer period). Some of these agents are being developed for vaginal
application, and for rectal use by those engaging in anal sex.
- The Oraquick mouth-swab is at every major pharmacy and can detect HIV in
minutes with high accuracy
With OraQuick®, you have the comfort of getting your test results in the
privacy of your own home. It's the only at-home oral HIV test approved by
the FDA.
- Home tests can now detect the top STD’s
You must be tested for the following STD’s before you start dating:
- CHLAMYDIA (genital, throat, rectal)
- GONORRHEA (genital, throat, rectal)
- HIV I & II
If you do not test for these STD’s on a regular basis, in the modern
world, you will probably get one of them
plus your own doctor and any community clinic…
- You can take pills to prevent HIV
Per: https://www.cdc.gov/hiv/risk/prep/index.html
..you can take Prep Pills to prevent HIV but you can’t usually get the
prescription unless you tell the doctor you are ass-fucking gay men all of
a sudden… It works on non-gay people but they don’t like to give it to
straight people for odd political reasons.
- Get a home lab
The equipment to test for STD’s used to cost millions of dollars but now
you can buy forensics portable testing equipment for less than $30,000.00
to test yourself and any new partner quickly. If you avoiding getting
AIDS, $30,000.00 is worth the investment. The prices are always dropping.
As a backup plan, you can use ORAQUICK and a combination of these tests:
Many first dates and new couples find it hard to think of things to do.
Here is a small sample of the things you can do in just one area, ie:
around the San Francisco Bay Area:
- Walk around Angel Island
- Ask a stranger for directions to the nearest park
- Attend a performance at Zellerbach Hall at the University of California
in Berkeley
- Attend an Animation Film Festival
- Back the car up to a cliff-side view of the ocean and have a picnic in
the back over-looking the entire Pacific ocean
- Bake Cookies
- Go to the student film festival at one of the universities
- Find a beach you have never visited yet
- Bed & Breakfast Inns
- Borrow a dog and take them for a run on the beach
- Build a roadside library box and fill it with your old bookstore-
- Buy a book at City Lights bookstore in San Francisco's North Beach
- Buy a pumpkin for Halloween in Half Moon Bay at Bob’s Pumpkin Patch
- Call into radio shows and see how much airtime you can get
- Camp, hike, bike ride, fish or whatever you like in Lake Tahoe (Several
hours from the Bay Area)
- Check Out Art Galleries
- Climb a tree
- Collect stuff at the beach
- Crash a wedding reception at a Golf Club
- Dance to Salsa music in the Mission District of San Francisco
- Do an exotic jigsaw puzzle
- Do the “step-over” in a cross-walk
- Drive along Highway between San José and Santa Cruz See beautiful
mountains, homes, redwoods and much more
- Drive Big Sur and stop at Nepenthe or the Post Ranch Inn
- Drive down every road in Napa and explore
- Drive scenic Highway from San Francisco to Santa Barbara
- Drive to the top of Mount Hamilton and see the Lick Observatory in San
- Drop someone off at Alcatraz Island
- Eat Dessert
- Eat Good food
- Enjoy a beautiful summer day anywhere in the Bay Area
- Enjoy a California or Stanford basketball game
- Enjoy a performance or an exhibition at the Mission Cultural Arts Center
in San Francisco
- Enjoy a sunset at any beach
- Enjoy camping on a beach south of Carmel Camping is available on beaches
all the way to the Mexican border
- Enjoy international food and listen to music all weekend long during
Tapestry and Talent in downtown San José
- Enjoy the beautiful homes and breathtaking coastline while driving from
Pacific Grove through Del Monte ending in Carmel
- Enjoy the San José Jazz Festival at Cesar Chavez Plaza
- Enjoy the Santa Clara County Fair in San José
- Feed a homeless person
- Feed a squirrel
- Fish, drink a soda and eat calamari at the Santa Cruz Pier
- Flip some coins into a fountain
- Fly a glider over the farms of Monterey
- Fly acrobatic dual line kits
- Fly gliders
- Fly kites
- Flying Kites
- Foot Tickling
- Get a lifetime National Park pass and use it every month
- Get/Give a massage
- Go bike riding or just enjoy the flowers at Golden Gate Park in San
- Go boating in the San Francisco Bay
- Go Dancing
- Go dancing at the Top of the Mark in San Francisco
- Go dining with friends
- Go fishing off the Capitola Pier and enjoy the live jazz music on some
- Go fishing off the Pacifica Wharf
- Go Furniture Hunting
- Go Hiking at Pescadero
- Go horseback riding near Uvas Meadows in San José
- Go People Watching in North Beach
- Go Roller Skating
- Go Sailing as ‘rail meat’
- Go sailing on the San Francisco Bay as a party filler guest
- Go shopping in downtown San Francisco There are too many shops to list
Buy everything from fly-fishing gear to high-end fashions
- Go swimming
- Go swing on the Alta Plaza Swings on top of the hill
- Go to a bed and breakfast inn and pretend it is the 1800’s
- Go to a bonfire at the beach
- Go to a City Hall hearing and raise hell about an issue
- Go to a holiday buffet at the Cliff House
- Go to A Music Festival
- Go to A Restaurant
- Go to an Aquarium
- Go to annual Greek festival in San José
- Go to annual Italian Carnaval at San José's Holy Cross Church
- Go to Art Openings
- Go to brunch at the Awahnee/Majestic in Yosemite
- Go to Carnaval in San Francisco
- Go to downtown Los Gatos (Los Altos, Palo Alto, Burlingame, Sausalito,
etc) and observe yuppies as they down $$$$ cappuccinos
- Go to Flea Markets
- Go to Japan town in San Francisco
- Go to MACLA in San José and see a Chicano art exhibit or performance
- Go to Matinees
- Go to Mitchell’s ice cream in San Francisco and get a hand-made ice
- Go to Museums
- Go to National Parks
- Go to Nordstrom's in downtown San Francisco and get your shoes shined
- Go to San Juan Bautista and visit the Mission and shop for antiques in a
rural setting
- Go To The Beach
- Go to the Castro Theater in San Francisco and see a movie and an organ
performance during intermission
- Go to the Century theaters and see an IMAX movie in San José
- Go to the DeSassait Photography Gallery at Santa Clara University
- Go to the Driving Range
- Go to the Rosicrucian Egyptian Museum in San José
- Go to the San José Museum of Art
- Go to the Santa Cruz Beach and Boardwalk
- Go to The Secret Beach
- Go to the Stanford University Chapel for a performance of classical
- Go to the traditional Thanksgiving Big Bone Game between Lincoln and San
José High
- Go to the University of California at Santa Cruz to see the beautiful
campus and redwoods
- Go to the world's largest flea market in San José
- Go water or snow skiing (gambling too) in Lake Tahoe (Several hours
- Go water skiing at Calero reservoir or at other great area reservoirs or
- Go water skiing in the San Joaquin Delta
- Grab a cup of coffee at Java Beach and stroll the beach in San Francisco
- Haggle at Garage Sales
- Hang out at one of the many Silicon Valley watering holes in San Mateo
to San José
- Hang out with the tourists at San Francisco's Fisherman's Wharf and Pier
- Have A Barbecue
- Have a BBQ at San José's Alum Rock Park
- Have a deadly caramel ice cream sundae at Fenton’s
- Have a doughnut at Rollo's in San José
- Have a night entirely lit by candles
- Have A Picnic
- Have a picnic at Stinson Beach
- Have a sandwich or coffee at Robert's of Woodside Woodside is just off
Highway and is an affluent 'barb nestled in the forest. Maybe locals Joan
Baez, Michelle Pfieffer or Neil Young will say hi
- Have a slice of pizza at Frida's Pizza in San Francisco's Mission
- Have a steak at Original Joes in downtown San José
- Have a Taco at Taco Bell (on the beach) in Pacifica
- Have a tasty hamburger or a crepe at the Crepevine in San Francisco's
Sunset District
- Have an ice cream at Ben and Jerry's on the corner of Haight and Ashbury
in San Francisco
- Have breakfast at the Pork Store in the Haight Ashbury in San Francisco
- Have coffee at Mr Toot's (by the beach) in Capitola
- Have lunch in downtown Mendocino Watch but out for the pot brownies!
- Have lunch in the quaint Saratoga Village near Big Basin Way or Congress
Springs Road
- Have some corn on the cob or sushi at the San José Nihonmachi festival
in Japan Town in San José
- Have some Japanese food in San José's Japantown
- Have some of the best pizza on earth at North Beach Pizza of San
- Have some of the best Vietnamese food in the Bay Area at Tu Lan on
(sleazy)Street near Market Park yourself next to the cooks (my favorite
spot) and watch the cooks perform
- Have Sunday brunch in downtown Carmel
- Hike in the magnificent Muir Woods
- Hike or picnic at Alum Rock Park in San José
- Horse Riding
- Hot Tubs
- House Tours
- Hugging
- Indulge in a holiday buffet at The Top of The Mark (Especially Christmas
and Thanksgiving)
- Inspect the archives at the Chicano Center at San José State
- Inspect the studios of emerging artists during open studios in San José
or San Francisco
- Jet Skiing
- Just look in the newspaper your bound to find a festival, performance or
exhibit that is just right for you in the beautiful San Francisco Bay
AreaKeep an eye out for whales near Davenport
- Kick back (really kick back) and enjoy some coffee in Santa Cruz at Cafe
- Lay in the sun
- Listen to Los Lobos or other performers at Santa Cruz's Catalyst
- Listen to music or dance in a club in San Francisco
- Look at photo exhibits
- Look at the stars
- Look on Goldstar dot com for fun deals
- Make a gift for a donation box
- Make a leaf pile and jump in it
- Make Dinner Together
- Make faces at strangers to make them laugh
- Night Picnics
- North Beach
- Open Studios
- Pick a quiet spot in San Francisco's Golden Gate Park and have a picnic
or toss the Frisbee
- Picnic along the secluded San Mateo Coast
- Picnic or play basketball at the San Francisco Art Institute You will
enjoy a great view of Fisherman's Wharf from the roof top basketball court
and cafe
- Plant a tree for a school
- Play cards
- Play Frisbee
- Play With Dogs
- Play with people’s dogs at the beach and hide dog kibble in your socks
- Practice Kissing
- Punch in “Parks” on your GPS and see where it takes yourself
- Refinish furniture together
- Relax and enjoy the cool ocean breeze at any beach during the summer
- Rent a houseboat on Shasta Lake Get a tan or go fishing
- Rent A Movie
- Ride your bike in affluent Woodside, Atherton or Hillsborough
- Say hi to ex-Mayor's Ron Gonzales of San José, Willie Brown of San
Francisco or Jerry Brown of Oakland What are they up to this year?
- See a painting by Frida Kahlo at the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art
- See a special performance or contemporary art at Villa Montalvo in Monte
- See a Stanford or California football game
- See art or picnic at the Yerba Buena Center in San Francisco
- See Chicano Art at Galeria de La Raza in San Francisco
- See lowriders, Banda dancers, and much more, at the enormous San José
Cinco de Mayo
- See motorcycle or auto races at Laguna Seca
- See Teatro Campesino perform La Posada in San Juan Bautista
- See the Cleveland and San José Ballet perform Take in a symphony, opera
or ballet in San Francisco, San José or Oakland
- See the fish at San Francisco's Steinhart Aquarium
- See the Forty-niners play football in SF
- See the giant redwoods and amp at Big Basin State Park
- See the giant redwoods in Big Basin Park near San José
- See the San José Sharks (NHL)
- See the sea lions at the Pier in San Francisco
- See the sea otters and sea lions play at Cannery Row in Monterey
- Shoot pool
- Shop and play in Capitola
- Shop at Bloomingdale's near Stanford University and observe the yuppies
- Shop at San Francisco's Goodwill or Sak's Fifth Avenue stores
- Shop at Santana Row and make up stories about couples
- Shop in the Castro, Haight Ashbury, Mission, Noe Valley, Pacific
Heights, Marina or any of the unique districts of San Francisco and watch
the posers
- Shop or eat in San Francisco's Chinatown
- Sit in a sidewalk cafe and pretend to be a hipster or beatnik
- Sneak into Google and Facebook and eat all the free food
- Snuggle
- Soak in the bathtub
- Stop by the tranquil Hakone Japanese Gardens near Saratoga
- Stroll along secluded Agate beach in Bolinas
- Swing on each of the swing-sets on top of every hill in SF (This is one
on each – Find them)
- Take a cable car ride in San Francisco
- Take a charter boat-fishing trip out of Santa Cruz, San Francisco,
Monterey, Half Moon Bay or Berkeley
- Take a dip and enjoy a massage at one of the many hot tubs in Santa Cruz
like the Well Within
- Take a Red and White boat tour of the San Francisco Bay
- Take a short walk to the Haight Ashbury District near Golden Gate Park
- Take a train to the Train Museum in Sacramento and back again
- Take an extension class at one of the many colleges in the Bay Area
- Take CalTrain from San José to San Francisco and back
- Take in Japanese Culture at the San José Obon festival Bring a fan and
kimono and join the dance and procession
- Take photos in secluded Bodega Bay
- Take the Ferry to Sausalito
- Take time for a leisurely coffee or lunch in Santa Cruz's Pacific Garden
- Test Drive Exotic Cars
- Tour the wine country and have some beer
- Try an open mic nightlife
- Try Harmonica Playing
- Try Massage with Feathers
- Try the Paddleboats in Golden Gate Park
- Visit Alaska
- Visit Angel Island in San Francisco Bay
- Visit Antique Stores
- Visit California's most beautiful Mission in Carmel
- Visit Dee Harley and play with the Baby goats at Harley Farms
- Visit Golden Gate Park
- Visit Point Reyes
- Visit Sanborn Park
- Visit the dramatic shoreline of Carmel
- Visit the Green Gulch Zen Center near Mill Valley Walk from there to the
gardens to the beach where Alan Watts lived
- Visit the KPFA (lefty) studios in Berkeley
- Visit the San José Rose Garden (Before San José evolved to become the
heart of Silicon Valley it was called the Garden City)
- Visit upscale galleries in downtown Carmel or San Francisco
- Volunteer to walk pets at the SPCA
- Walk by the Boats In Sausalito and see Carla Fiorini’s chrome boat crane
on her boat
- Walk down the Napier Lane steps
- Watch for Bobby the Bobcat on Mt Tam and the glider point
- Watch out for firecrackers at San Francisco's Chinese New Years Parade
- Watch the Giants play baseball at the new Pac Bell Park in San Francisco
- Watch the Oakland Raiders play football at the Oakland Coliseum
- Wear formal wear to an informal event or just walk around Union Square
in a tux like you are going to some big deal event
- While in San Francisco, get to the corner of Cole and Carl by taking the
"N" Judah trolley from downtown
...and that was with just a few friends discussing ideas. You can come up
with a list this big for your town...just use your imagination.
Of all the decisions you make in your life, few are as important as who
you choose to marry or live with. Make a bad choice and you can spend your
days and nights mired in unhappiness or consumed by anxiety or depression,
conditions that not only rob your mental health but undermine your
physical health as well.
So, do yourself a big favor and make sure you choose a mate wisely. Yes, you need some basic relationship skills like communication, problem solving and conflict resolution. But, you also need a partner who’s willing to engage in all of them with you and create what most of us want more than anything -- a sense of closeness to someone else.
As you grow to know someone you determine what you can and can’t trust. You also rely on him/her to meet certain needs. As time goes by, you develop some level of commitment. And finally, in a romantic relationship, there is sexual chemistry, which prompts touch.
These are the five bonding forces that form the glue of your relationship, he stresses. And, here’s the catch -- they must grow together in a balanced way. You must keep your heart and your head in harmony. So you never let one of the five forces too far ahead of your progress in any of the others
Of all the decisions you make in your life, few are as important as who you choose to marry or live with. Make a bad choice and you can spend your days and nights mired in unhappiness or consumed by anxiety or depression, conditions that not only rob your mental health but undermine your physical health as well.
You might be consigned to economic instability or subjected to physical or verbal abuse. Or you might find yourself struggling as a single parent. The consequences of a poor choice, and of marital dissatisfaction or even disruption, are far-reaching, extending even to the next generation.
There is, ladies and gentlemen, a science of mate selection, as it’s known in the psych biz. Relationships are not mysterious entities that enter your life through a magical flash of lightning sometimes called “chemistry.” That, folks, has nothing to do with the ability to form an enduring bond.
Love isn’t blind at all. Healthy relationships are in fact built on love, trust, commitment, intimacy and attachment.
A relationship begins with knowing someone, and the state of what you
know controls the other dynamics. Your knowledge of someone grows with
mutual self-disclosure and diverse experiences together, shared together
over time. It’s important to see the way your partner functions in a
variety of settings -- with friends, with family, with bosses and
coworkers, with strangers, with children.
There are five crucial areas to deeply explore and come to know during the
dating process:
Family background and childhood dynamics.
Attitudes and actions of the conscience and maturity.
The scope of your compatibility potential.
The examples of other relationship patterns.
Strength of relationship skills. These are the areas that best predict
what a person will be like as a spouse and parent. Using this approach,
Van Epp insists, you can follow your heart without losing your mind.
Conflicts in the Relationships
Have you ever had a disagreement or misunderstanding with your spouse? If you’re truthful, the answer will most certainly be "Yes!". Conflict in relationships is inevitable. Even the best relationships experience conflict from time to time. The key to success in relationships is how couples handle their conflicts and differences.
About half of all relationships in the United States end in divorce. It is obvious that many people do not get married and live "happily ever after." However, relationships continues to be an important goal for most Americans. In fact, over 90 percent of adults will get married at least once in their lifetime. Most spouses start out full of hopes and dreams and are truly committed to making their relationships work. Yet as the reality of living with a less than perfect spouse sets in and the pressures of life build, many individuals feel less romantic and do not find as much satisfaction in their relationships. All relationships change over time. But with hard work and dedication, people can keep their relationships strong and enjoyable. How is it done? What does it take to create a long-lasting, satisfying relationships?
A volume of research indicates that most successful relationships share some key characteristics. This guide will explore these in detail. It will also focus on marital conflict and the skills needed to handle it effectively. Finally, the guide will discuss ways that spouses can strengthen their relationships.
Characteristics of happy and satisfying relationships
Consider the positive aspects of your relationships. What are you doing that works well and brings you and your spouse joy and happiness? If you have a satisfying relationships, chances are that your relationship has high levels of positivity, empathy, commitment, acceptance, love and respect. These are some of the characteristics that researchers have found to be common in successful relationships. Let's look at each of these factors.
John Gottman, one of the nation's leading experts on marital
relationships, has found that the main difference between stable and
unstable relationships is the amount of positive thoughts and actions
spouses engage in toward each other. Through careful observation of
hundreds of couples, he has come to the conclusion that successful spouses
have far more positive than negative interactions. If there is too much
negativity — criticizing, demanding, name-calling, holding grudges, etc. —
the relationship will suffer. However, if there is never any negativity,
it probably means that frustrations and grievances are not getting air
time and unresolved tension is accumulating inside one or both partners.
The key is balance between the two extremes. There are many ways to foster
positivity in a relationships. Being affectionate, truly listening to each
other, taking joy in each other's achievements and being playful are just
a few examples of positive interactions that help make relationships
Another characteristic of happy relationships is empathy. Empathy means
understanding a person's perspective by putting oneself in his or her
shoes. Many researchers have shown that empathy is important for
relationship satisfaction. People are more likely to feel good about their
relationships and spouse if their partner expresses empathy towards them.
Husbands and wives are more content in their relationships when they
perceive that their spouses truly understand their thoughts and feelings.
Successful relationships involve both spouses' commitment to the
relationship. When two people are truly dedicated to making their
relationships work, despite the unavoidable challenges and obstacles that
come, they are much more likely to have a relationship that lasts. In most
Western cultures, individualism is highly valued. Individualism focuses on
the needs and fulfillment of the self. Being attentive to one's own needs
is important, but if it is not balanced by a concern for the needs of
others, it can easily lead to selfishness in relationships. Husbands and
wives who only focus on themselves and their own desires are not as likely
to find joy and satisfaction in their relationships. However, when spouses
are committed to investing in their relationships and are willing to
sacrifice some of their own preferences for the good of the relationship,
they usually have high-quality relationships.
One of the most basic needs in a relationship is acceptance. Everyone
wants to feel valued and respected. When people feel that their spouses
truly accept them for who they are, they are usually more secure and
confident in their relationships. Often, there is conflict in
relationships because partners cannot accept the individual preferences of
their spouses and try to demand change from one another. When one person
tries to force change from another, he or she is usually met with
resistance. However, research has shown that change is much more likely to
occur when spouses respect differences and accept each other
unconditionally. Basic acceptance is vital to a happy relationships.
Mutual love and respect
Perhaps the most important components of successful relationships are love
and respect for each other. This may seem very obvious — why would two
people get married who did not love and respect each other? The fact is,
as time passes and life becomes increasingly complicated, the
relationships often suffers as a result. It is all too easy for spouses to
lose touch with each other and neglect the love and romance that once came
so easily. It is vital that husbands and wives continue to cultivate love
and respect for each other throughout their lives. If they do, it is
highly likely that their relationships will remain happy and satisfying.
Managing conflict
Have you ever experienced a disagreement, difference of opinion, or
misunderstanding with your spouse? If you answer truthfully, the answer
will almost certainly be, "Yes, of course." Conflict in relationships is
inescapable. All marital relationships — even the best ones — will
experience at least some conflict from time to time. However, many people
are successful and happy in their relationships, despite the conflicts
that arise. The key to their success is how they handle their conflicts
and disagreements. This section will explore many issues related to
conflict, such as common areas of contention in relationships, gender
differences in communication styles, and the importance of proper
management of conflict. It will also discuss skills for handling conflict
and how to solve problems in relationships.
More on common areas of conflict
Although all relationships are different, spouses frequently experience
several common areas of conflict. Here are brief descriptions of some
typical issues that spark conflict in relationships.
Regardless of the amount of money a couple has, it is often the biggest source of marital conflict. Husbands and wives often have very diverse ideas about how money should be handled because they have experienced different family values and goals regarding money. Potential disagreements about money include how to spend it, how much to save and who should be responsible for paying the bills. It is important for spouses to discuss their values and feelings about money so each partner can try to understand the other. Constructing a budget and financial planning often require negotiation and compromise, but they are important tasks and aid spouses in identifying their priorities and goals for the future.
Conflicts over in-laws are usually most problematic in the first years of relationships. A common issue that arises is one partner feeling that his or her in-laws are too critical or intrusive. Husbands and wives may disagree about the length and frequency of their parents' visits. Some people may also feel that their spouse is too dependent upon his or her parents. All of these in-law issues can trigger conflict within the family. Spouses can deal with in-law problems by sharing their feelings and discussing what kind of relationship they would like with their in-laws. It is important to avoid being accusatory and speaking critically of one's in-laws, especially during such talks. Expressing negativity towards in-laws tends to worsen the situation because it alienates spouses from each other and promotes defensiveness.
Sex is an emotion-filled issue and many spouses are afraid of getting hurt or rejected by their partners in this area. Thus, people frequently avoid discussing their feelings and expectations about sex. Even when partners do talk about sexuality issues, they are often embarrassed and speak indirectly about their feelings. These patterns can lead to conflict in the marital relationship. Difficulties with sex often reflect problems in other areas of the relationships as well. In order for couples to resolve conflicts about sexual matters, it is crucial that they communicate directly and specifically about their needs and desires. Many people feel very vulnerable in this area, so it is important that the discussion be done in a gentle, loving manner.
Child rearing is a time-consuming task that requires huge amounts of energy. It's easy for spouses to become frustrated with each other over this issue. Husbands and wives often have conflicting views about how to parent because they were raised differently. Agreement about the best way to raise children may not always be possible, so it is necessary that spouses learn to compromise and negotiate in this area. Whatever decisions and rules parents make, it is important that they be united in front of their children. Otherwise, the children will learn to play one parent off the other, further contributing to marital disharmony.
Gender differences in conflict
Due to a combination of social and biological factors, men and women have
different styles of interacting and handling conflict. Women raise
concerns and problems far more often than men do. Men are more likely to
avoid conflict and downplay the strong emotions that they feel inside.
When men close down and suppress their feelings, women often become more
insistent that they discuss the issues that have been raised. At this
point, however, men only want to withdraw further.
These different ways of interacting can lead to frustration and
In order to overcome frustration with communication styles, it is
essential that both husbands and wives improve their methods of dealing
with conflict. Wives need to make sure that they bring up issues gently
and in a positive, non-confrontational manner. A soft, gentle approach in
introducing a topic for discussion usually has a greater chance of leading
to a satisfactory solution for both partners. Husbands need to respond to
their wives' concerns and complaints in a respectful manner. They can
learn to recognize when their wives need to talk and take a more active
role in resolving issues instead of withdrawing. It is each partner's
responsibility to respect and honor his or her spouse and make an effort
to communicate as effectively as possible.
The importance of managing conflict well
Although some conflict is unavoidable, it is critical that spouses manage
their differences in constructive ways. There are several reasons for
this. First, if husbands and wives do not handle conflict effectively, it
is likely that negativity will increasingly become part of their
relationship. As unresolved conflict and negativity grow in a
relationships, the good aspects of the relationship often diminish and
partners become disenchanted with each other. Second, research has shown
that, when spouses are unhappy in their relationships, they tend to
experience more physical and emotional problems than do happily married
couples. People who are satisfied with their relationships even tend to
live longer than those in unhappy relationships.
This finding leads to a third reason why it is important for spouses to
manage their conflict well. A strong and satisfying relationships
establishes a firm foundation from which spouses can function. When the
quality of relationships is positive and supportive, partners can better
attend to their personal responsibilities and obligations. A strong
relationships also provides people with a greater opportunity to develop
their personalities and talents than does an unhappy union. Although
relationships requires a considerable amount of time and effort, it is
crucial that partners care for their own needs and development as well.
They can best do this when the relationship is warm and encouraging and
they know how to handle marital conflict effectively.
Finally, it is essential that spouses practice good conflict management
skills for the sake of their children. Conflict and hostility are
extremely harmful to children's well-being. Many studies have shown that
marital conflict leads to poor outcomes in children, such as decreased
self-esteem, greater stress and anxiety, low achievement at school and
behavioral problems. Conversely, spouses who support each other and have
peaceful relationships are more likely to have well-adjusted, competent
children. However, an unhappy relationships should not be preserved solely
for the children's sake. Children in two-parent families marked by a lot
of conflict often fare worse than those in families that have undergone a
peaceful divorce. Whatever the situation, it is important that spouses
learn to manage their disagreements effectively and control the amount of
conflict in their relationship. This will help foster the well-being of
themselves and their children.
Skills for handling conflict
Because managing conflict is so important, it is essential that you
practice certain skills that will enable you to handle conflict well. The
following sections highlight some of the skills needed for dealing with
differences and disagreements effectively.
Open communication
Good communication can be difficult at times — especially during conflict.
People often hear a different message than what the speaker intended.
There are several possible reasons for this. First, spouses are often
preoccupied with their own concerns or are preparing a rebuttal and do not
really listen to what their partners are saying. Second, spouses may
perceive their partners' messages negatively if they are tired or in a bad
mood. Finally, different styles of communicating can also result in
Partners can learn to communicate better by developing more effective ways
of speaking and listening. It is important to take turns in a conversation
so each can have the opportunity to express his or her thoughts and ideas.
The person talking should focus on his own feelings and not attempt to
read his partner's mind. He should also be positive and avoid making
accusations or criticizing his spouse. The person listening needs to be
aware of her body language. Eye rolling, negative facial expressions and
crossing one's arms may signal disapproval to the person who is speaking.
Even if the listener does not agree with what her partner is saying, she
needs to make an attempt to understand his viewpoint and be respectful.
Showing genuine interest in someone's feelings and refraining from giving
unsolicited advice go a long way in creating an atmosphere that is
conducive to positive communication.
Ideas for effective marital communication
• When your spouse talks to you, try to understand what he or she is
• Give your partner both verbal and nonverbal feedback so he or she
will know that you have understood what he or she meant.
• Be aware of the nonverbal messages you send when someone is talking
to you, such as facial expressions or body posture. These can be very
• Refrain from voicing judgmental comments and jumping to conclusions
before your partner is done speaking.
• Show respect for your spouse's perspective, even if you do not agree
with it.
• Take the time to really listen when your spouse needs to talk. Doing
this will help him or her feel that you value his or her opinions and
• When you need to have an important discussion, remove distractions
as much as possible so you can talk with each other more easily. For
example, take a walk outside in order to get away from the telephone or
talk in your bedroom where the children will not interrupt.
• Communicate clearly and directly so your partner will have a greater
opportunity to understand you.
• When you are speaking, focus on expressing your own feelings, not
trying to guess what your partner is thinking.
Controlling negative thoughts
The way a person treats others usually reflects the kinds of thoughts he
or she has about them. This pattern holds true for spouses, especially
during times of conflict. When partners focus on each other's shortcomings
and weaknesses, they often fall prey to having negative thoughts about
each other. This negative thinking makes it more likely that they will
treat each other unkindly.
Suppose a wife comes home from work at the end of a long, hard day in a bad mood. Her husband is in the kitchen making dinner and calls out, "How was your day?" Instead of responding to his question, the wife snaps at him for having left his coat and briefcase on the kitchen table. How might the husband react? If he is in the habit of thinking positively about his wife and giving her the benefit of the doubt, he may think, "She must have had a really hard day." He might stop what he is doing and give his wife his full attention so he could try to find out what is really bothering her. However, if the husband takes offense at his wife's complaint and thinks, "Here I am, cooking dinner, and all she can do is criticize me," he will be more likely to respond negatively to his wife's complaint and further escalate the conflict.
Research supports these ideas about the power of one's thoughts. Relationships researchers have determined that stable relationships have more positive than negative interactions, while the opposite is true for unstable unions. Because negative interactions are often fueled by one's thoughts, negative thinking can have a significant impact upon a relationship. Therefore, because the substance of a person's thoughts is often a powerful determinant of his actions, it is very important for spouses to control the way they think about each other. Husbands and wives can do this during times of conflict by focusing on the troublesome issue instead of their partner's flaws. By keeping their feelings about the issue and their spouse separate, it is more likely that they will manage conflict better and have a healthier relationship.
Because there will be hurt feelings and conflict from time to time in
every relationships, it is very important that spouses forgive each other
when arguments and disagreements occur. Forgiveness enables partners to
stay emotionally connected and keep their relationships positive. If
people want their relationships to grow and become stronger, they must be
willing to forgive their spouses whenever necessary. When spouses do not
forgive each other, remain bitter and hold grudges, they often experience
physical and emotional problems. Thus, forgiveness is important to the
individual health of each partner as well as to the health of the
Problem solving
All couples will encounter problems in their relationships that will
require problem solving skills. At these times, it is very important that
the spouses work together as a team, instead of insisting on their point
of view and working against each other. It is crucial to understand
problems before attempting to solve them. Problem solving is a much
smoother process when spouses have discussed the issue thoroughly and each
partner feels understood. Surprisingly, research has shown that after a
good discussion about a troublesome issue, most people are so satisfied
that there is no need to come up with a solution to the problem. Usually,
people just want the opportunity to express themselves and feel as if they
have really been understood.
Of course, many problems still need to be resolved, even after open,
productive discussion. Markman, Stanley and Blumberg, a team of prominent
relationships researchers, have identified an effective process for
solving problems.
• It helps to set a specific time to work on the problem so that partners can mentally and emotionally prepare. During the meeting, spouses should think of as many solutions to the problem as possible, ruling out nothing until all possible solutions have been presented.
• The next step is to choose the solution, or combination of solutions, that will best solve the problem. It is likely that negotiation and compromise will be necessary at this step of the problem solving process.
• After testing the chosen solution for an agreed upon length of time, it is important for spouses to discuss the solution and whether the problem is being solved adequately. If not, adjustments should be made.
Not every issue that arises will require such an extensive problem solving process, but these steps can help couples solve their problems in a calm, controlled manner.
Changing oneself first
It is common for husbands and wives to overlook their own weaknesses and
focus instead on the faults of their spouse. In some relationships, one
person feels that his or her partner is the cause of their marital
problems and the only one who really needs to change in order for the
relationship to improve. This may occasionally be true. However, in the
vast majority of relationships, both partners make a contribution to the
conflict and problems that arise.
It is crucial that spouses realize that the only person's behavior they
can control is their own. In relationships, it is typical for partners to
become annoyed or irritated with what they perceive to be their spouses'
personal shortcomings, unusual habits and weaknesses. For example, a wife
may feel upset because her husband arrives home from work late on a
regular basis. Or, the husband may resent how his wife cuts him off in the
middle of conversations. Frustration over shortcomings such as these often
builds over time, motivating people to insist that their partners change.
However, people usually end up discovering that their demands are not
granted and their efforts to change their partners have failed.
Instead of trying to compel each other to change, it is more effective for
partners to honestly assess themselves and think about what they can do to
make the relationship better. Considering the contributions they make to
disagreements and trying to overcome their own weaknesses will accomplish
far more than dwelling on their spouse's faults. When husbands and wives
stop trying to change each other and instead shift their attention to
improving their own behavior, they will likely be more content, even if
their partner continues to do the things that they do not like
When spouses choose to make changes in themselves first, regardless of
what their partner does, they are often surprised to find that the overall
quality of their relationship improves dramatically. In an ideal
situation, of course, both spouses continually strive to improve
themselves and overcome their weaknesses. However, one spouse is often
more committed to self-improvement than the other, at least for a while.
Nevertheless, even if the other person does not feel a need to change
himself or herself, the relationships will likely improve through the
efforts of the one trying to change.
Strengthening the marital relationship
Although it is important for spouses to learn how to resolve differences,
having a good relationships requires more than just being able to manage
conflict effectively. What else is needed to create a strong and
satisfying relationships? Recent research has shown that the most
satisfied spouses have relationships based on good friendship. Nurturing
the positive aspects of the marital relationship on a regular basis is
also important. This final section will highlight ways in which husbands
and wives can strengthen their relationships, including being good
friends, performing daily acts of kindness, sharing enjoyable times and
creating family traditions.
Remain good friends
Many people say that having a friendship with their spouse is an important
goal of their relationships. Life usually becomes more complicated as
relationships progresses. If a marital relationship is not built upon a
solid foundation of friendship, it may become more difficult for partners
to stay connected over time. It is also easy for spouses to become less
polite and respectful to each other as time passes because they feel more
comfortable with each other. However, spouses who remain good friends
throughout life usually find much more enjoyment and satisfaction in their
There are many things spouses can do to keep their friendship alive.
• Set aside a specific time each day to talk and reconnect. In some
relationships, spouses stop confiding in each other and stop having
stimulating discussions, only to later discover that they do not know each
other very well anymore. All people change over time, and partners need to
continue to learn about each other's thoughts, feelings, and ideas.
• Another way to maintain friendship in relationships is to have
weekly "dates." Dates allow spouses to spend time along together, which
can be especially important if they have children. Partners can also build
friendship by trying to avoid conflict during "couple times," making the
time spent together more enjoyable and memorable.
How to be best friends
• Talk.
• Hold hands.
• Go for walks.
• Dance.
• Play games.
• Work on a mutual project together.
• Plan little surprises for each other.
• Laugh together.
• Compliment each other often.
• Create memories together.
• Leave unexpected notes of praise.
• Develop signals that say "I love you."
• Go on a date.
• Say "thank you" for little kindnesses.
• Talk about your dreams.
• Listen to music.
• Say "I love you."
• Remember birthdays and anniversaries.
• Have a candlelight dinner.
• Go for an evening or afternoon drive.
Perform daily acts of kindness
Another way for couples to strengthen their relationships is to express
fondness and concern for each other on a daily basis. Showing kindness in
little ways is important for several reasons. First, it enables spouses to
increase their love for each other and become better friends. It also
keeps little annoyances from being blown out of proportion, which helps
the relationship stay strong. Daily acts of kindness can also promote the
growth of romance in the relationships. When many people think about
romance, they envision going away for a weekend to celebrate their
anniversary or receiving a dozen roses. Instances such as these are
certainly romantic. However, John Gottman has found that true romance is
best preserved when partners frequently respect and care for each other in
ordinary ways.
There is an endless variety of little things spouses can do to show
thoughtfulness to each other on a daily basis. A few examples include
writing love notes or sending special e-mail messages, helping each other
with a project and preparing a favorite breakfast. It is important that
spouses do not take for granted the power of such actions. Performing
small, simple acts of kindness regularly can have a dramatic impact upon
the quality of one's relationships.
Share enjoyable times
Most relationships start out with a lot of emphasis on dating and having
fun together. After they get married, many spouses become busier and stop
making special times a priority. However, it is very important for
partners to take the time to enjoy their relationship
Research has shown that the amount of fun time spouses spend together is a
major factor in the happiness of their relationships. Sharing enjoyable
times prevents people from getting bored with their relationships and
helps rejuvenate them when they are very busy and preoccupied with other
cares and concerns.
In order for spouses to increase the amount of enjoyment in their
relationship, it is likely that they will have to deliberately plan
leisure time into their schedules. Planning and scheduling goes a long way
in ensuring that the activity will actually happen and not be shoved aside
by a more pressing matter. Spouses can have fun together in simple ways,
such as going on picnics, taking walks, laughing together and having long
talks. They can also plan more extensive times for pleasure, such as
all-day outings or vacations. It does not matter what the activity is, as
long as it allows both partners to relax and enjoy each other's company.
Create family traditions
Observing family traditions and rituals is another way spouses can
strengthen their relationships. Traditions and rituals serve many
important functions in families. First, they enable husbands and wives to
figure out what is important to them and their relationship. They also
give meaning and predictability to relationships and families. Rituals
help couples recharge themselves from the stresses of everyday life and
increase the amount of intimacy in their relationships. A relationships
that is marked by many traditions and rituals is often richer and more
purposeful than those that are not.
There are many ways to incorporate traditions and rituals into the marital
• Having a private conversation at the end of each day is one common
ritual observed by many spouses.
• Going on a weekly date is another typical relationships ritual. However, traditions and rituals can be less formal than these examples. In fact, many relationships include traditions and rituals of which the spouses may be unaware.
• Kissing each other goodbye each morning, talking on the phone during lunch and taking walks on a regular basis are all examples of less obvious rituals.
• Many spouses also have rituals connected to special days, such as Valentine's Day and wedding anniversaries.
These traditions enable them to reaffirm their love and devotion to one
another. Whether traditions and rituals in relationships are simple or
elaborate, they are important and give the relationship shared meaning and
Equal Opportunity
Our Relationships prohibits discrimination against any individual on the
basis of race, color, religion, sex, age, national origin, physical or
mental disability, sexual orientation, or because of marital, parental, or
veteran status. This policy extends to all rights, privileges, programs
and activities, including housing, employment, admissions, financial
assistance, and educational and athletic programs. Our Relationships
recognizes that non-discrimination does not ensure that equal opportunity
is a reality for all friends, applicants for employment, and
acquaintances. Because of this, the Relationship will continue to take
affirmative action to ensure that friends and acquaintances alike are
treated equally during their employment and/or matriculation.
Our Relationships strongly encourages minority group members, veterans,
disabled individuals, and women to apply for positions for which they are
qualified and that are of interest to them.
Boundary Issues:
Using Boundary Intelligence To Get the Intimacy You Want and the
Independence You Need in Life, Love, And Work, by Jane Adams, PhD:
• Define To Ourselves and Articulate To the Other What Our Own
Boundary Style Is:
• Identify How That Affects Ours and the other person’s perceptions of
priorities made and boundaries drawn in context of the relationship.
1. Awareness: Why? Have boundaries; why have defined or NOT defined
2. Insight: understand what are our own and others’ impulses, desires,
and decisions are and utilize knowledge to relieve internal and external
conflict between us.
3. Intention: Why blurring of boundaries, lack of definition, how does
the intention or lack of intention affect our relationship?: Develop
strategy to resolve conflict: Need to compromise to share losses and
future gains together for health of relationship
4. Action: Implement Course of Action
• Man would identify by agreed on period if he is serious
• Based on that, he would cease dating activities or anything else
that might give impression that she is not important.
• Activities Include:
• Man would see women on an as-needed business basis in any setting
that is prudent and does not violate the relationships.
• In event that business requires one-on-one meetings to be held in
traditional office during normal business hours.
How this policy applies to meeting strangers in public or service
providers: financial planners, real estate, friends? Employees that you
would inevitably hire and inadvertently develop a crush on you
• Being civil and friendly is the norm.
• Differentiate business prospects from flirtations; If you like
public flirtations, you’re not ready for a truly serious relationship in
my opinion.
• If they ask you personal questions, inquire about their boyfriend or
husband, tell them you have a serious girlfriend and are happy, even if I
made you miserable that day.
• Steer conversation away from personal chatter.
How Does This Policy Apply To Women He Already Knows?
• Communications With women, if he is serious would be business
related only.
• Sexual suggestively or flirtatious communications, phone calls,
conversations, jokes, or e-mail are out of bounds to either receive or to
• If he has been the object of this behavior by an acquaintance and
they have no significant business production, he would cut them out of his
social circle.
• He should not be in proximity of a woman whereas she would be able
and close enough to touch him in a suggestive manner. (Physical Boundary)
• He should not be in any conversation either in the phone or in
person to a point that he can be propositioned (or boundaries have not
been set either with the person or in the conversation).
Pre-Nuptial Terms
If the idea of bringing up a prenup seems uncomfortable…you are not alone.
Many people carry preconceived notions (and baggage) about prenups
(prenuptial agreements also known as premarital agreements). However, more
and more couples are using the prenup process to stimulate important
conversations about how they define and safeguard their marital union
(lifestyle, roles, financial responsibility).While prenups have received a
lot of public and media attention lately, many people still don't
understand their value. Not convinced yet? Read on.
Bringing up the subject of a prenuptial agreement can be a great way to
learn more about your expectations, dreams and hopes. By starting down
this communication path now, you are well on your way to creating a
mutually fulfilling partnership. Whether you have high assets or are just
starting out, have children or don't, there are dozens of reasons a prenup
is beneficial to you and your spouse. Here are just a few:
• To determine how you and your spouse define equality in your
• To establish the value of non-monetary contributions to a
relationships, such as being a stay at home spouse and career sacrifices
• To cover your pre-relationships nest egg (such as your home, pension
plan, stock portfolio, or property with emotional value)
• To protect gifts and inheritances you receive
• To ensure that in the event of death or divorce, you will avoid
difficult disputes over property (such as family businesses, stock
options, professional degrees, licenses and practices, pension plans, and
• To ensure that children from a prior relationships receive their
intended inheritance
• To allocate any pre-relationships ownership/partnership in a
• To protect yourself from your partners' pre-relationships debt, ie
credit card debt or prior loans
Sliding a prenup across the dinner table a week before the wedding is not
the appropriate time to bring up this important conversation!
Conversations about concerns, expectations, and responsibilities are best
had early in the relationship. As your relationship gets more serious,
your conversations should get more detailed and specific.
Where do you normally discuss topics important to your partnership, such
as life goals, finances or family? Find or create a calm, neutral spot
where you will both feel open, at ease and unpressured. Whether it's your
living room sofa, an afternoon walk or a quiet dinner, you'll want to
create an environment where both of you are most comfortable- mentally and
You've gone through the why, when, and where, now here's the "how". Even
when couples understand the reasons for these relationships contracts,
many aren't sure just how to initiate the discussion. Take a look at these
suggestions to get you started on the "HOW".
• Openly, honestly, directly
• State your specific concerns
• Present an idea to be implemented by the two of you over time
• Invite discussion about any underlying issues that arise
• Work out your issues collaboratively
Conversation starters:
"I believe that relationships is a fifty-fifty proposition, and I'm
concerned about giving up my job to become a full-time stay at home
spouse. Can we establish a principle of 50-50 sharing at the outset?"
"Let's talk about our future, what we both want, our lifestyles, our
present and future finances. I want to make sure all our money issues are
addressed and resolved in an agreement. Then we won't have them hanging
over us when we get married."
"One thing I have to consider before I get married is my parents'
business. I need to be confident that the business will remain in the
family in the event the unthinkable occurs."
There's HELP!
Need more help bringing the topic of a prenup up and having the
conversation? This guide will help anyone who is looking to effectively
build a strong and honest long-term relationship.
Prenup No-no's
• Springing a prenup upon your intended
• Presenting the idea of a prenup as a fait accompli
• Suggesting a prenup at the last moment
• Being overbearing or heavy handed
REMEMBER: Don't let a prenup fall to the bottom of your "To Do" list. The
discussions you have revolving around the prenup are conversations you
WILL have once you are married. Getting to know your partner's position on
these important aspects early can help head-off more difficult discussions
during the relationships. If you can't talk about touchy issues, it
doesn't bode well for the relationships.
We agree to sign a prenuptial agreement
The terms will be:
Notice: This free prenuptial agreement form is provided for general
informational purposes. Before you utilize any legal form you find on the
Internet, you should have it reviewed by a lawyer in your jurisdiction to
be sure that it meets your legal needs, and will be held valid by a court
in the jurisdiction where you reside. For best results, both parties to a
prenuptial agreement should be represented by counsel of their choice, the
agreement should be custom-drafted to their specific circumstances and the
law of the jurisdiction in which they reside, and the prenuptial agreement
should be executed at least a month before the wedding date.
This pre-marital agreement is made on this ____ day of ______, 200__,
between ________________ and ________________ .
Whereas the parties intend to marry under the laws of the State of
_______________, and wish to set forth in advance of their relationships
the rights and privileges that each will have in the property of the other
in the event of death, divorce, or other circumstance which results in the
termination of their relationships;
Whereas the parties have made to each other a full and complete disclosure
of their assets, as set forth in Exhibits 1 and 2 to this agreement;
Whereas both parties have been represented by independent counsel of their
own choosing, and whereas both parties have received a full and complete
explanation of their legal rights, the consequences of entering into this
pre-marital agreement, and the rights they would possess were it not for
their voluntary entry into this agreement; and
Whereas both parties acknowledge that they have read and understand this
agreement, have not been subjected to any form of coercion, duress, or
pressure, and believe this agreement to be fair and to represent their
intentions with regard to their assets and to any estate that shall result
from their relationships;
The parties hereby agree as follows:
1. Each party shall separately retain all of his or her rights in his
or her separate property, as enumerated in Exhibits 1 and 2 to this
agreement, free and clear of any claim of the other party, without regard
to any time or effort invested during the course of the relationships in
the maintenance, management, or improvement of that separate property.
2. At all times, the parties shall enjoy the full right and authority
with regard to their separate property as each would have had if not
married, including but not limited to the right and authority to use,
sell, enjoy, manage, gift and convey the separate property. Both parties
agree to execute any documentation necessary to permit the other to
exercise these rights, provided the act of executing the documentation
does not impose upon them any legal or financial responsibility for the
separate property of the other.
3. The parties agree that each shall be responsible for any tax
obligations associated with their separate property.
4. The parties agree that neither shall contest the validity or
provisions of any will, account, trust agreement, or other instrument
executed by the other which disposes of his or her separate property or
which creates any interest therein in another. To the extent that such an
action would create any right or interest in the separate property of the
other, both parties hereby waive any right in the property of the other,
whether created by statute or common law, including but not limited to any
right to elect against the will of the other, or to take an intestate
share of the other's property. The wife hereby waives any dower interest
in the husband's separate property, and the husband hereby waives any
curtesy interest in the wife's separate property.
5. In the event of separation or divorce, the parties shall have no
right against each other for division of property existing of this date.
6. Both parties acknowledge that they possess sufficient education and
job skills to adequately provide for their own support, and hereby waive
any claim to spousal support (alimony) except in the event that:
i. One of the parties suffers medical disability and the other
remains both employed and physically able, in which case the disabled
party may receive reasonable spousal support consistent with state law
until such time as the disability is resolved, or the other spouse retires
or becomes disabled from working, either by agreement or by judicial
ii. The parties mutually agree that one of the parties shall
reduce his or her work hours, or shall refrain from working, in order to
care for any children born during the course of the relationships, in
which case, if the parent's employability is affected by this full or
partial withdrawal from employment, that parent may receive reasonable
remedial spousal support consistent with state law for a period of not
more than two years, either by agreement or judicial determination.
7. In the event of separation or divorce, marital property acquired
after relationships shall remain subject to division, either by agreement
or by judicial determination.
8. This agreement shall be binding and inure to the benefit of the
parties, their successors, assigns, and legal representatives.
9. Without regard to the location of any property affected by this
agreement, this agreement shall be interpreted and enforced under the laws
of the state of ____________. In the event that any portion of this
agreement shall be held invalid or unenforceable, it is the intent of the
parties that all provisions of this agreement be regarded as separable,
and that all remaining provisions remain in full force and effect. It is
further the desire of the parties that all provisions of this agreement be
considered as evidence of their intentions by any court, arbitrator,
mediator, or other authority which seeks to divide their estate, and that
their intentions be respected whatever the legal status of this agreement
or any of its terms.
10. This Agreement and the exhibits attached hereto contain the entire
agreement of the parties. This Agreement may only be amended by a written
document duly executed by both parties.
Signed this ______________ day of _________________, 20___
Signed in the presence of:
[Note- Each witness should sign separately. You may wish to execute the
agreement before a notary public.]
The parties, having entered into this prenuptial agreement in advance of
their wedding, which was held on the ____ day of ________, 200__, hereby
reaffirm that they entered into this agreement voluntarily, free from
coercion, duress, or pressure, with the benefit of the advice of
independent counsel of their own choosing, and continue to believe this
agreement to be fair and to represent their intentions with regard to
their assets and to any estate that shall result from their relationships.
Signed this ______________ day of _________________, 20___
Signed in the presence of:
[Note- Each witness should sign separately. You may wish to execute the
post-nuptial endorsement before a notary public.]
Relationships are a challenging endeavor that requires hard work,
determination and discipline. However, as this guide has shown, it also
has the potential to be very rewarding and satisfying. Spouses who seek to
incorporate positivity, empathy, commitment, acceptance, and mutual love
and respect into their relationship are more likely to have a fulfilling
relationships. Husbands and wives also benefit when they understand the
nature of conflict and know how to manage it successfully. Finally, when
people base their relationships on friendship, thoughtfulness, fun and
traditions, they usually find joy and happiness in their relationship.
Creating a strong and satisfying relationships is possible, and it is
definitely worth the effort!
When you know the answer to every question on here, about each other, THEN
you can probably get married.
These are to be answered live and in-person by both people:
Are you a creature of habit?
Are you a good listener?
Are you adventurous?
Are you afraid to get close?
Are you ambitious?
Are you ambitious?
Are you an “indoors” person?
Are you an artist?
Are you and “outdoors” person?
Are you assertive?
Are you comfortable continuing this relationship if there are things in
my past that I am not willing to share with you?
Are you competitive?
Are you content to stay home and cook?
Are you creative sexually?
Are you creative?
Are you creative?
Are you curious?
Are you dating now?
Are you easy to get to know?
Are you emotionally available?
Are you emotionally available?
Are you extravagant?
Are you Gay? Bi? Straight?
Are you gentle?
Are you good in social situations?
Are you handy?
Are you happy staying home-snuggling-eating popcorn and watching a
Are you jealous?
Are you looking for a boyfriend/girlfriend, lover or husband/wife?
Are you more concerned about being loved or loving?
Are you neat? When do you usually shower?
Are you open minded?
Are you open to meeting and getting to know them?
Are you polite?
Are you predictable?
Are you reliable?
Are you romantic?
Are you romantic?
Are you selfish
Are you self-reliant?
Are you sensitive?
Are you set in your ways – if so are you willing to be flexible or make
Are you shy about your body?
Are you sincere?
Are you sleeping with anyone now?
Are you sleeping with anyone now?
Are you spontaneous?
Are you spontaneous?
Are you still in touch with any of your childhood friends?
Are you supportive?
Are you thinking about moving in the next few years?
Are you thoughtful, loyal, patient?
Are you thrifty?
Are you touchy feely?
Are you willing and wanting to grow together?
Are you willing to sign a non-disclosure agreement for work purposes?
As a couple, how do you socialize at parties
Can you adapt?
Can you admit when you're wrong?
Can you be alone?
Can you be decadent?
Can you be laid back and put work away for awhile?
Can you be monogamous?
Can you be supportive?
Can you express yourself physically and verbally?
Can you go play during the day? At night? Midweek? Weekends?
Can you handle intensity?
Can you have a monogamous relationship today?
Can you laugh at yourself?
Can you make decisions?
Can you make love but also have raw-hungry sex?
Can you share your thoughts, dreams and desires?
Can you socialize and carry on a conversation with anyone?
Could you talk to me seductively over the phone?
Describe your childhood?
Describe your sense of humor?
Describe your work?
Do they live with you? Ages?
Do you appreciate the simple things in life?
Do you believe in ghosts?
Do you believe in God?
Do you believe in the supernatural?
Do you believe that one person can have a productive impact on world
Do you believe that what goes on behind closed doors is okay?
Do you believe there are evil spiritual forces in the world?
Do you believe we choose our own course in life or is it preordained?
Do you brush your teeth after eating?
Do you drink alcohol?
Do you drink coffee?
Do you drink daily?
Do you enjoy your work?
Do you expect your future wife to take your last name
Do you face your fears?
Do you feel differently about people that are not as fortunate as you?
Do you go out to eat a lot?
Do you go to bars?
Do you go to church?
Do you have a best friend?
Do you have a favorite food?
Do you have a favorite time of day for sex and how much is too much?
Do you have a large family?
Do you have a pet? What kind?
Do you have a temper?
Do you have call waiting? If someone calls do you get rid of the person
you were talking to?
Do you have children?
Do you have compassion?
Do you have good manners?
Do you have insomnia?
Do you have unprotected sex?
Do you like a house with lots of sun or kept dark and cave like
Do you like art?
Do you like foreplay?
Do you like going to new restaurants and trying different food?
Do you like going to the movies?
Do you like it cold and use a big down comforter and snuggle or do you
like it warm when you sleep?
Do you like museums, the theater, concerts?
Do you like quickies?
Do you like sex toys?
Do you like soft touch?
Do you like sunsets and sunrises?
Do you like the rain?
Do you like them?
Do you like to argue?
Do you like to be held while sleeping?
Do you like to cook or bake?
Do you like to cuddle?
Do you like to dress up?
Do you like to go alone?
Do you like to kiss?
Do you like to play outside or inside best?
Do you like to putz around the house?
Do you like to read?
Do you like to shower alone?
Do you like to sleep with the windows open
Do you like to travel and explore?
Do you like to watch sports on TV? In person?
Do you like your bedroom dark?
Do you live in a house, condo, apartment, etc?
Do you meet new people easily?
Do you move around allot?
Do you own a car? What kind?
Do you own a computer? MAC or PC?
Do you own a FAX and what is the number?
Do you practice any particular diets or eating habits?
Do you prefer to talk or be quiet during sex?
Do you remain friendly with your ex's?
Do you set goals?
Do you sleep-in on Sundays?
Do you smile easily and often?
Do you smoke at all?
Do you smoke?
Do you Smoke?, If so will you quit?
Do you snore?
Do you snore?
Do you socialize often?
Do you take a shower at night or in the morning on a regular basis?
Do you think alone time is important?
Do you think you have ever truly been in love?
Do you try to find the good in all?
Do you understand and distinguish between the five states of intimacy
(IE: Being sensual, being erotic, having sex, making love, F**ng)?
Do you want a relationship?
Do you want children?
Do you wash you hands before eating?
Do you wear pajamas?
Do you wiggle or kick in your sleep?
Do you work 7 days a week?
Favorite food?
Have you ever been to an analyst, psychiatrist or psychologist? Why?
Have you ever made love outside?
Have you ever paid for sex?
Have you ever seen a double rainbow?
Have you ever slept with someone on the first date?
Have you ever spent all day in bed!?
Have you had a recent STD test since you were with someone? Are you
willing to provide a doctors certificate of HIV/AIDS testing from the
last 30 days if your partner also does?
Have you recently broken up with someone?
Have you seen a green flash at sunset?
How are you at compromising?
How do you feel about a woman having male friends?
How do you feel about being touched?
How do you feel about house cleaners
How do you feel about public affection?
How do you feel about someone that already has children?
How do you feel if views are different?
How do you feel if you have to go to work earlier than your mate and
they get to stay in bed and sleep longer?
How do you feel right now?
How do you look at each new day?
How do you prefer the weather?
How does answering these questions make you feel?
How does fast make you feel?
How does stress affect your lovemaking ability?
How important is it to you that everyone likes you?
How is trust earned?
How late do you usually stay out?
How long has it been since your last significant relationship?
How long have you lived where you live?
How many dates have you ever had?
How many different people have you ever been with sexually?
How many friends do you have in your social circle?
How many parties do you go to in an average month?
How much do you earn per year?
How much is too much to drink?
How much time do you spend on the phone each day?
How much time do you want to spend together – what is too much, what
kind of time together– working, volunteering, socializing, just hanging
out, all of it or some of it.
How often do you change your sheets and towels?
How often do you talk about yourself?
How should who-pays-for-what be allocated when going out?
How would you describe your personality?
I like gentle and sometimes not so gentle-how do you feel about that?
If we eliminated physical attraction from our relationship, what would
be left?
If you could live anywhere in the world where would that be?
If your mate was sick or stressed, how long go you put up with them
being like that before looking elsewhere?
In what ways?
Is family important to you?
Is religion a part of your life?
Is spirituality a part of your life?
Is there anything sexually you would not do?
Is there anything we have not discussed that concerns you about our
Is trust automatic until something occurs that takes it away, or does
evolve over time?
Is your monthly cycle likely to interact with a date or trip we have
planned? Do you have sex during that time of the month?
List three things that really push your buttons?
Name a place you would like to go?
our position on recreational drugs?
Use an adjective to describe how thinking about it makes you feel?
What 3 magazines do you read most?
What angers you?
What are the medical tests and requirements for you to safely have
barrier-free sex?
What are you allergic to?
What are you in the birth order?
What are you most grateful for?
What are you the most frustrated about in your life?
What are your erotic “kinks”?
What are your expenses per year?
What are your favorite clothes to relax in?
What are your favorite TV shows?
What are your feelings about having children?
What are your feelings about relationships?
What are your hobbies: and interests?
What are your sexual needs relative to specific actions or techniques?
What areas do you feel you need to work on?
What can't you tolerate?
What did you like most about me when we first met?
What do you dislike about being single?
What do you expect on a first date?
What do you fear in relationships?
What do you look forward to?
What do you not like about me?
What do you say it is?
What do you think of you and me in a relationship, so far as you can
tell, all other things being equal, based on projection?
What do you value
What do you want-friend-lover-wife-or all of the above?
What do you wear to bed
What do your friends say is your worst habit?
What does being "In Love" mean to you?
What gives you goosebumps?
What happens to us when we die?
What I really want to know is what is your favorite flavor of
What is and what is not cheating?
What is desire?
What is the best way for me to show that I care for you?
What is the best way to turn you on?
What is the longest you have worked at one job?
What is the most exciting aspect of your life?
What is the most positive, and negative, relationship experience you
have had?
What is the purpose of your life?
What is you favorite place ion the whole world?
What is you stand on religion and politics?
What is your astrology sign?
What is your bodytype?
What is your ethnicity?
What is your favorite animal?
What is your favorite body of water?
What is your favorite color?
What is your favorite drink?
What is your favorite form of exercise?
What is your favorite pastime?
What is your favorite season?
What is your favorite sport?
What is your favorite surface or texture?
What is your favorite time of day?
What is your favorite way to relax?
What is your idea of a great weekend escape?
What is your personal policy re: homeless people?
What is your political viewpoint?
What is your position on how much money you should be provided with by
your boyfriend of husband each day, week or month?
What is your position on who should pay for what?
What kind of birth control do you use?
What kind of books?
What kind of education did you have?
What kind of intimacy have you been used to on a first date?
What kind of movies do you like?
What kind of music do you like?
What kind of music do you like?
What makes him/her so?
What makes you feel good about being with me?
What makes you feel important?
What makes you feel lonely?
What percent of your ex-mates do you still talk to?
What side of the bed do you sleep on
What sign are you?
What style of clothes do you wear?
What time do you generally get up?
What time do you generally go to bed?
What time do you usually go out at night?
What turns you off sexually?
What was the reason you were terminated from all of the jobs that
terminated you?
What would your friends say is your best quality?
What's your favorite childhood memory?
Where is the most favorite place you've ever been?
Where is your favorite place to get away?
Which do you like best, the beach or mountains?
Who are your heroes?
Would someone's past haunt you or do you think you could let it go?
Would you dance with me in the rain?
Would you go to the gym with me?
Would you go with me to do some volunteering?
Would you like me to dress interestingly for you?
Would you still respect me in the morning if I did something totally
naughty in bed the night before?
Would you switch from morning to night or vice versa?
Would you tell me if I did something you didn't like?
Would you understand if your mate couldn’t sleep if they held you all
Your drinking habits?
Whatever Happened to Ashley Madison? Affairs in the Time of Coronavirus
• An anonymous reader quotes VentureBeat: Ashley Madison's tagline has
taken on a new ring amid the COVID-19 pandemic — "Life's short. Have an
affair." And the "married dating" site, used to conduct clandestine
affairs, has found itself in the midst of a boom. Despite the fact that
it's harder than ever to physically meet up with a fellow cheater, Ashley
Madison is seeing a surge in users. Some are just looking to chat with
someone other than a spouse, some are seeking emotional validation or the
fantasy of pursuing a secret sex life...
The company became a household name in July 2015, when hackers stole data
on 32 million cheating spouses. The leak of sensitive data led to spouses
discovering that their significant others were cheating. Divorces,
breakups, and suicides ensued. The hackers also exposed that Ashley
Madison used bots posing as attractive young women to lure men into
engaging more with the site. The company says it has since beefed up its
security and rid itself of the bots. And now it's more than double the
size it was at the time of the hack, with over 65 million members last
year. During 2019, the company added 15,500 new members a day. More
recently, in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, it has been adding 17,000
new members a day.
Its chief strategy officer tells them that after their massive data breach
"we were signing up more than 100,000 people a day... [W]e also saw
revenues jump during that small time frame." (And the site also acquired
"a whole new security team...")
Interestingly, he also says Facebook won't allow them to buy ads, which
seems especially anticompetitive since Facebook runs its own dating site.
"They block us but let other dating platforms advertise... We have had
multiple conversations with them, and no, it's a fruitless conversation,
unfortunately... This is part of the problem with Facebook, in general, in
that they get to pick and choose which companies are going to advertise on
the second-largest, if not the largest, digital advertising platform in
the world. We question the validity of that."
On an totally unrelated matter, can I borrow your phone?
Online dating requires a front-on 2D image but our brains are trained to
reject most faces. Here is the problem:
All of these people have stereotypical “yuppie” kinds of “upscale” faces
sought by sorority and fraternity houses at elite colleges. These kinds of
faces are thought, by some, to “keep the line pure”. Other people think
that sort of thinking is nonsense:
So how do you get a date when your subconscious brain is fighting against
you? First, you need to understand the biology of the challenge.
As you see in the report at:
Why Are Symmetrical Faces So Attractive?
There is a surprising reason we are drawn toward symmetry, especially in
faces. You are addicted to staring at certain movie star’s faces because
of their “addictive facial symmetry”.
- “Love-At-First-Sight” is almost entirely about your attraction to a
person’s facial symmetry and their practiced use of facially exaggerated
expressions and social face muscle exaggerations.
- Political candidates, movie stars and business executives get their jobs almost entirely because of their facial symmetry
What constitutes beauty as seen on the internet?
Among cultures and through history, standards of beauty have changed considerably. At certain times, stoutness was a symbol of wealth and influence and thus was considered attractive. At other times, hardy physical fitness was the gold-standard. Different variations of skin tone, facial hair (men), breast size (women), eye color, hair texture, color, and style have all experienced wide swings in their perceived attractiveness at different points in history and in different places.
When it comes to physical attraction, cultural forces far outweigh biological ones, but there are a couple of features that seem to cut through the cultural conditioning and are seen as universally attractive. (Read about how our brain computes attraction.)
For example, across cultures and times, height is reliably rated as desirable in men. For women, a low waist-hip ratio is seen as attractive globally. Of course, these two features are each just one aspect within a full suite of qualities for a specific person and do not overpower everything else. However, there is indeed something special about them simply because they are so universal while most other "attractive features" are not.
There is another feature that drives perceptions of attractiveness and
does so almost equally among men and women: facial symmetry. Across many
clever experimental designs, researchers have confirmed that we rate faces
that are more symmetrical as more attractive than those with less
symmetry. Like height in males and waist-hip ratio in females, symmetrical
faces are more attractive to people across cultures and historical times.
But where does this biological attraction to facial symmetry come from?
First, we must consider how symmetry develops.
Source: CFF/Wikicommons
Like all vertebrates, humans have bilateral symmetry about the sagittal
plane. For the most part, our right side develops as a mirror image of our
left side. Beginning during embryonic development and continuing through
growth and maturity, the same developmental genes should be activated in
the same cells, at the same time, and with the same dosage. In the ideal
situation, all of that unfolds identically in the left and right sides of
our faces, leading to perfect symmetry between the two halves.
Of course, in the real world, the tiniest fluctuations in gene expression and cellular activity lead to small differences between the two halves of our face. Look closely at your face in the mirror (or a friend’s face). You can usually see that one eye is slightly larger than the other. The larger eye is also usually higher. The nostrils usually show asymmetry in their size and shape as well, and the height and size of the ears can be surprisingly asymmetric also.
All of this asymmetry adds up to a symmetry score for each human face and these symmetry scores strongly influence how attractively we rate faces. Using CGI, researchers can transform an image of a face that most people rate as highly attractive into one that rates poorly simply by tweaking the symmetry.
But why do we find symmetrical faces more attractive? The dominant scientific explanation for the attractiveness of facial symmetry is sometimes called “Evolutionary Advantage Theory.” If the grand choreography of developmental gene expression is perfectly executed, the result is perfect symmetry. Therefore, anything less than perfect symmetry indicates some kind of dysfunction, however small. If, on one side of the face, a gene gets expressed too much or too little, in slightly the wrong place, or a bit early or late, the tissue will take shape in a slightly different pattern than on the other side. Most of these small fluctuations result in what is called micro-asymmetry, which we can’t detect with the naked eye (but which we may be subconsciously aware of).
However, larger differences in symmetry may indicate issues that have occurred (or are ongoing) with the growth and development of the individual. Some factors that are known to affect facial symmetry are infections, inflammation, allergic reactions, injuries, mutations, chronic stress, malnourishment, DNA damage, parasites, and genetic and metabolic diseases. Each of these is a potential handicap to the success of the individual and possibly his or her offspring. While the resulting facial asymmetry is probably the least of the person’s worries, the rest of us respond negatively to it because it could indicate reduced fitness. Since mating strategies invariably involve the pursuit of the highest quality mate possible, facial asymmetry knocks someone down a few pegs in terms of their attractiveness. This is the currently dominant thinking about why humans strongly prefer symmetry in each other’s faces.
The preference for symmetrical faces is not limited to sexual attraction and mate selection. Facial symmetry appears to influence how we pursue friends and allies as well. Of course, we all want a “high quality” mate and co-parent of our children, but we also want friends that are high quality and, dare I say it, high status. It’s an awful thing about us, but everyone wants to be friends with the rich, powerful, and popular. This reality has become crystal clear in today’s society where people can be “famous for being famous,” having produced essentially nothing of value to anyone and possessing no identifiable skills, talents, or accomplishments and still somehow be known as an important “influencer.” I digress.
It's not altogether surprising that we, as a species, would read so much into faces. We speak face-to-face and we spend a lot of time looking at each other's faces even when we're not in conversation. We also have an exceptional degree of diversity in our faces and this probably comes from the face-centric nature of our social interactions.
In sum, facial symmetry is universally associated with beauty and attractiveness in both sexes and in sexual and non-sexual contexts. The most well-supported theory for this is that our species has evolved to recognize symmetry, if unconsciously, as a proxy for good genes and physical health. This gives us a tentative answer to the question: What’s in a face?
While many studies have shown that symmetric faces (e.g. left image
above) are preferred to relatively asymmetric faces (e.g. right image
above), the reason why symmetric faces are preferred is controversial. The
Evolutionary Advantage view proposes that symmetric faces are preferred
because symmetric individuals are particularly healthy. The Perceptual
Bias view, however, proposes that symmetric faces are preferred because
symmetric stimuli of any kind are more easily processed by the visual
system than their asymmetric counterparts.
A “Super Hot” yuppie girl is never going to pick a guy without a
symmetrical yuppie face because society has spent decades of social
programming her to reject any guy without a yuppie symmetry. Modern dating
site prep software, though, can adjust your photos in order to make your
face symmetrical.
Symmetry is one aspect of faces that has been extensively studied by many
researchers in relation to attractiveness. The most common method used to
investigate the effect symmetry has on the attractiveness of faces
involves manipulating the symmetry of face images using sophisticated
computer graphic methods and assessing the effect that this manipulation
has on perceptions of the attractiveness of the faces.
Typically, perfectly symmetric versions of a set of face images are
manufactured and presented to subjects along with the original (i.e.
relatively asymmetric versions). Participants are then asked to indicate
which face is more attractive, choosing between a perfectly symmetric
version of a given face and the original version. Because the faces used
in these tests differ in symmetry but not in other facial characteristics,
these findings demonstrate that symmetry is a visual cue for
attractiveness judgements of faces. Although studies have generally shown
that people prefer symmetric versions of faces to the original (i.e.
relatively asymmetric) versions, there has been considerable debate about
why people prefer symmetric faces.
Two different explanations have been put forward by researchers to explain
attraction to symmetric faces: the Evolutionary Advantage view (which
proposes that symmetric individuals are attractive because they are
particularly healthy) and the Perceptual Bias view (which proposes that
symmetric individuals are attractive because the human visual system can
process symmetric stimuli of any kind more easily than it can process
asymmetric stimuli).
The Evolutionary Advantage view proposes that symmetric faces are
attractive because symmetry indicates how healthy an individual is: while
our genes are such that we are designed to develop symmetrically, disease
and infections during physical development cause small imperfections (i.e.
asymmetries). Thus, only individuals who are able to withstand infections
(i.e. those with strong immune systems) are successful in developing
symmetric physical traits. Indeed, some (but not all) findings from
studies of health in humans and many animal species have observed such a
relationship between symmetry and indicators of health, with healthier
individuals being more symmetric. For example, swallows and peacocks with
symmetric tail feathers are particularly healthy and preferred by
potential mates. Under the Evolutionary Advantage view of symmetry
preferences, symmetric individuals are considered attractive because we
have evolved to prefer healthy potential mates.
While the Evolutionary Advantage view suggests that attraction to
symmetric individuals reflects attraction to healthy individuals who would
be good mates (i.e. will have healthy offspring), the Perceptual Bias view
of symmetry preferences makes a very different claim. Our visual system
may be ‘hard wired’ in such a way that it is easier to process symmetric
stimuli than it is to process asymmetric stimuli. Because of this greater
ease of processing symmetric stimuli, symmetric stimuli of any kind might
be preferred to relatively asymmetric stimuli. Under the perceptual bias
view, preferences for symmetric faces are no different to preferences for
symmetric objects of any kind. Indeed, it has been shown that people
prefer symmetric pieces of abstract art and sculpture to relatively
asymmetric versions.
Little and Jones (2003) carried out a study that investigated why people
prefer symmetric faces to asymmetric faces, testing predictions derived
from both the Evolutionary Advantage view and the Perceptual Bias view of
symmetry preferences. Previous studies have found that symmetry had a
bigger effect on the attractiveness of opposite-sex faces than own-sex
faces and have suggested this is because opposite-sex faces are an example
of ‘mate choice relevant stimuli’ (i.e. they are the faces of potential
mates and own-sex faces are not).
Little and Jones noted that it is well established that inverting face
images (i.e. turning them upside down) reduces the ease with which they
can be processed and are perceived as being people. While people find it
easy to process faces that are the right way up, face processing is
disrupted by inversion to a far greater extent than processing of other
types of visual stimuli is. Furthermore, inverted faces are processed more
like other objects when inverted than when they are upright. Inverting
faces, however, will obviously not alter how symmetric the faces are. So
while opposite-sex upright faces are ‘mate choice relevant stimuli’ (i.e.
are easily perceived as potential mates) inverted faces will be perceived
more like objects, even though both inverted and upright faces will be
equally symmetric. While the evolutionary advantage view suggests that
preferences for symmetric faces will be weaker when the faces are inverted
(because they will be perceived as less mate choice relevant), the
perceptual bias view suggests that inversion will have no effect on
symmetry preferences because symmetry is attractive in any type of
stimulus. With this in mind, Little and Jones tested if inverting the
faces used to assess preferences for symmetric faces weakens the strength
of symmetry preferences (which would support an Evolutionary Advantage
account of symmetry preferences) or if symmetry is equally attractive in
upright and inverted faces (which would support a Perceptual Bias account
of symmetry preferences).
Little and Jones found that symmetric faces were judged more attractive
than asymmetric faces when faces were shown the right way up, but not when
the faces presented were inverted. Because this suggests that symmetry is
more attractive in mate choice relevant stimuli than in other types of
stimuli, Little and Jones' findings support an evolutionary advantage
account of why symmetric faces are attractive and present difficulties for
the Perceptual Bias account (which proposes that symmetry will be
preferred in stimuli of any kind).
A large percentage of people use dates for free food with no intention of
ever engaging with the other person. Here are some discussions of this
In the current recession, many people date for expense offset. One must be
clear, up front, if this is their agenda. If your dating partner has
visions of a traditional relationship and later finds out your plan is to
use them for income, the results will never be good.
The best program is to state this up front in a clear manner. Do NOT be
suggestive, the other person will almost always interpret the implied
comment as the more traditional implication and sadness will result.
There is a current standard structure in most major cities: $300/per hour
with a volume commitment discount. $3000/per month. If the person is
unusually hot, has super defined abs and super model facial structure the
"donation can go up to $10,000/month. A once a week, twice a week or
"anytime" get-together frequency rate is arranged between the two people.
It is a highly competitive market. There are hundreds of thousands of
people doing it in each major city and super hot ones are coming here from
overseas, every week, to do it. 90% of the arrangements are cancelled
after the first month because the other person realizes that competitive
market rates are lower than they first thought.
Wealthy men in technology cities and industrial cities consider it a
business status factor to brag about their mistress to other businessmen.
The code words in ads and profiles are:
"Studying in college"
"Complete my degree"
"Single mother"
Is being a mistress or gigolo OK? Check with your local laws, therapist
and personal compass and tell the other person, in the very FIRST
conversation, about this being your agenda. Silicon Valley, New York City
and Los Angeles have the largest number of Dating-For-Cash people on their
dating sites.
I have dated several women in the past four years and most of the times they turn to be gold diggers. They always want luxury gifts, money, etc.
How to be a Passionate Ruthless Internet “GOLD DIGGER” · were not physically conditioned to the strenuous life that was required. · lot about what to do and ...
learn from the experiences of others. Show more. 3.4M Members. 1.8K Online. Top 1% Rank by size. More posts you may like. Related Dating ...
I, being a woman, encountered a few men in real life, and many more on the Internet, who had an unusual view on this term. According to them ...
Gold diggers can take various different approaches to find and court their targets. ... © 2005 - 2024 WebMD LLC, an Internet Brands company. All ...
Internet commenters were outraged after one woman revealed how she finally showed her fiance's family she's not the mooch they believed her ...
Share your videos with friends, family, and the world.
Learn to identify and handle gold diggers effectively. Discover signs and strategies for healthier relationships.
Look for online profiles with expensive preferences listed. As you are ... Gold diggers can often appear very successful and well off during an initial impression ...
Many people think that the sexual energy of a person and the quality of
their sex organs has been “all used up” by the time they reach 30. This is
particularly thought to be true among people who frequent sports bars and
hang out with their college frat house buddies. Is this the case? NO, not
After six months of coffee dates with women he met through an online dating site, Dave Prochniak was ready to give up.
“I met too many angry goofballs. I thought, the hell with it, I’ll just be single and work on my garden,” said Prochniak, 55.
But then he spotted a profile that intrigued him. “I found her mysterious,” he said.
Barbara Allen had been on the site for two years, an experience that had prompted her to pare down her profile. “I’d been a stay-at-home mom and I saw how that freaked guys out so I disappeared for a while, then turned my profile back on to try again,” said Allen, 55.
The two, who live in a suburb outside St. Paul, Minn., texted, then talked, and then Prochniak invited Allen to meet him at a coffee shop where he was hanging canvases for a show of his paintings.
The chemistry between the pair, both of whom had been divorced, was immediate. “I walked her to her mom-minivan and gave her a hug,” Prochniak recalled.
Within two weeks, he said, they were in love.
Stories like that are not unusual, but for every midlife encounter that
hits, there are a near-infinite number of disappointing, unfulfilling or
just plain weird dates that miss.
There are, however, strategies from those who study online dating that can
help even the odds of finding a match, whether for a night on the town or
a lifelong relationship.
Try before you buy
The online dating industry recognizes that people of all ages want to pair up, whether they’re longtime singles with experience connecting over the internet or the divorced or widowed who are returning to dating.
There’s a proliferation of sites and apps specifically targeting over-50
daters, both same-sex and straight; that’s in addition to all-ages sites
that boast significant numbers of older members.
“It’s a societal misnomer that people stop wanting to find love and give
up having sex at a certain age,” said Amie Clark, founder of The Senior
List, a consumer site that regularly publishes stories about online
dating for its midlife readers.
A recent post ranked the best apps and sites for older daters. Clark said most of the top finishers allow prospects to test them out.
“Our advice is: try before you buy. Sign up for a free limited trial and browse before making a financial commitment,” Clark said. “Our research found many dating sites are owned by the same companies. They seem to work about the same, but cater to niches.”
Clark said there’s no secret to success, but advises daters to “take the time and energy to put out there what you want back.”
‘Treat this like a business’
The U.S. Census Bureau calculates almost half of American adults are unmarried, and dating sites and apps foster interactions for those singles.
Online options are preferred by busy older people who don’t have the time, patience or interest in meeting a companionable prospect in the hunting grounds of their youth. Dating in the workplace is fraught with peril as people move along in their careers and the bar scene has lost its appeal.
“My favorite people to work with are 50 and over,” said Denys Crea, 62, vice president of the Pairings Group, a relationship and matchmaking agency. Crea specializes in dating re-entry and coaching online daters, male and female. “By the time I meet them, they’re exhausted and frustrated (from online dating). I tell them, if you know how to cast a wide net, you will have fun and get results.”
Crea, who charges $1,295 for her services, advises clients on their photos and assists them in crafting a profile that makes the right first impression. She helps them select a site that suits their personality, guides them in evaluating dating candidates and then offers post-date analysis.
“You have to treat this like a business,” Crea insists. “Commit the time, set goals. Don’t mess around. Think about the qualities you’re looking for and really read the profiles to see if they have them.”
Crea says the one consistent deal breaker for everyone looking for love (or some facsimile of it) should be dishonesty from a potential match. She tells her clients to lead with their own authenticity.
Also see: Dating after 50: Who pays? And should I accept a date by text?
“At this age, life is complicated. Everyone has some baggage. But dating is simpler. They’re not looking for someone to have kids with; they’re often not looking for marriage. They’re looking for a romantic partner,” Crea said. “They’re adults and they can look over someone’s accomplishments and choices and see what they’ve done with their lives.”
Done being single
Navigating midlife dating, relationships and romance is the subject of the Done Being Single podcast and internet radio show. Hosts and spouses Treva and Robby Scharf, who were in their 50s when they married (the first time for each), bring decades of experience in the search for love to their listeners. Both have used apps and sites and see online dating as a crucial but imperfect resource for midlife singles.
“People would not be dating without [online dating]; it’s not easy to meet eligible people. But it has its drawbacks,” said Treva. “There’s so much selection that it can paralyze you or leave you dissatisfied, feeling like no matter who you choose, there might be someone better out there that you’re missing.”
The Scharfs advise daters to switch up their game to make successful cyber connections.
“They have to learn how to flirt in a two-dimensional medium, using the way they write instead of eye contact,” Robby said. “Coming out of a long-term marriage, they might feel they’ve lost their touch. It’s ego-flattering when they see who contacted or swiped them. But they have to resist getting lazy and spending their time with superficial back-and-forth messaging instead of getting out there.”
That’s why the couple urges daters who click in an online connection to waste no time setting up a face-to-face meeting. “Get out there. Meet quickly and find out if there’s real life chemistry,” Robby added. “Don’t confuse online interactions with dating.”
While Treva bemoans the fact that online dating can be “cruel, soulless and depressing,” she also finds it magical.
“It’s one part effort and one part faith. You must put in the effort; go onto different sites, get nice pictures, work on your profile,” she said. “Then let it go and let faith take over; believe that the universe will do its part in bringing you to who you are supposed to meet.”
A meeting, a marriage
Last spring, Barbara Allen and Dave Prochniak bought a marriage license. They are talking about staging a “pop-up wedding” this summer, gathering her three daughters, his son and their close friends to witness a low-key ceremony where they will speak their vows.
“We’re a good fit; we get along and communicate so well,” said Allen. “We have a lot to look forward to.”
“We feel really lucky,” added Prochniak. “Lucky and thankful.”
Five things to know about online dating
1. Three-quarters of online daters never update their original profile. But if you switch up the text and add new pictures, site algorithms will likely reward you by sharing your profile to new and different eyes.
2. Sunday is the busiest day for online dating. Make time after brunch to get on your app and browse. This is also an excellent time to post your freshened profile.
3. Safety first. Arrange a public get-together, tell a friend the details of whom you’re meeting and don’t overshare on first or even second dates. When you use your real name, a quick Google search can reveal your address, property you own, professional information and more.
4. There’s someone for everyone. In addition to mainstream sites, there are dating platforms for people of different religious and professional backgrounds and some oddly specific narrow niches, including sites for the gluten intolerant, cannabis fans, and people with STDs.
5. Practice saying this: “I don’t think you’re a match for me.” Only you know what you’re looking for. When you don’t feel a connection, be frank and don’t waste your time — or theirs.
If you are successful in business, politics, media, social change or,
really, anything that affects other big players, expect to have a few
too-good-to-be-true hotties try to date you on match.com, OKCUPID, PLENTY
OF FISH, TINDER or other big sites.
They may be shills sent to destroy you.
If someone does not like you, they can reverse search your photo or vital
statistics and find every dating site you are on. Then they can target you
for a social kill. Here is how it works:
The honeytrap scam is a technique used to entice an agent into disclosing sensitive information with the aid of a seductive woman. In the real ...
Honey traps on the Internet ... In the world of espionage, a 'honey trap' traditionally involves a seductive encounter designed to coax ...
Honey trapping is an investigative practice involving the use of romantic or sexual relationships for interpersonal, political (including state espionage), ...
A honey trap is a scam tactic that typically involves a fraudulent dating site and proposals from unknown but charming people trying to be your ...
... honey trap' or 'honeypot'. Often, an enemy spy is compromised by a honey ... (Kaspersky uses its own honeypots to detect internet threats, so you don't have to.).
A honeynet is a decoy network that contains one or more honeypots. It looks like a real network and contains multiple systems but is hosted on one or only a few ...
. A honey trap is a scam incorporating a phony dating site and propositions from unknown yet charming people who want to be your lover or get to ...
Malware honeypots are exactly as the name implies — they are designed to trap (i.e. detect) malware. For example, a decoy API server could be set up to trick an ...
Our model works on various parameters to assess social media profiles and identify those at the risk of being honey trapped. Network profiling of these ...
Spam traps are used in Project Honey Pot, which is a web-based network of honeypots embedded in website software. Its purpose is to harvest and collect the ...
• Rachel Hosie
• @rachel_hosie
Any young person who’s tried to explain the concept of “seeing” someone to
their parents will be able to testify that the dating arena has changed
enormously over the past couple of decades.
It’s no longer as simple as going for dinner and a movie and instantly
becoming boyfriend and girlfriend - we “see” people, often more than one
at a time.
The extent of this trend has been revealed in a new study which claims
it’s now normal to date an incredible six people at once.
Assuming the average person isn’t out on a date every night of the week,
we can also infer that two dates with the same person must be pretty
spread-out too.
The results of the study, carried out by eHarmony Australia, reinforce the
idea that in today’s dating society, people are loath to commit to one
person, seemingly always wanting to keep their options open.
And although there seems to be a new dating tactic arising every week -
have you been benched, breadcrumbed or unghosted of late? - it seems the
trend for ghosting, where you simply stop replying to a potential suitor’s
messages and inexplicably disappear, is still going strong.
The researchers found that over the past year, 64 per cent of singletons
have been ghosted by a date. But there’s a good chance a lot of those
aren’t perfect either, with 51 per cent of those studies admitting to
ghosting someone themselves.
Although considered by some to be rude and inconsiderate, the allure of
ghosting is the opportunity to avoid having to explain why you’ve lost
interest in someone and just hope they’ll work it out themselves.
Couples meeting on dating apps is the norm now, but could it be that
knowing there are always more potential love interests just a swipe away
is leaving us spoilt for choice and confused?
“The research here and around the world shows there is a lot of
dissatisfaction in the outcomes of many dating apps,” Nicole McInnes,
Director of eHarmony Australia, told Cosmopolitan.
But with new apps launching all the time, it doesn’t look like a dating
app backlash is going to happen any time soon. So, best start lining up
your next six dates then.
In the San Francisco and New York online dating scene Match.com woman have
become “free dinner whores” and men move up in the dating hierarchy
depending on the size of their house and how much money they spend on
Daddies, “Dates,” and the Girlfriend Experience: Welcome to the New Prostitution Economy. How Silicon Valley Guys Actually Get The Women They Are With A growing number of young people are selling their bodies online on Match,com to pay student loans, make the rent, or afford designer labels. Is it just an unorthodox way to make ends meet or a new kind of exploitation?
Nancy Jo Sales
The waiter with the handlebar mustache encourages us to “participate in
the small-plate culture.” Geraldine’s, the swank spot in Austin’s Hotel
Van Zandt, is brimming with tech guys, some loudly talking about money.
The college student at our table recommends the ribs—she’s been here
before, on “dates” with her “daddies.” “There are a lot of tech guys,” she
says. “They want the girlfriend experience, without having to deal with an
actual girlfriend.”
“The girlfriend experience” is the term women in the sex trade use for a service involving more than just sex. “They want the perfect girlfriend—in their eyes,” says Miranda, the young woman at our table.* “She’s well groomed, cultured, classy, able to converse about anything—but not bringing into it any of her real-world problems or feelings.”
Miranda is 22 and has the wavy bobbed hair and clipped mid-Atlantic accent of a 1930s movie star; she grew up in a Texas suburb. “I’ve learned how to look like this, talk like this,” she says. “I work hard at being this,” meaning someone who can charge $700 an hour for sex.
Her adventures in “sugaring” started three years ago when she got hit on by an older guy and rebuffed him, saying, “Look, I’m not interested, so unless you’re offering to pay my student loans,” and he said, “Well . . . ?” After that, “he paid for stuff. He gave me money to help out with my living expenses.”
It ended when she went on a school year abroad and started meeting men on Seeking Arrangement, the Web site and app which match “sugar daddies” with “sugar babies,” whose company the daddies pay for with “allowances.” Now, she says, she has a rotation of three regular “clients”—”a top Austin lawyer, a top architect, and another tech guy,” all of them married. She adds, “Their relationships are not my business.”
She confesses she isn’t physically attracted to any of these men, but “what I’m looking for in this transaction is not sexual satisfaction. Do you like everyone at your job? But you still work with them, right? That’s how it is with sex work—it’s a job. I get paid for it. I do it for the money.”
And not only the money. “I’m networking,” Miranda maintains, “learning things from older men who give me insights into the business world. I’ve learned how to do an elevator pitch. I’ve learned so many soft skills that will help me in my career.
“While in college,” she goes on, “I’ve had the ability to focus on developing myself because I’m not slaving away at a minimum-wage job. I reject it when people say I’m oppressed by the patriarchy. People who make seven dollars an hour are oppressed by the patriarchy.”
“She’s in control of the male gaze,” says another woman at the table, Erin, 22.
“I thought about doing it,” says Kristen, 21, tentatively. “I signed up
for Seeking Arrangement when I couldn’t pay my rent. But I was held back
because of the stigma if anyone finds out.”
“What right does anyone have to judge you for anything you do with your
body?,” Miranda asks.
“Just Another Job”
The most surprising thing about Miranda’s story is how unsurprising it is to many of her peers. “Almost all of my friends do some sort of sex work,” says Katie, 23, a visual artist in New York. “It’s super-common. It’s almost trendy to say you do it—or that you would.”
“It’s become like a thing people say when they can’t make their rent,” says Jenna, 22, a New York video-game designer. “ ‘Well, I could always just get a sugar daddy,’ ‘I guess I could just start camming,’ ” or doing sexual performances in front of a Webcam for money on sites like Chaturbate. “And it’s kind of a joke, but it’s also not because you actually could. It’s not like you need a pimp anymore. You just need a computer.”
“Basically every gay dude I know is on Seeking Arrangement,” says Christopher, 23, a Los Angeles film editor. “And there are so many rent boys,” or young gay men who find sex-work opportunities on sites like RentBoy, which was busted and shut down in 2015 by Homeland Security for facilitating prostitution. “Now people just go on RentMen,” says Christopher.
As the debate over whether the United States should decriminalize sex work intensifies, prostitution has quietly gone mainstream among many young people, seen as a viable option in an impossible economy and legitimized by a wave of feminism that interprets sexualization as empowering. “People don’t call it ‘prostitution’ anymore,” says Caitlin, 20, a college student in Montreal. “That sounds like slut-shaming. Some girls get very rigid about it, like ‘This is a woman’s choice.’ ”
“Is Prostitution Just Another Job?” asked New York magazine in March; it seemed to be a rhetorical question, with accounts of young women who found their self-esteem “soaring” through sex work and whose “stresses seem not too different from any young person freelancing or starting a small business.” “Should Prostitution Be a Crime?” asked the cover of The New York Times Magazine in May—again apparently a rhetorical question, with an argument made for decriminalization that seemed to equate it with having “respect” for sex workers. (In broad terms, the drive for decriminalization says it will make the lives of sex workers safer, while the so-called abolitionist movement to end prostitution contends the opposite.)
The Times Magazine piece elicited an outcry from some feminists, who charged that it minimized the voices of women who have been trafficked, exploited, or abused. Liesl Gerntholtz, an executive director at Human Rights Watch, characterized the prostitution debate as “the most contentious and divisive issue in today’s women’s movement.” “There’s a lot of fear among feminists of being seen on the wrong side of this topic,” says Natasha Walter, the British feminist author. “I don’t understand how women standing up for legalizing sex work can’t see the ripple effect of taking this position will have on our idea of a woman’s place in the world.”
A ripple effect may already be in motion, but it looks more like a wave. A string of feminist-sex-worker narratives have been weaving through pop culture over the last few years, as typified by Secret Diary of a Call Girl (2007–11), the British ITV2 series based on the memoir by the pseudonymous Belle de Jour. Belle, played by the bubbly Billie Piper, is a savvy college grad who hates working at boring, low-paying office jobs, so she becomes a self-described “whore,” a lifestyle choice which always finds her in fashionable clothes. “I love my job,” Belle declares. “I’ve read every feminist book since Simone de Beauvoir and I still do what I do.”
And then there is The Girlfriend Experience(2016–), the dramatic series on Starz, a darker take on a similarly glossy world of high-priced hotels and high-end shopping trips financed by wealthy johns. “I like it, O.K.?” snaps the main character, Christine, played by Riley Keough, when her disapproving sister asks why she’s working as an escort. Christine likes sex work so much she leaves law school to do it full-time. Both shows feature graphic sex scenes that sometimes look like porn.
“We talked a lot about agency” when conceiving The Girlfriend Experience,
says producer Steven Soderbergh (who directed a movie of the same name in
2009), “and the idea that you have this young woman who is going into the
workforce and ends up in the sex-work industry, where she feels she has
more control and is respected more than she is at her day job,” at a law
“My friend who does it says, ‘I do it for the Chanel,’ ” a young woman
told the author.
Since Seeking Arrangement launched in 2006, practically a genre of sugar-baby confessionals has emerged. I WAS A REAL-LIFE “SUGAR BABY” FOR WEALTHY MEN, said a typical headline, in Marie Claire. The anonymous writer made clear, “I’d always had personal agency.”
Meanwhile, sugaring has its own extensive community online—also known as “the sugar bowl”—replete with Web sites and blogs. On Tumblr, babies exchange tips on the best sugaring sites and how much to charge. They post triumphant pictures of wads of cash, designer shoes, and bags. They ask for prayers: “Pray for me, this will be great to have two sugar daddies this summer since I quit my vanilla job! I’m trying to live free lol!”
On Facebook, there are private pages where babies find support for their endeavors as well. On one, members proudly call themselves “hos” (sometimes “heaux”) and post coquettish selfies, dressed up for “dates.” They offer information on how to avoid law enforcement and what they carry to protect themselves (knives, box cutters, pepper spray). They give advice on how to alleviate the pain of bruises from overzealous spanking and what to do when “scammers” refuse to pay. They ask questions: “How do you go about getting started in sex work? I’m honestly so broke.”
In interviews, young women and men involved in sex work—not professionals forced into the life, but amateurs, kids—in Austin, New York, and Los Angeles, talked mostly about needing money. They were squeezed by college tuition, crushed by student loans and the high cost of living. Many of their parents were middle- or upper-middle-class people who had nothing to spare for their children, derailed by the economic downturn themselves. And so they did “cake sitting”—a specialty service for a fetish that craves just what it says—or stripping or Webcamming or sugaring. Some beat people up in professional “dungeons”; others did “scat play,” involving sex with feces. They did what they felt they had to do to pay their bills. But was it feminism? And no, that isn’t a rhetorical question.
Landing a Whale Like Larry Page, Elon Musk or Eric Schmidt
‘It just seemed so normal, like no big deal,” says Alisa, 21, one night at Nobu in Los Angeles, a place she’s been with her daddies. She’s talking about how she started sugaring when she was 18. “People kept telling me and my friends, ‘There are rich daddies who will take care of you.’ ”
She had profiles on Seeking Millionaire and Date Billionaire when she landed a whale on Seeking Arrangement. He was a high-profile venture capitalist in San Francisco and founder of a major tech company—“the real deal.” (Friends confirm their connection.)
Soon after they met he flew her to New York and installed her in a chic hotel. Alisa says he was busy most of the time, but she and her friends ran up $60,000 in room service and spa services while he worked. To make up for his absence, he took her shopping at Alexander McQueen, “my obsession.”
“Being in the L.A. atmosphere, and at the age of 16 or 17 going out in nightlife—it’s all very based on appearance,” Alisa says. “Out here, as long as you’re wearing Saint Laurent and the newest items, that’s all people care about, so my friends and I were obsessed with fashion. I think with our generation, Instagram also has a lot to do with it—people are constantly posting what they have.” She’s explaining that she became a sugar baby in order to buy luxury goods.
“My friend who does it says, ‘I do it for the Chanel,’ ” Alisa says wryly. “We both come from upper-middle-class families, but we never felt right asking our parents to buy us designer handbags or something, to put that burden on them financially. I was already working full-time,” at a clothing store, “and all my money was going towards helping my parents to pay for school.” So there was nothing left for shopping.
Her assignations with the billionaire went on for two years. “It was purely for financial purposes,” she says. “He was not my type whatsoever.” She’s reluctant at first to say whether they had sex, but finally admits their relationship was physical. “If anyone tells you they’re not sleeping with these guys, they’re lying, even if it’s just a blow job, because no one pays for all that without expecting something in return.”
It ended when he started dating a famous beauty; Alisa read about it on a celebrity blog. She had other daddies, during and after him, but then last year she stopped sugaring. “I haven’t done it in a really long time,” she says, “solely because of how it made me feel. Like it just makes you feel worthless ‘cause they don’t pay attention to your brain, they don’t care what you have to say. They just care that you’re attractive and you’re listening to them. I don’t want to ever have to look back and think, like, I made it to this point just because I used my body to get there.” A friend who got “envious” of her postings on Instagram also told Alisa’s parents what she was doing. She says, “She called me a prostitute.”
“It’s Transactional”
‘She’s a pro,” murmurs the young guy at the bar at Vandal, the hot new restaurant on New York’s Lower East Side. “And so is she.” He’s cocking his head toward some women in the room who are drinking alone. “How do you know?,” I ask. “You know,” says the guy. “They let you know.”
“The thing is, nowadays,” says his friend (they both work in real
estate), “there’s the hidden hos. Like they’re hos, but they pretend to be
just some regular girl hitting you up on Tinder.”
“I hate that,” the first guy says. “The hidden hoochies.”
“The ho-ishness,” the second guy says, “is everywhere. I used to take girls out to dinner, but then I’d see they’d eat and bounce—they just want a free meal—so now it’s no more dinner, just drinks.”
Their complaints are of a type commonly heard online, on social media and rampant threads: “All women are prostitutes”; women just want to use men to get money and things. The Internet holds a mirror to the misogyny doing a bro dance in the background of this issue.
I ask the guys why they think some men pay for sex, especially when dating apps have made casual hookups more common.
“It’s transactional,” the second guy says. “There’s no one blowing up your phone, demanding shit from you. You have control over what happens.”
I tell them how Seeking Arrangement promotes itself as feminist.
(“Seeking Arrangement is modern feminism,” says founder Brandon Wade, 46,
an M.I.T.-educated former software engineer, on the phone. His InfoStream
Group includes a number of other dating services, such as Miss Travel,
where a woman can find a traveling “companion” to “sponsor” her vacation.)
“Oh, come on,” the first guy says. “They call them ‘daddies.’ They call
women ‘babies.’ ”
“You can’t tell who the hookers are anymore,” says another guy at the bar, a well-known D.J. in his 30s. “They’re not strippers, they’re not on the corner, there’s no more madam. They look like all the other club girls.”
He tells a story of a young woman he let stay in his hotel room one weekend while he was working in Las Vegas. “She met up with this other girl and all of a sudden they had all these men’s watches and wallets and cash. They were working.” He laughs, still amazed at the memory.
“It’s like hooking has just become like this weird, distorted extension of dating,” the D.J. says. “ ‘He took me to dinner. He throws me money for rent’—it’s just become so casual. I think it’s dating apps—when sex is so disposable, if it doesn’t mean anything, then why not get paid for it? But don’t call it prostitution—no, now it’s liberation.”
$50 for the Powder Room
Jenna says that a friend of hers was sexually assaulted by a man she met on a sugaring site. “She didn’t want to report it,” she says, “because she didn’t want her parents to know what she was doing.” Women in sex work reportedly experience a high incidence of rape, as well as a “workplace homicide rate” 51 times higher than that of the next most dangerous job, working in a liquor store, according to the American Journal of Epidemiology.
“If prostitution is really just physical labor,” says the Canadian feminist writer and prostitution abolitionist, Meghan Murphy, on the phone, “if it’s no different than serving coffee or fixing a car, then why would we see rape as such a traumatic thing? If there’s nothing different about sex, then what’s so bad about rape?”
Jenna, the video-game designer, did Seeking Arrangement for two years, between the ages of 19 and 21. As with other young women I spoke to, the catalyst for her was when she couldn’t pay her rent: “I had like negative $55 in the bank. My mom was guilt-tripping me about asking her for money.”
The night Jenna Googled “sugar daddies,” she says, she’d also just come home from a “very bad date” with “a guy who smelled.” “I was like, I can’t take this anymore, these guys are horrible. I just want someone who’s gonna have some manners, or at least some better hygiene.” It was a refrain I’d heard from others, including Miranda in Austin, who complained, “The dude bros are infantile, they’re rude.” “Wish you could send an invoice” to a “fuck boy that used you,” said a young woman on a sugaring page on Facebook.
“So I was like, If I’m gonna spend my time with some guy and have it be horrible,” Jenna says one night at a dark East Village bar, “then if I get some money at the end of the night, at least I get something.”
The guys she met on Seeking Arrangement weren’t horrible, she says, but some of them were “weird.” “Because I know a lot about video games I tend to attract, like, the nerdier [Brooklyn] tech guys. Like the ones who are looking for someone who can talk to them, like, ‘Oh, you’re into Harmony Korine? You like Trash Humpers?’
“They’re actually profoundly lonely guys,” she says, “and think this is the only way that they can meet women.”
There was the guy who just wanted to brush her hair, for hours, as she sat watching television in a hotel room. He brought his own brush. And there was the guy who was “fat—not like morbidly obese, but big.” He liked to take her out for long dinners.
She usually charged around $400 for an encounter. “The guys don’t like
talking about money, so they’ll just like leave money in your purse.” What
Holly Golightly called “$50 for the powder room” was discreetly offered,
she says, “because then it can feel more like real dating to them.”
But it wasn’t real dating, and after a while it began to bother her, as
she realized the men, although “generally nice,” didn’t actually respect
her. “I think the sugar daddies just see the sugar babies as whores,” she
says. “They would never consider a monogamous relationship with someone
who would need to do this to survive. It’s like a class thing. They see
you as beneath them, desperate.
“Sometimes I think, Did I really have to resort to this?” she asks. “Or was I being validated in some way?” She was a “late bloomer,” she says, and wonders if part of her felt reassured of her attractiveness by having someone pay to have sex with her. “But that’s crazy.”
She stopped sugaring when she got into a serious relationship; now she lives with her boyfriend in an apartment with four others. “One day, one of our roommates was watching porn, and he says to me—he had no idea what I’d been doing—‘Do you think there are sex workers who are really into it?’ I think it’s, like, a male fantasy.”
Wish Lists
Interestingly, the young men I talked to who do sex work voiced few qualms about whether what they were doing was empowering or disempowering. One straight guy I spoke to who’s on Seeking Arrangement (the company claims to have more than 400,000 “mommies”) did say that he was sometimes uncomfortable with “not being in control of the situation.”
One night at Macri Park, a gay bar in Williamsburg, Brooklyn, Derek is having a drink with friends. He’s 20 and an art student from New Jersey. “I do RentMen, I do dominating,” he says. “People want to be hit, beat up—mostly older guys. One’s a Broadway actor. I work for dungeons and I have private clients. I don’t have to have sex with them—just whip them with devices, or beat them with my hands. Or I do muscle worship”—where guys ogle and touch his body.
“If I do it two or three times a week,” he says, “I can make my rent, I can eat, I can make my art.”
Once upon a time, young artists and musicians came to New York looking to find a creative community where they could thrive, but now, as David Byrne noted in a piece in The Guardian in 2013, the city has become virtually unaffordable to all but the 1 percent, inhospitable to struggling artists. “One can put up with poverty for a while when one is young, but it will inevitably wear a person down,” wrote Byrne.
“Especially with the intern culture—like New York runs on interns—it’s impossible to get a decent job,” says Katie, the visual artist, at Macri Park. “I was sending out 20 e-mails a day for the first five months I lived here,” looking for jobs, “and I was like, This isn’t working.” Now she does Webcamming. She says she “feels O.K. about it,” and uses it to “fuel my art.” She dresses up as a Disney princess for men to explore “the effects of princess culture on my sexuality.” If a client turns out to be a “creep,” someone whose attitude she can’t abide, she’ll just “nuke them,” or turn the Webcam off.
She and her friend Christopher start talking about the Amazon “Wish Lists” that sex workers set up for their clients. In lieu of money (which is sent through PayPal or Venmo), clients can pay with gifts. “I know guys who’ve gotten iPhones, laptops, a flat-screen TV,” says Christopher.
“A lot of people have the really practical ones—like ‘I want silverware, a blender,’ ” says Katie.
“I’ve seen people put furniture, even like shaving cream and razors,”
Christopher says. He pulls up one of his friends’ Wish Lists on his phone.
The young man wants a stuffed Pokémon doll.
Travis, 27, a porn actor from Virginia, has been a professional escort for
years. He says he bemoans the way social media has made it so easy for
anyone to do. “There’s a lot of people with day jobs now who are making
good money and doing escorting on the side—you’d be surprised.” Why do
they do it?, I ask. “ ‘Cause they’re greedy,” Travis says. “The market is
flooded. I’m so over it.”
At the Seeking Arrangement Party 2016, a masquerade ball, babies and daddies crowd into Bardot, a lounge in the Avalon Hollywood nightclub, in Los Angeles. Exotic dancers writhe around on risers. General-admission tickets are $100, the drinks aren’t free, and many babies aren’t drinking. Some seem antsy. Many have spent the day at the Seeking Arrangement Sugar Baby Summit, hearing how they should expect to be “spoiled” and have men pay for things. So they’ve gotten dressed up, put on Eyes Wide Shut-like masks, and come here to meet their potential “benefactors.”
“I’m just looking for someone to pay for my boob job,” says a small blonde woman who flew into town from Utah; she’s a Mormon. “I thought I must be doing something wrong because all the guys I’ve met on the site so far have been sending me dick pics and hairy-butt pics.”
The place is filled with guys who resemble John McCain. “My daughter’s 36,” I hear one saying to two rapt young women. He pulls out pictures from his wallet to show them—actual photo printouts.
There’s another type of guy here, the jumbo-size Danny DeVitos. “I thought they said these girls were gonna be 10s,” I hear one of them telling some other guys. “But this is like a buncha 5s and 6s. Maybe they’ll take an I.O.U.” The other men chuckle.
“Why do men pay for sex?,” I ask a young man, the handsomest in the room. “Sometimes in Vegas if you’re drunk,” he says with a shrug. I ask him why he’s here. “I work all the time, and I don’t have time for a girlfriend.” He says he works in tech. “But I like to flirt and have company, not just sex,” he goes on. So he does Seeking Arrangement. I ask him how much he pays the women. “Depends how much I like them.”
There are a lot of young black women here. “I’m kind of surprised,” says a young black woman named Nicole, 25, “but not really. They’re probably here for the same reason I am, which is there’s a lot of racism on the site, like guys will just openly say, ‘No black women,’ so maybe they thought they’d have a better chance in person.”
Nicole is lovely and has a job as an executive assistant. I ask her why she’s seeking an arrangement. “I want to start a handbag line,” she says. “I have all these great designs and ideas. And I just don’t see how I could ever get together the capital. So an investor would really help.”
She seems to truly believe the Seeking Arrangement marketing, that she
might find that supportive, encouraging person here. We look around the
room. There’s a John McCain with his hand on the behind of a young black
girl. Her smooth skin looks so young and fresh in the lamplight, next to
his wizened face.
All of this material is open source public domain news from publicly
posted material on the internet
We, and many other groups have already started putting Match.com, and
their bastard siblings, out of business. You can, and should, help close
down these corporate vampires that exploit your emotions for their
ill-gotten profits.
This is about powerful and greedy people abusing the social system in
order to manipulate billions of government treasury and stock market
dollars into their own pockets. They lie, cheat, bribe, steal, attack, and
even kill, in order to grab this money (provided from the pockets of the
taxpayers). They create fake "issues" in order to steer massive amounts of
government money to "solutions" that they just happen to own the companies
of. ("Follow the Money") They collude on cover-ups, cover-stories,
pump-and-dumps, fake "Stimulus Funds" redirection and other illicit deeds.
Famous politicians are a very big part of this crime. They are easy to
spot via the tens of millions of dollars, in their personal bank accounts,
which only appeared after they bribed politicians. They broke and
separated America by promoting their fake culture, which divides the
public, in order to benefit off of their exclusive stock market scams.
One part of them is: The Silicon Valley Tech Cartel; an anti-trust
violating organized-crime operation based on quid-pro-quo. They
manipulated the Dept of Energy to only fund political favorites and to
sabotage the competitors of those favorites in an epic violation of
anti-trust and anti-racketeering laws.
How YOU can use the public "Corruption Kill Box" to wipe out crooked
politicians and their financiers: A Corruption Kill Box Procedure combines
federal police investigations created by formal filed criminal referrals
and Form 302 overview drafts, public class-action lawsuits, massive news
media disclosure blasts, formal regulatory agency complaint filings,
individual lawsuits against political and agency executives, documentary
film production and distribution, the promotion and organization of
Congressional hearings, crowd-sourced social media public forensics and
open-source AI financial crimes tracking software. The procedure is an
extinction-level event with a 100% success rate against corrupt entities.
CKB's only work on the corrupt, so non corrupt parties are safe from it's
effects. ANY member of the public can engage in these totally legal
anti-corruption actions. Just do it!
The most effective interdiction process for political corruption is now
here. It is called "Citizen Forensics". It is the process of the
crowd-sourced deep investigation of public officials, and their shills,
followed by the global public exposure and shaming of their illicit deeds.
Federal law enforcement groups will even help you do this because you, and
they, both have a common goal: to take down crooks.
Over the last decade, these procedures have been proven to work. This manual guides you through procedures that work totally, magnificently and effectively against evil people and scumbags!
• We identified potential targets
• We developed an investigative theory
• We chose the best investigative techniques
• We examined issues unique to these proactive corruption investigations
• We mitigated special considerations in public corruption investigations
• We asked law enforcement and government sources, including inspectors
general, and contract compliance, Congress members and oversight personnel
who they suspect
• We asked citizens; business competitors or political rivals; disgruntled
current or former employees; paid informants and cooperating defendants;
individuals involved in the illegal activity who are seeking to limit or
eliminate their criminal exposure by blowing the whistle on corrupt
• We read print, television, and internet media outlets for tips
• We examined if each specific target may be identified via credible tips.
Does source have a motive to lie? Is there corroboration?
• We looked at transactions that were identified or appear suspect without
specific targets and used those to identify the entities and individuals
involved and make a preliminary assessment of the roles played by these
individuals, such as decision makers, knowledgeable actors, unwitting
participants, and knowledgeable but uninvolved potential witnesses.
We always follow the money ‐ We determine who profited from the
transaction and how ‐ Political corruption cases are always about the
money! Use modern AI around-the-clock tracking software on the target and
their family members to spot money laundering.
Each corrupt politician and operative made a profit from their corrupt
actions and those benefits can always be traced with modern forensic
accounting and tracking AI. The recent leaks from CPA, VC, law firm and
lobbyist records make it even easier. The hack-and-disclose foreign actor
campaigns (ie: Supernova, Spectre, Solarwinds, etc.) have even added to
those disclosures.
• Theory gives direction to the investigation, but we stay flexible as new
facts are leaked or exposed
• We make an initial assessment of whether the alleged corrupt conduct
appears to be criminal, or whether it is civil or administrative in nature
• We then identify the elements needed to prove the crimes
• We then try to anticipate possible factual and legal issues and defenses
and build our case to rebut or avoid them
• We then identify corrupt officials in jurisdictional law enforcement and
regulatory agencies who may be stopping investigations in order to protect
a Senator or tech oligarch that pays them or promises them a career
- Historical cases ‐ based on document analysis and witness interviews
- Proactive/undercover cases ‐ running gamut from one day and one deal to
elaborate and long‐running multi‐transaction and multi‐target operations
### Taking Down The Corrupt Match.com Executives, Staff And Owners One By
• We determined which investigative tools to use depending on a variety of
factors, including the nature of the alleged violations, the type of
investigation our members are conducting, and the resources we had
• We used the normal progression from simple to complex, with information
from initial steps leading to more advanced steps, such as search warrants
and federally assisted wiretaps
• We mix and match our methods as appropriate
• Due to the hybrid public/private/citizen investigative team, an
“insurance policy” encrypted file set is pre-distributed to journalists,
lawyers and Congressional insiders to protect citizen team members
• Public Source Information
• Internet and media sources
• Court filings, including criminal histories, divorces and other
lawsuits, bankruptcy filings, and administrative proceedings before
agencies such as the SEC, FTC, and insurance and banking regulators
• Leaks and hacks
• Choicepoint, Autotrack, property records
• Financial disclosure forms; Campaign contribution records; Lobbyist
registrations and disclosures
• Information from Parallel Proceedings
• Corruption cases are often set in backdrop of contract disputes and
fraud cases. There may be ongoing civil litigation or administrative
proceedings generating valuable information, and you should obtain
relevant depositions, pleadings, transcripts and court orders.
• Despite common interests, do not work in tandem or actively use the
civil litigant to further your investigation, such as by giving them
questions to ask at depositions or having them seek documents for you.
• Mail Covers
• Very useful in identifying target's banks, investment firms, et al
• Trash Pulls ‐ "Dumpster Diving"
• Can be very useful if target has recently become aware that they are
under suspicion ‐ panic can cause carelessness in disposing of valuable
• Grand Jury Subpoenas ‐ Documents
• Used to gather foundational materials. Consider whether the entity being
served can be relied on to not disclose the subpoena, or whether the
records sought are worth the risk
• Issue as early as possible ‐ document production can be slow,
particularly with voluminous requests, older records, and/or smaller
producing institutions
Subpoenas ‐ Documents to Obtain:
• Bank, brokerage, and other investment account records
• Credit reports & credit card records
• Loan and mortgage records
• Telephone records
• Corporate records
• Do quick initial review to determine subpoena compliance. Do not assume
full compliance since many institutions see subpoena compliance as a
nuisance and distraction from their "real" business.
• Documents must reviewed and cataloged for use during the investigation
and for discovery and trial evidence purposes.
• Document review is time and labor intensive, but is usually the heart of
any meaningful historical corruption case.
• Witness Interviews
• Essential investigative steps which require serious thought, planning,
and preparation. When possible, conduct interviews after you have obtained
and reviewed the documents related to the witness.
• General rule ‐ your way up the chain of involvement and culpability
• Remember to consider interviewing the current and former confidants
Subpoenas ‐ Testimony:
• General rule ‐ do not use the grand jury as your interviewing forum.
Usually far better to get voluntary interviews first.
• Two main situations to use grand jury testimony as an investigative tool
• Witnesses who may have useful information but will not agree to a
voluntary interview
• Possible defense witnesses ‐ find out what they will say and lock them
into that story.
• Immunity
• A double‐edged sword. Gets you needed testimony but can cast doubt since
people tend to dislike and distrust immunized witnesses.
• Weigh the costs and benefits carefully. Jurors will understand
immunizing lower‐level witnesses to build a case against the main targets.
• Attempt to secure testimony through cooperation plea agreements Jurors
are more likely to believe a witness who has accepted responsibility for
their actions by pleading guilty than one who has received a "free pass."
Evidence - Laboratory Analysis:
• Handwriting and fingerprint analysis can be very useful in cases with
key documents and knowledge, intent, and/or participation questions.
Fingerprints can often be found on documents even after an extended period
of time.
• Before requesting handwriting analysis, speak to your examiner to find
out if the questioned documents can be analyzed with any degree of
certainty. If there is little chance of success, you may not want to do
the analysis, particularly if fact witnesses can identify the handwriting
or signature.
• Make the analysis request as early as possible
• Tax Return Disclosure Requests ‐ 26 USC Section 6103
• Very useful since targets often understate income on tax returns and
overstate it on loan applications, corporate filings, and financial
• Disclosure requests take a significant showing and a court order, and
normally come after the investigation has substantiated some level of
• After tax information is obtained under a disclosure order, there are
important restrictions on their use and handling.
• E‐Mail Account Information from Internet Service Providers ("ISP")
• Two main types of information you will want: identification of the
account holder; and, the stored content of the e‐mails maintained on the
• Can be very valuable since people use e‐mail freely and do not realize
or care that hitting erase or delete does not remove the content from the
• Court orders and search warrants are needed to get this information.
Since ISPs frequently delete content from their systems, use preservation
letters asking ISPs to save the content while you obtain the necessary
court orders and search warrants for disclosure.
• Search Warrants
• One of the most powerful investigative tools in corruption cases.
Obtains evidence on a surprise basis, before it can be redacted,
destroyed, or withheld even when production is required by a grand jury
• Provides an opportunity to identify and interview those present at
search site.
• Serve contemporaneous grand jury subpoena for the same documents
Search Warrants On Senators And Tech Oligarchs:
‐ Timing is Key Issue
• Need to be far enough along in investigation to develop probable cause
and to know what you are actually looking for.
• The search exposes the investigation, so it generally should not be done
until you have exhausted any covert opportunities.
• But, if you wait too long and your target becomes suspicious or aware of
the investigation, valuable evidence may be destroyed or moved.
• Search Warrants ‐ They are Not Cost Free
• First and foremost, must commit to promptly and thoroughly review
everything seized. This can be an extremely time and labor intensive. If
you are not ready, willing, and able to do this review, don't do the
• Second, be aware of the public impact of a search on a high‐profile
target or location. It may bring attention to your investigation, increase
public scrutiny on you and the target, and raise expectations that charges
are imminent.
• Third, need to plan to best execute the warrant while limiting
disruption of important functions when searching a government office.
public building
Search Warrants ‐ Computers and Computerized Data:
• Any business or office search warrant is going to include computers and
computerized data, and you must be able to seize and use this information.
• Have computer specialists involved in planning and executing the search
so that computers and system data can be copied on the scene. It is not
desirable or feasible to take away the computers and deal with it later.
• Before searching, try to determine if review the seized data will
require specialized assistance and equipment, and how you will make this
information available for discovery and later trial use
Physical Surveillance:
• Surveillance is valuable to corroborate information which has been
received, to link targets, and identify people associated with the known
• Trackers ("Bumper Beepers")
• A slap‐on tracker put on in a public place does not require a court
order. An order is required to hard‐wire a longer‐lasting tracker onto a
• Beware that under federal law, you are now required to disclose a
tracker warrant to the person whose vehicle was tracked at the conclusion
of its use. Delays of this notification are at the discretion of the
• Pen Register and Trap and Trace Orders
• Allows real‐time capture of the incoming and outgoing phone numbers for
a particular phone number, and can also order phone company to provide
subscriber information for each captured number.
• Requires a court order which can be based on a showing that the
information sought is likely to be relevant to the criminal investigation.
• Consensual Recordings
• Audio or video recordings where one party to the call or meeting
(normally an undercover agent or cooperating witness) has agreed to record
the conversation. These are authorized without any court order so long as
the consenting party is on the line or in the room.
• Consensual recordings are the "bread and butter" of proactive
• Title III Wiretaps and Recording Devices
• Extremely effective tools to investigate ongoing criminal activity,
since they allow recording of phone calls and conversations without the
presence or participation of an undercover agent or cooperating witness.
• Requires court order based on probable cause and satisfaction of other
requirements, including exhaustion of other investigative options. The
internal review process for a federal Title III is very demanding.
• Title III's are labor intensive, requiring real‐time monitoring and
minimization, and regular progress reports to the authorizing judge
Undercover Operations – put a plant inside the Senator’s office or the
Google , Netflix, Tesla, Youtube or Facebook executives personal office
or home office staff:
‐ Development and Planning Stage Is Key
• First step is determining what you are trying to achieve (i.e. proving a
completed crime, infiltrating ongoing criminal activity, developing new
cases on suspected corrupt officials, identifying criminals).
• Second step is creating and implementing a scenario designed to
effectively and efficiently achieve those goals. Scenario must be
realistic in light of targets, resources, and objectives
• Undercover Operations ‐ Avoiding the Usual Defenses
• Any undercover scenario needs to squarely present the criminal
opportunity to the targets. Do not give the target a lack of knowledge or
intent defense.
• Plan to avoid entrapment claims. Don't push too hard, offer too much
money, or make it too easy, and offer opportunities for the target to back
• Undercover Operations ‐ Time, Labor, and Resource Intensive
• Must be patient ‐ will take time to develop trust and opportunities
• Money will have to be spent for payoffs and to set up an undercover
business, create appearances, wine and dine targets, etc
• Manpower will be needed ‐ UCAs, case agents, surveillance, et al
• Undercover Operations ‐ Undercover Agents are Crucial
• Should make every effort to introduce a UCA into the scenario.
• UCA is essentially unimpeachable in contrast to either a cooperating
defendant who is attempting to avoid charges or get a sentence reduction,
or a paid informant, both of whom may have motives to lie
• Undercover Operations ‐ Lights, Camera, Action!
• With or without UCA, to the extent possible, you should have consensual
or Title III recordings of every meeting and call.
• Tapes are unimpeachable and jurors expect them.
• Predication
• A reasonable basis to suspect the target is or has engaged in criminal
activity. Much lower than probable cause standard.
• Criminal investigations should not be fishing expeditions or integrity
testing operations, and predication helps prevent overreaching
• Predication helps overcome entrapment defense, claims of selective or
vindictive prosecution, and Hyde Amendment (attorney's fees) claims
• Handling the Cooperating Witness ("CW")
• Give specific directions to the CW and make sure that the CW is told
that no "freelancing" is permitted. Enforce this from the beginning, and
do not let the CW seize control, even if he or she appears to be producing
• Corroborate the CW as much as possible, even on small points, and make
sure all contacts between the CW and the targets are recorded. Jurors tend
to disbelief the uncorroborated, unrecorded word of a paid witness.
• Plan for impact of CW's plea agreement, immunity, or payments on the
Flipping a Corrupt Senator or tech Insider:
- The tactical "Silver Bullet"
• Leaving a flipped insider in place can be an extremely effective tool in
an ongoing public corruption case because of the knowledge and access they
can bring to the investigation.
• Can be used to strengthen or build cases against existing targets and to
identify, predicate, investigate, and prosecute other targets.
• In setting with institutional or high‐level corruption, a flipped target
in place may be the key to gaining entry to a "closed-shop" of corruption.
• Flipping a Corrupt Insider ‐ Inherent Risks
• Beware of: being double‐crossed by a flipped insider who warns other
targets and/or helps them generate exculpatory recordings; inadvertent
leaks; the insider committing other crimes or wrongdoing while "on our
• Must also make sure that you keep the insider safe.
• The Flip Attempt
• Determine the right target to pitch. Normally neither the top nor the
bottom target. Assess which target may be most effective as a continuing
• Use the element of surprise and make strongest presentation possible.
• If target wants to cooperate, start by getting a confession.
• If target wants to consult an attorney, they need to do it on the spot.
• Impact of charges is enormous on elected officials or high‐level
appointees. Mere existence of an investigation can destroy a career or a
• Proceed carefully ‐ you do not want to be used by someone looking to
settle a political score or strike back at a business rival.
• Conduct the investigation and prosecution "by the book." Expect the
defense to attack not only the charges, but also the conduct of the
• Be prepared for heightened public and press scrutiny. Remember that in
any big corruption case, the "world is watching.
Who We are Taking Down – The Targets:
- See the related list of publicly known targets who have already been
disclosed in the press. Other targets are not identified yet
For example; let’s look at a corrupt political "crime family" known as
the "Paypal Mafia". They are also known as “The Deep State”, “The Silicon
Valley Cartel” and other quaint names.
They promote their criminal boys club with mobster-emulating pictures of
themselves like this:
They have based their lives and culture around the Godfather movies and
openly refer to themselves as a “cartel”. They have gotten away with it,
so far, because they have more money than most law enforcement agencies
have. They have thousands of law firms, lobbyists and dirty tricks
operatives who spend all day denying, deferring and delaying the justice
that is coming for them.
The indisputable facts about them are the assertions that the Silicon Valley oligarchs:
1. Control business and politics like a crime Cartel
2. Are a white male fraternity who attack outsiders in organized manners
3. Come from dynastic families that systematically ran them through Stanford, Harvard and Yale men's clubs
4. Were socially trained and programmed to operate in a closed, tribal, exclusionary manner
5. Operated the "Angelgate" collusion scandal
6. Operated the "Silicon Valley High Tech Employee Collusion" for which they were sued in a famous class-action case
7. Controlled the Obama Administration and the Obama White House and traded most key staff with that Administration
8. Have been sued, indicted and charged in divorce proceedings with an unusually massive amount of sex trafficking matters
9. Use the same 10 law-firms who have been charged with public policy manipulation
10. Control internet news, media and information
11. "Own" certain U.S. Senators by virtue of direct bribe payments and securities/stock payola payments
12. Use a variety of tools like GUST, Private Google Docs sites, covert Facebook pages and similar, to secret conspire and plan collusion and organized monopolistic practices
13. Have their venture capitalists spy on entrepreneurs and copy their technology to be deployed by Google, or Facebook under a new name
14. Are a Mafia-like criminal organization
15. Have "command and control and exclusive beneficiary positions in ongoing, coordinated, criminal and anti-trust activities involving government and stock market funds...".
16. On a typical Friday, or Saturday night, in Palo Alto, on University Avenue, over 1/3 of the girls at restaurants with older men are Stanford Sugar Babies being paid for sex by Big tech VC's or CEO's.
As a case-in-point relative to how hard it is to arrest these kinds of mobsters: the sex crime victims of Cartel member Jeffrey Epstein reported him to the DOJ a decade ago, yet nothing was done.
Our peers reported this Cartel to federal agencies in 2008, STILL, nothing has been done!
These people run Ponzi schemes with State and Federal funds in "stimulus" after "stimulus"!
They use free government money (your money), stock valuation pump-and-dump and black-lists to make certain that no competitor can ever operate against them in any market. The public has had enough of them. In addition to filing many formal federal requests for FBI, SEC and FTC investigation, you as a member of the public, can do much more
YOU can fight back and destroy these kinds of dirty oligarchs!
The tech Cartel is evil because they steal any technology they desire; they run a prostitution ring and sexually extort young women and interns in Silicon Valley; they are misogynists, ageists and racists as their history of abuses has proven; their Palo Alto Cartel operates AngelGate-type collusion and stock market insider trading schemes that harm independent business and the public; Their Cartel ran the "no poaching" CEO ring which was class-action sued by DOJ and tech workers; 90% of their divorce court files reveal horrific abuses and sex trafficking; They have an army of lobbyists that pay cash, stock market and revolving door bribes to U.S. Senators; They can even evade FBI & SEC investigations; They hire women to act as 'trophy wives' and 'beards'; they have lobbyists rig the U.S. Patent Office in order to block inventor patent rights because they are using stolen technologies; they have been caught on video and recordings beating, kicking and harming women hundreds of times; They have bought up all of the Tier-One tech law firms and order them to never help those who seek equal tech rights; they collude to abuse your privacy and make databases on the public for political control; they have to cheat to compete because they are only good with spread sheets instead of innovation; They run black-lists, character assassination attacks, collusion and other anti-trust violating acts in violation of RICO laws.
When the bad guys, and their lap-dog politicians, attack you because your products are better than theirs they are proving that they are frat boy scumbags, from Stanford and Yale, that operate in a little pack, like dogs! Their Sandhill Road VC operation should be raided by the FBI!
Indeed, the best thing that could come from the COVID pandemic is that they all are forced into bankruptcy!
When your Senator holds stock market shares in companies that exist to profit on the backs of consumers, then it is impossible for that Senator to ever do anything but be corrupt!
The crooks at Google, Facebook, Tesla, Linkedin, Netflix, etc., broke felony laws and the basic principles of Democracy.
They bribed your Senators, White House Staff, insider agency staff and operated a Silicon Valley Oligarch sociopath political Cartel.
As Mother Jones top editor says: "In 18 years of living here, I find zero
evidence that the "City Family" is benefiting anybody but its members,
developers, old-school socialites, and tech billionaires..."
— Clara Jeffery (@ClaraJeffery) February 14, 2020
"I can't even with how insular and incestuous and corrupt SF is. Mayor @londonbreed acknowledges she had relationship with DPW Nuru two decades ago and that they remained close friends https://t.co/HEhIlulkyj"
— Clara Jeffery (@ClaraJeffery) February 14, 2020
Your public officials set-up, operated and maintained an organized crime scheme for personal profit at the expense of every taxpayer. They went after Five Trillion treasury dollars of your tax money for their personal interests via rigged stock market scams, rigged government contracts, exclusionary policy manipulations and other schemes that harmed American taxpayers.
You Owe It To Yourself And The World To Take Them Down!
You can wipe them out, all by yourself, in 100% legal ways.
You can wipe them out even faster with crowd-sourced forensics and anti-corruption ai software! join the rest of the public in an epic anti-corruption effort!
You will learn to write FBI-quality criminal activities reports and file those reports, by certified mail, with every law enforcement and regulatory agency in every country in the world, including the FBI, OSC, GAO, EU, Interpol, FSB, UN, etc. CC the social media sites with your reports.
You will use basic private investigator websites to track and back-ground every person, organization and company involved in the corruption and trace their RICO law violations. You can provide that data to The U.S. Congress and every agency, with a copy to every social media posting.
You will use open-source, free, collaborative NSA-class global databases
that can track all of the locations, hookers, fake fronts, family trusts,
bank accounts, stock market accounts, bribes and other goodies, of any
corrupt public official, in minutes! You get that free anti-corruption
software from GitHub, CodePen, Torrents, Onion Project, The Guardian, ICIJ
and all over the web.
YOU will run your own private investigator/citizen sleuth crowd-sourced
investigations into the following:
- Every stock market account they or their family owns
- Every Uber or Lyft ride they ever took for any meeting or transport of sex workers
- Every flight manifest they appeared on
- Every bank account they have ever held
- Every lawsuit, divorce record and police record they have ever appeared in
- Every trust fund they or their family holds
- Every shell corporation they, or their family holds
- Every person named in the Epstein Pedo book: https://www.scribd.com/document/416207833/Jeffrey-Epsteins-Little-Black-Book-Redacted cross referenced across all of the other databases and then supplied to the FBI and Child Protection Agencies
- Every item in the Swiss Leaks that cross connects to their holdings
- Every item in the Panama Papers Leaks that cross connects to their holdings
- Every item in the WikiLeaks that cross connects to their holdings
- Every item in the Snowden Leaks that cross connects to their holdings
- Every sex trafficking incident that connects to each of them alone, and in groups
- Every financial transaction between any of the parties on the master list and the character assassination and hit job firms of: Google, Univision, Gawker Media, Unimoda, Jalopnik, Gizmodo,Black Cube, Fusion GPS, Media Matters, Think Progress, IN-Q-Tel, K2 Intelligence, WikiStrat, Podesta Group, YouTube, Alphabet, David Drummond, Larry Page, Facebook, Correct The Recor, Stratfor, ShareBlue, Sid Blumenthal, David Brock, Eric Schmidt, Sunshine Sachs, Covington and Burling, Buzzfeed, Perkins Coie and Wilson Sonsini or their derivatives with common owners.
- Every item in the Quest Leaks that cross connects to their holdings
- Every tactical deployment, by a campaign financier, of the tactics listed in this manual: https://www.cia.gov/library/readingroom/docs/CIA-RDP89-01258R000100010002-4.pdf
- Every sex service that their credit card payments every connect too
- Every real estate transaction that any name or company they, or their family, were involved in, tracks to
..... and hundreds of thousands of other information points about them that prove that they benefit from crimes that they engage in for others who engage in crimes using the America public policy system.
It all goes into shared 100% legal public collaborative databases that work like XKEYSCORE, or MS Access, or Oracle Databases.
The proof of collusion, organized criminal actions and raw covert corruption is indisputable. The actors are all the same people. The beneficiaries are all the same people. The communications between the parties all coordinate the same actions.
Demand their arrests, indictments, exposures and bankruptcies in public ads, letters to the editor, blog posts, bumper stickers, lawsuits, flyers, newsletters, email and every other outreach manner.
Say "Fuck You" to the Silicon Valley Oligarch 'Illuminati' scumbags and the crooked Senators and Governor's they bribed.
Show these oligarch crooks what billions of taxpaying voters with collaborative FBI-class forensics investigation software can do to their corrupt tech Cartel!
You can show up at the front door of their home, office, hotel room or vacation cabin and legally arrest them with a citizen’s arrest execution. More on that later.
YOU will hunt down each corrupt politician, oligarch and their operatives
First, send them a note, anonymously, to tell them that you, and the rest
of the public, are coming for them.
Include a copy of this manual so that they know what is headed their way.
Let them know that none of their New Zealand bolt holes, Cayman and Virgin
Island hide-aways, private islands or Ukrainian dachas will protect them
and that the public is EVERYWHERE that they are.
If they have nothing to hide, as they say, then they should not care. They
should only be afraid of the truth if the truth is as disgusting as
everyone says. If they are not buying hookers and rent-boys, laundering
money, bribing politicians, manipulating elections, supporting sex cults,
abusing interns, violating ant-trust laws and doing the other bad things
they are charged with, it should not matter to them.
You undertake the investigative tasks using your personal computer and
your free time completing tasks like the following:
1. Dig through their trash and buy their trash bags from the
garbage man after they pick them up or pay the local homeless guy to do it
for you
2. Locate a beneficiary for a probate proceeding with the name of
their family on it
3. Research current and / or historical property holdings of every
family member of the crooks
4. Identify mortgage information for each family member of the
5. Identify secured lenders each family member of the crook has
6. Identify related-party property transactions for money
7. Determine current market value of real property that the crook
or family members owns
8. Locate bankruptcy filings for any of their family members or
9. Retrieve and analyze bankruptcy records for any of their family
members or companies
10. Uncover improper relationships with prostitutes, rent boys,
sex cults, BDSM groups, One Taste, Nexium, Inner Circle and other sex
abuse operations
11. Locate federal civil lawsuits against them on Pacer.gov
12. Locate federal criminal records against them on Pacer.gov and
the 120+ private investigator websites
13. Retrieve and analyze federal civil and criminal records on
each of their names
14. Retrieve mug shots from arrest records
15. Provide independent analysis from other investiagtors
16. Locate state and local criminal arrest records
17. Retrieve and analyze review criminal records
18. Acquire pictures of them entering or leaving restaurants,
hotels, offices and other locations and identify who they are with
19. Locate home phone numbers
20. Locate cell phone numbers
21. Identify the owner of related home or cell phone numbers
22. Determine owners of corporations they were involved with
23. Retrieve and analyze corporate records
24. Locate current or former executives
25. Interview current or former executives
26. Find and retrieve judgment and lien filings
27. Research familial history
28. Connect the dots via AI software analysis tools
29. Locate witnesses for a civil or criminal lawsuit
30. Interview witnesses for a civil or criminal lawsuit
31. Find all of their assets hidden under family trusts and facade
32. Find current or historical boat registrations
33. Find current or historical aircraft registrations
34. Search for hidden assets
35. Conduct business intelligence
36. Conduct discreet intelligence gathering
37. Determine connections between parties
38. Locate bank account information
39. Locate current or former employees of a company
40. Interview current or former employees of a company
41. Locate significant inheritances
42. Show you routes of all of the tail numbers of their aircraft
43. Identify a will for an estate they or a family member might
44. Locate probate records
45. Identify foreign assets
46. Locate regulatory records
47. Identify regulatory actions
48. Identify professional licenses
49. Determine prior disciplinary records for professional licenses
50. Analyze state and federal political contributions
51. Analyze state lobbyist records
52. Analyze federal lobbyist records
53. Identify potential whistle-blowers from their ex employees and
54. Vet expert witnesses
55. Interview industry sources
56. Gather competitive intelligence
57. Identify related party business transactions
58. Retrieve and analyze non-profit financial filings
59. Knock on doors for surveys about them
60. Obtain and analyze Department of Labor Form 5500 Filings
61. Submit FOIA / FOIL requests to government agencies
62. Obtain driving record history (in applicable states)
63. Find current vehicle registrations
64. Find historical vehicle registrations
65. They use Google, Facebook and Linkedin to spy on you. Get the
information that Google, Facebook and Linkedin sells to Axciom, Equifax
and hundreds of other spy databases and run searches on THEM!
66. Determine current market value of motor vehicles
67. Assist with jury selection
68. Background checks on prospective jurors
69. Analyze documents for potential fraud
70. Identify Risks
71. Identifying corporate relationships
72. Find all of their ex lovers and aides on Linkedin
73. Identify Uniform Commercial Code filings
74. Foreign corporation research
75. Help you manage sensitive situations
76. Overseas litigation research
77. Identify stock ownership
78. Find facts
79. Locate online resume
80. Identify online networking profiles
81. Locate historical video or news footage
82. Conduct historical newspaper research
83. Conduct mobile or stationary surveillance
84. Perform clandestine operations
85. Find undisclosed ties
86. Identify and retrieve U.S. Tax Court cases
87. Locate a missing person
88. Identify and confirm education history
89. Identify and confirm previous employment history
90. Scour the Internet
91. Research presence on social networks or message boards
92. We will tell you what those bastards are up to!
93. Send the IRS information about how Google, Netflix, Alphabet
are cheating on their taxes and hiding money in Ireland and the Cayman
Islands. Get the IRS to sue the oligarchs in tax court.
94. Enhance the publishing of research articles proving that
Silicon Valley tech companies destroy the minds of children with tech
addiction and brain manipulation and get parents to sue those companies
for harming their children
95. Expose every secret cash conduit that the oligarchs use to
bribe politicians
96. Demand new laws in Congress to stop politicians from owning
any stock because that is the #1 source of bribes
97. Use lip-reading software to see what they are saying or have
an actual deaf-person do it
98. Photograph them with any hotties they are seen with and then
face-track the hotties to see if they are hookers or ill-repute escorts
99. Use one of the many free on-line news publishing softwares and
make a global online newspaper that constantly exposes their crimes
100. Write every federal agency and demand investigation and
prosecution of the perps
101. Assemble the massive number of news reports about their sex
scandals and distribute those reports as books, articles, documentaries
and news aggregations to prove what a bunch of sick perverts these people
102. Publish the speaker list from Techonomy, Davos, TED, Burning
Man, etc. to show that it is always the same little group of arrogant
assholes that self-promote their hype at each of these elitist events
103. Leave notices on the windshield of any of their Tesla's
reminding them what douche-bags they are
104. Organize petitions and letter-writing campaigns to have the
overtly corrupt ones removed from their jobs
105. Go to their share-holder meetings and hand-out flyers about
their corruption
106. Hire Charles Spies (
https://www.dickinson-wright.com/our-people/charles-spies?tab=0 ) to sue
107. Hire Harmeet K. Dhillon (http://www.dhillonlaw.com ) to sue
108. Hire COA ( http://www.causeofaction.org) to sue them
109. Hire law firms from China or Russia to sue them for a very
low price
110. Hire Steven S. Biss ( http://
www.linkedin.com/in/steven-s-biss-6517037 ) to sue them
111. Blog about the corruption of the political targets every day
with the day's news each day
112. Read their divorce filings in court records and see who else
might help expose their corruption
113. Read their locations over the last 12 months -
114. Talk to every neighbor that has filed a complaint about them
115. Hire Pierce Bainbridge Beck Price & Hecht LLP to sue
them, especially tech media companies
116. Re-read all of the latest "How To Be A Private Investigator"
books and brochures
117. Ask Paul Kangas in San Francisco how he investigates the
118. Go back to http://www.pacer.gov and read each of the lawsuits
against them to get more clues about them
119. Put a card table and a pop-up booth outside their office and
hand out flyers about them
120. Publish every stock market share they, and their family, owns
121. Produce a dossier on every corrupt partner of every Silicon
Valley VC firm
122. Know that there are over 3000 additional forensic tools you
can use to expose them 100% legally…
123. Read The Big Book
https://www.amazon.com/Big-Book-Revenge-Serious-Getting/dp/0806521414 and
many "How To Be A Private Investigator"-type books.
Koty Neelis says: A few weeks ago my roommate T told me she had joined
Match.com and was LOVING IT. She’s the kind of girl that once she commits
to something she puts her all into it. And so, with Match, it was the same
as anything else. T had four dates a week, in various cities around the
country. I admired her vigor. She was really going for it – love – that
elusive thing we all crave in one way or another. Her level of enthusiasm
for online dating is something I usually refrain for trips to my local
bookstore or when the pizza delivery dude finally shows up.
T had so many dates she didn’t really know what to do with them. One in particular she tried to pawn off on me. “I really think you’d be better for this date than me,” she said. “I’m not going on your date for you. That’s weird.” I told her. Nevertheless she continued to text me while on the date. “I FOUND YOUR SOULMATE. HE’S PERFECT FOR YOU.”
When she came home she told me she gave the guy my number and that she’d be waiting for invites to the wedding. Why was he perfect for me? “Well, he loves to travel. You love to travel. Ya know…you have…things… in common.” Wtf? That was it? Whatever. I was skeptical but I figured I’d at least meet him. And what if he DID turn out to be soulmate? Then we’d have that funny story of how we met – “Hey, remember when you went on a date with my roommate but she wasn’t into it all?” “Yeah!!”
Fast forward to the date and things are going well. He’s a pretty cool
guy and she’s right, we have a ton in common (more than just travel), but
I’m not getting the vibe. You know what I’m talking about – that feeling
you get when you think someone is super awesome and you’re like, Wow, how
did I not know this person before? I want to hang out with them a lot!
There was absolutely nothing wrong with him, he was great, but something
he said sort of weirded me out. So, we’re talking about relationships and
he tells me he has a “tendency to move really fast and that scares a lot
of women away” Oh? Like what? I asked.
“Well…” he hesitated.
“I think it’s totally normal for a girlfriend to move in after 4 months of dating.”
“Ha! You do? That’s my worst fucking nightmare,” I told him.
“Why would that be your worst nightmare?” He asked defensively.
“After 4 months of dating!? That just seems like a huge step to make with someone. What’s the rush?” He pretty much immediately changed the conversation and it was obvious at that point we were looking for different things. (Also, real talk: he was a vegetarian and did not appreciate my love for cheeseburgers).
And here lies my issue with Match.com – everyone on there is desperate to settle down.
After the date I told my roommate what happened and how I had a feeling everyone on Match was like this. She tried to say I was wrong, so using a Groupon (yay, discount love!) I decided to join Match for the first time and see what it was like. Immediately, I came upon profiles with phrases like “Looking for a bride,” “Looking for a sweet girl to live with.” Holy shit! I’m sorry but how is this not utterly insane to other people?
If you know you want your next relationship to be serious and long lasting that’s totally fine. You should absolutely go for what you want, especially if you’re in that phase of your life when you’re ready to settle down, but there’s something so unattractive about the sheer desperation of needing that kind of seriousness immediately. Are they really looking for someone to fall in love with or literally just anyone to fill the void? What’s wrong with letting love happen naturally?
I’ve heard people say Match is better than a site like OK Cupid because people pay for their membership and if you pay for your membership everyone on there must have their shit together and be super great, right? Meh. I don’t know. I’ve used OK Cupid in the past and it’s obvious each online dating site has their own niche of people they attract, but overall, online dating isn’t for me. Something about it just takes the fun out of meeting someone IRL.
Is everyone on Match like this or just the people within the radius of my dating profile? I’m genuinely interested to know what other people’s experiences have been like on Match versus other sites. So, let me know. I’ll be over here eating snacks and listening to some tunes.
Ryan Anderson points out Maslow’s hierarchy of needs and conventional wisdom both suggest that love is a fundamental human need. Most people meet their significant others through their social circles or work/school functions. However, these pools can be relatively shallow. In the search for a potential date, more and more people are switching to less traditional methods.
Online dating is really popular. Using the internet is really popular. A survey conducted in 2013 found that 77% of people considered it “very important” to have their smartphones with them at all times. With the rise of apps like Tinder (and the various copycat models), who could blame them? If you want to think about dating as a numbers game (and apparently many people do), you could probably swipe left/right between 10 to 100 times in the span of time that it would take you to interact with one potential date in ‘real life’.
With the popularity of sites like eHarmony, Match.com, OkCupid and countless others, the stigma of online dating has diminished considerably in the last decade. According to the Pew Research Center, the overwhelming majority of Americans suggest that online dating is a good way to meet people. Online dating services are now the second most popular way to meet a partner.
The popularity of online dating is being driven by several things, but a major factor is time. Online dating presents an effective solution to a serious problem.
Browsing profiles isn’t nearly as time-consuming (or daunting) as mixing with people in a social context. Statistics suggest that about 1 in 5 relationships begin online nowadays. It’s estimated that by 2040, 70% of us will have met our significant other online.
The problem with a lot of online dating applications is that they don’t really work. Before you throw caution to the wind and empty your wallet into the pockets of an online app with the reckless abandon of a love-struck teenager, there are a few things you should know.
1. People lie on their online dating profiles
OK, this is hardly an earth-shattering revelation. Well duh, people want to be appealing. Most people probably wouldn’t be surprised to learn that it’s more common for people to lie in their online profile than be completely honest.
A study of over 1,000 online daters in the US and UK conducted by global research agency OpinionMatters founds some very interesting statistics. A total of 53% of US participants admitted to having lied in their online dating profile. Women apparently lied more than men, with the most common dishonesties being about looks. Over 20% of women posted photos of their younger selves. But men were only marginally better. Their most common lies were about their financial situation, specifically about having a better job (financially) than they actually do. More than 40% of men indicated that they did this, but the tactic was also employed by nearly a third of women.
While dishonesty was slightly less prevalent among the British sample, 44% did admit to lying in their online profile. In both the US and UK samples, dishonesty declined with age. Maybe older people are just more interested in projecting their real self, rather than an imagined or ideal version.
2. Looking for a relationship? That must mean all you want is sex
One of the big problems with online dating for women is that, although there are genuine relationship-seeking men on the sites, there are also plenty of guys on there simply looking for sex. While most people would agree that on average men are more eager for sex than women, it seems that many men make the assumption that if a woman has an online dating presence, she’s interested in sleeping with relative strangers. Online dating does represent the convenience of being able to meet others that you possibly never would have otherwise, but women should be aware that they probably will receive rude/disgusting messages from horny guys, sexual propositions/requests, dick pics, and a lot of creepy vibes.
3. Negotiating the scam-ternet
Let’s be honest, the internet is really just a super elaborate and sophisticated farce designed to distract you from having your pockets picked by greasy conmen in cheap suits, right? Not quite, but it is full of unscrupulous vendors looking to separate you from your money by whatever means possible (in other news, have you heard about the secret to getting killer abs in less than 7 minutes using this 1 weird trick…?).
There are pitfalls and tripwires in every sphere of life, but this may be particularly true in the context of online dating. There are literally hundreds (if not thousands) of online scams, and I’m not going to run through any in detail here, but do some research before you go giving your bank details to ‘Nigerian princes’ promising ‘fun moments’. As a matter of fact, you should probably be wary of any person, group or entity asking for any kind of financial or personal information. It might even be advisable to follow these general guidelines:
Set up an anonymous email account from a widely used email service (I_heart_scamming123@gmail.com is already taken).
NEVER give out your home phone, address or personal email address unless you absolutely trust the recipient.
Drive yourself to the date (your date doesn’t need to know where you live), keep an eye on your drink/food (…), pay half of the bill (you don’t need your date having expectations of repayment).
Of course, there are plenty more do’s and do not’s of online dating, but I guess the most important thing here is to use your common sense. If something feels off, trust your gut. You don’t necessarily have to develop a ‘trust no-one and sleep with one eye open’ approach to online dating, but it is probably worthwhile to have a healthy degree of skepticism in general.
4. Relationships don’t last
Never mind the fact that more than one-third of all people who use online
dating sites have never actually gone on a date with someone they met
online, those that somehow do manage to find someone else they are willing
to marry and who is willing to marry them (a vanishingly tiny subset of
online daters) face an uphill battle. According to research conducted at
Michigan State University, relationships that start out online are 28%
more likely to break down in their first year than relationships where the
couples first met face-to-face. And it gets worse. Couples who met online
are nearly three times as likely to get divorced as couples that met
However, it isn’t all misery and woe. While the overwhelming majority of romantic relationships still begin offline, around 5% of Americans who are currently in either a committed relationship or marriage indicate that they met their significant other online.
5. It makes you picky and judgmental
It’s very easy to send one course back (or even one after another) when
the menu is overflowing with other potential courses. According to
the Association for Psychological Science, reviewing multiple candidates
causes people to be more judgmental and inclined to dismiss a
not-quite-perfect candidate than they otherwise would be in a face-to-face
Julia said of her experience on Match.com: Ok…… so I was insane enough to sign up for Match.com a few weeks ago, just to see. I mean, come on…. I was curious. Plus the dating scene in the Midwest SUCKS. Ok… and so maybe the three cups of coffee I had just consumed also likely played a role in my signing up during a study break. So I signed up…. yeah I admit it. And here are a few observations I have made…. 1) The Indian boys on Match.com that “wink” at Indian girls—- it ain’t the boys. It’s their parents. Winking is free…..Indian parents are cheap…. Put two and two together. So, here’s what I have to say to these parents: if ya really wanna to find a wife for your son on Match.com, don’t wink. The smart girls will figure it out, mock your son for not having any social skills, then mock him for needing Mommy and Daddy to find him a wife…. and then move on. Also…. don’t write one sentence e-mails…. those are dead giveaways that he’s not the author…. and the poorly written, grammatically incorrect collection of words further decreases your son’s value on the Indian (or any other) dating market. Trust me….no girl with half a brain will write back.
That and the fact that most girls will cross check for them on shaadi.com and find ’em. They might also mock them for the info they find on shaadi.com. Observation #2: Watch out for the lurking Unabombers. So I once went out with this guy from Match.com who I remember thinking “too cabin in the woods.” Next thing I know…he wants to build…. a cabin in the woods….. in Montana. ‘Nuff said about this one. Observation #3: Match.com is set up to FAIL. Anyone that thinks it is gonna work for them is well….. NAIVE. Let’s face it…. if match.com actually worked…then it would be a very unsuccessful business because slowly the demand for it would be lost. The point of Match.com is help you FAIL at dating. That’s right Dr. Phil, I figured out your secret!!!!!
If you really wanna find your match, save your money and spend it on something more tangible. Observation #4: Another note for you DESI parents: Chances are any Indian girl with a personality you wink at will find you to be their worst nightmare. Think that scene from Bend It Like Beckham, you know the one where a dejected Jess is spinning around with a pot on her head and sees these Indian faces leering at her as she realizes that she’s lost the most important thing in her life and that there is no waking up from her nightmare. And yes…… you really do look that gaudy. Bright red, purple and blue with heavy gold bling wasn’t meant for most people. Think simpler, and classier and consider the use of makeup that more closely matches your skin tone. Observation #5: Advice for you brainy girls out there.
Beware of the guys who don’t have goals….. they also lack personalities. And will probably want you to just settle. So if they can’t envision the state of their career….. head for the restroom and climb out the window. It’s way better than lowering your standards. Let the nearest society girl pick them up. That’s all for now……. Actually, no wait…here’s a shameless plea I’d like to send out to my aunts and uncles in India for my upcoming trip here. Please, please, please don’t take me jewelry or clothes shopping. The necklaces are heavy, they hurt to wear, they scar my skin. The earrings don’t fit in my pierced ears. And it is all ugly. Plus I would never be caught dead in any of that stuff, especially after my mom pulled me aside once and told to never wear Indian clothes. Instead, save your money and earn my immense love and gratitude by taking me shopping for music CDs. I’m gonna go attempt to cook dinner now. Wish me luck. J
- New open-source, and free, public software let's any citizen get any
corrupt official arrested. Any voter can use the software from the comfort
of their living room. The AI replicates itself (Like A benign digital
version of Covid) across the entire web.
- You can download a copy of the software or build-your-own version of it from freely available code at Github, CERN and Linux repositories.
- We have consulted to the SEC and the GAO on this technology.
- After suffering millions of dollars of losses from public official's Insider Trading schemes, we decided to do something about that!
Illegal and corrupt Congressional insider trading tends to be something we don't hear about until it's hit the big news networks and newspapers as the SEC goes for the throat of the accused. By then, unfortunately, those committing it have made their gains, usually in the multi-millions of dollars, and the damage has been done to the stock, its company, investors and the American Way. Covert stock market trades are now the #1 form of bribes in California and Washinton, DC.
Quite frankly, the jail time assessed doesn't correct the damage done, and the fines rarely aid the investors, or the voters, in getting their money and their democracy back. Many of those hurt are Average Joe's and Jill's who were just trying to save their retirement nest eggs. Shame is the tool that works best on the corrupt!
These crimes involve an investment banker spouse and a Senator or other top official, using information, which was not available to the public, buying and selling a company's stock in an underhanded manner. In many cases bribes have been paid with Google, Tesla or Facebook stock in a covert manner. It is particularly onerous when a Senators buys Tesla, Google, Facebook or Solyndra stock, and makes laws that only benefits Tesla, Solyndra, etc, while sabotaging their competitor constituents.
Because the dealings involved are pretty much done on the sly, it's been difficult, until now, for the governing body of the SEC to prove illegal insider trading, unless one of the cohorts tattles on the others or their actions become glaringly obvious. In some cases, a sharp mind around the action may take notice and become what's called a whistle-blower.
Previously, writes Andrew Beattie of Investopedia: "... insider trading is often difficult for the SEC to spot. Detecting it involves a lot of conjecture and consideration of probabilities." That was the 'old days', though. Today, the new AI software can bust through these scams like a hot knife through butter!
With this new open-source, free, public spy agency-class software, detecting illegal insider trading is actually less complicated than it sounds.
To the eyes of this new super-powerful AI observer server bot and
peer-to-peer databases, it is easy work.
You, the citizen, just type the politician or agency employee name into a
field and hit the "analyze" button. A few minutes later you receive a
multi-page PDF report similar to an FBI report on the target. You can
either research the subject in more detail or send copies of the report to
the FBI, GAO, OSC, SEC or other enforcement group.
The software is an automated AI temporal matching system which includes
24/7 analysis of all stock trades involving politicians to its information
source, politician finances, communications and policy participators. it
uses some of the same software code used by the CERN mega-research center
in Switzerland.
The technology Core Evaluation Points:
• Analyst estimates - these come from what an analyst estimates that a company's quarterly or annual earnings will be. They are important because they help approximate the fair value of an entity, which basically establishes it price on the stock exchange.
• Share volume - this reflects the quantity of shares that can be traded over a certain period of time. There are buyers and there are sellers, and the transactions that take place between them contribute to total volume.
One Way The AI Detects Congressional Insider Trades
Metricized signs of illegal insider trading occur when trades occur that break out of the historical pattern of share volume traded compared to beneficiary participation's of those connected to company and political entity. Another clue of the illegal insider trading is when a lot of trading goes on right before earnings announcements. That tends to be a sign that someone already knows what the announcement is going to indicate, and it's an obvious violation. One module of the new software hunts these trends around-the-clock in an unmanned manner like a detective who never needs to sleep.
The software red alerts are issued when trades are linked closer to the actual earnings and politicians bills instead of what the predicted earnings were. In a corruption case, it's clear the trades - especially made by politicians close to the company - stemmed from information that was not readily available to the general public.
In other words, at the time an insider makes a trade, the trade has a stronger relationship to earnings guidance rather than to earnings results achieved.
Part Of The Insider Trading Detection AI Uses 'Dynamic Time Warping (DTW)'
In econometrics, which is a concept frequently used by quantitative analysts to evaluate stock market prices, dynamic time warping (DTW) is an algorithm that can be used for measuring similarity between two data sequences by calculating an optimal match between the two. This sequence "matching" method is often used in time series classification to properly "line things up."
The method, coupled with AI machine learning ensemble methods, can provide a clear path between the trades made by insiders and public data used to make the trades.
This is a product of artificial intelligence that has been expanded by Indexer, Splunk, Palantir and other firms fast becoming experts in products that can be used to advance the art of manipulating political and social trends in business and markets by using social media, financial data and news stories. The new software process has taken that sort of approach to the next level and targeted every member of Congress, their staff, family and friends. The first emphasis is on California and Washington, DC public figures.
In a hypothetical example, a group of executives failed to trade by industry standards by leveraging material non-public information and policy manipulation. Although consensus estimates called for higher commodity prices at the end of 2015, it appears key executives traded for their personal accounts as a result of the forecast provided by a specialist system within the firm that was adept at predicting prices alongside lobbyist manipulations. Flash-boy trading is now dirtier and powered by Google-class server systems.
In the hypothetical scenario the software aggregates executive trades in 2014 and 2015 and finds a strong link between buys and sells of executive stock options, which line up with material non-public estimates of commodity prices that were provided by the specialist system.
For example, in a "Exec Sell and Exec Buys" graph, a green line represents sells, while a black line represents buys. In the corresponding period, one finds a red line represents unrevised prices provided by the specialist system, and green line represents consensus estimates.
During Q1-2014, there was $28M in purchases of executive stock options, while in Q2-2014, there was $25M in sales of executive stock options. The specialist system called for Q3-2014 commodity prices to make a precipitous decline going into the end of 2014. Remember, under this scenario, no revisions were made to the specialist systems' price forecast. In this example, executives were afforded a significant advantage using price predictions from the specialist system.
In a final bullet chart, there was a dynamic time warping distance between trades and consensus estimates of 7.23, but this distance is only 2.19 when comparing specialist system estimates and executive trades. Please note, the closer the distance score is to zero, the more similar the trades are to the estimates they are measured against.
We have applied this process to companies well-known for influence buying like, Google, Tesla and Facebook
It's obvious that the tech executives involved did not follow industry standards in their actions and make public the "insider" information they had access to prior to the trades they made. The lobbyists they hired promoted this rigged trend and paid off Senators with perks. These are the kind of violations the SEC and other governing bodies can look to in attempting to protect the trading public and the integrity of financial marketplaces. Artificial intelligence tools are a major factor in assisting the tracking of insider trading.
"Every facet of our everyday lives has been impacted, infiltrated and greatly influenced by artificial intelligence technologies," says Vernon A. McKinley, a multi-jurisdictional attorney, based in Atlanta. "In fact, the U.S. government and its multiple agencies have developed specialized intelligence units to detect, track, analyze and prosecute those unscrupulous individuals seeking to profit from the use of such tools, specifically in the financial industry, and to protect the integrity and strength of the U.S. economy and its investors." Now these tools are being turned against the corrupt!
The public can now detect trading anomalies in financial situations using this artificial intelligence software on their desktop computers. No public official will ever be able to do these kinds of corruptions, again, without getting caught.
This approach has already had an impact on how political insiders trade on Wall Street and in financial markets around the world.
This technology can end this corruption forever!
A module of the software uses data from The Center for Responsive Politics, ICIJ Panama Leaks records, Swiss Leaks records and FEC files to reveal covert routes. Famous politicians own part of Tesla Motors, Facebook, Google, Netflix, YouTube and other companies they helped get government money for. All of their competing constituents have suffered for it or been put out of business by exclusive deals that only Tesla Motors, Facebook, Google, Netflix and YouTube got. That is a crime and charges have been filed with federal law enforcement.
A large volume of forensic research proves that Silicon Valley Cartel tech firms receive benefits from politicians and politicians,at the same time, benefit from these firms.
This evidence on the exchange of benefits between politicians and firms proves an agreement between the politicians and the companies. This agreement, however, cannot be in the form of a written contract as writing direct fee-for-service contracts between a politician and a firm is considered bribery (Krozner and Stratmann 1998; 2000). In addition, either party to this agreement might renege on its promise and the other party cannot resort to the courts.
Procon.org, for example, reports: “Less than two months after ascending to the United States Senate, and before becoming President, one Senator bought more than $50,000 worth of stock in two speculative companies whose major investors included some of his biggest political donors.
One of the companies was a biotech concern that was starting to develop a
drug to treat avian flu. In March 2005, two weeks after buying thousands
of dollars of its shares, this Senator took the lead in a legislative push
for more federal spending to battle the disease. The most recent financial
disclosure form this Senator . . . shows that he bought more than $50,000
in stock in a satellite communications businesswhose principal backers . .
. had raised more than $150,000 for his political committees.” See more
examples from the Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington
(CREW) report (2009).)
The literature and eye-witness experience proves that
politically-connected Silicon Valley tech firms monthly obtain economic
favors, such as securing favorable legislation, special tax exemptions,
having preferential access to finance, receiving government contracts, or
help in dealing with regulatory agencies. The evidence proves that
Google's support, for example, can help in winning elections. For example,
firms can vary the number of people they employ, coordinate the opening
and closing of plants, and increase their lending activity in election
years in order to help incumbent politicians get re-elected. (SeeRoberts
1990; Snyder 1990; Langbein and Lotwis 1990; Durden, Shorgen, and
Silberman 1991; Stratmann 1991, 1995, and 1998; Fisman 2001;Johnson and
Mitton 2003; Ansolabehere, Snyder, and Ueda 2004; Sapienza 2004, Dinç
2005; Khwaja and Mian 2005; Bertrand, Kramarz,Schoar, and Thesmar 2006;
Faccio 2006; Faccio, Masulis, and McConnell 2006; Jayachandran 2006; Leuz
and Oberholzer-Gee 2006; Claessens,Feijen, Laeven 2008; Desai and
Olofsgard 2008; Ramanna 2008;Goldman, Rocholl, and So 2008, 2009; Cole
2009; Cooper, Gulen, and Ovtchinnikov 2009; Correia 2009; Ramanna and
Roychowdhury 2010;Benmelech and Moskowitz 2010.)
The software can see that the share ownership of politicians serves as a mechanism to quid-pro-quo their relationships with big tech firms, is as follows: The ownership of politicians plays multiple distinct (but not necessarily independent) roles; one that relies upon the amount of ownership and one that does not. First, as investors in firms, politicians tie their own interests to those of the firm. Thus, harming (benefiting) the firm means harming (benefiting) the politician and vice versa. By owning a firm's stock, politicians commit their personal wealth to the firm and reduce a firm’s uncertainty with regard to their actions toward the firm. This will,in turn, enhance the firm's incentive to support the politician-owner during both current and future elections in order to prolong the incumbency period for as long as possible. Firms have their lobbyists push to be able to know the amount of ownership likely to be material to politicians. This knowledge, in turn, enables them to judge whether the politician’s interest is aligned with the firm’s interest and optimize quid-pro-quo.
The Political Action Committee (PAC) contribution of firms (which is a direct measure of benefits flowing from firms to politicians) is a significant determinant of ownership allocations by members of Congress. The ownership of Congress members in firms that contribute to their election campaigns is roughly 32.8% higher than their ownership in noncontributing firms even after accounting for factors that are associated with both ownership and contribution (such as familiarity, proximity and investor recognition).
The committee assignments of politicians is a proxy for whether their relations with firms are enforced (Krozner and Stratmann 1998). Silicon Valley tech firms like Facebook, Tesla and Google obtain private benefits out of their mutual relations with politicians. When the strength of the association between ownership and contributions at the firm level increases, the provision of government contracts to those firms increases.
Members of Congress, candidates for federal office, senior congressional
staff, nominees for executive branch positions, Cabinet members, the
President and Vice President, and Supreme Court justices are required by
the Ethics in Government Act of 1978 to file annual reports disclosing
their income, assets, liabilities, and other relevant details about their
personal finances.
Personal financial disclosure forms are filed annually by May 15 and cover
the preceding calendar year. The Center for Responsive Politics (CRP)
collected the 2004–2007 reports for Congress members from the Senate
Office of Public Records and the Office of the Clerkof the House. The
Center then scanned the reports as digital images, classified the
politicians’ investments into categories including stocks, bonds, and
mutual funds, and built a database accessible via a web query.
Using CRP's data, you can use the software to collect the shares in S&P 500 firms held by members of Congress between 2004 and 2007, for example.You can collect the stock ownership data for every firm that joined the S&P 500 Index any time between January 2004 and April 2009;regardless of when it joined the index, and the software can obtain all the available stock ownership data for that firm between 2004 and 2007. Likewise, if a firm dropped out of the index at any time during 2004–2008, the software, nevertheless, will retain the firm in a sample for the target period. As such, the sample would include stocks in hundreds of unique firms owned by politicians between 2004 and 2007, for example.
Politicians are required to report only those stocks whose value exceeds $1,000 at the end of the calendar year or that produce more than $200 in income. They are CURRENTLY not required to report the exact value of the holding, but instead must simply check a box corresponding to the value range into which the asset falls. The CRP then undertakes additional research to determine the exact values of these stocks. When the Center makes these determinations, it reports them instead of the ranges and I use these values in my study. When only the range is available, you should use its midpoint as the holding's value. You would, thus have data on the stock holdings of hundreds politicians for that time period.
Using the software, you can search for all Political Action Committees (PACs) associated with tech firms. It then collects data on each contribution these PACs made to candidates (both the winners and losers) running for the Senate and House elections. Tricky corrupt Silicon Valley firms establish several PACs, each in a different location, and each of these PACs can contribute to the same candidate. In such cases, the software would total, for each candidate, every contribution he or she received from PACs affiliated with the same firm. To parallel the investment data sample period, for example, the software collects every contribution made from the 2003–2004 cycle up to and including the 2007–2008 cycle. Many Silicon Valley tech firms use deeply covert Fusion GPS, Perkins Coie, BlackCube, Psyops-type service to make very hidden additional payola payments to California politicians.
For sources, for example, the software collects government contract data from Eagle Eye Publishers, Inc., one of the leading commercial providers of Federal procurement and grant business intelligence and http://www.usaspending.org. Eagle Eye collects its contract data from Federal Procurement Data System–Next Generation (FPDS-NG), the contract data collection and dissemination system administered by the U.S. General Services Administration (GSA). FPDS-NG provides data on procurement contracts awarded by the U.S. Government. When these contracts are awarded to company subsidiaries, Eagle Eye searches for the names of their parent companies and assigns each subsidiary to its appropriate parent. The software collects both the number and aggregate value of government contracts that were awarded to sample firms between 2004 and 2007 in this example time-frame..
The software reveals, for example, that one Representative is a ten-term member of Congress and a senior member of the House Financial Services Committee. They arranged a meeting between the Department of Treasury and One United Bank, a company with close financial ties to themselves, involving both investments and contributions.
“In September 2008, the Representative asked then-Secretary of the
Treasury Henry Paulson to hold a meeting for their friends in banks that
had suffered from Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac losses.
The Treasury Department complied and held a session with approximately a
dozen senior banking regulators, representatives from those banks, and
their trade association. Officials of One United Bank have close ties to
the Representative and attended the meeting along with the
Representative's chief of staff. Kevin Cohee, chief executive officer of
One United, used the meeting as an opportunity to ask for bailout funds.
. . . Former White House officials stated they were surprised when One United Officials asked for bailout funds. . . . In December 2008, the Representative intervened again, asking Treasury to host another meeting to ensure their banks received part of the $700 billion allocated under the Troubled Asset Relief Program. . . . Within two weeks, on December 19, 2008, One United secured $12.1million in bailout funds. . . . This was not the first time the Representative used their position to advance the interests of the bank. the Representative's spouse became a shareholder in One United in 2001, when it was known as the Boston Bank of Commerce. In 2002, Boston Bank of Commerce tried to purchase Family Savings, a friend of the Representative in Los Angeles. Instead, Family Savings turned to a bank in Illinois. The Representative tried to block the merger by contacting regulators at the FDIC. The Representative publicly stated they did not want a major bank to acquire a bank that the Representative was friends with.
When the Representative's efforts with the FDIC proved fruitless, the Representative began a public pressure campaign with other community leaders. Ultimately,when Family Savings changed direction and allowed Boston Bank of Commerce to submit a winning bid, the Representative received credit for the merger. The combined banks were renamed One United. . . . In March 2004, the Representative acquired One United stock worth between $250,001 and $500,000, and the Representative's spouse purchased two sets of stock, each worth between $250,001 and $500,000. In September 2004, the Representative sold their stock in One United and their husband sold a portion of his.
That same year, the husband joined the bank’s board. . . . One United Chief Executive Kevin Cohee and President Teri Williams Cohee have donated a total of $8,000 to the Representative's campaign committee. . . .On October 27, 2009, less than two months before One United received a $12 million bailout, the bank received a cease-and-desist order from the FDIC and bank regulatory officials in Massachusetts for poor lending practices and excessive executive compensation . . . the bank provided excessive perks to its executives, including paying for Mr. Cohee’s use of a $6.4 million mansion . . .” (Ref: CREW report 2009,pp. 123–125)
Thanks to Crony quid-pro-quo revelations by an earlier version of the software, you can also see that Fisker Automotive, Inc.'s $529 Million U.S. Taxpayer Loan Approval by the Department of Energy was dirty. Fisker Automotive's Chief Operating Officer Bernhard Koehler pleaded with the Department of Energy in a panicked Saturday midnight hour email to receive a $529 million loan as the company was 2 weeks from Chapter 7 liquidation, that it was laying off most of its employees, that no private sector investors would fund the company without DOE guarantees, and that Fisker was unable to raise any further equity funding from independent private-sector investors given the company's financial condition.These statements were made to a Loan Officer at the DOE . No private sector Loan underwriting (approval) committee would ever grant a low interest loan to a desperate buyer that had just confessed it was in a state of insolvency and was about to layoff most of its staff. Yet within a few weeks the DOE would approve a $529 Million Credit Facility to Fisker. Despite the DOE Loan Officer official's sworn testimony at April 24th's House Oversight Committee that the DOE used "same private sector underwriting standards when approving Fisker and other approved Taxpayer Funded Loans" - likely perjury based in documents.
In a 'U.S. GOVERNMENT CONFIDENTIAL EMAIL': FISKER AUTOMOTIVE: August 2009: Co-Founder Bernhard Koehler emails U.S. Dept. of Energy Loan Officer in Sat. midnight Panic admitting VC Firms all declined to invest, and company is out of cash. Weeks later the U.S.Department of Energy approves $529M U.S. Taxpayer Funded Loans to FISKER. NO PRIVATE SECTOR Lender would every authorize a Loan for even $5 Million let alone $529 Million after receiving this email stating private sector investors had examined the company and declined equity investments, that they might loan money as more secure Debt, and the Chief Operating Officer of the company further stating that the borrower is totally insolvent. (Weeks after this email the U.S. Federal Government Dept. of Energy Loan Committee Approves Fisker Automotive as a credit-worthy borrow for $529 Million in U.S. Taxpayer Funded Loans). Fisker got the cash because President Obama said to "give it to them" in order to please his campaign financiers.
The same thing happened with Tesla Motors. Elon Musk and Tesla Motors were broke when DOE gave them the money.
PrivCo CEO Sam Hamadeh stated in an official statement: “The documents
obtained by PrivCo paint a picture of how an insolvent,unproven automaker
received $192 million in taxpayer funding. The Department of Energy made a
loan that no rational lender would have made. This loan was the equivalent
of staying execution on a company that was terminally ill to begin with."
Tesla and Fisker could not have been taxpayer funded unless bribes and
criminal quid-pro-quo was underway by President Obama and the U.S. Senator
insider traders.
Since its ruling in Buckley v. Valeo, the U.S. Supreme Court has expressed
concern regarding corruption or the appearance of corruption stemming from
political quid pro quo arrangements and the deleterious consequences it
may have on citizens’ democratic behavior. However, no standard has been
set as to what constitutes “the appearance of corruption,” as the Court
was and continues to be vague in its definition. As a result, campaign
finance cases after Buckley have relied on public opinion polls as
evidence of perceptions of corruption, and these polls indicate that the
public generally perceives high levels of corruption in government. The
present study investigates the actual impact that perceptions of
corruption have on individuals’ levels of political participation.
Adapting the standard socioeconomic status model developed most fully by
Verba and Nie (1972), an extended beta-binomial regression estimated using
maximum likelihood is performed, utilizing unique data from the 2009
University of Texas’ Money and Politics survey. The results of this study
indicate that individuals who perceive higher levels of quid pro quo
corruption participate more in politics, on average, than those who
perceive lower levels of corruption.
Quid pro quo is not a difficult concept to understand. Too bad the media doesn’t endeavor to investigate and explain it. Your politicians don't work for you, they work for their own insider trading stock market holdings for themselves!
-Spoke: Spoke is a peer-to-peer texting platform for collaborative
investigation with several forks under active development.
-Pollaris, A polling location lookup tool modified to track bad
guys. You can integrate this with your website and other tools. An API is
-Caucus App: A way to quickly calculate citizen and pro member
evidence sets and report results from each investigator.
-Switchboard (FE and BE): This software takes new potential
volunteers, or "hot leads," from your online channels and assigns them to
state or section-based based volunteer leads for personal follow up calls
offering ways to get involved with the investigations. This is also a
great tool for investiagtion team recruitment.
-Automated organizing email: Your teams can work together to scale
email outreach to the widest possible audience and bypass any cover-up.
-Redhook: Investigations run on data, and redhook is a tool that
makes data happen. As a system, Redhook ingests web hook data and delivers
it to Redshift/Civis in near real time.
-I90: This tool makes a long file name or hard to remember legal
evidence document into a short, easy-to-remember, link.
- opendata.cern.ch: The CERN Database Open Source
- https://github.com: One of the collaborative development nets
- https://citizensleuths.com: An example of over 1000 public
forensic groups working on crowd-sourced crime-fighting
You are building a forensic anti-corruption version of XKEYSCORE and
submitting your results reports to law enforcement and news outlets.
Simply look in torrents and code databases like GITHUB, and similar sites,
for forensic database and mass collaboration code and you will have a
working module up in no time at all if you are a Tier 2 coder, or better.
Also read this book:
Amateur Web Sleuths are Solving Cold Cases, You can Too!
Read How
The Skeleton Crew: How Amateur Sleuths Are Solving America's Coldest
Cases, by Deborah Halber, describes how amateur web sleuths are helping
with cold cases.
- How a private-property dispute birthed a web phenomenon.
In 2003, a picture of Barbra Streisand’s beachfront home hit the web as
part of a public collection of images displaying coastal erosion. In
response, in February 2003, Streisand sued the photographer for $50
million for invasion of privacy, claiming violation of a state law aimed
at the telephoto lenses of paparazzi.
Ironically, the media attention surrounding the lawsuit made the photo of her house go viral (at least in 2003 terms). In the month before the lawsuit, the picture had been downloaded only six times, including twice by her lawyers—whereas the image was downloaded more th
an 420,000 times during the month following the lawsuit. This paradoxical
result—where an attempt to silence, suppress, or stop something
backfires—was dubbed the Streisand effect.
Let’s take a closer look at the Streisand effect.
-- Examples of the Streisand Effect
Here are three different times the Streisand effect was apparently reified
by real-world examples.
In 2012, a Scottish schoolgirl named Martha Payne started blogging about her school lunches and included pictures of the meals, which, as could be expected by anyone who has ever been to school, were unappetizing.
Soon, celebrity chef and food activist Jamie Oliver tweeted out his support, and the blog garnered three million hits in two months. Consequently, local government authorities banned Payne from taking photos of the lunches because (they claimed) cafeteria workers were worried about getting fired. Even though the authorities quickly reversed this decision, for them it was too late, and the British national media and the Internet ran with the story.
In 2013, Buzzfeed ran a list titled “The 33 Fiercest Moments From Beyoncé's Halftime Show.” Although the intention of the list was likely laudatory, some of the still photos were considered "unflattering."
Consequently, Queen Bey’s publicist contacted Buzzfeed to request that the unflattering photos, which were cited, be switched out. Buzzfeed responded with a follow-up piece titled “The 'Unflattering' Photos Beyoncé's Publicist Doesn't Want You To See,” which included an email from the publicist and the cited shots.
Subsequently, the Internet did its thing, and a meme was born. Countless “unflattering” shots of Beyoncé as a zombie, powerlifter, anime cartoon, and so forth popped up.
In 2014, cab drivers from across Europe went on strike to decry the lack of regulation of the ride-hailing app Uber. Without cabbies on the roads, riders turned to Uber, with downloads of the app increasing more than eight times in London alone.
Mr. Rubin, the creator of Android, at Google, was caught up using sex trafficking and sex slavery by his wife. She exposed him using the Streisand Effect.
In an article published in the International Journal of Education, Sue
Curry Jansen and Brian Martin explained how the Streisand effect is a
consequence of failed censorship attempts. These outrage-management
processes include cover-up, defamation of the target, reframing events,
false justice, and intimidation or rewards.
The authors also argued that censorship is a process that requires active maintenance to conceal the actions of powerful people. Furthermore, they wrote that a clearer understanding of outrage-management processes “stimulates awareness of tactics for challenging censorship by exposing its existence, validating the censored information, explaining the importance of free expression, not relying on official channels for solutions but instead mobilizing wider awareness and support, and resisting intimidation and rewards.”
By the way, you may be wondering how Babs's court case turned out. The chanteuse not only brought viral attention to her bluff-top estate by bringing the suit in the first place but the suit was dismissed in December 2003.
Google, YouTube and Facebook have commercialized "The Streisand Effect" by deploying computerized processes to steer the public towards, or away from, one product, candidate or point-of-view using manually programmed directions.
Former motor racing boss Max Mosley is suing Google for continuing to display photographs he says breach his privacy. But does pressing for information to be kept private, or suppressed, often have the opposite effect?
At first sight not much unites Beyonce and Max Mosley. But they, and several other celebrities and organisations, have become victims of the "Streisand effect".
In 2005, Mike Masnick, founder of the Techdirt website, coined the term. Two years earlier singer Barbra Streisand unsuccessfully sued photographer Kenneth Adelman, who was documenting the coastline of California, for including her clifftop home in Malibu. The resulting publicity helped drive 420,000 visits in a month to the site where the photo was published. According to documents filed in court, images of Streisand's house had been downloaded only six times before the legal action.
It's not always a fight over privacy. In February last year the Buzzfeed website published a selection of singer Beyonce's "fiercest moments" - mocking her facial expressions while performing at the Superbowl. Her publicist reportedly contacted it to ask that seven of the most "unflattering" photos be removed. Buzzfeed refused and republished exactly this selection with the headline: "The 'Unflattering' Photos Beyonce's Publicist Doesn't Want You To See". The exposure of the unflattering photos was magnified.
A few months later it was reported that lawyers for Pippa Middleton, sister of the Duchess of Cambridge, had asked for the removal of a parody Twitter feed, which offered ridiculously obvious lifestyle advice in her name, such as "Avoid getting lost by consulting with a map" and "A party isn't much fun without people attending". Its following increased.
In 2008 the Church of Scientology reportedly tried to get a video featuring film star Tom Cruise talking about his faith, designed for viewing by its followers only, removed from websites after it was leaked. The publicity meant it became shared more widely.
In 2012, Argyll and Bute Council banned nine-year-old Martha Payne from taking pictures of her school meals and posting them, along with dismissive ratings out of 10, on a blog. Her family complained and this was overturned, amid much publicity. To date the blog has had more than 10 million hits and Martha has raised more than £130,000 for charity.
You don't need to be famous to suffer from the Streisand effect. Spaniard Mario Costeja Gonzalez fought a long legal battle for the right to be forgotten. He complained that a search of his name in Google brought up newspaper articles from 16 years ago about a sale of property to recover money he owed.
He enjoyed a landmark victory to establish the right to be forgotten. But it is unlikely he will ever be forgotten. As of this moment, his name conjures up hundreds of thousands of Google search results.
The Streisand effect history
• Term first used in 2005 by Mike Masnick, founder of the website
• Denotes increased publicity as a result of attempts to remove
embarrassing online content
• Followed a failed attempt in 2003 by singer Barbra Streisand to sue
a photographer who posted a picture of her seaside home on a website
But Max Mosley is arguably the greatest example. He is suing Google for
continuing to display in search results images of him with prostitutes at
a sex party, citing alleged breaches of the Data Protection Act and misuse
of private information. Every time he makes a legal move in his crusade
over privacy, there's a danger it becomes more likely people will seek out
the very images he is complaining about.
The 74-year-old former president of Formula One's governing body FIA wants Google to block pictures first published in the now-defunct tabloid News of the World, which he successfully sued in 2008. "As the gateway to the internet Google makes enormous profits and has great influence, so I have not taken this action lightly," he has said in a statement. His lawyers add that the company should not be allowed "to act as an arbiter of what is lawful and what is not". Google says it has been working with Mosley "to address his concerns".
But is there a risk that Mosley will cause himself more embarrassment by bringing a fairly old, and perhaps half-forgotten, news story back to people's attention? A survey of Twitter shows some users are posting the pictures that he is keen to remove.
"Anyone trying to get something banned is always going to be of more interest than something that people don't seem bothered by," says Jenny Afia, head of talent at the law firm Schillings. "It's a spark for curiosity."
In previous generations there's no doubt it was more straightforward to attempt to suppress information or images. The ease of sharing now almost means that nothing can really be suppressed.
You could argue that the internet makes attempts to guard your privacy risky on a scale proportional to the likelihood of your privacy being meaningfully breached in the first place. If there was a danger that lots of people would circulate a private photo of you doing something embarrassing, it's very likely that trying to suppress it will have the opposite effect. If there was little danger that the photo would have been circulated, an attempt at suppression might not trigger the Streisand effect.
There are endless mischief-makers who would dedicate themselves to
propagating information that someone wanted hidden, just for the very fact
of the attempt to hide it.
Mosley is a wealthy man used to publicity. Yet suing could mean a
stressful, drawn-out court case, covered in detail by the media.
"It's a horrible dilemma for people who are faced with horrible or untrue
stories," says Afia. "That's where Max Mosley is very brave to keep
fighting. Many people decide to let it go."
For the likes of Mosley and Costeja Gonzalez, the principle surely
supersedes the actual effect of legal action. They effectively end up
fighting for the right of others to more easily safeguard their privacy.
Even at the de facto cost of their own.
And there's a clear difference between those fighting for a right to privacy and those, like Beyonce's representatives, who are merely trying to manage a reputation or public image. There the Streisand effect is potent. If your reaction to mockery is to try and squash it, there will be lots more mockery.
Google's and Facebook's servers are built and programmed to manipulate
the The Streisand Effect for commercial goals. Should Congress allow that?
By Andrew Cosgrove
When you bury a seed, it blooms, and blooms and blooms and millions like
it fill the fields...
As American streets are flooded with protests so large that they have
changed the course of history, eyes are now turned towards the
exclusionary, misogynist, money-laundering, bribery-based,
hooker-trafficking frat boys that run Silicon Valley.
In the latter half of the 19th century, before the advent of income tax,
there existed a class of millionaires in this country who used many
unscrupulous means to gain immense wealth, separating themselves from the
working class of the country by previously unheard-of multiples.
The Vanderbilts, the Astors, the Carnegies, the Mellons, the Rockefellers
and numerous other “industrialists” (today, we would call them globalists)
were able to amass great fortunes and live like royalty, with much of
their power enabled through the workings of the politicians they
influenced via graft.
In their day and age, they were known as “robber barons,” after the
wealthy lords of aristocratic Germany, where landowners charged commoners
an illegal tax for passing over their land.
Historian Hal Bridges wrote that the robber barons were “business leaders
in the United States from about 1865 to 1900… a set of avaricious rascals
who habitually cheated and robbed investors and consumers, corrupted
government, fought ruthlessly among themselves, and in general carried on
predatory activities comparable to those of the robber barons of medieval
Many students of history argue that America’s robber barons were only
tamed by the introduction of antitrust laws such as the Sherman Act and
the Clayton Act of 1890 and 1914, respectively, as well as the
introduction of income tax in 1913 and the stock market crash of 1929.
Until that time, the power of these business titans was left mostly
Many politicians — especially in large cities like New York — were bought
off by their riches and voted for (or even created) laws that would favor
and broaden these men’s empires. Regulations, agreements, waivers and
amendments were passed that allowed many of these wealth-hoarders to
assemble legal monopolies that would almost certainly be outlawed today.
In fact, if one took the wealth of some of these men (like the
Rockefellers) and adjusted it for inflation into today’s dollars, their
riches would surpass those of even Bill Gates or Jeff Bezos.
But it’s these latter figures who now belong to today’s equivalent class
of men that can be considered the “robber barons” of our own era — the
billionaires of high-tech Silicon Valley.
When the Internet boom first occurred in the 1990s, Silicon Valley was
quick to tell Congress that Internet sales should not be subject to taxes
and that the Internet should not be regulated, lest this burgeoning
marketplace be trampled to death before it could fully blossom.
But that was then. In the interim, fortunes have been made, and a very
small number of players (Amazon, Google, eBay, Facebook, Craigslist,
Netflix, Airbnb, Uber) have dominated specific product niches and made
certain savvy players such as the aforementioned Bezos and Gates — along
with Mark Zuckerberg, Eduardo Saverin, Larry Page, Sergey Brin, Eric
Schmidt, Pierre Omidyar, Craig Newmark, Brian Chesky, Steve Ballmer and
Larry Ellison, among others — insanely rich.
In fact, these people’s extreme wealth, along with the relatively
unregulated and untaxed industry that gave them that wealth, has convinced
many of them that they have the innate right to tinker with markets and
monopolies without undue fear of being legislated against or taxed as
other industry leaders have been.
In many cases — Bezos, Zuckerberg and Gates being some of the most
notorious examples — they’ve been falling all over themselves to enter
still further niches — automated cars, robotics and drones, for example —
in order to dominate those markets also by using their tremendous fortunes
to either acquire the leading players in these industries or to drive them
out of business through ruthless competition.
Along the way, the enormous power their market monopolies have given them
in terms of the data they’ve been able to compile and the information
they’ve been able to acquire on ordinary American citizens has enriched
them even further — some would say dangerously so.
In many ways, these men (there are virtually zero women among their
number) are the proper inheritors of the “robber baron” title today;
they’ve become so wealthy, most often through unique, once-in-a-lifetime
opportunities of timing and markets, that the rest of us can’t ever hope
to come anywhere near their gargantuan fortunes.
Their companies have a permanent presence in Washington, D.C. and rank
among the very top retainers of lobbying firms. Left unencumbered, these
“masters of the universe” could have a very real potential of ruling over
the lives of nearly everyone on the planet in some way for the rest of our
Even now, rumors have been floated that tech billionaires Mark Zuckerberg
and Mark Cuban might want to run for president in 2020 or 2024. Nearly all
of these men are large contributors to the Democratic Party and have met
with Democratic politicians, including Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Bill
Clinton, Nancy Pelosi and Kamala Harris both one-on-one and in groups.
High among their concerns are that immigrants keep flowing across the
country’s borders in order to keep their biggest costs — intelligent labor
— low. Quick to outsource to foreign countries and even quicker to leave
profits offshore to evade taxes, these billionaires are extremely adept at
using the law and corrupt politicians to their advantage.
For most of them, the concerns of the common man (the users of their
properties) rank far beneath whatever it is that will further expand and
perpetuate their empires. The gap between their ilk and that of the
working class has multiplied in the last two decades, at the expense of
America’s middle class.
Like the robber barons of old, these men are addicted to money, and they
can never have enough of it to satisfy their own egos. To them, the laws
of the United States are just a tool to access more wealth, and whatever
political levers and switches they need to throw in order to get their way
are simply a means toward an ultimate end.
After more than 20 years in many cases, it’s now long past time to put the
regulatory brakes on these people’s ventures and business power grabs
before we turn into a society ruled by technology and a few men behind
thin, oversized flat-panel displays. Companies that have too much power
and too much wealth concentrated in too few hands may need to be broken up
just as the railroad concerns, oil cartels and steel companies of the
original robber baron days were by Washington. Trent Lapinski says:
"Silicon Valley is run like a cartel, and they are essentially modern day
robber barons....
"...I’ve actually been working on a similar article myself called “Is
Silicon Valley A Cartel?” but I haven’t had a chance to finish writing it
yet. Perhaps I need to revisit it and publish.
Most of the major tech companies are now using technology to segregate the
masses, and social engineer the entire planet much like Hitler and the
Nazis attempted previous to WW2, except now the technology exists to do
this on a massive scale.
To understand Silicon Valley today, you have to look back to the past and
understand how we got here. When Silicon Valley was first founded as a
tech hub in the late 1940-50’s it was under the intention of developing
computer technology for military industrial purposes. The intention was
always to further America’s technological superiority over the rest of the
Many people do not realize that Google and Facebook were both initially
funded with both VC and defense contractor money, and many of the tech
companies like Amazon have contracts with the CIA and Deep State. Modern
day Silicon Valley is the surveillance arm of the Deep State, and has
always been an arm of the military industrial complex.
Meanwhile, social media has purposely been engineered to put people in
echo chambers, and control the masses. Even Medium is guilty of this, I
have nearly 13k followers, yet every time I publish I barely reach 10% of
my following. Twitter and Facebook are even worse.
To make matters worse, it gets even more complicated politically. What a
lot of people do not know or realize is that after the 2008 market crash
Obama was financed by Silicon Valley to get him into office.
Once he was in office he struck a deal with the Federal Reserve to bail
the economy out and printed a bunch of money which was handed to the
Silicon Valley VC firms and tech companies to rebuild the economy.
What those VC firms did with the money was inflate the current tech bubble
with printed money by driving up housing costs, pricing out locals and
Millennial’s outside the tech industry, and pretty much destroying the
local economy in the Bay Area. While the Bay Area was arguably screwed
anyway with the market crash, and the tech industry does provide many
jobs, they ultimately didn’t give those jobs to the locals and brought in
indoctrinated college grads to displace much of the local population and
pay them just enough to survive but not enough to buy property.
They then invested in companies that either launder money to increase
their power, collect everyones data, spy on their users, or distract and
divide them with propaganda. They also invested heavily in machine
learning and A.I. so that they can automate most jobs in the future, and
we are now at a point where A.I. is advanced enough to censor the Internet
(which Google/Youtube, and Facebook are already doing). This is enabling
these companies to become complete and total monopolies, and push
political ideologies on the masses with no basis in logic, reason, or
Meanwhile, the billionaires, investors, and CEOs of these companies are so
far disconnected from the struggles of every day Americans they actually
believe what they’re doing is for the greater benefit of humanity. Many of
them fancy themselves as superior to the rest of the country, and world,
and all their political nonsense is mostly hypocritical virtue signaling
rooted in identity politics. The very same identity politics the Nazis
used so successfully to divide and conquer the masses during WW2 but with
a hypocritical modern day left leaning political spin.
With all that said, what Silicon Valley billionaires are doing is wrong,
and hypocritical. However, please don’t blame the people, even the tech
bros, because even they’re all just brainwashed and trying to survive just
like everyone else and most don’t even realize they’re slaves to a system
that does not have their long-term interests in mind.
Source: Born and raised in the Bay Area..."
Bill Snyder of globally published InfoWorld Magazine says: " Silicon
Valley: Land of the 21st-century robber barons... Apple, Amazon.com, eBay,
Facebook, Google, and the other technorati believe someone else should pay
taxes, hire Americans, or support the society they sell to. When it comes
to paying taxes, Apple doesn't "think different." Like every other global
corporation, it does its best to pay as little as is legally permissible.
The difference, though, is that Apple does it better than most and tries
to convince the people who are stuck with the bills that this is a
perfectly normal state of affairs.
In just three years, Apple's tax avoidance ("evasion" is such a tacky word) efforts shifted at least $74 billion from the reach of the Internal Revenue Service, according to an explosive report by a Senate subcommittee.
I'm no Apple hater; it makes great products I'm happy to use, and it employs tens of thousands of people directly and in its supply chain. But the more I think about its role in public life, the angrier I get. Apple, in its own way, is un-American. Sadly, it has plenty of company in Silicon Valley.
The new aristocracy lives in Silicon Valley, says Snyder. The princelings
of technocracy aren't bad people, but their wealth insulates them from the
shared experiences that create community. They are a class apart -- maybe
even a nation apart. They're the 21st-century successors to the rail and
banking tycoons that ruled in the late 19th and early 20th century: the
robber barons.
Consider this anecdote told by George Packer in his thoughtful piece in
the May 27 issue of the New Yorker: When state budget cuts threatened the
quality of their local school, parents in Woodside, Calif. -- one of the
wealthiest enclaves in Silicon Valley -- stepped up their fund-raising
efforts. The Woodside School Foundation now brings in about $2 million a
year for a school with fewer than 500 children. In a fund-raising auction,
one parent bid $20,000 for a tour of the Japanese gardens of Oracle CEO
Larry Ellison, while others paid twice that much for seats at a Mad Men
Supper Club dinner for 16 guests.
I'm sure that many of those people would be appalled and upset by the terrible conditions of the underfunded schools in nearby East Palo Alto, and they might even make donations to help out. But I doubt many of them connect the very obvious dots: When big companies and wealthy individuals fail to pay taxes, legally or not, the community suffers.
What makes this so galling in my mind is the hypocritical and egotistical belief in Silicon Valley itself that it is the most enlightened patch of real estate on the planet.
Silicon Valley won't pay fair share, then decries poor public results. As Alec MacGillis of the New Republic points out, it's a bit rich for Apple to argue -- as Steve Jobs did for years, and Tim Cook does now -- that the company needs more visas and green cards for foreign engineers because there aren't enough qualified Americans to fill tech jobs (patently false, by the way), while Apple does its damnedest to keep its contribution toward federal education aid as paltry as possible.
Comments Packer:
This is an example so blatant I couldn't have dreamt it up, of the self-deception that exists alongside the hard work, idealism, and engineering brilliance of Silicon Valley. It's the kind of blind spot to which young, self-confident, super-successful industries are especially prone.
One of the subsidiaries set up by Apple in Ireland has paid no corporate income tax to any nation for the past five years, although it reported $30 billion in net income from 2009 to 2012. Another subsidiary has paid a tax rate to Ireland of 0.1 percent or less in 2009, 2010, and 2011, far below the normal Irish corporate income tax rate of 12 percent, according to the Senate subcommittee's report.
Silicon Valley's power brokers want you to think they're different. But they're just average robber barons.
Emmett Rensin In February 2012, after Facebook announced what was in time
to become the largest IPO in the history of internet firms, The Economist
put a parody of Mark Zuckerberg’s profile page on its cover. Next to an
insipid, beaming profile picture of the young CEO, there was a status
update: “VENI VIDI VICI!!! Am I richer than Bill yet? lol.” They were not
the first magazine to draw the comparison. In October 2010, Vanity Fair
beat them to it, declaring Zuckerberg the No. 1 most influential person in
the United States and calling him “our new Caesar.”
Zuckerberg, of course, had not conquered Gaul. He had not scattered the
German armies nor subjugated Britain, nor crossed the Rubicon and become
first consul. He had not visited death and terror upon a continent, nor
brought an end to an old republic, setting off a chain of intrigues that
would birth the mightiest empire in the history of the world. No. Mark
Zuckerberg had made a shit ton of money.
By April of this year, Facebook stock was worth more than $116 a share, up from its initial offering of $38. The social network had made its early investors even richer than they had ever anticipated. That same month, The Economist put Zuckerberg on its cover for the second time but now without detectable irony. His face appeared on a marble statue of Augustus, seated in cape and laurel crown beside a tiny globe. “IMPERIAL AMBITIONS” roared the headline. Mark’s outstretched arm gave the imperial thumbs-up. He liked it.
The press enjoys excitedly praising tech titans by comparing them to fantastical and mythical figures. Zuckerberg is Caesar. Elon Musk, a wizard. Peter Thiel, who believes that he lives in the moral universe of Lord of the Rings, is a vampire. I do not know if these men believe that they have the supernatural powers the media claims. Maybe they do. I do know that they do not mind the perception, or at least have done nothing to combat it, even among those critics who believe that they’re cartoon villains.
The press enjoys excitedly praising tech titans by comparing them to fantastical and mythical figures.
This might not be so bad if the phenomenon were limited to daft profiles by fawning magazine writers. But this Hegelian fan fiction is nowhere more potent than from the mouths of the Disruptors themselves. Mark Zuckerberg speaks in the voice of God. Shane Smith, by his own account, is the Stalin of Vice. Silicon Valley investor Carl Icahn was called “evil Captain Kirk” by fellow billionaire Marc Andreessen, before he was himself dubbed Dr. Evil by Rod Dreher, who has evidently not absorbed a cultural reference since 1999. When Elon Musk worries that Larry Page is hurtling toward AI without a sufficient appreciation of the risks, he calls it “summoning the demon.” Seamless CEO Jonathan Zabusky, a typical case, says his food delivery application for depressed millennials is “disrupting the paradigm” by showing people that “the era of the paper menu” is over. AirBnB’s mission statement laments “the mechanization and Industrial Revolution of the last century,” which “displaced” “feelings of trust and belonging”; their mission is to turn the world back into the “village” of simpler eras by encouraging longstanding residents of gentrifying areas to rent out their homes to monied travelers. Some firms are more modest: HubSpot, a marketing and sales platform, is merely on a mission to make the whole world “more inbound,” which is to say, more reliant on their blogging tips for small businesses.
Even President Obama speaks of Silicon Valley as if it were an industry for madcap geniuses alone, a land of such earth-changing potential that it’s somewhere he might find himself once he’s left the Oval Office. When he chides citizens of the Valley, he chides them like a Dr. Frankenstein warning his monster about hubris: “Sometime we get, I think, in the scientific community, the tech community, the entrepreneurial community, the sense that we just have to blow up the system or create this parallel society,” he told the Frontiers Conference last October. The president believes that sense is wrong, of course, but where did he get the idea that tech CEOs were capable of these feats in the first place?
Let us state the obvious: None of these men are Roman Emperors, and they haven’t got the wherewithal to “blow up” anything but a stock market bubble. They are not Lex Luthors or Gandalfs or Stalins. Their products do not bring about revolutions. They are simply robber barons, JP Morgans and Andrew Mellons in mediocre T-shirts. I have no doubt that many are preternaturally intelligent, hardworking people, and it is a shame that they have dedicated these talents to the mundane accumulation of capital. But there is nothing remarkable about these men. The Pirates of Silicon Valley do not have imperial ambitions. They have financial ones.
The vast majority of Silicon Valley startups, the sort that project lofty missions and managed improbably lucrative IPOs despite never having graced the cover of The Economist or the frontal cortex of the president, work precisely like any other kind of mundane sales operation in search of a product: Underpaid cold-callers receive low wages and less job security in exchange for a foosball table and the burden of growing a company as quickly as possible so that it can reach a liquidation event. Owners and investors get rich. Managers stay comfortable. The employees get hosed. None of this is particularly original. At least the real robber barons built the railroads.
Emily Chang, of Bloomberg, points out that sex trafficking and black-lists run Silicon Valley.
Like all slim ranks of oligarchy, the Silicon Valley billionaires hate and fear nothing more than ordinary people. This manifests itself in mundane ways, in their open, cartoonish class spite (why, they ask, must Innovators in San Francisco be burdened by the existence of homeless riff-raff?); it is revealed in their most contemplative moments too. Peter Thiel has said that when the history of the 21st century is written, René Girard will be remembered as one of its greatest intellectuals. Girard is best known for the contention that all human desire is mimetic, that not only aesthetic taste but even hunger and lust are modeled on the desires of others. Perhaps this is why Thiel does not believe that capitalism and democracy are compatible. We know which side he’s chosen. So long as he and his fellows can continue to exploit that same mimetic tendency to persuade people that they are superhuman and essential to their flourishing, his side will continue to win.
The sins of the prestige firms are no less mundane. While each at least can claim a real and viable product, their evil is nothing so spectacular as the demonic. As The New York Times, Guardian, and others have reported, even the well-compensated white-collar workers of companies like Amazon and Facebook face notoriously brutal labor conditions. For the warehouse workers and contract laborers required to keep those companies running, matters are even worse. “When you’re in shipping and they double or triple their workforce over the winter holidays, you’re working at times in below zero temps INSIDE the warehouse,” one Amazon warehouse worker wrote to Gawker’s Hamilton Nolan in 2013. Efforts to unionize employees have been met with duplicity beyond ordinary managerial resistance. Quartz reported in February on sinister attempts to thwart organization at Uber. Not content to resist their own employees’ efforts to unionize, Uber has also worked to undermine other labor guilds, including illegal operations in cities that have led to the destruction of local taxi businesses.
Like all slim ranks of oligarchy, the Silicon Valley billionaires hate and fear nothing more than ordinary people.
AirBnb, despite its Keatsian mission, has mainly succeeded in ravaging the housing market for low-income families. Seamless hasn’t disrupted the “paper menu world” half so much as it has disrupted tipping standards and wage prospects for its delivery workers.
The racist hiring practices of Silicon Valley prestige firms are an open secret, with only 5 percent of technical roles held by black or Latino workers. (“We are not where we want to be,” their diversity reports intone with all the sincerity of a Soviet bureaucrat adjusting potato projections down again). Their collusion with federal spy agencies, assisting in surveillance efforts and voluntarily turning over FISA-court-approved user data in exchange for cash, was a secret, until it wasn’t. Peter Thiel did not use magic to destroy Gawker; he used money.
In 2010, the Department of Justice exposed what it called an “overarching conspiracy” to suppress wages among companies like Apple, Google, Intel, Adobe, Intuit, eBay, and Pixar. The Silicon Valley supermen were aware as far back as 2005 that what they were doing was illegal. “[Google’s Eric] Schmidt instructed his Senior VP for Business Operation Shona Brown to keep the pact secret and only share information ‘verbally, since I don’t want to create a paper trail over which we can be sued later?’” reported Mark Ames. “At times,” he said of the Disruptor’s behavior, “it reads like something lifted straight out of the robber baron era that produced those [anti-trust] laws. Today’s inequality crisis is America’s worst on record since statistics were first recorded a hundred years ago — the only comparison would be to the era of railroad tycoons in the late 19th century.” Although Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos takes only $81,000 in salary every year – barely more than the average Facebook intern! – he has managed to accrue a net worth in excess of $65 billion. Perhaps he really is a wizard.
The cultivation of power requires the projection of power in excess of its reality. When Julius Caesar – the real one – made up his mind to annihilate the German tribes who had once again invaded Gaul, he ordered his engineers to build a bridge over the Rhine as wide as a two-lane highway, big enough for 10 soldiers to march across side by side. He wanted the Germani “to experience fear… when they realized that the army of the Roman people was both capable of crossing the Rhine and brave enough to venture it.” It worked. When the bridge was finished, the Roman army marched across it as if on parade in the streets of Rome. They went slow with their horns blasting and their flags aloft, led by cavalry draped in ceremonial colors. They found no army on the other side. Terrified of the Roman engineering feat, the Germani had fled in terror, and for 18 days they cowered in the forest while Caesar pillaged every defenseless village he could find. When he was done he marched back to Gaul and ordered the bridge torn down.
If your enemies can convince you that they are an unprecedented species of madman, you will convince yourself that you need unprecedented weapons to fight back or that you may be better off just hiding in the forest. But you are not.
The rigged contracts and wage suppression, the racism and surveillance collusion (soon to be playing voluntary footsie with Donald Trump’s NSA, with further chicanery to follow), all these sins of Silicon Valley have come about and been overcome before in the short history of American capitalism. They require only the same weapons as before. Organization and agitation. Strikes and labor laws. The ordinary practice of radical politics. Some of these efforts have begun already, with militant organizing and unionization drives beginning to organize Silicon Valley laborers against their exploiters. But these movements require national and popular support, support that cannot begin until the pretense and terror of world-conquering wizards is abandoned and the truth is laid bare: These are only rich assholes, the same as they ever were. All that superman bullshit is just the cheap propaganda of the powerful, propaganda so thoroughly saturated in the American mind that its own inventors might believe it.
This fall, Silicon Valley Shakespeare (“Innovate • Illuminate • Inspire”) staged Julius Caesar for the first time in the company’s 16-year history. The press release promised that audiences would have a chance to “see this classic political thriller set in a modern world, showing the power and problem of the mob mentality, and how far people will go to rule a nation.”
This summary is instructive. To the entertainers of the Valley, Julius Caesar is a play about “mob mentality,” the dangers of unruly herds who upset the proper order of the world. This is an assessment that might surprise anyone who has read Shakespeare’s history and noticed that with the exception of a soothsayer and a single servant, every character in it is an aristocrat. But more than that, it is remarkable because as any high school student can tell you, Julius Caesar is not a play about the dangers of the mob; it is a play about the dangers of ambition and power. It is about hubris. You do not see the crowds that Brutus and Antony address because the crowds do not matter. They only exist to cheer the rivals as they sort out the pretense of the coming war. The fault that was not in their stars but in themselves has been corrected. They are underlings no more.
Julius Caesar is about a man believed to be a God, a man who cultivated divinity so well that he believed it himself. It is about a man who believed it until the mid-March afternoon when he discovered to his great surprise that even Caesar can be overthrown with old and ordinary weapons.
Per The United States Congress, The FBI and the FTC: The High-Tech Antitrust Black-Listing Litigation is a United States Department of Justice (DOJ) antitrust action and a civil class action against several Silicon Valley companies for secret collusion agreements which targeted high-tech employees. This case was one of the most famous federal lawsuits in Silicon Valley. Scam fronts for Silicon Valley oligarchs are being exposed daily.
The tech Cartel is evil because: they steal any technology they desire; they run a prostitution ring and sexually extort young women and interns in Silicon Valley; they are 'rape culture' take-what-they-want misogynists, ageists and racists as their history of abuses has proven; their Palo Alto Cartel operates AngelGate-type collusion and stock market insider trading schemes that harm independent business and the public; their Cartel ran the "no poaching" CEO ring which was class-action sued by DOJ and tech workers; 90% of their divorce court files reveal horrific abuses and sex trafficking; They have an army of lobbyists that pay cash, stock market and revolving door bribes to U.S. Senators; They can even evade FBI & SEC investigations; They hire women to act as 'trophy wives' and 'beards'; they have lobbyists rig the U.S. Patent Office in order to block inventor patent rights because they are using stolen technologies; they have been caught on video and recordings beating, kicking and harming women hundreds of times;
They have bought up all of the Tier-One tech law firms and order them to black-list, and never help, those who seek equal tech rights; they collude to abuse your privacy and make databases on the public for political control; they have to cheat to compete because they are only good with spread sheets instead of innovation; They run black-lists, character assassination attacks, collusion and other anti-trust violating acts in violation of RICO laws.
Silicon Valley has become the largest assemblage of douche-bags and yuppie frat boy criminals in human history. Theranos is not the exception, it is the standard. Tesla, Google, Theranos, Wework, Facebook are lies backed by famous political insiders to protect their insider trading and covered-up by fake news operators. They are also fronts to fund political campaigns via the ill-gotten profits from their endeavors.
When the bad guys, and their lap-dog politicians, attack you because your products are better than theirs they are proving that they are frat boy scumbags, from Stanford and Yale, that operate in a little pack, like dogs! Their Sandhill Road operation should be raided by the FBI! The best thing that could come from the COVID pandemic is that they all are forced into bankruptcy!
When your Senator holds stock market shares in companies that exist to profit on the backs of consumers, via corruption, then it is impossible for that Senator to ever do anything but be corrupt! We have reported this in writing to winklerm@sec.gov, sanfrancisco@sec.gov and 30+ other federal officers but have yet to see our whistle-blower rewards...or any action! Do you wonder how big politician insider stock trading is?
Take a look at how many TRILLIONS of dollars pass through the stock markets annually and then look at the reported, AND UNREPORTED, securities holdings of famous U.S. Senators and government agency staff. That is what Seth Rich and the people in the "In Memory Of" section, below, were disclosing. These are massive crimes!
The crooks at Google, Facebook, Tesla, Linkedin, Netflix, etc., broke felony laws and the basic principles of Democracy.
Google faces $5 billion lawsuit in U.S. for tracking 'private' internet use. Google WILL pay for their crimes or be killed off as a business because of their corruption!
They bribed your Senators, White House Staff, insider agency staff and operated a Silicon Valley Oligarch sociopath political Cartel.
What kinds of people were some of these high tech oligarchs? Read their
divorce Court Records about their Jeffrey Epstein, NXIVM sex trafficking;
Andy Rubin and Goguen sex slaves; tax evasions; money laundering; intern
abuses; misogyny; racism; political insider-trading stock market bribes to
U.S. Senators; a 'Silicon Valley Tech Mafia' and other horrors.
What would you do if you found out that Eric Schmidt, Larry Page, Elon
Musk, Sergy Brin, John Doerr and other dynastic elitist insider Stanford
frat boys were running a mob-like Cartel? Over 60,000 engineers in Silicon
Valley took the problem to Federal Court!
Ask Christopher Wray, John F. Bennett, Craig D. Fair and the other senior officials at the FBI, DOJ, SEC, FTC and other major federal investigation agencies: Organized crime in Silicon Valley is getting a harder look these days!
The defendants, in the first case, included Adobe, Apple Inc., Google, Intel, Intuit, Pixar, Lucasfilm and eBay, all high-technology companies with a principal place of business in the San Francisco–Silicon Valley area of California where they collude together to harm competitors. It is a well documented fact that Facebook, Google, Netflix, Linkedin, etc. use sophisticated psychological testing on each applicant in order to filter out all but the most radical devotees of the founders ideologies.
These companies then maintain an echo-chamber resonance, throughout the company, to reinforce their ideological message, much like Scientology does. In these companies one must praise Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg and hate those who the founders target. The founders target their competitors, in violation of anti-trust laws.
The first civil class action was filed by five plaintiffs, one of whom has died in a curious incident; it accused the tech companies of collusion between 2005 and 2009. In Abolish Silicon Valley: How to liberate technology from capitalism we see another of thousands of insiders expose the fact that Silicon Valley is a pile of filth.
Additional cases are planned for filing. Formal complaints have been filed with The SEC, The DOJ, The GAO, The FBI, The FTC and The U.S. Congress. Active investigations into 'Angelgate' and related collusion and anti-trust matters are known to be under-way by federal, news outlet and private investigators as of 2020. U.S. Senators, and other politicians, who covertly own stock in these Silicon Valley companies, have been delaying enforcement against these corrupt companies. Consumer rights groups have pledged to take down each and every politician who owns these corrupt stocks and protects these corrupt companies!
Our alliance of investigators and agency staff have FBI-level investigated: Steven Chu, Larry Page, David Dummond, Lachlan Seward, Andy Rubin, Jeffrey Epstein, Elon Musk, Nicholas Guido Denton, Harvey Weinstein, Eric Schmidt and the rest of the RICO-violating "Club" and had them fired or removed from their positions. They will remain under public surveillance for the rest of their lives and their case files will be added to monthly via submissions to federal agencies and news entities.
What would an insane tech oligarch (Like Schmidt, Musk, Reid, Brin, Westly, Page, Khosla, etc.) do for trillions of dollars of criminal gain?
When you run the following query on the stock market volume for a single day, ie: "Select sum(Close*volume*0.001), count(*) from myTable where date = '9/27/2017'."..you get the following result: 7300 stocks were traded, Total Money flow: $271,072,334,824. This is how much was traded on that day.
The total world derivatives market has been estimated at about $791 trillion face or nominal value, 11 times the size of the entire world economy.
The World Bank publishes global data on stocks traded by $ value here.
• 2016 - $77.5 trillion for the year.
Most exchanges publish this stat. Here is the data for NASDAQ
• Feb 6, 2018 - $192 billion for the day.
And the Indian stock market volume data (in Indian Rupees) is here.
• BSE + NSE cash market, Feb 2018 - About Rs 40,000 crore daily.
That’s about $6 billion per day.
Average estimates put daily stock movement between 5 to ten trillion dollars per day. You can buy lot's of Weinstein/Epstein-like private islands, private jets, sex parties, U.S. Senators and crony government contracts with that kind of money. Once an oligarch starts buying sex with underage girls, they don't stop. In fact, there is nothing that a corrupt tech oligarch and their owned Senator won't do to keep their little pig trough filled up.
The average murder/robbery in the United States is undertaken for an average amount under $100.00
Thus, an Eric Schmidt, Elon Musk, Steve Westly, David Drummond, Vinod
Khosla, Reid Hoffman, Steve Jurvetson, Andy Rubin, Larry Page or similar
oligarch, who is sociologically addicted to money and power, is most
certainly capable of ordering and operating election manipulations,
Presidential bribes, murders and engaging in other crimes to protect those
greed-based assets. They have the full resources to do so, have federal
records proving that they hire lobbyists and operatives who do these
things for them and have a documented history of engaging in extremist
The Silicon Valley Cartel Hires Gawker, Gizmodo, Jalopnik, Black Cube,
Fusion GPS, etc. to run "hit-jobs" on those who report their crimes!
The Hit Job
How much do you have to pay Google, Alphabet, YouTube and Black Cube to dedicate a portion of their servers to push a character assassination set of links, against a competitor, to all five billion people on Earth with internet access? How much did Obama, Clinton, Bloomberg spend using those exact same systems to attack their political enemies?
We know. We have their financial records, invoices and receipts and so does the FBI and the NSA.
How much do you have to pay to get them to lock those attack links on one of the first 4 lines of EVERY search result, in the same position in the search results, for over a decade (which proves that their search results are not "organic", they are manually manipulated by Google and YouTube)? How much did Obama, Clinton, Bloomberg spend using those exact same systems to attack their political enemies?
We know. We have their financial records, invoices and receipts and so does the FBI and the NSA.
How much does it cost to make a Disney-like animated movie about a whistle-blower? How much does the production and software and person-hour billings cost? How much does it cost to distribute that movie world-wide and lock it in the top line of all search results?
We know. We have their financial records, invoices and receipts and so does the FBI and the NSA.
How much does it cost to hire a warehouse full of Russian, Nigerian and Chinese click-farm operators who use Palantir and Google software to instantly be alerted of any mention of a person's name on the internet and to then go slam that person in the comment sections with endless troll remarks? Elon Musk uses these same people to hype his narcissistic need for attention. Obama, Clinton, Bloomberg and other politicians hire these same people to attack their political adversaries. How much does it cost to have anonymous trolls in foreign countries kill a person's brand globally?
We know. We have their financial records, invoices and receipts and a huge number of lawsuits, court records, federal investigation and investigative journalism reports have exposed those records and details. The FBI, NSA, SEC, FTC and Congressional investigators can also confirm these numbers!
So it turns out that it costs: $35,422,152.00 to have a person and their business killed!
That is how much they spent on their attack on the Plaintiff! The people at the top of the heap who organized the attacks were David Plouffe, Jay Carney, David Axelrod, Denis Mcdonough, Steve Rattner, Robert Gibbs, Rahm Emanual and their associates and they did it from The West Wing and The Oval Office in The White House.
Many of the political attacks were edited by Nick Denton and his seedy
tabloid empire Gawker/Gizmodo. Investigations have revealed that the
White House and California Senators hired IN-Q-Tel; Gawker Media;
Jalopnik; Gizmodo Media; K2 Intelligence; WikiStrat; Podesta Group;
Fusion GPS; Google; YouTube; Alphabet; Facebook; Twitter; Think
Progress; Media Matters); Black Cube; Correct The Record; Orbis Business
Intelligence, Undercover Global Ltd; Stratfor; Jigsaw;
ShareBlue/Acronym; Cambridge Analytica; Sid Blumenthal; David Brock;
Plouffe Consulting; PR Firm Sunshine Sachs; Covington and Burling;
Buzzfeed; Perkins Coie; Advance Democracy Inc.; The Democracy Integrity
Project; Popily, Inc; Bean, LLC.; Edward Austin; Istok Associates;
Silicon Valley Community Foundation; Yonder and Wilson Sonsini to run
hit-jobs, character assassinations, dirty tricks and economic reprisal
attacks on any applicants who reported the crimes. Each of those
companies are now under federal and civil investigation.These companies
sell "kill services" that use CIA and KGB-style tactics to harm
witnesses and whistle-blowers.
Media Matters for America founder David Brock is a hired media assassin
who reaped illegal profits through the transfer of millions from a
nonprofit he founded to a for-profit entity under his control, according
to an IRS complaint filed by a watchdog group.
The complaint details how Brock’s nonprofit group American Bridge Foundation (AB Foundation) transferred $2.7 million in tax-exempt assets to True Blue Media, a for-profit company owned by Brock that is the parent company of ShareBlue, a for-profit media company now known as The American Independent. The transfers violated IRS rules that prohibit nonprofit organizations from using their tax-exempt resources to pay personal or private expenses of any key figures connected to the nonprofit, the complaint stated. AB Foundation’s transfers to True Blue Media were disclosed in the nonprofit’s Form 990s filed to the IRS in 2017 and 2018. "Brock is a well-known hit man who took money to target our group in reprisal for whistle-blowing...." Said Team 7 staff.
The money was conduited and assisted for pass-through by political financiers Eric Schmidt, Larry Page, Sergy Brin, Elon Musk, John Doerr, Vinod Khosla, Steve Westly, Steve Spinner and their Silicon Valley oligarch Cartel black-listing operation.
It was a felony. It violated RICO, Anti-Trust and Constitutional laws.
So they spent over thirty five million dollars attacking the Plaintiff and shutting down a competitor that was targeted to make over six billion dollars in profits. The attackers then made the six billion dollars in profits for themselves, at the expense of the Plaintiff.
So how much do you think they owe the Plaintiff per previous court
awards for such crimes against a member of the public?
You can use their EXACT SAME attack methods, that they used on members
of the public, AGAINST THEM. If it was illegal for them do to it, they
would have been arrested.
Thus, it must be legal for you to do it to them!
“Mass Media” is owned and controlled by a handful of men who own and
control it exclusively to manipulate public opinion. They do not own all
of the print, radio, TV and web media for fun. They own it because their
sociopath need for power makes them think they can steer stupid people
into adopting their ideology and voting for candidates who have promised
them quid pro quo kick-backs and payola. Here are some examples of news
that got sneaked through their filter bubbles and exposed part of the
Silicon Valley Cartel.
Google, Facebook and news websites hire college kids to run their news efforts. These children are naive, self-centered people who are easily influenced by herd mentality and who only have a portion of their brains developed. They are the reason people under a certain age are not allowed to have sex, drink or drive cars. They should never be allowed near mass communications systems but they work cheap so the media bosses hire them.
We made this news get out by using the tactics in this manual for force action and to punish those who tried to cover this up:
The perpetrators operate a massive and abusive national sex cult. The perverts in the SandHill Road Venture Capital offices, located between Highway 280 down to to Santa Cruz Avenue on Sand Hill Road in Menlo Park, California, are the main perpetrators of this global cartel. Their executives at Google, Facebook, Netflix, Linkedin, Twitter, and their related holdings, comprise the rest. The Harvey Weinstein and Ed Buck sex scandals are well known. These men's sex cult actions have been widely covered in the news individually in the Joe Lonsdale rape case, The Kleiner Perkins Ellen Pao sex abuse lawsuit, The Eric Schmidt sex penthouse stories, The Jeffrey Epstein case, The Google Forrest Hayes hooker murder case, The Andy Rubin sex slave case, The Sergy Brin 3-way sex romp scandal, The British Hydrant investigation, The Elon Musk Steve Jurvetson billionaire sex parties scandals,The NXIVM sexual slave cases, The Michael Goguen anal sex slave trial, The Tom Perkins Hooker Parties and thousands of other cases and federal divorce court filings. This group of people have proven themselves, over and over, to be sociopath control freaks not fit for participation in public commerce, public policy or media control. T
he Four Seasons Hotel and Rosewood Hotels in Silicon Valley are estimated to engage in over $30,000.00 of high-end escort sex trafficking per day, a portion of it managed by Eastern Bloc Mafia operators. At least 10 Ukrainian escorts fly in and out of SFO and SJO airports every week for these Cartel members. Google boss David Drummond engaged in horrible philandering sexual violations of his wife yet Google covers up every story about it on the web. Google's Eric Schmidt is under massive investigation. You hear about the female victims of this sex cult but you rarely hear about the young male victims. One of their vast numbers of prostitutes is quoted as saying that the girls and boys are paid "not just for sex but for the oligarch's endless need to feel that they can control anyone for any reason...". Multiple attorney general's controlled by their cartel, ie: Eric Schneiderman and Eliot Spitzer , are involved this these sex rings. These are the main influencers of a national political party and they are all involved in horrific sex perversions and abuses!
The AngelGate Conspiracy ( https://venturecapitalcorruption.weebly.com/the-angelgate-conspiracy.html );
The Job Collusion Case ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/High-Tech_Employee_Antitrust_Litigation ) and hundreds of other cases, prove that the perpetrators regularly meet, conspire, collude and racketeer, in full view of law enforcement, without ever getting arrested by the FBI because they bribe public officials in order to avoid prosecution.
Public officials and Silicon Valley oligarchs exchanged felony bribes and
manipulated government actions in order to benefit themselves and harm us.
these are the facts including the lists of bribes, attacks and covert
financing routes!
Famous members of congress lie, cheat, steal and manipulate public records
in order to protect their trillions of dollars of Google, Facebook,
Netflix, Tesla and Amazon insider stock market payola.
Now the public is working together, around the globe, to end this
corruption forever by exposing every single one of the corrupt and all of
their dirty secrets!
The class action lawsuit accused the four Silicon Valley companies of conspiring, between 2005 and 2009, to avoid hiring each other's employees ...
United States District Judge Lucy Koh today approved a $415 million settlement in the Silicon Valley no-poaching case.
High-Tech Employee Antitrust Litigation is a 2010 United States Department of Justice (DOJ) antitrust action and a 2013 civil class action against several ...
The Justice Department once accused Silicon Valley tech giants of conspiring not to poach employees from one another, and eventually they ...
The no-poach team at the Joseph Saveri Law Firm has established itself as an antitrust powerhouse, exposing no-poach agreements including those ...
Silicon Valley Companies Agree to Pay $415 Million to Settle "No Poaching" Suit ... action lawsuit brought by technology workers who accused the ...
A class-action lawsuit alleging that Silicon Valley's biggest tech companies colluded not to recruit each other's employees has come to an end.
Apple, Google, Adobe and Intel agreed in April to pay $325 million to settle a class-action lawsuit that claims the companies engaged in an ...
no-poach" cases. From Silicon Valley to the burger joint: the evolving landscape of vertical "no-poach" cases. "No-poaching agreements," or ...
. Four Silicon Valley companies including Apple Inc and Google Inc have agreed to a new settlement that would resolve an antitrust class ...
"No cold call" agreements
Cold calling is one of the main methods used by companies in the
high-technology sector to recruit employees with advanced and specialised
skills, such as software and hardware engineers, programmers, animators,
digital artists, Web developers and other technical professionals.[1] Cold
calling involves communicating directly in any manner with another firm's
employee who has not otherwise applied for a job opening. Cold calling may
be done in person, by phone, letter, or email.[2] According to the legal
brief filed by a plaintiff in one of the class-action cases, cold calling
is an effective method of recruiting for the high-technology sector
because "employees of other [high-technology] companies are often
unresponsive to other recruiting strategies... [and] current satisfied
employees tend to be more qualified, harder working, and more stable than
those who are actively looking for employment."[3]
Amy Lambert, Google's associate general counsel, noted in a blog post shortly after the DOJ's actions, that Google's definition of cold calling does not necessarily eliminate recruiting by letter or email, but only the process of calling on the telephone. By implication, recruiting through LinkedIn incurs recruiting by "InMail" - LinkedIn's own mail contact system: "In order to maintain a good working relationship with these companies, in 2005 we decided not to "cold call" employees at a few of our partner companies. Our policy only impacted cold calling, and we continued to recruit from these companies through LinkedIn, job fairs, employee referrals, or when candidates approached Google directly. In fact, we hired hundreds of employees from the companies involved during this time period."
The challenged "no cold call" agreements are alleged bilateral agreements between high technology companies not to cold call each other's employees. The DOJ alleges that senior executives at each company negotiated to have their employees added to 'no call' lists maintained by human resources personnel or in company hiring manuals. The alleged agreements were not limited by geography, job function, product group, or time period. The alleged bilateral agreements were between: (1) Apple and Google, (2) Apple and Adobe, (3) Apple and Pixar, (4) Google and Intel, (5) Google and Intuit,[4] and (6) Lucasfilm and Pixar.[5]
The civil class action further alleges that agreements also existed to
(1) "provide notification when making an offer to another [company]'s
employee (without the knowledge or consent of the employee)" and (2)
"agreements that, when offering a position to another company's employee,
neither company would counteroffer above the initial offer."[3]
Department of Justice antitrust action
The United States Department of Justice Antitrust Division filed a
complaint in the US District Court for the District of Columbia alleging
violations of Section 1 of the Sherman Act. In US v. Adobe Systems Inc.,
et al., the Department of Justice alleged that Adobe, Apple, Google,
Intel, Intuit, and Pixar had violated Section 1 of the Sherman Act by
entering into a series of bilateral "No Cold Call" Agreements to prevent
the recruitment of their employees (a similar but separate suit was filed
against Lucasfilm on December 21, 2010[6]). The DOJ alleged in their
Complaint that the companies had reached "facially anticompetitive"
agreements that "eliminated a significant form of competition...to the
detriment of the affected employees who were likely deprived of
competitively important information and access to better job
opportunities." The DOJ also alleged that the agreements "were not
ancillary to any legitimate collaboration," "were much broader than
reasonably necessary for the formation or implementation of any
collaborative effort," and "disrupted the normal price-setting mechanisms
that apply in the labor setting."[4] The same day it filed the suit, the
DOJ and the defendants proposed a settlement.[7]
A final judgment enforcing the settlement was entered by the court on
March 17, 2011.[8] Although the DOJ Complaint only challenged the alleged
"no cold call" agreements, in the settlement, the companies agreed to a
more broad prohibition against "attempting to enter into, entering into,
maintaining or enforcing any agreement with any other person to in any way
refrain from, requesting that any person in any way refrain from, or
pressuring any person in any way to refrain from soliciting, cold calling,
recruiting, or otherwise competing for employees of the other person", for
a period of five years; the court can grant an extension.[8] The
settlement agreement does not provide any compensation for company
employees affected by the alleged agreements.[9] Lucasfilm entered into a
similar settlement agreement in December 2010.[5]
Civil class action
In re: High-Tech Employee Antitrust Litigation (U.S. District Court,
Northern District of California 11-cv-2509 [10]) is a class-action lawsuit
on behalf of over 64,000 employees of Adobe, Apple Inc., Google, Intel,
Intuit, Pixar and Lucasfilm (the last two are subsidiaries of Disney)
against their employer alleging that their wages were repressed due to
alleged agreements between their employers not to hire employees from
their competitors.[11][12] The case was filed on May 4, 2011 by a former
software engineer at Lucasfilm and alleges violations of California's
antitrust statute, Business and Professions Code sections 16720 et seq.
(the "Cartwright Act"); Business and Professions Code section 16600; and
California's unfair competition law, Business and Professions Code
sections 17200, et seq. Focusing on the network of connections around
former Apple CEO Steve Jobs, the Complaint alleges "an interconnected web
of express agreements, each with the active involvement and participation
of a company under the control of Steve Jobs...and/or a company that
shared at least one member of Apple's board of directors." The alleged
intent of this conspiracy was "to reduce employee compensation and
mobility through eliminating competition for skilled labor."[13]
On October 24, 2013 the United States District Court for the Northern
District of California granted class certification for all employees of
Defendant companies from January 1, 2005 through January 1, 2010.[9]
As of October 31, 2013, Intuit, Pixar and Lucasfilm have reached a tentative settlement agreement. Pixar and Lucasfilm agreed to pay $9 million in damages, and Intuit agreed to pay $11 million in damages.[9] In May 2014, Judge Lucy Koh approved the $20 million settlement between Lucasfilm, Pixar, and Intuit and their employees. Class members in this settlement, which involved fewer than 8% of the 65,000 employees affected, will receive around $3,840 each.[14]
The trial of the class action for the remaining Defendant companies was scheduled to begin on May 27, 2014. The plaintiffs intended to ask the jury for $3 billion in compensation, a number which could in turn have tripled to $9 billion under antitrust law.[15] However, in late April 2014, the four remaining defendants, Apple Inc, Google, Intel and Adobe Systems, agreed to settle out of court. Any settlement must be approved by Judge Lucy Koh.[16][17]
On May 23, 2014, Apple, Google, Intel, Adobe agreed to settle for $324.5 million. Lawyers sought 25% in attorneys’ fees, plus expenses of as much as $1.2 million, according to the filing. Additional award payments of $80,000 would be sought for each named plaintiff who served as a class representative.[18] Payouts will average a few thousand dollars based on the salary of the employee at the time of the complaint.
In June 2014, Judge Lucy Koh expressed concern that the settlement may
not be a good one for the plaintiffs. Michael Devine, one of the
plaintiffs, said the settlement is unjust. In a letter he wrote to the
judge he said the settlement represents only one-tenth of the $3 billion
in compensation the 64,000 workers could have made if the defendants had
not colluded.[19]
On August 8, 2014, Judge Koh rejected the settlement as insufficient on
the basis of the evidence and exposure. Rejecting a settlement is unusual
in such cases. This left the defendants with a choice between raising
their settlement offer or facing a trial.[20]
On September 8, 2014, Judge Koh set April 9, 2015 as the actual trial date for the remaining defendants, with a pre-trial conference scheduled for December 19, 2014. Also, as of early September 2014, the defendants had re-entered mediation to determine whether a new settlement could be reached.[21]
A final approval hearing was held on July 9, 2015.[22] On Wednesday
September 2, 2015, Judge Lucy H. Koh signed an order granting Motion for
Final Approval of Class Action Settlement. The settlement website stated
that Adobe, Apple, Google, and Intel has reached a settlement of $415
million and other companies settled for $20 million.
According to the settlement website, Gilardi & Co., LLC distributed
the settlement to class members the week of December 21, 2015.
See also
◦ Eric Schmidt § Role in illegal non-recruiting agreements
• Antipoaching
By Mark Ames
In early 2005, as demand for Silicon Valley engineers began booming,
Apple's Steve Jobs sealed a secret and illegal pact with Google's Eric
Schmidt to artificially push their workers wages lower by agreeing not to
recruit each other's employees, sharing wage scale information, and
punishing violators. On February 27, 2005, Bill Campbell, a member of
Apple's board of directors and senior advisor to Google, emailed Jobs to
confirm that Eric Schmidt "got directly involved and firmly stopped all
efforts to recruit anyone from Apple."
Later that year, Schmidt instructed his Sr VP for Business Operation Shona
Brown to keep the pact a secret and only share information "verbally,
since I don't want to create a paper trail over which we can be sued
These secret conversations and agreements between some of the biggest names in Silicon Valley were first exposed in a Department of Justice antitrust investigation launched by the Obama Administration in 2010. That DOJ suit became the basis of a class action lawsuit filed on behalf of over 100,000 tech employees whose wages were artificially lowered — an estimated $9 billion effectively stolen by the high-flying companies from their workers to pad company earnings — in the second half of the 2000s. Last week, the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals denied attempts by Apple, Google, Intel, and Adobe to have the lawsuit tossed, and gave final approval for the class action suit to go forward. A jury trial date has been set for May 27 in San Jose, before US District Court judge Lucy Koh, who presided over the Samsung-Apple patent suit.
In a related but separate investigation and ongoing suit, eBay and its former CEO Meg Whitman, now CEO of HP, are being sued by both the federal government and the state of California for arranging a similar, secret wage-theft agreement with Intuit (and possibly Google as well) during the same period.
The secret wage-theft agreements between Apple, Google, Intel, Adobe, Intuit, and Pixar (now owned by Disney) are described in court papers obtained by PandoDaily as "an overarching conspiracy" in violation of the Sherman Antitrust Act and the Clayton Antitrust Act, and at times it reads like something lifted straight out of the robber baron era that produced those laws. Today's inequality crisis is America's worst on record since statistics were first recorded a hundred years ago — the only comparison would be to the era of the railroad tycoons in the late 19th century.
Shortly after sealing the pact with Google, Jobs strong-armed Adobe into joining after he complained to CEO Bruce Chizen that Adobe was recruiting Apple's employees. Chizen sheepishly responded that he thought only a small class of employees were off-limits:
I thought we agreed not to recruit any senior level employees.... I would
propose we keep it that way. Open to discuss. It would be good to agree.
Jobs responded by threatening war:
OK, I'll tell our recruiters they are free to approach any Adobe employee
who is not a Sr. Director or VP. Am I understanding your position
Adobe's Chizen immediately backed down:
I'd rather agree NOT to actively solicit any employee from either
company.....If you are in agreement, I will let my folks know.
The next day, Chizen let his folks — Adobe's VP of Human Resources — know
that "we are not to solicit ANY Apple employees, and visa versa." Chizen
was worried that if he didn't agree, Jobs would make Adobe pay:
if I tell Steve [Jobs] it's open season (other than senior managers), he will deliberately poach Adobe just to prove a point. Knowing Steve, he will go after some of our top Mac talent...and he will do it in a way in which they will be enticed to come (extraordinary packages and Steve wooing).
Indeed Jobs even threatened war against Google early 2005 before their
"gentlemen's agreement," telling Sergey Brin to back off recruiting
Apple's Safari team:
if you [Brin] hire a single one of these people that means war.
Brin immediately advised Google's Executive Management Team to halt all recruiting of Apple employees until an agreement was discussed.
In the geopolitics of Silicon Valley tech power, Adobe was no match for a corporate superpower like Apple. Inequality of the sort we're experiencing today affects everyone in ways we haven't even thought of — whether it's Jobs bullying slightly lesser executives into joining an illegal wage-theft pact, or the tens of thousands of workers whose wages were artificially lowered, transferred into higher corporate earnings, and higher compensations for those already richest and most powerful to begin with.
Over the next two years, as the tech industry entered another frothing bubble, the secret wage-theft pact which began with Apple, Google and Pixar expanded to include Intuit and Intel. The secret agreements were based on relationships, and those relationships were forged in Silicon Valley's incestuous boards of directors, which in the past has been recognized mostly as a problem for shareholders and corporate governance advocates, rather than for the tens of thousands of employees whose wages and lives are viscerally affected by their clubby backroom deals. Intel CEO Paul Otellini joined Google's board of directors in 2004, a part-time gig that netted Otellini $23 million in 2007, with tens of millions more in Google stock options still in his name — which worked out to $464,000 per Google board event if you only counted the stock options Otellini cashed out — dwarfing what Otellini made off his Intel stock options, despite spending most of his career with the company.
Meanwhile, Eric Schmidt served on Apple's board of directors until 2009, when a DoJ antitrust investigation pushed him to resign. Intuit's chairman at the time, Bill Campbell, also served on Apple's board of directors, and as official advisor — "consigliere" — to Google chief Eric Schmidt, until he resigned from Google in 2010. Campbell, a celebrated figure ("a quasi-religious force for good in Silicon Valley") played a key behind-the-scenes role connecting the various CEOs into the wage-theft pact. Steve Jobs, who took regular Sunday walks with Campbell near their Palo Alto homes, valued Campbell for his ability "to get A and B work out of people," gushing that the conduit at the center of the $9 billion wage theft suit, "loves people, and he loves growing people."
Indeed. Eric Schmidt has been, if anything, even more profuse in his
praise of Campbell. Schmidt credits Campbell for structuring Google when
Schmidt was brought on board in 2001:
His contribution to Google — it is literally not possible to overstate. He
essentially architected the organizational structure.
Court documents show it was Campbell who first brought together Jobs and
Schmidt to form the core of the Silicon Valley wage-theft pact. And
Campbell's name appears as the early conduit bringing Intel into the pact
with Google:
Bill Campbell (Chairman of Intuit Board of Directors, Co-Lead Director of
Apple, and advisor to Google) was also involved in the Google-Intel
agreement, as reflected in an email exchange from 2006 in which Bill
Campbell agreed with Jonathan Rosenberg (Google Advisor to the Office of
CEO and former Senior Vice President of Product Management) that Google
should call [Intel CEO] Paul Otellini before making an offer to an Intel
employee, regardless of whether the Intel employee first approached
Eric Schmidt has A psychotic need to control governments and society. Eric
Schmidt does not think twice about hiring assassins, media hit-job
operators, Black Cube and Fusion GPS hatchet job providers and
bribe-positive lobbyists
In July 2016, Raymond Thomas, a four-star general and head of the U.S. Special Operations Command, hosted a guest: Eric Schmidt, the chairman of Google.
General Thomas, who served within the 1991 gulf war and deployed many times to Afghanistan, spent the higher half of a day showing Mr. Schmidt around Special Operations Command’s headquarters in Tampa, Fla. They scrutinized prototypes for a robotic exoskeleton suit and joined operational briefings, which Mr. Schmidt needed to study extra about as a result of he had recently begun advising the military on technology.
After the go-to, as they rode in a Chevy Suburban towards an airport, the conversation turned to a form of artificial intelligence.
“You absolutely suck at machine learning,” Mr. Schmidt informed General Thomas, the officer recalled. “If I got under your tent for a day, I could solve most of your problems.” General Thomas said he was so offended that he needed to throw Mr. Schmidt out of the car, however refrained.
Four years later, Mr. Schmidt, 65, has channeled his blunt assessment of the military’s tech failings into a private campaign to revamp America’s defense forces with extra engineers, extra software program and extra A.I. In the method, the tech billionaire, who left Google last year, has reinvented himself because of the prime liaison between Silicon Valley and the national security community.
Mr. Schmidt now sits on two government advisory boards aimed toward bounce beginning technological innovation in the Defense Department. His confidants embrace former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger and ex-Deputy Defense Secretary Robert Work. And by means of his personal enterprise capital agency and a $13 billion fortune, Mr. Schmidt has invested millions of {dollars} into more than half a dozen defense start-ups.
In an interview, Mr. Schmidt — by turns thoughtful, pedagogical and hubristic — stated he had embarked on an effort to modernize the U.S. military because it was “stuck in software in the 1980s.”
He portrayed himself as a successful technologist who didn’t consider in retirement and who owed a debt to the country for his wealth — and who now had time and perception to resolve one of America’s hardest issues. The purpose, he stated, “should be to have as many software companies to supply software of many, many different kinds: military, H.R. systems, email systems, things which involve military intelligence, weapons systems and what have you.”
Mr. Schmidt is urgent ahead with a Silicon Valley worldview the place
advances in software program and A.I. are the keys to determining nearly
any situation. While that philosophy has led to social networks that
spread disinformation and different unintended penalties, Mr. Schmidt
stated he was convinced that making use of new and comparatively untested
technology to complex conditions — together with lethal ones — would make
service members extra environment friendly and bolster the United States
in its competition with China.
His techno-solutionism is difficult by his ties to Google.
Though Mr. Schmidt left the corporate’s board final June and has no official working function, he holds $5.Three billion in shares of Google’s parent, Alphabet. He also stays on the payroll as an adviser, incomes a $1 annual wage, with two assistants stationed at Google’s Silicon Valley headquarters.
That has led to allegations that Mr. Schmidt is placing Google’s
financial pursuits forward of different concerns in his protection work.
Late final yr, a federal court ordered a congressional advisory committee
he leads to flip over data that would make clear whether or not Mr.
Schmidt had advocated his business interests whereas heading the group.
Mr. Schmidt stated he had adopted guidelines to keep away from conflicts.
“Everybody is rule-bound at the Pentagon, and we are too,” he stated.
Google and the Defense Department declined to touch upon Mr. Schmidt’s
Even without these issues, shifting the military’s path isn’t any easy process. While Mr. Schmidt has helped generate reports and recommendations about know-how for the Pentagon, few have been adopted.
“I’m sure he’ll be frustrated,” stated Representative Mac Thornberry, a Republican of Texas who nominated Mr. Schmidt in 2018 to an advisory committee on A.I. “Unlike the private sector, you can’t just snap your fingers and make it happen.”
Mr. Schmidt acknowledged that progress was sluggish. “I am bizarrely told by my military friends that they have moved incredibly fast, showing you the difference of time frames between the world I live in and the world they live in,” he stated.
But he stated he had little intention of backing down. “The way to understand the military is that the soldiers spend a great deal of time looking at screens. And human vision is not as good as computer vision,” he stated. “It’s insane that you have people going to service academies, and we spend an enormous amount of training, training these people, and we put them in essentially monotonous work.”
Mr. Schmidt’s first brush with the military got here in 1976, whereas he was in graduate college on the University of California, Berkeley. There, he centered on research on distributed computing, funded by cash from Darpa, an analysis arm of the Defense Department.
The work catapulted Mr. Schmidt into his technology profession. After finishing his graduate studies in pc science, he labored at various tech firms for more than twenty years, together with the networking software maker Novell. In 2001, Google appointed him chief govt.
The search engine firm was then in its infancy. Its 20-something founders, Larry Page and Sergey Brin, were contemporary out of a Stanford University doctorate program and had little business expertise. Mr. Schmidt was hired to assist information them, offering “adult supervision,” which he did — after which some.
Mr. Schmidt took Google public in 2004 and built it right into a behemoth, diversifying into smartphones, cloud computing and self-driving cars. The success turned him right into an enterprise movie star. In 2009, he served as a tech adviser to the Obama administration.
In 2011, with Google price almost $400 billion, the corporate introduced Mr. Page was able to resume the C.E.O. reins. Mr. Schmidt turned govt chairman.
In that function, Mr. Schmidt took on new tasks, many of which introduced him to Washington. In 2012, he participated in categorized briefings on cybersecurity with Pentagon officers as half of the Enduring Security Framework program. In 2015, he attended a seminar on the banks of the Potomac River, hosted by then-Defense Secretary Ash Carter, on the use of know-how inside the government.
“It was all interesting to me,” Mr. Schmidt stated. “I didn’t really know much about it.”
He additionally traveled to North Korea, Afghanistan and Libya whereas writing a guide about know-how and diplomacy, and dabbled in politics, lending technical assist to Hillary Clinton within the run-up to her 2016 presidential marketing campaign.
His enterprise capital fund, Innovation Endeavors, was lively too. It invested in start-ups like Planet Labs, which operates satellites and sells the imagery to protection and intelligence companies, and Team8, a cybersecurity firm based by former Israeli intelligence members.
At the 2016 World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, Mr. Carter requested Mr. Schmidt to fulfill. He had a proposal: Could Mr. Schmidt lead the Defense Innovation Board, a civilian advisory group tasked with bringing new technology to the Pentagon?
“We were in one of these dumpy hotels, and there he is with his small entourage walking in, and he basically said to me, ‘This is what I want to do. You’d be the perfect person to be chairman,’” Mr. Schmidt said.
Mr. Schmidt said he turned down the function as a result of he was busy and had no military background. But Mr. Carter argued that Mr. Schmidt’s tech experience was wanted, because the U.S. military — which had as soon as been a middle of innovation — was falling behind companies like Google and Facebook in software and A.I.
Mr. Schmidt finally agreed. (Mr. Carter didn’t reply to requests for remark.)
As head of the Defense Innovation Board, Mr. Schmidt started touring navy bases, plane carriers and plutonium strongholds. The journeys, which took Mr. Schmidt to about 100 bases in locations like Fayetteville, N.C., and Osan, South Korea, have been a definite break from his well-heeled life in Silicon Valley.
“You want to see these things,” Mr. Schmidt stated. “I received the nuclear missile tour. Things which are exhausting. I received a tour of Cheyenne Mountain so I might perceive what their actuality was.”
One of the primary journeys was to Tampa to go to General Thomas, who is
named Tony, the place Mr. Schmidt saw maps and reside video feeds
displayed on huge screens. “Eric’s observation was that a huge part of
what the military does is it sits and watches,” stated Josh Marcuse, the
then executive director of the Defense Innovation Board who was on the
The visits made tangible what Mr. Carter had told Mr. Schmidt about how
the military was lagging in technology. Mr. Schmidt quickly made ideas to
vary that.
Some of his concepts have been impractical. Eric Rosenbach, then the chief of workers to Mr. Carter, recalled Mr. Schmidt as soon as telling him that the Pentagon can be higher off if it employed nobody however engineers for a year.
Others have been helpful. At an Air Force facility in Qatar in 2016, Mr. Schmidt visited officers who scheduled flight paths for the tankers that refueled planes. They used a white board and dry-erase markers to set the schedule, taking eight hours to finish the duty.
Mr. Schmidt stated he recalled considering, “Really? This is how you run the air war?” Afterward, he and others on the Defense Department labored with the tech company Pivotal to ship software to the officers.
On one other journey to a navy base in South Korea in 2017, an intelligence analyst complained to Mr. Schmidt that the software program he used to evaluate surveillance movies from North Korea was clunky.
“Let me guess,” Mr. Schmidt said, according to a Defense Department aide who traveled with him. “You don’t have the flexibility to change that.”
In December 2017, Mr. Schmidt stepped down as Google’s chairman however remained on the board. He said he was seeking a brand new chapter.
“If I stayed as chairman, then next year would have been the same as the previous year, and I wanted a change of emphasis,” said Mr. Schmidt. “As chairman of Google, what I did is I ran around and gave speeches, and went to Brussels and all the things that Google still does today. It’s much better to work on these new things for me.”
Google declined to comment on Mr. Schmidt’s departure as chairman.
By then, Mr. Schmidt’s ties to Google had induced issues in his protection work. In 2016, Roma Laster, a Defense Department worker, filed a complaint on the company elevating considerations about Mr. Schmidt and conflicts of curiosity, Mr. Marcuse stated.
In the complaint, earlier reported by ProPublica, Ms. Laster, who labored with the Defense Innovation Board, said Mr. Schmidt had requested a service member what cloud computing providers their unit used and whether or not they had thought-about options. She stated Mr. Schmidt confronted a battle of interest as a result of he worked for Google, which additionally gives cloud services.
Mr. Marcuse, who now works at Google, said Mr. Schmidt was “scrupulous and diligent” in avoiding conflicts. Mr. Schmidt said he adopted the principles forbidding conflicts of interest. Ms. Laster didn’t reply to requests for remark.
Mr. Schmidt quickly received caught up in one other situation between Google and the military. Google had signed a contract in 2017 to assist the Pentagon to construct methods to automatically analyze drone footage to identify particular objects like buildings, vehicles, and people.
Mr. Schmidt was a proponent of the hassle, known as Project Maven. He stated he inspired the Pentagon to pursue it and testified in Congress in regards to the undertaking’s deserves, however was not concerned within the company’s selection of Google.
But the effort blew up in 2018 when Google employees protested and stated they didn’t need their work to result in deadly strikes. More than 3,000 staff signed a letter to Mr. Pichai, saying the contract would undermine the general public’s belief within the firm.
Eric Schmidt has a secret staff of “Consultants” that cruise Match.com for sex targets for him. Larry Ellison has his private jet fly around and pick up girls from different cities and drop others to their original cities. Schmidt and Ellison pilots swap notes on girls for each of their oligarch bosses.
It was a black eye for Mr. Schmidt. Military officers, who stated Project Maven was not getting used for deadly missions, condemned Google for abandoning the contract. Google staff additionally criticized Mr. Schmidt’s ties to the Pentagon.
“He has very different goals and values than the engineers at his company,” stated Jack Poulson, a Google worker who protested Mr. Schmidt’s military work and who has since left the company.
Mr. Schmidt said he sidestepped discussions about Project Maven as a result of of conflict-of-interest guidelines, however wished he might have weighed in. “I would have certainly had an opinion,” he stated.
Last April, Mr. Schmidt announced he deliberate to go away Google’s board. He had helped create an A.I. middle backed by the Pentagon in 2018 and had additionally turn into co-chair of the National Security Commission on Artificial Intelligence, a brand new group advising Congress on developing A.I. for defense.
A month after leaving Google, Mr. Schmidt invested in Rebellion Defense, a software program start-up based by former Defense Department staff that analyzes video gathered through drone. His enterprise agency later put more cash into the company, and Mr. Schmidt joined its board.
The funding led to extra bother. The Electronic Privacy Information Center, a nonprofit privateness and civil liberties group, sued the A.I. commission last September for failing to show over data. EPIC said the group was stacked with industry executives like Mr. Schmidt and others from Microsoft, Amazon and Oracle, who could potentially sway the government in favor of their companies’ interests.
Mr. Schmidt was underneath scrutiny as a result of of Rebellion Defense and the way he might push the government to make use of the start-up’s services, EPIC said.
“We don’t have any public disclosure about what information Eric has
provided to the commission about his business interests,” said John
Davisson, a legal professional at EPIC.
In December, a district court dominated the A.I. fee should disclose the
data requested by EPIC. The fee has launched a whole lot of pages of
paperwork, most of which don’t contain Mr. Schmidt or his companies. EPIC
stated extra data are set to be launched.
Chris Lynch, the chief executive of Rebellion Defense, said Mr. Schmidt suggested the company solely on hiring and growth. Mr. Schmidt said he didn’t advocate for the Defense Department to purchase technology from the start-up.
He has continued plowing forward. In November, he unveiled a $1 billion dedication by means of Schmidt Futures, the philanthropic agency that he runs along with his spouse, Wendy, to fund education for those who want to work in public service.
To be fair, nobody knows for sure exactly what goes on in Eric Schmidt's $15 million penthouse at 31 W. 21st Street. For all we know, the ...
Schmidt's other Manhattan properties have included a $15 million, 6,000-square-foot Flatiron penthouse — which was featured in Oliver Stone's ...
Hey ladies, let go of your panties and step inside Google boss Eric Schmidt's fully soundproofed $15 million penthouse at 31 W. 21st St., ...
Google boss Eric Schmidt has splashed out $15 million on a sprawling Manhattan penthouse in the trendy Flatiron District to be close to at ...
Earlier today, The New York Post reported about Schmidt and his recent purchase. A Penthouse apartment located in Flatiron, a borough of Manhattan, in New York ...
Google's Eric Schmidt Spent $15 Million On A NYC Penthouse, And Then Made It Soundproof ... Former Google CEO, and current chairman, Eric Schmidt ...
Google chairman Eric Schmidt's penthouse, his arguments with Steve Jobs and relationship with Obama.
Eric Schmidt for $14.6 million, now serves exclusively as Schmidt's sex penthouse. Because of course it does. Honestly, it would have been ...
Eric Schmidt's So-called Sex Penthouse; Buyers Demand Apartments Fully Stocked ... Google's Eric Schmidt gives $15 M. to create hilly terrain on ...
Financier Michael Daffey has sold his Noho penthouse for $24.6 million to Eric Schmidt, the ex-Google boss. The 6,350-square-foot penthouse property, ...
The British tabloid reported that he had carried out a three-year affair with former CNBC correspondent Kate Bohner from 2007-2010. He has also ...
There was Marcy Simon, a leggy blonde PR executive in her mid-40s who was spotted with him on holiday on the French Riviera in 2006 and, ...
In recent years, the tech bigwig has been linked with high-profile ladies including fashion designer Shoshanna Gruss, socialite Ulla Parker and ...
And then Schmidt was seen with yet another woman, Kate Bohner (it's pronounced Bonner, not Boner), a wild-living ex-TV reporter who'd once co- ...
The pair are said to have an open marriage. Billionaire ex-Google CEO Eric Schmidt, 66, has been spotted with a new.
One of Schmidt's first extramarital relationships was with Marcy Simon, a well-known New York public-relations executive, which reportedly began ...
Schmidt also reportedly had a 3-year love affair with TV personality Kate Bohner. This information has recently come out because a friend of Ms.
Former Google CEO Eric Schmidt has faced a backlash since Politico reported earlier this week that he indirectly funds and wields unusually ...
The following is a transcript of an interview with a
Google/Facebook/DARPA insider that was conducted with a member of the
Anonymous Patriots, a citizen journalist group aligned with the American
Intelligence Media. The person interviewed wishes to remain anonymous and
for purposes of the interview will be called Jane Doe. This conversation
took place on…
Getting Google on board with the wage-theft pact was the key for Apple
from the start — articles in the tech press in 2005 pointed at Google's
recruitment drive and incentives were the key reason why tech wages soared
that year, at the highest rate in well over a decade.
Campbell helped bring in Google, Intel, and, in 2006, Campbell saw to it that Intuit — the company he chaired — also joined the pact.
From the peaks of Silicon Valley, Campbell's interpersonal skills were magical and awe-inspiring, a crucial factor in creating so much unimaginable wealth for their companies and themselves. Jobs said of Campbell:
There is something deeply human about him.
And Schmidt swooned:
He is my closest confidant...because he is the definition of trust.
Things — and people — look very different when you're down in the Valley. In the nearly 100-page court opinion issued last October by Judge Koh granting class status to the lawsuit, Campbell comes off as anything but mystical and "deeply human." He comes off as a scheming consigliere carrying out some of the drearier tasks that the oligarchs he served were constitutionally not so capable of arranging without him.
But the realities of inequality and capitalism invariably lead to
mysticism of this sort, a natural human response to the dreary realities
of concentrating so much wealth and power in the hands of a dozen
interlocking board members at the expense of 100,000 employees, and so
many other negative knock-off effects on the politics and culture of the
world they dominate.
One of the more telling elements to this lawsuit is the role played by
"Star Wars" creator George Lucas, who emerges as the Obi-Wan Kenobi of the
wage-theft scheme. It's almost too perfectly symbolic that Lucas — the
symbiosis of Baby Boomer New Age mysticism, Left Coast power, political
infantilism, and dreary 19th century labor exploitation — should be
responsible for dreaming up the wage theft scheme back in the mid-1980s,
when Lucas sold the computer animation division of Lucasfilm, Pixar, to
Steve Jobs.
As Pixar went independent in 1986, Lucas explained his philosophy about how competition for computer engineers violated his sense of normalcy — and profit margins. According to court documents:
George Lucas believed that companies should not compete against each
other for employees, because '[i]t's not normal industrial competitive
situation.' As George Lucas explained, 'I always — the rule we had, or the
rule that I put down for everybody,' was that 'we cannot get into a
bidding war with other companies because we don't have the margins for
that sort of thing.'
Translated, Lucas' wage-reduction agreement meant that Lucasfilm and Pixar
agreed to a) never cold call each other's employees; b) notify each other
if making an offer to an employee of the other company, even if that
employee applied for the job on his or her own without being recruited; c)
any offer made would be "final" so as to avoid a costly bidding war that
would drive up not just the employee's salary, but also drive up the pay
scale of every other employee in the firm.
Jobs held to this agreement, and used it as the basis two decades later to suppress employee costs just as fierce competition was driving up tech engineers' wages.
The companies argued that the non-recruitment agreements had nothing to do with driving down wages. But the court ruled that there was "extensive documentary evidence" that the pacts were designed specifically to push down wages, and that they succeeded in doing so. The evidence includes software tools used by the companies to keep tabs on pay scales to ensure that within job "families" or titles, pay remained equitable within a margin of variation, and that as competition and recruitment boiled over in 2005, emails between executives and human resources departments complained about the pressure on wages caused by recruiters cold calling their employees, and bidding wars for key engineers.
Google, like the others, used a "salary algorithm" to ensure salaries remained within a tight band across like jobs. Although tech companies like to claim that talent and hard work are rewarded, in private, Google's "People Ops" department kept overall compensation essentially equitable by making sure that lower-paid employees who performed well got higher salary increases than higher-paid employees who also performed well.
As Intel's director of Compensation and Benefits bluntly summed up the Silicon Valley culture's official cant versus its actual practices,
While we pay lip service to meritocracy, we really believe more in treating everyone the same within broad bands.
The companies in the pact shared their salary data with each other in order to coordinate and keep down wages — something unimaginable had the firms not agreed to not compete for each other's employees. And they fired their own recruiters on just a phone call from a pact member CEO.
In 2007, when Jobs learned that Google tried recruiting one of Apple's employees, he forwarded the message to Eric Schmidt with a personal comment attached: "I would be very pleased if your recruiting department would stop doing this."
Within an hour, Google made a "public example" by "terminating" the recruiter in such a manner as to "(hopefully) prevent future occurrences."
Likewise, when Intel CEO Paul Otellini heard that Google was recruiting their tech staff, he sent a message to Eric Schmidt: "Eric, can you pls help here???"
The next day, Schmidt wrote back to Otellini: "If we find that a recruiter called into Intel, we will terminate the recruiter."
One of the reasons why non-recruitment works so well in artificially lowering workers' wages is that it deprives employees of information about the job market, particularly one as competitive and overheating as Silicon Valley's in the mid-2000s. As the companies' own internal documents and statements showed, they generally considered cold-calling recruitment of "passive" talent — workers not necessarily looking for a job until enticed by a recruiter — to be the most important means of hiring the best employees.
Just before joining the wage-theft pact with Apple, Google's human resources executives are quoted sounding the alarm that they needed to "dramatic
ally increase the engineering hiring rate" and that would require "drain[ing] competitors to accomplish this rate of hiring." One CEO who noticed Google's hiring spree was eBay CEO Meg Whitman, who in early 2005 called Eric Schmidt to complain, "Google is the talk of the Valley because [you] are driving up salaries across the board." Around this time, eBay entered an illegal wage-theft non-solicitation scheme of its own with Bill Campbell's Intuit, which is still being tried in ongoing federal and California state suits.
Google placed the highest premium on "passive" talent that they cold-called because "passively sourced candidates offer[ed] the highest yield," according to court documents. The reason is like the old Groucho Marx joke about not wanting to belong to a club that would let you join it — workers actively seeking a new employer were assumed to have something wrong with them; workers who weren't looking were assumed to be the kind of good happy talented workers that company poachers would want on their team.
For all of the high-minded talk of post-industrial technotopia and Silicon Valley as worker's paradise, what we see here in stark ugly detail is how the same old world scams and rules are still operative.
One key tech voice responded: "When I was a young scientist working on the fledgling creation that came to be known as the internet, the ethos that defined the culture we were building was characterized by words such as ethical, open, trusted, free, shared. None of us knew where our research would lead, but these words and principles were our beacon.
We did not anticipate that the dark side of the internet would emerge
with such ferocity. Or that we would feel an urgent need to fix it.
How did we get from there to here?
While studying for my doctorate at MIT in the early 1960s, I recognized the need to create a mathematical theory of networks that would allow disparate computers to communicate. Later that decade, the Advanced Research Projects Agency — a research funding arm of the Department of Defense created in response to Sputnik — determined they needed a network based on my theory so that their computer research centers could share work remotely.
My UCLA computer lab was selected to be the first node of this network. Fifty years ago — on Oct. 29, 1969 — a simple “Lo” became the first internet message, from UCLA to Stanford Research Institute. We had typed the first two letters of “login” when the network crashed.
This quiet little moment of transmission over that two-computer communication network is regarded as the founding moment of the internet.
During its first 25 years, the internet grew dramatically and organically
with the user community seeming to follow the same positive principles the
scientists did. We scientists sought neither patents nor private ownership
of this networking technology. We were nerds in our element, busily
answering the challenge to create new technology that would benefit the
Around 1994, the internet began to change quickly as dot-coms came online,
the network channels escalated to gigabit speeds and the World Wide Web
became a common household presence. That same year, Amazon was founded and
Netscape, the first commercial web browser, was released.
And on April 12, 1994, a “small” moment with enormous meaning occurred: The transmission of the first widely circulated spam email message, a brazen advertisement. The collective response of our science community was “How dare they?” Our miraculous creation, a “research” network capable of boundless computing magnificence had been hijacked to sell … detergent?
By 1995, the internet had 50 million users worldwide. The commercial world had recognized something we had not foreseen: The internet could be used as a powerful shopping machine, a gossip chamber, an entertainment channel and a social club. The internet had suddenly become a money-making machine.
With the profit motive taking over the internet, the very nature of innovation changed. Averting risk dominated the direction of technical progress. We no longer pursued “moonshots.” Instead advancement came via baby steps — “design me a 5% faster Bluetooth connection” as opposed to “build me an internet.” An online community that had once been convivial transformed into one of competition, antagonism and extremism.
And then as the millennium ended, our revolution took a more disturbing turn that we continue to grapple with today.
By suddenly providing the power for anyone to immediately reach millions of people inexpensively and anonymously, we had inadvertently also created the perfect formula for the “dark” side to spread like a virus all over the world. Today more than 50% of email is spam, but far more troubling issues have emerged — including denial of service attacks that can immobilize critical financial institutions and malicious botnets that can cripple essential infrastructure sectors.
Other dangerous players, such as nation-states, started coming onto the scene around 2010, when Stuxnet malware appeared. Organized crime recognized the internet could be used for international money laundering, and extremists found the internet to be a convenient megaphone for their radical views. Artificial intelligence, machine learning, facial recognition, biometrics and other advanced technologies could be used by governments to weaken democratic institutions.
The balkanization of the internet is now conceivable as firewalls spring up around national networks.
We could try to push the internet back toward its ethical roots. However,
it would be a complex challenge requiring a joint effort by interested
parties — which means pretty much everyone.
We should pressure government officials and entities to more zealously
monitor and adjudicate such internet abuses as cyberattacks, data breaches
and piracy. Governments also should provide a forum to bring interested
parties together to problem-solve.
Citizen-users need to hold websites more accountable. When was the last time a website asked what privacy policy you would like applied to you? My guess is never. You should be able to clearly articulate your preferred privacy policy and reject websites that don’t meet your standards. This means websites should provide a privacy policy customized to you, something they should be able to do since they already customize the ads you see. Websites should also be required to take responsibility for any violations and abuses of privacy that result from their services.
Scientists need to create more advanced methods of encryption to protect individual privacy by preventing perpetrators from using stolen databases. We are working on technologies that would hide the origin and destination of data moving around the network, thereby diminishing the value of captured network traffic. Blockchain, the technology that underpins bitcoin and other digital currencies, also offers the promise of irrefutable, indisputable data ledgers.
If we work together to make these changes happen, it might be possible to return to the internet I knew.
So you thought the stories about a political sex cult that uses the Match.com cartel to source victims was made up? Here are the hard facts you can research, on your own, from the published police reports:
These tech cartel perpetrators operate a massive and abusive national sex scheme. The perverts in the SandHill Road Venture Capital offices (ie: Kleiner Perkins, Greylock, Andreesen, Khosla, Draper Fisher, etc.) , located between Highway 280 down to to Santa Cruz Avenue on Sand Hill Road in Menlo Park, California, are the main perpetrators of this global cartel. They have taken over online dating sites and social media sites and used them to (SEE THE PROOF AT: http://www.webco22.com/social ) spy on the public, harvest photos, put opposing citizens on 'watch-lists', source underage sex, run HONEY TRAP campaigns and other crimes.
Now that THE LINCOLN PROJECT has been revealed to be an underage sex ring and the White House is again filled with sex scandal conflicts-of-interest, and Silicon Valley's sex trafficking has only gotten worse, it is impossible to deny the fact that these political manipulators are covering up a sex perversion cult.
They have dozens of executive pimp-like providers who meet with them at their homes, offices and parties and manage the operations of this sex ring.
( https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2018/01/brotopia-silicon-valley-secretive-orgiastic-inner-sanctum )
Their executives at Google, Facebook, Netflix, Linkedin, Twitter, and
their related holdings, comprise the rest. The Harvey Weinstein and Ed
Buck sex scandals are well known.
( https://ktla.com/2019/09/17/dem-donor-ed-buck-arrested-after-3rd-mans-overdose-charged-with-operating-west-hollywood-drug-house/ )
These sex cult actions have been widely covered in the news
individually, ie:
- The Joe Lonsdale rape case
( https://europetodaynews.wordpress.com/2017/04/28/joe-lonsdale-rapist-abusive-frat-boy-and-mysoginst-or-gods-gift-to-women/ )
- The Kleiner Perkins Ellen Pao sex abuse lawsuit
( https://www.eandblaw.com/employment-discrimination-blog/2016/02/19/pao-v-kleiner-perkins/ )
- The Eric Schmidt sex penthouse
( https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2377785/Google-CEO-serial-womanizer-Eric-Schmidt-spends-15-million-dollars-private-doorman-Manhattan-penthouse-totally-soundproofed.html )
- The Jeffrey Epstein case
( https://www.miamiherald.com/news/local/article220097825.html )
- The Google Forrest Hayes hooker murder case
( https://www.usatoday.com/story/tech/2014/07/09/google-exec-hayes-killed-by-call-girl/12422797/ )
- The Google Andy Rubin sex slave case
( https://conservativedailypost.com/android-co-founder-accused-of-running-sex-slave-ring/ )
- The Sergy Brin 3-way sex romp scandal
( https://nexter.org/google-sex-scandal-sergey-brin-playboy-book-alleges )
- The Steve Bing Case
( https://newspunch.com/steve-bing-clinton-friend-associate-epstein-links-dead/ )
- The Hydrant investigation
( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Hydrant )
- The Elon Musk Steve Jurvetson billionaire sex parties scandals
( https://pagesix.com/2018/02/12/elon-musk-sported-interesting-getup-at-alleged-sex-party/ )
- The NXIVM sexual slave cases
( https://www.oxygen.com/crime-time/nxivm-sex-slave-details-horrific-allegations-against-keith-raniere )
- The Robert Scoble Sex Crimes
( https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/doree/woman-accuses-robert-scoble-of-sexual-harassment#.sxze4kzxl8 )
- The San Francisco 'One Taste' Sex Cult for Tech Elites now under FBI
( https://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-8962029/Inside-orgasm-cult-investigation-FBI.html )
- The Michael Goguen anal sex slave case
( https://www.news.com.au/finance/tech-titan-michael-goguen-of-sequioa-capital-kept-amber-baptiste-as-a-sex-slave-for-13-years/news-story/91012180fc3b23d50c1e6be8105c92e7 )
- The Tom Perkins Hooker Parties
( https://fortune.com/2018/01/02/brotopia-book-silicon-valley-sex-party/ )
SEE: .( https://www.pacer.gov/ )
This group of people have proven themselves, over and over, to be sociopath control freaks not fit for participation in public commerce, public policy or media control.
( https://nypost.com/2018/01/03/book-details-tech-bros-drug-fueled-sex-parties-in-silicon-valley/ )
** The Four Seasons Hotel and Rosewood Hotels in Silicon Valley are estimated to engage in over $30,000.00 of high-end escort sex trafficking per day, a portion of it managed by Eastern Bloc Mafia operators.
** FYI - "High End Escorts" are actually any girl with visible ab muscles, a symmetrical cute face, who will take a dick in the ass and is under 28 years old! In the San Francisco Mission district they charge $100.00 and are called 'Hookers'. In Palo Alto they charge $1500.00+ and are called 'Escorts'.
( https://www.thedailybeast.com/silicon-valleys-sex-workers-are-being-priced-out-of-the-city-by-their-own-clients )
( https://escortontop.com/hotel-escorts.htm )
( https://www.vanityfair.com/culture/2013/05/silicon-valley-cougar-nights-love )
( https://www.quora.com/Do-escorts-really-use-the-Rosewood-Hotel-lobby-bar-in-Menlo-Park )
** - The Elon Musk sex perversions are the tip of the iceberg.
( https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8426719/Cara-Delevingne-three-way-affair-Amber-Heard-Elon-Musk.html )
** At least 10 Ukrainian escorts fly in and out of SFO and SJO airports every week for these Cartel members. Google boss David Drummond engaged in horrible philandering sexual violations of his wife yet Google covers up every story about it on the web. Google's Eric Schmidt is under massive investigation.
** You hear about the female victims of this sex cult but you rarely hear about the young male victims. One of their vast numbers of prostitutes is quoted as saying that the girls and boys are paid "not just for sex but for the oligarch's endless need to feel that they can control anyone for any reason...". Multiple attorney general's controlled by their cartel, ie: Eric Schneiderman and Eliot Spitzer , are involved this these sex rings.
( https://newspunch.com/eric-schneiderman-nxivm-child-sex-slaves-clintons/ )
( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eliot_Spitzer )
These are the main influencers of a national public policy and they are all involved in horrific sex perversions and abuses! The associates political figures financed by this sex Cartel include: Illinois State Representative, Keith Farnham, who has resigned and was charged with possession of child pornography and has been accused of bragging at an online site about sexually molesting a 6-year-old girl; Spokesperson for the Arkansas Democratic Party, Harold Moody, Jr, who was charged with distribution and possession of child pornography; Radnor Township Board of Commissioners member, Philip Ahr, who resigned from his position after being charged with possession of child pornography and abusing children between 2 and 6 years-old; Activist and BLM organizer, Charles Wade, who was arrested and charged with human trafficking and underage prostitution; well known pedo Nicholas Guido Denton promotes himself as a cock holster and actively seeks out young boys to work at his tabloids; Texas attorney and activist, Mark Benavides, who was charged with having sex with a minor, inducing a child under 18 to have sex and compelling prostitution of at least nine legal clients and possession of child pornography, he was found guilty on six counts of sex trafficking; Virginia Delegate, Joe Morrissey, who was indicted on charges connected to his relationship with a 17-year-old girl and was charged with supervisory indecent liberties with a minor, electronic solicitation of a minor, possession of child pornography and distribution of child pornography; Massachusetts Congressman, Gerry Studds, who was censured by the House of Representatives after he admitted to an inappropriate relationship with a 17-year-old page; Former Mayor of Stillwater, New York, Rick Nelson who was plead guilty to five counts of possession of child pornography of children less than 16 years of age; Mayor of Clayton, New York, Dale Kenyon, who was indicted for sexual acts against a teenager; Former Mayor of Hubbard, Ohio, Richard Keenan, who was given a life sentence in jail for raping a 4-year-old girl; Former Mayor of Winston, Oregeon, Kenneth Barrett, who was arrested for setting up a meeting to have sex with a 14-year-old girl who turned out to be a police officer; The Mayor of Randolph, Nebraska, Dwayne L. Schutt, who was arrested and charged with four counts of felony third-degree sexual assault of a child and one count of intentional child abuse. The associates political figures financed by this sex Cartel also include: The Former Mayor of Dawson, Georgia, Christopher Wright, who was indicted on the charges of aggravated child molestation, aggravated sodomy, rape, child molestation and statutory rape of an 11-year-old boy and a 12-year-old girl; Former Mayor of Stockton, California, Anthony Silva, who was charged with providing alcohol to young adults during a game of strip poker that included a 16-year-old boy at a camp for underprivileged children run by the mayor; Former Mayor of Millbrook, New York, Donald Briggs, who was arrested and charged with inappropriate sexual contact with a person younger than 17; The party leader for Victoria County, Texas, Stephen Jabbour, who plead guilty to possession and receiving over half a million child pornographic images; DNC activist and fundraiser, Terrence Bean, who was arrested on charges of sodomy and sex abuse in a case involving a 15-year-old boy; DNC Party Chairman for Davidson County, Tennessee, Rodney Mullin, who resigned amid child pornography allegations; DNC activist, Andrew Douglas Reed, who pleaded guilty to multiple counts of 2nd-degree sexual exploitation of a minor for producing child pornography; DNC official from Terre Haute, Indiana, David Roberts who was sentenced to federal prison for producing and possessing child pornography including placing hidden cameras in the bedrooms and bathrooms at a home he shared with two minor female victims; Democratic California Congressman, Tony Cárdenas, who is being sued in LA County for allegedly sexually abused a 16-year-old girl; Democratic aide to Senator Barbara Boxer, Jeff Rosato, who plead guilty to charges of trading in child pornography; Alaskan State Representative, Dean Westlake, who resigned from his seat after the media published a report alleging he fathered a child with a 16-year-old girl when he was 28; New Jersey State Assemblyman, Neil Cohen, who was convicted of possession and distribution of child pornography; DNC donor and billionaire, Jeffrey Epstein, ran an underage child sex brothel for The Commission and was convicted of soliciting underage girls for prostitution; New York Congressman, Anthony Weiner, who plead guilty to transferring obscene material to a minor as part of a plea agreement for sexted and sending Twitter DMs to underage girls as young as 15; DNC donor, activist, and Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein is being criminally prosecuted and civilly sued for years of sexual abuse (that was well known “secret” in Hollywood) including underage sexual activities with aspiring female actresses; DNC activist and #metoo proponent, Asia Argento, settled a lawsuit for sexual harassment stemming from sexual activities with an underage actor; Mayor of Racine, Wisconsin, Gary Becker, who was convicted of attempted child seduction, child pornography, and other child sex crimes; Democratic Seattle Mayor Ed Murray resigned after multiple accusations of child sexual abuse were levied against him including by family members; San Francisco Mayoral candidate John Molinari had his daughter removed from his home by San Francisco Police for his abuse of her according to SFPD reports; San Francisco Mayoral candidate Roger Boas was arrested for running an underage sex brothel which catered to San Francisco political elite; DNC activist and aid to NYC Mayor De Blasio, Jacob Schwartz was arrested on possession of 3,000+ child pornographic images; Democratic activist and actor, Russell Simmons, was sued based on an allegation of sexual assault where he coerced an underage model for sex; DNC Governor of Oregon, Neil Goldschmidt, after being caught by a newspaper, publicly admitted to having a past sexual relationship with a 13-year-old girl after the statute of limitations on the rape charges had expired; Democratic Illinois Congressman, Mel Reynolds resigned from Congress after he was convicted of statutory rape of a 16-year-old campaign volunteer; Democratic New York Congressman, Fred Richmond, was arrested in Washington D.C. for soliciting sex from a 16-year-old boy; Democratic activist, donor, and director, Roman Polanski, fled the country after pleading guilty to statutory rape of a 13-year-old girl - Democrats and Hollywood actors still defend him to this day, including, Whoopi Goldberg, Martin Scorcese, Woody Allen, David Lynch, Wim Wenders, Pedro Almodovar, Tilda Swinton and Monica Bellucci; Democratic State Senator from Alaska, George Jacko, was found guilty of sexual harassment of an underage legislative page; Democratic State Representative candidate for Colorado, Andrew Myers, was convicted for possession of child pornography and enticing children; Illinois Congressman, Gus Savage was investigated by the Democrat-controlled House Committee on Ethics for attempting to rape an underage female Peace Corps volunteer in Zaire; Activist, donor, and spokesperson for Subway, Jared Fogle, was convicted of distribution and receipt of child pornography and traveling to engage in illicit sexual conduct with a minor; State Department official, Carl Carey, under Hillary Clinton’s state department, was arrested on ten counts of child porn possession; Maine Assistant Attorney General, James Cameron, was sentenced to just over 15 years in federal prison for seven counts of child porn possession, receipt and transmission; Leading DNC boss and financier Ed Buck was arrested for killing gay prostitutes and running a sex and drug ring; State Department official, Daniel Rosen, under Hillary Clinton’s state department, was arrested and charged with allegedly soliciting sex from a minor over the internet; State Department official, James Cafferty, pleaded guilty to one count of transportation of child pornography; Democratic radio host, Bernie Ward, plead guilty to one count of sending child pornography over the Internet; Democratic deputy attorney general from California, Raymond Liddy, was arrested for possession of child pornography. There are THOUSANDS of other sex crime cases involving associates of the tech Cartel. All of these perpetrators had financing from and social and political direction from the Silicon Valley controlling perpetrators.Former Presi dent of Drag Queen Story Hour Foundation And Children’s Court Judge Arrested On Seven Counts Of Child Porn
** An inordinate number of the members are closeted homosexuals who seek to use their media monopolies and massive lobbyist ownership's to promote child sex and child sex change consideration. They have fake straight wives, called "beards" to help them keep up the appearance of being straight. A large portion of the so-called "Paypal Mafia" are homosexual.They organize to promote Netflix and similar media outlets to produce underage gay sex movies and normalize their deviant interests in a radical political manner. In San Francisco LGBTQ means which hole you stick your dick or tongue in.
( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PayPal_Mafia )
Hence the massive, sudden, promotion of those issues in all of their media since they took power in 2008 and pretty much ran the Obama White House.
( https://www.nytimes.com/2014/07/20/fashion/silicon-valley-embrace-gay-and-lesbian-community.html )
( https://www.wired.com/2007/11/how-paypal-gave/ )
( https://topica.asia/news/biggest-secret-of-silicon-valley-mafia-network/ )
Just like the Taliban don't give a second thought to cutting off someone's head, the German's don't blink about gassing and cooking Jews, ISIS has no qualms about making young prisoners into sex slaves, et al...these tech nut balls live in, and operate, a TED-based brain washing culture that promotes "ANY EVIL FOR THE POWER OF THE CAUSE". The "Cause" is pure yuppie greed and control of society for their own self-satisfaction. Youtube's Ann Wojcicki, Theranos' Elizabeth Holmes and Tesla's Elon Musk are psychologically incapable of seeing the fact that they are sociopath assholes.
When they cruise down to Robert's snooty market in Woodside, California; they reinforce each other's fantasy perception of the fake world they have created with their air kisses and their snide comments. Their mutual tunnel-vision has set them on the path to madness. Thousands of their employees, business partners, neighbors, ex-boyfriends and girlfriends have testified to their mentally unstable conditions. They have no right to run monopolies in America using resources paid for by the taxpayers!
They assholes of tech are now being systematically hunted down, exposed and terminated using 100% legal AI and Law Enforcement digital forensics!
Why does the Silicon Valley-controlled "Main-stream Media" cover all of these news stories up? Because they are part of the crimes!
So, after all that evidence, the politicians and their main stream media shills want to deny that the "Q" case exists. (The "Q" case is a charge that famous politicians and their financiers are involved in a sex ring). Let's take a look at the biggest deny queen of the sex cult: Nancy Pelosi:
Nancy Pelosi has a pizza parlor in San Francisco called: GOAT HILL PIZZA.
It is on Potrero Hill at : 300 Connecticut St, San Francisco, CA
94107-2816 - Phone: +1 415 641 1440.Right around the corner is the public
library where the NAMBLA pedophile club meets and they get their pizza
from GOAT HILL PIZZA as an ode to The Pelosi’s who protect famous people
in San Francisco who are peds. Roger Boas, the City Hall boss arrested for
running a child prostitution ring for other officials, used GOAT HILL
PIZZAS back room for sex ring arrangement meetings
So what is the “Bottom-Line” here?: If the government does not have the
balls to arrest them, then you, the public, need to do take them down!
The Founders Of March.Com Turned The Internet Into A Nightmare And You Can
Use The Nightmares Of The Web Against Them
50 years after internet conception, dark side stirs fear...
'Anonymity is two-edged sword'...
KLEINROCK: I helped invent. How did it go so wrong?
Tim Berners-Lee warns power for good 'under threat'...
Number of kids watching online videos soars...
The Town Where WiFi Is Illegal...
APPLE resumes human listening to Siri audio...
GOOGLE Funds 29 Journalism Projects That Swing Left...
FACEBOOK Censoring Conservatives; Company Blames 'Moderation Mistakes'...
Janet Abbate, The Washington Post
This week, we celebrate what many consider the 50th birthday of the Internet. The underpinnings of the World Wide Web originated in an American communications network built for national defense and the pursuit of knowledge: ARPANET. Funded by the Defense Department's Advanced Research Projects Agency, the network was designed so that scientists could share computer hardware, software and data.
It worked. In the ensuing decades, the ARPANET, and after the 1980s, the National Science Foundation Network (NSFNET), did indeed allow scientists to collaboratively build knowledge around networked tools and information. But expanding access to the Internet, combined with looser government regulations, ultimately produced a situation no one foresaw or intended. On today's Internet, conspiracy theories run rampant, identities can be faked and our real-life elections are vulnerable to manipulation. A network designed for spreading truth became a profit-driven industry, a public sphere that threatens to undermine the public good.
The original ARPANET was designed for a relatively small community of people united by a technical challenge. At the time, computers from different manufacturers ran incompatible software, and long-distance data communications links were costly and unreliable. Networks connected only a few identical computers within a small region.
But ARPANET had an audacious proposal: It would span the continental United States to connect 15 research sites encompassing a diverse array of computers.
"Almost every conceivable item of computer hardware and software will be in the network," project leader Larry Roberts pointed out. "This is the greatest challenge of the system, as well as its greatest ultimate value." As a leading funder of computer science research, ARPA was able to mobilize a talented group of faculty and graduate students to design, build and debug the network, sending the first message on Oct. 29, 1969.
Like many academic environments, the ARPANET community was open and informal, and security was lax; in the early 1970s, students were rumored to have used the network to conduct transcontinental drug deals alongside their official research. But the relatively closed world of networked computing was opened up with the introduction of personal computers in the 1970s. The Defense Department soon found "unauthorized penetrations" of the ARPANET by hackers, complaining that "the availability of inexpensive computers and modems have made the network fair game for countless computer hobbyists."
By 1983, security concerns were so acute that Defense split off military users into their own network, ceding the rest of the ARPANET to academic researchers. In 1990, the ARPANET was absorbed into a new network built by the National Science Foundation that consisted of several regional networks connected by a high-speed backbone. As a nationwide civilian network, NSFNET rapidly increased the size and visibility of the Internet.
Politicians and businesses wanted to capitalize on the potential of a national network to connect citizens and consumers. In the early 1980s, the general public, though not yet allowed on the Internet, had begun using commercial dial-up services such as CompuServe and AOL to access servers offering chat rooms, games and email. In 1986, Congress, prompted by Sen. Al Gore, began debating whether the nation needed an "information superhighway" to connect K-12 schools and libraries for all citizens. Congress included funding for a National Research and Education Network (NREN) in its High-Performance Computing Act of 1991.
Had this plan come to fruition, the Internet would have remained under federal control until the late 1990s, potentially allowing time to upgrade security or create regulations to protect users. But before the NREN could get underway, the industry contractors providing the NSFNET infrastructure rushed ahead with plans to offer commercial network services, ultimately causing Congress to abandon the NREN.
The result was the de facto privatization of the Internet. The nonprofit organizations that had operated the NSFNET's backbone and regional networks reinvented themselves as the first commercial Internet service providers, serving both the NSF and private customers. The NSF now had the option to outsource its networking needs to these commercial providers, which it did as it retired the old NSFNET in 1995. While this removed an administrative burden from the NSF, the hasty transition left little time to consider the policy implications. So a commercialized network developed without public oversight of the Internet's operation.
Privatization opened the floodgates for new services: social media, gaming, e-commerce, and millions of personal websites and blogs. Industry advocates insisted that the Internet should not be regulated, lest innovation be stifled. Regulatory models that had been developed for common carriers, publishers and broadcasters did not fit a new medium that combined aspects of all these media and whose services and business models were in constant flux. Online businesses were free to experiment with ways to make money, eventually landing on the advertising-based business model that led to escalating surveillance and collection of user data to better target ads.
None of this has prevented scientists - the Internet's original users - from continuing to build reliable knowledge based on networked data and computational tools. The scientific community has time-tested processes to validate and protect the information it shares. But the general public is in a more precarious position. Anyone can be a publisher online, and the obvious clues to legitimacy that came with print and broadcast media - the investment in reporting and fact-checking, obligations to paying customers, an identifiable organization that could be held liable for false content - can be absent or faked online. The same type of user profiling that stimulates business also enables bad actors to target inflammatory social issues and widen political divides. We have inadvertently created a culture where misinformation can be spread without accountability.
Long-term trends of increasingly open access and diminishing government oversight have fueled the Internet's growth and unleashed the creativity of millions. They have also left a vacuum where the public interest should be. Can we work together to build a better Internet for the next 50 years?"
• Singer, Bill. "After Apple, Google, Adobe, Intel, Pixar, And Intuit,
Antitrust Employment Charges Hit eBay". Forbes. Retrieved 2013-12-02.
• DOJ. "Complaint, US v. Adobe Systems Inc., et al" (PDF). DOJ.
Retrieved 2013-12-02.
• Complaint, Hariharan v. Adobe Systems Inc., et al" (PDF). Lieff,
Cabraser, Heimann & Bernstein. Retrieved 2013-12-02.
• "Complaint, US v. Adobe Systems Inc., et al" (PDF). Department of
Justice. Retrieved 2013-12-02.
• Richey, Warren. "Lucasfilm settles antitrust case over wage
suppression of top animators". The Christian Science Monitor. Retrieved
• "Complaint, US v. Lucasfilm Ltd". Department of Justice. Retrieved
• "Justice Department Requires Six High Tech Companies to Stop
Entering into Anticompetitive Employee Solicitation Agreements" (Press
release). United States Department of Justice. September 24, 2010.
Retrieved 2016-01-14.
• "U.S. v. Adobe Systems, Inc., et al.: Final Judgment". United States
Department of Justice. March 17, 2011. Retrieved 14 January 2016.
• "Judge OKs class-action suit against Apple, Intel, Google, Adobe".
San Jose Mercury News. Retrieved 2013-12-02.
• Dan Levine (2014-04-24). "Apple, Google agree to settle lawsuit
alleging hiring conspiracy". Chicago Tribune. Reuters. Retrieved
• Rosenblatt, Joel. "Apple, Google Must Face Group Antitrust Hiring
Lawsuit". Bloomberg. Retrieved 2013-10-27.
• "Judge Grants Class-Action Status in Silicon Valley Hiring Suit".
The Wall Street Journal. 2002-10-03. Retrieved 2013-10-27.
• "Complaint, Hariharan v. Adobe Systems Inc., et al" (PDF). Lieff,
Cabraser, Heimann & Bernstein. Retrieved 2013-12-02.
• Cooley, Brian (2014-05-16). "Judge approves first payout in
antitrust wage-fixing lawsuit". CNET. Retrieved 2016-01-17.
• "Dockets & Filings: In re: High-Tech Employee Antitrust
Litigation". Justia. Retrieved 2013-12-02.
• Levine, Dan (2014-04-24). "Apple, Google agree to settle lawsuit
alleging hiring, salary conspiracy". The Washington Post. Retrieved
• Levine, Dan (2014-04-24). "Apple, Google agree to settle lawsuit
alleging hiring conspiracy". Reuters. Retrieved 2016-01-17.
• "Apple, Google, Intel, Adobe Settle for $324.5 Million". Bloomberg
News. Retrieved 2014-05-26.
• "Judge questions settlement in Silicon Valley no-poaching case". San
Jose Mercury News. 2014-06-19. Retrieved 2016-01-17.
• "Court Rejects Deal on Hiring in Silicon Valley". The New York
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• "Judge Koh Sets April 2015 Trial In Tech Anti-Poach Row". Retrieved
1. "Court preliminarily approves $415m settlement of high-tech
no-poaching lawsuit". Retrieved 2015-06-30.
• Docket for US v. Adobe Systems Inc., et al.
• Docket for US v. Lucasfilm Ltd.
• The Silicon Valley Anti-Poaching Conspiracy
• Docket for In re: High-Tech Employee Antitrust Litigation
• Order Granting Plaintiffs' Supplemental Motion for Class
Certification, In re High-Tech Employee Antitrust Litigation, no
11-CV-02509 (N.D. Cal. Oct. 24, 2013)
• High-Tech Employee Antitrust Litigation Settlement Administration
• http://pando.com/tag/techtopus/
The NY Times reported: "Ms. Feinstein and her husband sold $1.5 million to $6 million worth of stock in Allogene Therapeutics, a California-based biotech company, in transactions that took place on Jan. 31 and Feb. 18." She did claim that she has "no involvement in her husband’s financial decisions" to avoid criticism. Do you really think that she has no idea about multi-million dollar deals that her husband is involved in?
These are the steps that the public must demand to strengthen public
integrity by eliminating corrupt financial conflicts between Match.com
investors and executives and politicians.
Congress must be ordered to eliminate both the appearance and the
potential for financial conflicts of interest. Americans must be confident
that actions taken by public officials are intended to serve the public,
and not those officials. These actions counter-act the actions taken by
Match.com officials in illicit coordination with U.S. Senators. The public
has experienced all of the damages from each of the abuse-of-power issues
listed below. These are the actions needed to resolve those issues:
- Ban individual stock ownership by Members of Congress, Cabinet
Secretaries, senior congressional staff, federal judges, White House staff
and other senior agency officials while in office. Prohibit all government
officials from holding or trading stock where its value might be
influenced by their agency, department, or actions.
- Apply conflict of interest laws to the President and Vice President
through the Presidential Conflicts of Interest Act, which would require
the President and the Vice President to place conflicted assets, including
businesses, into a blind trust to be sold off
- Require senior Department of Energy government officials, employees,
contractors and White House staff to divest from privately-owned assets
that could present conflicts, including large companies like Tesla,
Google, Facebook, Sony, Netflix, etc., and commercial real estate.
- Make it a felony to not respond to a filing by a citizen within 48
hours. Former White House and Energy Department staff use 'stone-walling'
to intentionally delay responses for a decade, or more.
- Apply ethics rules to all government employees, including unpaid White
House staff and advisors.
- Require most executive branch employees to recuse from all issues that
might financially benefit themselves or a previous employer or client from
the preceding 4 years
- Create conflict-free investment opportunities for federal officials with
new investment accounts managed by the Federal Retirement Thrift
Investment Board and conflict-free mutual funds.
- Close and lock the Revolving Door between industry and government and
stop tech companies from buying influence in the government or profiting
off of the public service of any official.
- Lifetime ban on lobbying by Presidents, Vice Presidents, Members of
Congress, federal judges, and Cabinet Secretaries; and, multi-year bans on
all other federal employees from lobbying their former office, department,
House of Congress, or agency after they leave government service until the
end of the Administration, but at least for 2 years ( and at least 6 years
for corporate lobbyists)
- Limit the ability of companies to buy influence through former
government officials
- Require income disclosures from former senior officials 4 years after
federal employment.
- Prohibit companies from immediately hiring or paying any senior
government official from an agency, department, or Congressional office
recently lobbied by that company
- Prohibit the world’s largest companies, banks, and monopolies (measured
by annual revenue or market capitalization) from hiring or paying any
former senior government official for 4 years after they leave government
- Limit the ability of companies to buy influence through current
government employees
- Prohibit current lobbyists from taking government jobs for 2 years after
lobbying; 6 years for corporate lobbyists. Public, written waivers where
such hiring is in the national interest are allowed for non-corporate
lobbyists only.
- Prohibit corporate outlaws like Google, Tesla, Facebook, Linkedin,
Netflix, Sony, etc., from working in government by banning the hiring of
top corporate leaders whose companies were caught breaking federal law in
the last 6 years
- Prohibit contractor corruption by blocking federal contractor and
licensee employees from working at the agency awarding the contract or
license for 4 years
- Ban “Golden Parachutes” that provide corporate bonuses to executives for
federal service.
- Publicly expose all influence-peddling in Washington.
- Strengthen and expand the federal definition of a “lobbyist” to include
all individuals paid to influence government.
- Create a new “corporate lobbyist” definition to identify individuals
paid to influence government on behalf of for- profit entities and their
- Radically expand disclosure of lobbyist activities and influence
campaigns by requiring all lobbyists to disclose any specific bills,
policies, and government actions they attempt to influence; any meetings
with public officials; and any documents they provide to those officials
- End Influence-Peddling by Foreign Actors such as that which occurred in
the ENER1, Severstal, Solyndra and related scandals
- Combat foreign influence in Washington by banning all foreign lobbying.
- End foreign lobbying by Americans by banning American lobbyists from
accepting money from foreign governments, foreign individuals, and
foreign companies to influence United States public policy.
- Prohibit current lobbyists from taking government jobs for 2 years after
lobbying; 6 years for corporate lobbyists. Public, written waivers where
such hiring is in the national interest are allowed for non-corporate
lobbyists only.
- End Legalized Lobbyist Bribery and stop lobbyists from trading money for
government favors.
- Ban direct political donations from lobbyists to candidates or Members
of Congress.
- End lobbyist contingency fees that allow lobbyists to be paid for a
guaranteed policy outcome.
- End lobbyist gifts to the executive and legislative branch officials
they lobby
- Strengthen Congressional independence from lobbyists and end
Washington’s dependence on
lobbyists for "expertise" and information.
- Make congressional service sustainable by transitioning Congressional
staff to competitive salaries that track other federal employees
- Reinstate the nonpartisan Congressional Office of Technology Assessment
to provide critical scientific and technological support to Members of
- Level the playing field between corporate lobbyists and government by
taxing excessive lobbying beginning at $500,000 in annual lobbying
expenditures, and use the proceeds to help finance Congressional mandated
rule-making, fund the National Public Advocate, and finance Congressional
support agencies
- De-politicize the rulemaking process and increase transparency of
industry efforts to influence federal agencies.
- Require individuals and corporations to disclose funding or editorial
conflicts of interest in research submitted to agencies that is not
publicly available in peer-reviewed publications.
- Prevent McKinsey-type sham research from undermining the public interest
by requiring that studies that present conflicts of interest to undergo
independent peer review to be considered in the rule-making process
- Require agencies to justify withdrawn public interest rules via public,
written explanations.
- Close loopholes exploited by powerful corporations like Google,
Facebook, Tesla, Netflix, Sony, etc., to block public interest actions.
- Eliminate loopholes that allow corporations, like Tesla and Google, to
tilt the rules in their favor and against the public interest.
- Restrict negotiated rule-making to stop industry from delaying or
dominating the rule-making process by ending the practice of inviting
industry to negotiate rules they have to follow.
- Restrict inter-agency review as a tool for corporate abuse by banning
informal review, establishing a maximum 45-day review period, and blocking
closed -door industry lobbying at the White House’s Office of Information
and Regulatory Affairs
- Limit abusive injunctions from rogue judges, like Jackson, et al, by
ensuring that only Appeals Courts, not individual District Court judges ,
can temporarily block agencies from implementing final rules.
- Prevent hostile agencies from sham delays of implementation and
enforcement by using the presence of litigation to postpone the
implementation of final rules.
- Empower the public to police agencies for corporate capture.
- Increase the ability of the public to make sure their interests are
considered when agencies act
- Create a new Office of the Public Advocate empowered to assist the
public in meaningfully engaging in the rule-making process across the
federal government
- Encourage enforcement by allowing private lawsuits from members of the
public to hold agencies accountable for failing to complete rules or
enforce the law, and to hold corporations accountable for breaking the
- Inoculate government agencies against corporate capture such as Google
undertook against the White House
- Provide agencies with the tools and resources to implement strong rules
that reflect the will of Congress and protect the public.
- Boost agency resources to level the playing field between corporate
lobbyists and federal agencies by using the proceeds of the tax on
excessive lobbying and the anti-corruption penalty fees to help finance
Congress-mandated rule-making and facilitate decisions by agencies that
are buried in an avalanche of lobbyist activity
- Reform judicial review to prevent corporations from gaming the courts by
requiring courts to presumptively defer to agency interpretations of laws
and prohibiting courts from considering sham McKinsey studies and research
excluded by agencies from the rule-making process
- Reverse the Congressional Review Act provision banning related rules
that prevent agencies from implementing the will of Congress based on
Congress’ prior disapproval of a different, narrow rule on a similar topic
- Improve judicial integrity and defend access to justice for all
- Strengthen Judicial Ethics Requirements.
- Enhance the integrity of the judicial branch by strengthening rules that
prevent conflicts of interest.
- Ban individual stock ownership by federal judges.
- Expand rules prohibiting judges from accepting gifts or payments to
attend private seminars from private individuals and corporations
- Require ethical behavior by the Supreme Court by directing the Court to
follow the Code of Conduct that binds all other federal judges
- Boost the transparency of Federal Courts
- Enhance public insight into the judicial process by increasing
information about the process and reducing barriers to accessing
- Increase disclosure of non-judicial activity by federal judges by
requiring the Judicial Conference to publicly post judges’ financial
reports, recusal decisions, and speeches.
- Enhance public access to court activity by mandating that federal
appellate courts live-stream, on the web, audio of their proceedings,
making case information easily-accessible to the public free of charge,
and requiring federal courts to share case assignment data in bulk.
- Eliminate barriers that restrict access to justice to all but the
wealthiest individuals and companies.
- Reduce barriers that prevent individuals from having their case heard in
court by restoring pleading standards that make it easier for individuals
and businesses that have been harmed to make their case before a judge.
- Encourage diversity on the Federal Bench
- Strengthen the integrity of the judicial branch by increasing the focus
on personal and professional diversity of the federal bench.
- Create a single, new, and independent agency dedicated to enforcing
federal ethics and anti-corruption laws
- Support stronger ethics and public integrity laws with stronger
- Establish the new, independent U.S. Office of Public Integrity, which
will strengthen federal ethics enforcement with new investigative and
disciplinary powers
- Investigate potential violations by any individual or entity, including
individuals and companies with new subpoena authority
- Enforce the nation’s ethics laws by ordering corrective action, levying
civil and administrative penalties, and referring egregious violations to
the Justice Department for criminal arrest and enforcement.
- Receive and investigate ethics complaints from members of the public.
- Absorb the U.S. Office of Government Ethics as a new Government Ethics
Division tasked with providing confidential advice to federal employees
seeking ethics guidance.
- Consolidate anti-corruption and public integrity oversight over federal
officials, including oversight of all agency Inspectors General, all
ethics matters for White House staff and agency heads, and all waivers and
recusals by senior government officials.
- Remain independent and protected from partisan politics through a single
Director operating under strict selection, appointment, and removal
- Provide easy online access to key government ethics and transparency
documents, including financial disclosures; lobbyist registrations;
lobbyist disclosures of meetings and materials; and all ethics records,
recusals, and waivers.
- Maintain a new government-wide Office of the Public Advocate, which
would advocate for the public interest in executive branch rule-making.
- Enforce federal open records and FOIA requirements by maintaining the
central FOIA website and working with the National Archives to require
agencies to comply with FOIA.
- Strengthen legislative branch enforcement.
- Expand an independent and empowered ethics office insulated from
congressional politics.
- Expand and empower the U.S. Office of Congressional Ethics, which will
enforce the nation’s ethics laws in the Congress and the entire
Legislative Branch, including the U.S. Senate.
- Conduct investigations of potential violations of ethics laws and rules
by Members of Congress and staff with new subpoena power
- Refer criminal and civil violations to the Justice Department, the
Office of Public Integrity, or other relevant state or federal law
- Recommend disciplinary and corrective action to the House and Senate
Ethics Committees.
- Boost transparency in government and fix Federal Open Records laws,
public official and candidate tax disclosure.
- Disclose basic tax return information for candidates for federal elected
office and current elected officials.
- Require the IRS to release tax returns for Presidential and
Vice-Presidential candidates from the previous 8 years and during each
year in federal elected office.
- Require the IRS to release t ax returns for Congressional candidates
from the previous 2 years and during each year in federal elected office.
- Require the IRS to release tax returns and other financial information
of businesses owned by senior federal officials and candidates for federal
- Require the IRS to release tax filings for nonprofit organizations run
by candidates for federal office
- Disclose the Cash behind Washington Advocacy and Lobbying.
- Prevent special interests from using secret donations from corporations
and billionaires to influence public policy without disclosure
- Require nonprofit organizations to list donors who bankrolled the
production of any specific rule-making comment, congressional testimony,
or lobbying material, and to reveal whether the donors reviewed or edited
the document.
- Require individuals and corporations to disclose funding or editorial
conflicts of interest in research submitted to agencies that is not
publicly available in peer-reviewed publications.
- Prevent sham research, like that from DNC shill McKinsey Consulting,
from undermining the public interest by requiring that studies that
present conflicts of interest to independent peer review to be considered
in the rule-making process.
- Improve the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)
- Close the loopholes in our open records laws that allow federal
officials to hide tech industry and Silicon Valley oligarch industry
- Codify the default presumption of disclosure and affirmatively disclose
records of public interest, including meeting agendas; government
contracts; salaries; staff diversity; and reports to Congress.
- Require all agencies to use a central FOIA website that is searchable
and has downloadable open records databases with all open FOIA requests
and all records disclosed through FOIA.
- Strengthen FOIA enforcement by limiting FOIA exemptions and loopholes,
and by giving the National Archives the authority to overrule agency FOIA
decisions and to compel disclosure.
- Extend FOIA to private-sector federal contractors, including private
federal prisons and immigration detention centers, and require large
federal contractors to disclose political spending
- Make Congress more transparent by ending the corporate lobbyists leg up
in the legislative process. The public deserves to know what Congress is
up to and how lobbyists influence legislation.
- Require all congressional committees to immediately post online more
information, including hearings and markup schedules, bill or amendments
text, testimonies, documents entered into the hearing record, hearing
transcripts, written witness answers, and hearing audio and video
- Require Members of Congress to post a link to their searchable voting
record on their official websites
- Require lobbyists to disclose when they lobby a specific congressional
office; specific topics of visit; the official action being requested; and
all documents provided to the office during the visit.
Do these seem like common-sense rules that should have already been in
place? They are!
These anti-corruption rules have been blocked by your own elected
officials because they work for themselves and not you!
You need to PUNISH any public official who does not put these changes into
First of all, before you conduct a citizens arrest, look up the address of
your regional FBI office and walk in and inform them that you plan to make
the arrest. Show them that you have all of the paperwork in order and see
if they have any reason to talk you out of doing it or to partner with
your effort.
You can arrest them at their home, office, parking lot, massage parlor,
restaurant or any public venue.
A citizen's arrest is an arrest made by a private citizen, that is, a
person who is not acting as a sworn law-enforcement official.[1] In common
law jurisdictions, the practice dates back to medieval England and the
English common law, in which sheriffs encouraged ordinary citizens to help
apprehend law breakers.[2] Anyone who makes a citizen's arrest can find
themselves facing possible lawsuits or criminal charges – such as charges
of false imprisonment, unlawful restraint, kidnapping, or wrongful arrest
– if the wrong person is apprehended or a suspect's civil rights are
violated.[4] This is especially true when police forces are attempting to
determine who an aggressor is. Private citizens do not enjoy the same
immunity from civil liability when making arrests on other private
citizens as do police officers.
The level of responsibility that a person performing a citizen's arrest
may bear depends on the jurisdiction. For instance, in France and Germany,
a person stopping a criminal from committing a crime, including crimes
against belongings, is not criminally responsible as long as the means
employed are in proportion to the threat. Note, however, that in both
countries, this results from a different legal norm, "aid to others in
immediate danger", which is concerned with prevention, not prosecution, of
In the United States a private person may arrest another without a
warrant, for a crime occurring in their presence. However, the crimes for
which this is permitted may vary by state.[78]
Common law
Most states have codified the common law rule that a warrantless arrest
may be made by a private person for a felony, misdemeanor or "breach of
peace".[79] "Breach of peace" covers a multitude of violations in which
the Supreme Court has even included a misdemeanor seatbelt violation
punishable only by a fine. The term historically included theft,
"nightwalking", prostitution, and playing card and dice games.[80] Texas
courts have defined and interpreted the term "breach of the peace" to mean
an act that disturbs or threatens to disturb the tranquility enjoyed by
the citizens.[81][82]
State statutes
Consider, for an example of this codification, California Penal Code
section 837:
837. A private person may arrest another:
1. For a public offense committed or attempted in his/her presence.
2. When the person arrested has committed a felony, although not in
his/her presence.
3. When a felony has been in fact committed, and he or she has
reasonable cause for believing the person arrested to have committed it.
"Public offense" is read similarly as breach of peace in this case and
includes felonies, misdemeanors and infractions.[83][84] Note that there
is generally no provision for an investigative detention by a private
person under the law. With certain exceptions (see below) an arrest must
be made. "Holding them until the police get there", is simply a form of
arrest. The officer is accepting the arrest and processing the prisoner on
behalf of the private person.[85]
In the case of felonies, a private person may make an arrest for a felony
occurring outside their presence but the rule is that a felony must have,
in fact, been committed. For example, consider a suspect that has been
seen on surveillance video vandalizing a building to the extent that the
arrestor believes it rises to a felony due to the damage. If they find the
suspect and make the arrest but it later turns out that it was misdemeanor
damage, the arrestor is liable for false arrest because a felony had not,
in fact, been committed.[citation needed]
Because most states have codified their arrest laws, there are many
variations. For example, in Pennsylvania, the courts have been clear that
a non-law enforcement officer cannot make an arrest for a "summary
offense".[86] In North Carolina, there is no de jure "citizens' arrest".
Although it is essentially the same, North Carolina law refers to it as a
Other states seem to allow only arrests in cases of felonies but court
decisions have ruled more broadly. For example, in Virginia, the statute
appears to only permit warrantless arrests by officers listed in the
Code.[88] However Virginia courts have upheld warrantless arrests by
non-law enforcement personnel for breach of the peace misdemeanors.[89]
Other non-police persons are granted arrest authority by statute, in the
case of those who are state certified armed security officers: "A
registered armed security officer of a private security services business
while at a location which the business is contracted to protect shall have
the power to effect an arrest for an offense occurring (i) in his presence
on such premises or (ii) in the presence of a merchant, agent, or employee
of the merchant the private security business has contracted to protect"
and "For the purposes of § 19.2-74, a registered armed security officer of
a private security services business shall be considered an arresting
Use of force
In general, a private person is justified in using non-deadly force upon
another if they reasonably believe that: (1) such other person is
committing a felony, or a misdemeanor amounting to a breach of the peace;
and (2) the force used is necessary to prevent further commission of the
offense and to apprehend the offender. The force must be reasonable under
the circumstances to restrain the individual arrested. This includes the
nature of the offense and the amount of force required to overcome
resistance.[90][91] In at least one state, a civilian may use reasonable
force, including deadly force if reasonable, to prevent an escape from a
lawful citizen's arrest.[92][93]
Shopkeeper's (merchant's) privilege
In some states of the United States, the courts recognize a common law
shopkeeper's privilege, under which a shopkeeper is allowed to detain a
suspected shoplifter on store property for a reasonable period of time, so
long as the shopkeeper has cause to believe that the person detained in
fact committed, or attempted to commit, theft of store property. The
purpose of this detention is to recover the property and make an arrest if
the merchant desires.[94]
Differing liability from police
Private persons are occasionally granted immunity from civil or criminal
liability, like the police are, when arresting others.[95] While the
powers to arrest are similar, police are entitled to mistake of fact in
most cases, while civilians can be held to a stricter liability depending
on the individual state. Police can also detain anyone upon reasonable
suspicion.[96] However, ordinary citizens cannot claim "qualified
immunity" to attempt to defend against a civil complaint for false
To be clear, In the United States, a private person can stop or “arrest”
an individual engaged in a serious crime. You can also use reasonable
force to hold them until law enforcement arrives on the scene.[1] This is
known as a “citizen's arrest.” The rules on when and how an individual may
conduct a “citizen's arrest” varies from state to state. It's important to
understand the laws in your region, especially since you can be prosecuted
for improperly conducting a citizen's arrest. Decide if you should make a
citizen's arrest, make the arrest, and avoid prosecution.
You must write up the private citizen equivalent of an “arrest warrant” to
give to the person you are arresting. This needs to be a substantial, 200+
page write up of the forensic proof you have uncovered, proving that the
person has committed the crimes.
Witness the corruption crime taking place via your FBI-quality
investiagtions. It's not a good idea to make a citizen's arrest unless
you've actually seen proof the crime happening. When the police arrive,
you will have to provide "probable cause" for making the arrest. This
means you'll have to show that you had a reasonable belief that the person
you arrested committed a crime.[2] Your document of your investigation
proof is crucial to this end.
• For example, if you see a person use a knife to stab another person,
you've seen a crime and can detain the perpetrator.
Determine whether the crime is a felony. In most states, it's legal to
make a citizen's arrest when you see or have reasonable cause to believe
that a person committed a felony, even if the felony was not committed in
your presence.[3] Citizen's arrests are not usually legal when the crime
committed is only a misdemeanor.[4] Since the definition of a felony
varies slightly from state to state, it's a good idea to read up on your
state's individual laws. [5] :
Find out the law in your location. In some other states, you must always
see the offense take place regardless of whether the offense is a felony
or misdemeanor breach of the peace. In these states the citizen's arrest
statute does not allow a citizen's arrest based upon "probable cause". [6]
Decide if the crime was a "breach of peace." In some cases, you may make a
citizen's arrest for misdemeanors if the misdemeanor can also be
considered a breach of peace.[8] Misdemeanors that are considered breaches
of peace in some states include public brawling or public intoxication.[9]
• If you arrest someone for committing a crime that falls into this
category, you must have seen the crime firsthand.
Decide if you can safely make a citizen's arrest. Be sure you can
physically restrain the person you want to arrest before you try to.
Misunderstanding your physical capabilities may put you or others in
harm's way. If you make a citizen's arrest, the situation could easily
escalate beyond your control.
• Remember to think hard before making a citizen's arrest, especially
if the perpetrator is armed.
Be prepared to accept the consequences. Be sure you fully understand the
circumstances in which you can make a citizen's arrest. You may want to
research the rules specific to your state. If so, contact a lawyer through
your State Bar Association or local law enforcement office.
• If it turns out you didn't have grounds to make the arrest, you
could be sued for false imprisonment, assault and battery and other
torts.[10] You may also face criminal charges. Don't make a citizen's
arrest unless you're willing to face these risks.
Tell the person you're making a citizen's arrest. There are no specific
words you must say, but you must make it completely clear that you are
making a citizen's arrest. The person you're arresting must fully
understand what's happening. Explain to the potential criminal why you are
making a citizen's arrest. If you cannot provide him or her with this
information, then you shouldn't be making the arrest.
• In some states you must communicate to the individual the specific
criminal offense for which the individual is being arrested for.
• Leave it to the police to read the person his or her rights. For
now, you only need to say that you're making an arrest.
• Most people say something like: “Eric Schmidt, you are under arrest
for violation of felony corruption laws and we are remanding you to the
FBI. Do not resist or we will be forced to use reasonable means to detain
you. Here is the arrest document. Please stand there until transporting
officers arrive.”
Detain the person using reasonable force. You can only use the amount of
force required to detain the person until the police arrive. Using a
greater amount of force exposes you to legal trouble. Be careful not to
harm the perpetrator unless it's absolutely necessary.[11]
Call and deliver the suspect to law enforcement. Call law enforcement
right after the person is detained. Some statutes in states like
California and Minnesota require that a person take the arrested
individual before a judge or peace officer “without unnecessary
• But, if you try to transport a suspect on your own and you conducted an improper citizen's arrest, you may be subjected to a lawsuit for false imprisonment.
• Your intent is usually to remand the subject to the FBI. In other
words: hand him over to the FBI. You should assume that the local police
or sheriff will arrive on-scene before the FBI do.
Have the phone number for the local FBI on you.
Ask someone to stay with you. If you can't deliver the suspect or your state doesn't need you to, ask a third party to stay with you. Wait for law enforcement to arrive. If possible, avoid watching the person you've arrested alone. Having a third party help you detain the person is best for everyone's safety.
• The third party may be helpful in making sure the encounter doesn't get violent and might be able to serve as a witness.
Explain in full detail what you uncovered via verbal notes and another copy of the arrest document that you must have with you. When law enforcement arrives, explain what you saw in full detail. Law enforcement will probably ask you to give a statement. Make sure to include everything that you saw. Explain your actions during the criminal act and the citizen's arrest. Be clear about any force you had to use to arrest the suspect.
• Depending on your state, transporting an individual away from the scene of the crime may constitute kidnapping or criminal confinement, regardless of whether you have lawful grounds for citizen's arrest.
Don't make an arrest if you didn't see proof of the crime in your investigations. While you may think you have all the evidence you need to believe someone has committed a crime, your understanding of the events may be wrong. Don't make a citizen's arrest if you overhear someone talking about robbing a bank. If you're wrong, you may be at fault. Call the police instead.[13] Always remember, an improper citizen's arrest can result in prosecution for crimes like kidnapping.[14]
• For example, just because you see a crowd of people chasing a suspect or a victim asking for help, doesn't necessarily mean you have grounds to arrest someone.
Don't arrest someone you believe is about to commit a crime. The crime
must have already happened in order for you to legally make an arrest.
Don't arrest someone if the crime hasn't yet been committed. Call the
police instead.[15]
Don't use excessive force. Even the police are not allowed to use
excessive force when taking a suspect into custody, so you, as a private
citizen, should be especially careful about this. Otherwise, you may be
charged with battery, even if the suspect you apprehend is guilty of a
crime. The use of deadly force is usually not allowed unless the
perpetrator is attacking you or someone else.[16]
• Don't use a weapon against the perpetrator when you can use your own strength.[17] For example, you can tackle someone to the ground rather than hitting him or her. For example, Eric Schmidt is kind of a pussy and he will whine like a bitch even if he just breaks a fingernail. Don’t use a choke-hold to the state of a black-out or he could die and cause you massive amounts of extra paperwork.
Don't make a citizen's arrest if the FBI tells you not to after you meet with them.[18] As a private citizen, it's not your job to make arrests. If it is at all possible, you should always leave policing to those who have a legal authority to do so--the police. Otherwise, your actions might put you, the alleged perpetrator and the general public, at risk.
• Your actions may also be viewed as vigilantism, which is not legally protected action if you step beyond the authority explicitly granted to citizens by the law.
• If a crooked U.S. Senator or a corrupt White House executive has pressured the FBI to not arrest an Elon Musk or a Larry Page or A Mark Zuckerberg because they pay bribes then it is your duty to arrest the crook.
Keep the detained suspect safe. Once you have detained someone, you are responsible for what happens to the person while he or she is under your control. Make sure they are not in the road, where they could be hit by a car, and make sure they are protected from onlookers who might try to attack them.
Yes, you can arrest a police officer but only if you see them commit a crime. Most officers that are arrested are arrested for police brutality. If the police officer then resists, arrests you, or tries to detain you, let them know that they are breaking the law, and say this loud and clearly. If you are arrested do not resist, if you do not resist you have the chance to press a law suit against the officer, which will result in the police office being charged for: the original crime, resisting arrest, using excessive force and illegal detainment.
Be confident. Showing the suspect that you don't know what you're doing will make them more likely to leave the scene of the crime.
• When dealing with potential criminals, it's better to be on the side of caution and leave the crime control to trained professionals.
• Be as observant as possible. Even if you aren't able to keep the suspect at the scene, you can act as witness and identify the suspect later.
• Be Calm, Careful, Aware, Professional, Respectful & Thorough.
• Safety is the priority. Ask other bystanders to help if you feel the suspect will try to harm someone.
• Have, at least, two people filming the entire arrest for your
• The arresting document you give to the suspect, at the time of the
arrest, should i
ntimately detail their crime and be ready to stand as evidence in federal
court. The good arresting document has, at least, 200 pages of forensic
details and has been reviewed by your lawyer.
In many jurisdictions, police agencies and specialized anti-crime agencies play a central role in investigating and preventing corruption. Once these agencies ...
The FBI uses applicable federal laws, including the Hobbs Act, to investigate violations by public officials in federal, state, and local governments. A public ...
1. Record in detail (when, where, how, why, etc.) · 2. Prove that the government official spent or deposited a significant amount of cash shortly after he ...
Research has found key areas within forensic science that are associated with higher rates of wrongful convictions. Addressing them should ...
Forensic accounting as a tool to support law enforcement authorities to uncover corruption was presented by a representative of Ernst &. Young ( ...
Bribery & Corruption Investigations ... We investigate allegations of receipts or payments of bribery and attempts to conceal such activity ranging from isolated ...
Findings reveal that forensic techniques, including forensic accounting, digital forensics, and forensic auditing, have played a crucial role in ...
Fraud. &. Forensic. Investigations ... Identifying, quantifying, and mitigating the risks, costs, and effects of fraud, abuse, and corruption.
This means forensic science is vulnerable to distortions caused by corruption or misconduct. The latest forensic scandal based on misconduct ...
[note 1] Forensic intelligence is the collection, organization, interpretation, and sharing of forensic case data to support investigation and ...
Think Obama Administration Wasn't Corrupt? Think Again ...
Get market updates, educational videos, webinars, and stock analysis. Get
Started Learn how you can make more money with IBD's investing tools,
top-performing stock lists, and educational content.
Who Owns Congress? A Campaign Cash Seating Chart - Mother ...
If you value what you get from Mother Jones, please join us with a
tax-deductible donation today so we can keep on doing the type of
journalism 2021 demands. Donate. More about: Congress; Money in ...
Politicians Admitting the Obvious Fact that Money Controls ...
"Now [the United States is] just an oligarchy, with unlimited political
bribery being the essence of getting the nominations for president or to
elect the president. And the same thing applies to...
How Did Members of Congress Get So Wealthy? - The Atlantic
Members of Congress are way wealthier than average Americans. For the
second year in a row, Representative Darrell Issa tops the lot with a net
worth of $357.25 million, largely the result of his ...
List of American federal politicians convicted of crimes ...
This list consists of American politicians convicted of crimes either
committed or prosecuted while holding office in the federal government.It
includes politicians who were convicted or pleaded guilty in a court of
law; and does not include politicians involved in unprosecuted scandals
(which may or may not have been illegal in nature), or politicians who
have only been arrested or indicted.
Former FBI official pleads guilty to receiving bribes and ...
The charge of receiving a bribe by a public official is punishable by up
to 15 years in federal prison, a $250,000 fine or not more than three
times the monetary equivalent of the thing of value ...
Understanding Bribery vs. Lobbying - Investopedia
Bribes may seem like small amounts compared to lobbying contributions, but
therein lies the problem: They often cannot be accounted for. Bribery is
the first step of subversion of the economic system.
The rich take bribes, too, and ethics rules don't deter ...
Wealthy politicians take bribes as often as their less well-off peers,
even if some supporters of President-elect Trump believe the rich are
better able to resist temptation.
Abscam — Fbi
On February 2, 1980, the world learned of our high-level investigation
into public corruption and organized crime, infamously code-named ABSCAM.
Throw Them All Out: How Politicians and Their Friends Get ...
Throw Them All Out: How Politicians and Their Friends Get Rich Off
Insider Stock Tips, Land Deals, and Cronyism That Would Send the Rest of
Us to Prison [Schweizer, Peter] on Amazon.com. *FREE* shipping on
qualifying offers. Throw Them All Out: How Politicians and Their Friends
Get Rich Off Insider Stock Tips, Land Deals, and Cronyism That Would Send
the Rest of Us to Prisoneds Say Cincinnati Councilmen Sought Bribes to
Support Project Tied to Sports Betting. Posted on: November 22, 2020,
Ohio bribery case: Larry Householder, others charged by ...
FirstEnergy, which spun off FirstEnergy Solutions in bankruptcy
proceedings, gave more than $1.1 million to Ohio politicians, including
Householder, between 2017 and 2019. FirstEnergy Solutions ...
Bribery - Wikipedia
Bribery is defined by Black's Law Dictionary as the offering, giving,
receiving, or soliciting of any item of value to influence the actions of
an official, or other person, in charge of a public or legal duty. With
regard to governmental operations, essentially, bribery is "Corrupt
solicitation, acceptance, or transfer of value in exchange for official
DELETED By Allum Bohkari
Wiki Team
NEWS ARTICLE ARCHIVES ABOUT THIS CASE at http://www.focus-book.com
The Age of Surveillance Capitalism By Shoshana Zuboff'
Catch and Kill By Ronan Farrow,
Permanent Record By Edward Snowden,
Brotopia By Emily Chang, http://brotopiabook.com/
Throw Them All Out By Peter Schweizer,
The Circle By David Eggers, https://archive.org/details/circle00dave
Companies Targeted For Bankruptcy For Their Crimes Against The Public By
The Internet Research Group
World Without Mind By Franklin Foer,
A Journey into the Savage Heart of Silicon Valley By Corey Pein,
Disrupted By Dan Lyons,
Chaos Monkeys By Antonio García Martínez,
The Creepy Line By Matthew Taylor, https://www.thecreepyline.com/
The Cleantech Crash By Leslie Stahl,
Congress: Trading stock By Steve Kroft,
GOOGLE - The Lies Of The Google Cartel - https://www.thecreepyline.com
MUSK - Bribes Frauds Safety Cover ups And Stock Manipulations -
TECH-THEFT - Silicon Valley Oligarchs Rig The USPTO -
MEET US - Top Investigators - http://www.ICIJ.org
SECURITY - How To Secure Your Devices From The Theiving Tech Oligarchs -
VC'S - The Mobsters Of Silicon Valley Tech - https://vcracket.weebly.com
FORENSICS - Checking The Banking Of The Corrupt -
WALL STREET - The Most Rigged Game In The World
Why Silicon Valley has a bro culture problem — and how to ...
When Emily Chang interviewed venture capitalist Michael Moritz in 2015,
she wasn't trying to "trap" him. But when the Sequoia Capital
then-chairman suggested that hiring more women might ...
The Universal Bro Code: The Bro Code Rules
The Bro Code Rules The Bro Code 1) You must always have your bro's back.
No exceptions. 2) When your bro's girlfriend inquires about his
whereabouts you know nothing, always. 3) You are only obligated to wingman
for one bro per social event, after that the bro is on his own.
Emily Chang on the 'Brotopia' of Silicon Valley, and how ...
Emily Chang: Brotopia, in my mind, perfectly encapsulates this idea of
Silicon Valley as a modern utopia where anyone can change the world, make
their own rules — if they're a man. But if you ...
"Oh My God, This Is So F---ed Up": Inside Silicon Valley's ...
Adapted from Brotopia: Breaking Up the Boys' Club of Silicon Valley, by
Emily Chang, to be published on February 6, 2018, by Portfolio, an imprint
of Penguin Publishing Group, a division of ...
Today's Tech Oligarchs Are Worse Than the Robber Barons
Today's Tech Oligarchs Are Worse Than the Robber Barons. Our Silicon
Valley Robber Barons. ... "If you think Silicon Valley is going to fuel
growing prosperity, you are likely to be ...
Silicon Valley Billionaires Are the New Robber Barons
Aug 17, 2017Silicon Valley Billionaires Are the New Robber Barons ...
Silicon Valley Billionaires Are the New Robber Barons. Victor Davis Hanson
... Yet most of the computers and smartphones sold by Silicon ...
Hanson: Silicon Valley billionaires are modern robber barons
Aug 17, 2017Hanson: Silicon Valley billionaires are the new robber barons
... Yet most of the computers and smartphones sold by Silicon Valley
companies are still being built abr### The indisputable facts are the
assertions that the social media and dating site tech oligarchs:oad — to
mostly silence from ...
Brotopia: Breaking Up the Boys' Club of Silicon Valley by ...
Brotopia by Emily Chang is a decent, but very surface level, examination
of Silicon Valleys misogynist culture. Considering the significance of the
topic, Brotopia feels like a missed opportunity to expose and critique the
tech industry in a productive way; instead, I felt that only summaries
were given on most topics.
Silicon Valley's Giants Are Just Gilded Age Tycoons in ...
Silicon Valley's Giants Are Just Gilded Age Tycoons in Techno-Utopian
Clothes . ... but the truth is they are a lot like the old robber barons.
... Silicon Valley executives were not just about ...
The anonymous Silicon Valley satire that has stumped tech ...
Dec 2, 2015The plot follows Crooks, an ex-tech industry employee who finds
spiritual deliverance in meditating on Silicon Valley's philosophies far,
far away from the digital mecca itself. AD One passage ...
Silicon Valley Wants To Read Your Mind - Crooks and Liars
But Silicon Valley should not be able to dictate the way these
technologies are developed and deployed. If they do, it may radically
reshape the way we identify as human. Garfield Benjamin, Postdoctoral
Researcher, School of Media Arts and Technology, Solent University. This
article is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons ...
Silicon Valley's cocaine problem shaped our racist tech ...
Jan 30, 2020Silicon Valley in the 1980s was the hub of an international
drug trafficking network that fueled technological innovation and
criminalized black people Charlton D McIlwain Thu 30 Jan 2020 06.00 ...
Sex Scandal Toppled a Silicon Valley Chief. Investors Say ...
Jul 27, 2018Sex Scandal Toppled a Silicon Valley Chief. Investors Say, So
What? Mike Cagney was ousted as chief executive of Social Finance last
year after questions about sexual misconduct. He has since ...
Week in Tech: Sex Scandals and Silicon ...
Dec 1, 2017Silicon Valley's Sex Scandals. Farhad: O.K., let's talk about
the tech industry.Let's start with this week's episode of Problematic Men.
A report by The Information found that Andy Rubin ...
The history of sexual harassment scandals in Silicon ...
Here is a rundown of the current sexual harassment scandals rocking
Silicon Valley, along with the long history of how the tech industry got
here. ... 07/16/how-silicon-valley-silences-sexual ...
Silicon Valley Star Lands New Job a Month After Sex Scandal
A little more than one month after a sexual harassment scandal threatened
to sink a Silicon Valley superangel, Keith Rabois has landed a new gig
that puts him not too far from his old one.. A ...
Silicon Valley's Not-So-Hidden Secret: Sex Parties
Silicon Valley's Not-So-Hidden Secret: Sex Parties ... "These sex parties
happen so often among the premier V.C. and founder crowd that this isn't a
scandal or even really a secret, I've been ...
Scandal cost Silicon Valley Community Foundation $1.5 M
Jan 17, 2020The leaders ousted for fostering a toxic workplace at the
Silicon Valley Community Foundation walked away with tens of thousands of
dollars in severance pay, tax filings show, revealing the cost ...
Sexual harassment in Silicon Valley: have we reached a ...
Jul 9, 2017The last week has seen women in Silicon Valley share stories of
sexual harassment, assault and discrimination, prompting a backlash and
high-profile resignations.
The big lesson Silicon Valley can learn from the Theranos ...
Theranos CEO Elizabeth Holmes and former president Ramesh "Sunny" Balwani
were charged with an "elaborate, years-long fraud."
1. Control business and politics like a crime Cartel
2. Are a white male fraternity who attack outsiders in organized manners
3. Come from dynastic families that systematically ran them through
Stanford, Harvard and Yale sociopath-in-training men's clubs
4. Were socially trained and programmed to operate in a closed, tribal,
exclusionary manner
5. Operated the "Angelgate" collusion scandal and most every other
financial crime in America.
6. Operated the "Silicon Valley High Tech Employee Collusion" for which
they were sued in a famous class-action case
7. Controlled the White House and traded most of the key staff with the
8. Have been sued, indicted and charged in divorce proceedings with an
unusually massive amount of sex trafficking matters
9. Use the same 10 law-firms who have been charged with public policy
10. Control internet news, media and information
11. "Own" certain U.S. Senators by virtue of direct bribe payments and
securities/stock payola payments
12. Use a variety of tools like GUST, Private Google Docs sites, covert
Facebook pages and similar, to secret conspire and plan collusion and
organized monopolistic practices
13. Have their venture capitalists spy on entrepreneurs and copy their
technology to be deployed by Google, or Facebook under a new name
14. Are a Mafia-like criminal organization.
SAN FRANCISCO CORRUPTION: City Hall, Pacific Heights And Silicon Valley
https://www.searchingsanfrancisco.org/ - You Can't
Swing A Cat In San Francisco City Hall Without Hitting A Mobster
Ever since the arrest of then-Public Works Director Mohammed Nuru in 2020, San Francisco City Hall has remained embroiled in a corruption ...
San Francisco's Corruption Scandal. Written by Noah ... corrupt foundations underpinning some of the highest levels of San Francisco's government.
bribery scheme was simply carrying on the city's rich tradition of political skullduggery. ... corruption that pervaded San Francisco politics.
San Francisco city workers charged in bribery, corruption scheme to enrich themselves with public money ... A current San Francisco city employee ...
The head of a San Francisco city grant program, together with a former top city official, face corruption charges for an alleged four-year ...
Because corruption loves bureaucracies with more rules and complex regulations, typical political solutions only lead to more creative corrupt ...
What Makes San Francisco Government Vulnerable to Corruption? ... Earlier this month, the FBI indicted a major local real estate developer for ...
No administration in post-19th Century San Francisco comes even close the scope and scale of executive branch corruption as has been revealed, ...
Web of corruption: Explore the cronyism, lies, and federal crimes at the heart of San Francisco's government · Share this: · Some have been ...
Ever since the arrest of then-Public Works Director Mohammed Nuru in 2020, San Francisco City Hall has remained embroiled in a corruption ...
The solipsistic self-aggrandizing corrupt pigs in San Francisco's City
Hall and Pacific Heights are being hunted down (100% legally) and
eviscerated by the FBI, public task forces like ours, the news media,
private citizens and the biggest email leaks in history. Hundreds of
people will be taken down. The few arrests you have read about in the
media are only the beginning.We are all starting at the bottom of the
cesspool and working our way up, all the way through Elon Musk, Eric
Schmidt, Larry Page, et al, and up to the White House. They will not
escape, even in death. Roger Boas, Jeffrey Epstein, et al, may not still
be lurking around but the truth about them will live on FOREVER!
The Insiders That Finance, Exploit, Use For Spying And/Or Sex Traffic With
Match.Com - These are the people known as "The Deep State", "The Silicon
Valley Cartel",
"The Tech Mafia", et al:
“To date, every single one of the targets that attacked us: 1.) have been
sued; 2.) investigated by the government and our private investigators;
3.) had case files opened on them by the IRS, DOJ, GAO, FBI, FEC, SEC, FTC
and others; 4.) placed under surveillance; 5.) had whistle-blowers and
ex-staff expose them; 6.) been tracked across every social media post that
has ever been made about them; 7.) had all of their illicit campaign
funding and covert PAC cash exposed; 8.) had all of their family trust and
shell corporation hiding places tracked and exposed by AI forensic
software that works around-the-clock and 9.) placed on law enforcement
watch-lists. Even the “untouchables” like Musk, Tesla, Google, Facebook,
et al, now have nut-crunching law-suits filed against them, with more
coming. There is no place to hide! You tried to kill us and we killed you
back you criminal scum-bags!”
The following Parties participated in the scam, thought they were
“untouchable” and found out that the arm of the law is very long, the
hatred of the public for corruption is profound and that hundreds of
public service groups have identified, tracked and assisted in their
termination. This is the current list of the primary political
mobster-scammers in this corruption who are all connected by financial,
email and forensic FBI, SEC, FTC and CIA-class evidence. It is well known
that every significant hacking and surveillance tool from the CIA, NSA,
Fire-Eye and the FSB has been leaked on to the internet. Every teenage
hacker is now exposing the last 20 years of these crooks crimes.They are
all under deep investiagtion, surveillance and targeted for 100% legal
termination using all the info found freely on the web and whistle-blower
Please report your complaints about Match.com, OK Cupid, Netflix,
Facebook, Kleiner Perkins, Sony Pictures (and the other tech cartel
members) for the active investigations and federal lawsuits now in
progress. By filing a complaint and telling your story, you can help
identify trends and patterns of questionable business practices that will
contribute to law enforcement and consumer protection efforts. You can be
certain that these particular cases will get driven hard and pushed before
Congress. The more reports we can get filed on these bad guys, the bigger
the cases we can get processed. File your complaint at
Are you wondering why you don't see any of the true facts on the
"mainstream" internet or "news" sites. The tech Taliban of the internet
have colluded to become an information and ideological control empire. If
they can make you think, act and vote like they want then they can put
their candidates in office who will give them trillions of dollars of
government contracts. It has already worked. They all: sleep with each
other; go to each other's parties; hire the same lobbyists, lawyers,
Goldman Sachs fund managers; marry and date only people from the same frat
houses and sororities; have the same homosexual agenda; finance the same
PAC's; hide their money in the same off-shore bolt holes; instruct their
HR departments to only hire young, naive, easily brainwashed, radical
dyed-hair hippie-types; have bank accounts that have received CIA or
In-Q-Tel cash; control the National Venture Capital Association so that
nobody who competes with them can get funded; practice exclusionary
culture, ie: while screaming about women's rights and BLM they never hire
women or blacks; buy off the U.S. Patent Office to keep from having to pay
for stealing most of their technology; own the servers and control
equipment that operates 90% of the internet; etc. The Tech Taliban are:
Netflix, Google, Alphabet, Youtube, Linkedin, Amazon, AWS, CNN, Facebook,
Tesla, SpaceX, Survey Monkey, etc.
They do what they do to get profits from politicians they put in office.
Don't let these abusive sites continue to profit at the expense of your heart! The government, community groups and users have sued them over and over again but they just keep doing the same evil things over and over again. They do not deserve to exist any longer.
The greatest success in shutting down their efforts has come from two
1.) Forcing government agencies to sue them with RICO and Anti-trust
lawsuits and by gathering groups of people to sue them with Class Action
lawsuits. Lawyers will do Class Actions at no cost to you if you get
enough people together.
2.) Using a CKB Procedure on each one. How the "Corruption Kill Box" (CKB)
works: A CKB Procedure combines federal police investigations created by
formal filed criminal referrals (which any member of the public can
submit) and Form 302 overview drafts, public class-action lawsuits,
massive news media disclosure blasts, formal regulatory agency complaint
filings, individual lawsuits against political and agency executives,
documentary film production and distribution, crash the crooks stocks, the
promotion and organization of Congressional hearings, crowd-sourced social
media public forensics and open-source AI financial crimes tracking
software. The procedure is an extinction-level event with a 100% success
rate against corrupt entities. CKB's only work on the corrupt, so non
corrupt parties are safe from it's effects.
ANY member of the public can engage in these totally legal anti-corruption
actions. Don't sit around and complain about these criminals. They own
parts of the government.
YOU have to do something!
(Pass this along to others who might partner up and take action)
Every public figure we file a complaint with that does nothing or that
runs a cover-up is listed on a document and in a dossier that they will
have to answer for later!
Public Domain. Non-Commercial. Fair Use. Freedom of The Press. No Tracking
Of Public Allowed. First Amendment, SLAPP, UN Protected. GDPR Compliant.
Section 203 protected. Privacy Tools At: http://privacytools.io -
https://www.allsides.com/unbiased-balanced-news. ACLU, ICIJ,